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// Copyright by Barry G. Becker, 2017 - 2019. Licensed under MIT License:
package com.barrybecker4.ui.components
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import java.awt.{BasicStroke, Color, Graphics2D}
import java.util.{Timer, TimerTask}
import com.barrybecker4.ui.components.ImageListRenderer._
import javax.swing.JPanel
object ImageListRenderer {
private val IMAGE_MARGIN = 2
private val HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = Color.ORANGE
private val SELECTION_COLOR = Color.BLUE
private val BORDER_STROKE = new BasicStroke(2.0f)
private val TIME_TO_ENLARGE = 900
private def calculateImageRatio(images: Seq[BufferedImage]): Double = {
if (images == null || images.isEmpty) return 1.0
// first assert that all the images are the same size
val firstImage = images.head
var w = firstImage.getWidth
var h = firstImage.getHeight
for (img <- images) {
if (img != null) {
assert(img.getWidth == w,
s"Image dimensions ${img.getWidth}, ${img.getHeight} do not match first: $w, $h")
w.toDouble / h.toDouble
* Determines the layout and renders the list of images.
final class ImageListRenderer(val images: Seq[BufferedImage]) {
private val imageRatio = calculateImageRatio(images)
private val baseImageWidth = images.head.getWidth + TOTAL_MARGIN
private var highlightedImage: BufferedImage = _
private var numColumns = 0
private var imageDisplayHeight = 0
private var imageDisplayWidth = 0
private var maxNumSelections = Int.MaxValue
private var enlargeHighlightedImage: Boolean = false
assert(images != null)
def drawImages(g2: Graphics2D, width: Int, height: Int,
selectedImages: Seq[BufferedImage]): Unit = {
val panelRatio = width.toDouble / height.toDouble
// find the number of rows that will give the closest match on the aspect ratios
val numImages = images.size
var numRows = 1
numColumns = numImages
var ratio = imageRatio * numImages
var lastRatio: Double = 100000000
while (ratio > panelRatio) {
lastRatio = ratio
numRows += 1
numColumns = Math.ceil(numImages.toDouble / numRows.toDouble).toInt
ratio = imageRatio * numColumns.toDouble / numRows.toDouble
//println("ratio="+ ratio +" panelRatio=" + panelRatio + " numRows="+ numRows);
if (panelRatio - ratio < lastRatio - panelRatio) {
// then we may have space on right side, but vertical space completely used
imageDisplayHeight = Math.min(height / numRows, (baseImageWidth / imageRatio).toInt) - TOTAL_MARGIN
imageDisplayWidth = (imageDisplayHeight * imageRatio).toInt
else { // horizontal space completely used
numRows -= 1
numColumns = Math.ceil(numImages.toDouble / numRows.toDouble).toInt
imageDisplayWidth = Math.min(width / numColumns, baseImageWidth) - TOTAL_MARGIN
imageDisplayHeight = (imageDisplayWidth / imageRatio).toInt
var enlargedImageIndex = -1
for (i <- images.indices) {
val colPos = getColumnPosition(i) + IMAGE_MARGIN
val rowPos = getRowPosition(i) + IMAGE_MARGIN
val img = images(i)
if (img == highlightedImage && enlargeHighlightedImage) enlargedImageIndex = i
g2.drawImage(img, colPos, rowPos, imageDisplayWidth, imageDisplayHeight, null)
// put a border around images that are selected or highlighted
if ((highlightedImage eq img) || selectedImages.contains(img)) {
g2.setColor(if (highlightedImage eq img) HIGHLIGHT_COLOR else SELECTION_COLOR)
imageDisplayWidth + TOTAL_MARGIN, imageDisplayHeight + TOTAL_MARGIN)
if (enlargedImageIndex >= 0) {
drawEnlargedImage(g2, highlightedImage, width, height)
def getHighlightedImage: BufferedImage = highlightedImage
def setHighlightedImage(image: BufferedImage, repaintable: JPanel): Unit = {
if (image != null) highlightedImage = image
else highlightedImage = null
// start a timer that is canceled if the mouse moves
val enlargementTimer = new Timer
enlargeHighlightedImage = false
enlargementTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
override def run(): Unit = {
enlargeHighlightedImage = true
/** @return the image that the mouse is currently over (at x, y coordinates) */
def findImageOver(x: Int, y: Int): BufferedImage = {
if (images == null) return null
for (i <- images.indices) {
val row = i / numColumns
val col = i % numColumns
val colPos = col * (imageDisplayWidth + TOTAL_MARGIN)
val rowPos = row * (imageDisplayHeight + TOTAL_MARGIN)
if (x > colPos && x <= colPos + imageDisplayWidth && y > rowPos && y <= rowPos + imageDisplayHeight) {
return images(i)
private def drawEnlargedImage(g2: Graphics2D, image: BufferedImage, width: Int, height: Int): Unit = {
var w = image.getWidth
var h = image.getHeight
if (w > width) {
w = width
h = (w / imageRatio).toInt
if (h > height) {
h = height
w = (h * imageRatio).toInt
g2.drawImage(image, 0, 0, w, h, null)
private def getRowPosition(i: Int) = {
val row = i / numColumns
row * (imageDisplayHeight + TOTAL_MARGIN)
private def getColumnPosition(i: Int) = {
val col = i % numColumns
col * (imageDisplayWidth + TOTAL_MARGIN)