com.barrybecker4.ui.renderers.AbstractFunctionRenderer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
/* Copyright by Barry G. Becker, 2017. Licensed under MIT License:*/
package com.barrybecker4.ui.renderers
import com.barrybecker4.common.format.DefaultNumberFormatter
import com.barrybecker4.common.format.INumberFormatter
import com.barrybecker4.math.Range
import com.barrybecker4.math.cutpoints.CutPointGenerator
import java.awt._
import AbstractFunctionRenderer._
* This class draws a specified function.
* @author Barry Becker
object AbstractFunctionRenderer {
private val BACKGROUND_COLOR = new Color(255, 255, 255)
val ORIGIN_LINE_COLOR = new Color(20, 0, 0, 120)
private[renderers] val LEFT_MARGIN = 75
private[renderers] val MARGIN = 40
abstract class AbstractFunctionRenderer {
protected var width = 0
protected var height = 0
protected var xOffset = 0
protected var yOffset = 0
private var formatter: INumberFormatter = new DefaultNumberFormatter
private val cutPointGenerator = new CutPointGenerator
def setSize(width: Int, height: Int): Unit = {
this.width = width
this.height = height
def setPosition(xOffset: Int, yOffset: Int): Unit = {
this.xOffset = xOffset
this.yOffset = yOffset
* Provides customer formatting for the x axis values.
* @param formatter a way to format the x axis values
def setXFormatter(formatter: INumberFormatter): Unit = {
this.formatter = formatter
/** draw the cartesian function */
def paint(g: Graphics): Unit
protected def getRange: Range
private[renderers] def getNumXPoints = width - MARGIN - LEFT_MARGIN
private[renderers] def drawDecoration(g2: Graphics2D, yRange: Range): Unit = {
g2.drawRect(xOffset, yOffset, width, height)
drawYAxisLabels(g2, yRange)
private def drawAxes(g2: Graphics2D): Unit = { // left y axis
g2.drawLine(xOffset + LEFT_MARGIN - 1, yOffset + height - MARGIN,
xOffset + LEFT_MARGIN - 1, yOffset + MARGIN)
// x axis
g2.drawLine(xOffset + LEFT_MARGIN - 1, yOffset + height - MARGIN - 1,
xOffset + LEFT_MARGIN - 1 + width, yOffset + height - MARGIN - 1)
/** Draw x axis labels. The x-axis doesn't really need labels because it is always [0 - 1]. */
protected def drawXAxisLabels(g2: Graphics2D): Unit = {
// do nothing by default
/** @return calculated nice numbers and labels. */
protected def getNiceCutpointsAndLabels(range: Range, numLabels: Int): (Array[Double], Array[String]) = {
val ext = range.getExtent
if (ext.isNaN || numLabels <= 1) {
(Array(), Array())
} else {
val cutpoints = cutPointGenerator.getCutPoints(range, numLabels)
val cutPointLabels = cutPointGenerator.getCutPointLabels(range, numLabels)
(cutpoints, cutPointLabels)
/** Draw y axis labels. */
protected def drawYAxisLabels(g2: Graphics2D, yRange: Range): Unit = {
val metrics = g2.getFontMetrics
val ext = yRange.getExtent
val (cutpoints, cutpointLabels) = getNiceCutpointsAndLabels(yRange, height / 40)
val chartHt = height - yOffset - MARGIN - MARGIN
for (i <- cutpoints.indices) {
//println("cp = " + cutpoints[i] +" label = " + cutpointLabels[i]);
val label = cutpointLabels(i)
val labelWidth = metrics.stringWidth(label)
val yPos = (yOffset + MARGIN + Math.abs(yRange.max - cutpoints(i)) / ext * chartHt).toFloat
g2.drawString(label, xOffset.toFloat + LEFT_MARGIN - labelWidth - 3, yPos.toFloat + 5)
val eps = yRange.getExtent * 0.05
// draw origin if 0 is in range
if (0 < (yRange.max - eps) && 0 > (yRange.min + eps)) {
val originY = (yOffset + MARGIN + Math.abs(yRange.max) / ext * chartHt).toFloat
//g2.drawString("0", xOffset + LEFT_MARGIN - 15, originY + 5)
g2.drawLine(xOffset + LEFT_MARGIN - 1, originY.toInt,
xOffset + LEFT_MARGIN - 1 + width, originY.toInt)
/** draw line composed of points */
private[renderers] def drawLine(g2: Graphics2D, scale: Double, xpos: Float, ypos: Double): Unit = {
val h = scale * ypos
val top = (height - h - MARGIN).toInt
g2.fillOval(xOffset + xpos.toInt, yOffset + top, 3, 3)
/** draw line composed of connected line segments */
private[renderers] def drawConnectedLine(g2: Graphics2D, scale: Double, xpos: Float, ypos: Double,
lastX: Double, lastY: Double): Unit = {
val h = scale * ypos
val top = (height - h - MARGIN).toInt
val lastHt = scale * lastY
val lastTop = (height - lastHt - MARGIN).toInt
g2.drawLine(xOffset + xpos.toInt, yOffset + top, xOffset + lastX.toInt, yOffset + lastTop)
private[renderers] def clearBackground(g2: Graphics2D): Unit = {
g2.fillRect(xOffset, yOffset, width, height)