Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/** Copyright by Barry G. Becker, 2000-2011. Licensed under MIT License: */
* Determines the approximate likelihood of a player winning the game.
* @author Barry Becker
public class WinProbabilityCalculator {
* Constructor.
public WinProbabilityCalculator() {}
* Returns a number between 0 and 1 representing the estimated probability of player 1 winning the game.
* The chance of player2 winning = 1 - chance of p1 winning.
* @param moveList list of moves made so far.
* @return estimated chance of player one winning the game
public final double getChanceOfPlayer1Winning(MoveList moveList) {
// if true then too early in the game to tell.
TwoPlayerMove lastMove = (TwoPlayerMove) moveList.getLastMove();
// at the beginning of the game its anybody's guess : 50-50
if (moveList.getNumMoves() < 4 ) {
return 0.5f;
assert (lastMove != null) : "last move was null";
// we can use this formula to estimate the outcome:
float inherVal = lastMove.getInheritedValue();
if ( Math.abs( inherVal ) > SearchStrategy.WINNING_VALUE )
GameContext.log(1, "TwoPlayerController: warning: the score for p1 is greater than WINNING_VALUE(" +
SearchStrategy.WINNING_VALUE + ") inheritedVal=" + inherVal);
return computeChanceOfWinning(inherVal);
* Returns a number between 0 and 1 representing the estimated probability of player 1 winning the game.
* The chance of player2 winning = 1 - chance of p1 winning.
* @param score best estimate of current move score.
* @return estimated chance of player one winning the game
public static float getChanceOfPlayer1Winning(int score) {
return computeChanceOfWinning((float) score);
* @param lastMoveValue inherited value for last move played.
* @return Something close to 1 if the chance of winning for player 1 is really good. Close to -1 if bad.
private static float computeChanceOfWinning(float lastMoveValue) {
float val = lastMoveValue + SearchStrategy.WINNING_VALUE;
float chance = val / (2.0f * SearchStrategy.WINNING_VALUE);
return (float) Math.max(0, Math.min(chance, 1.0));