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/* Copyright by Barry G. Becker, 2017. Licensed under MIT License: */
package com.barrybecker4.ui.xmlviewer
import org.w3c.dom.Node
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList
object AdapterNode {
* An array of names for DOM node-types
* Array indexes = nodeType() values.
private val typeName = Array(
"none", "Element", "Attr", "Text", "CDATA", "EntityRef", "Entity", "ProcInstr", "Comment",
"Document", "DocType", "DocFragment", "Notation", "Use")
private val ELEMENT_TYPE = 1
private val ATTR_TYPE = 2
private val TEXT_TYPE = 3
private val CDATA_TYPE = 4
private val ENTITYREF_TYPE = 5
private val ENTITY_TYPE = 6
private val PROCINSTR_TYPE = 7
private val COMMENT_TYPE = 8
private val DOCUMENT_TYPE = 9
private val DOCTYPE_TYPE = 10
private val DOCFRAG_TYPE = 11
private val NOTATION_TYPE = 12
private val USE_TYPE = 13
/** The list of elements to display in the tree */
private val treeElementNames = Array("slideshow", "slide", "title", // For slideshow #1
"slide-title", // For slideshow #10
* This class wraps a DOM node and returns the text we want to
* display in the tree. It also returns children, index values,
* and child counts.
* Construct an Adapter node from a DOM node
* @param domNode the DOM not to construct an adapter node from
@SuppressWarnings(Array("HardCodedStringLiteral")) class AdapterNode(var domNode: Node) {
private val compress = false
* Return a string that identifies this node in the tree
* Refer to table at top of org.w3c.dom.Node ***
override def toString: String = {
var s = AdapterNode.typeName(domNode.getNodeType)
val nodeName = domNode.getNodeName
if (!"#".startsWith(nodeName))
s += ": " + nodeName
if (compress) {
var t = content.trim
val x = t.indexOf("\n")
if (x >= 0) t = t.substring(0, x)
s += s" $t"
return s
if (domNode.getNodeValue != null) {
if (s.startsWith("ProcInstr")) { // NON-NLS
s += ", "
else s += ": "
// Trim the value to get rid of NL's at the front
var t = domNode.getNodeValue.trim
val x = t.indexOf("\n")
if (x >= 0) t = t.substring(0, x)
s += t
def content: String = {
val buf = new StringBuilder
val nodeList = domNode.getChildNodes
for (i <- 0 until nodeList.getLength) {
serialize(buf, nodeList, i)
private def serialize(s: StringBuilder, nodeList: NodeList, i: Int): Unit = {
val node = nodeList.item(i)
val `type` = node.getNodeType
val adpNode = new AdapterNode(node)
if (`type` == AdapterNode.ELEMENT_TYPE) { // Skip sub-elements that are displayed in the tree.
if (treeElement(node.getNodeName)) return
// TODO: Convert ITEM elements to html lists using
else if (`type` == AdapterNode.TEXT_TYPE) s.append(node.getNodeValue)
else if (`type` == AdapterNode.ENTITYREF_TYPE) { // The content is in the TEXT node under it
else if (`type` == AdapterNode.CDATA_TYPE) { // The "value" has the text, same as a text node.
// while EntityRef has it in a text node underneath.
// (because EntityRef can contain multiple sub-elements)
// Convert angle brackets and ampersands for display
val sb = new StringBuilder(node.getNodeValue)
var j = 0
while (j < sb.length) {
if (sb.charAt(j) == '<') {
sb.setCharAt(j, '&')
sb.insert(j + 1, "lt;")
j += 3
else if (sb.charAt(j) == '&') {
sb.setCharAt(j, '&')
sb.insert(j + 1, "amp;")
j += 4
j += 1
// Ignoring these:
// ATTR_TYPE -- not in the DOM tree
// ENTITY_TYPE -- does not appear in the DOM
// PROCINSTR_TYPE -- not "data"
// COMMENT_TYPE -- not "data"
// DOCUMENT_TYPE -- Root node only. No data to display.
// DOCTYPE_TYPE -- Appears under the root only
// DOCFRAG_TYPE -- equiv. to "document" for fragments
// NOTATION_TYPE -- nothing but binary data in here
* Return children, index, and count values
def index(child: AdapterNode): Int = {
//System.err.println("Looking for index of " + child);
val count = childCount
for (i <- 0 until count) {
val n = this.child(i)
if (child.domNode eq n.domNode) return i
-1 // Should never get here.
def child(searchIndex: Int): AdapterNode = { //Note: JTree index is zero-based.
var node = domNode.getChildNodes.item(searchIndex)
if (compress) { // Return Nth displayable node
var elementNodeIndex = 0
var i = 0
var done = false
while ( i < domNode.getChildNodes.getLength && !done) {
node = domNode.getChildNodes.item(i)
if (node.getNodeType == AdapterNode.ELEMENT_TYPE && treeElement(node.getNodeName)
&& elementNodeIndex == searchIndex)
done = true
elementNodeIndex += 1
i += 1
new AdapterNode(node)
def childCount: Int = {
if (!compress) { // Indent this
return domNode.getChildNodes.getLength
var count = 0
for (i <- 0 until domNode.getChildNodes.getLength) {
val node = domNode.getChildNodes.item(i)
if (node.getNodeType == AdapterNode.ELEMENT_TYPE && treeElement(node.getNodeName)) { // Note:
// Have to check for proper type.
// The DOCTYPE element also has the right name
count += 1
private[xmlviewer] def treeElement(elementName: String): Boolean = {
for (n <- AdapterNode.treeElementNames) {
if (elementName == n) return true
def getDomNode: Node = domNode