com.barrybecker4.ui.renderers.HistogramRenderer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
/* Copyright by Barry G. Becker, 2015 2018. Licensed under MIT License: */
package com.barrybecker4.ui.renderers
import com.barrybecker4.common.format.DefaultNumberFormatter
import com.barrybecker4.common.format.FormatUtil._
import com.barrybecker4.common.format.INumberFormatter
import com.barrybecker4.math.function.InvertibleFunction
import com.barrybecker4.math.function.LinearFunction
import HistogramRenderer._
import java.awt._
import com.barrybecker4.ui.renderers.model.HistogramModel
object HistogramRenderer {
private val BACKGROUND_COLOR = new Color(255, 255, 255)
private val BAR_COLOR = new Color(160, 120, 255)
private val BAR_BORDER_COLOR = new Color(0, 0, 0)
private val FONT = new Font("Sanserif", Font.PLAIN, 12)
private val BOLD_FONT = new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 12)
private val DEFAULT_LABEL_WIDTH = 30
private val MARGIN: Int = 24
private val TICK_LENGTH = 2
private val NARROW_X_THRESH = 390
* This class renders a histogram.
* The histogram is defined as an array of integers.
* @param data the array to hold counts for each x axis position. y values for every point on the x axis.
* @param xFunction a way to scale the values on the x axis.
* This function takes an x value in the domain space and maps it to a bin index location.
* @param integralXValues if true, then the x values will assumed to be only equal to the low bin cutPoint value.
* This implies that the the median only be one of those low bin cutPoint values.
* @author Barry Becker
class HistogramRenderer(val data: Array[Int],
val xFunction: InvertibleFunction,
val integralXValues: Boolean = false) {
private val model = new HistogramModel(data, xFunction, integralXValues)
private var width = 0
private var height = 0
private var maxNumLabels = 0
private var barWidth: Float = 0.0f
private var zeroXPos = 0
private var formatter: INumberFormatter = new DefaultNumberFormatter
private var maxLabelWidth = DEFAULT_LABEL_WIDTH
/** Constructor that starts at x=0 and assumes no scaling ont he x axis.
* @param data the array to hold counts for each x axis position.
def this(data: Array[Int]) = {
this(data, new LinearFunction(1.0))
def setSize(width: Int, height: Int): Unit = {
this.width = width
this.height = height
maxNumLabels = this.width / maxLabelWidth
barWidth = (this.width - 2.0F * MARGIN) / model.numBars
zeroXPos = calcZeroPos()
def increment(xValue: Double): Unit = model.increment(xValue)
/** Provides customer formatting for the x axis values.
* @param formatter a way to format the x axis values
def setXFormatter(formatter: INumberFormatter): Unit = { this.formatter = formatter }
/** The larger this is, the fewer equally spaced x labels.
* @param maxLabelWidth max width of x labels.
def setMaxLabelWidth(maxLabelWidth: Int): Unit = { this.maxLabelWidth = maxLabelWidth }
/** draw the histogram graph */
def paint(g: Graphics): Unit = {
if (g == null) return
val g2 = g.asInstanceOf[Graphics2D]
val maxHeight = model.getMaxHeight
val scale = (height - 2.0 * MARGIN) / maxHeight
var xpos: Float = MARGIN.toFloat
var xIdx = 0
for (value <- data) {
drawBar(g2, scale, xpos, xIdx, value)
xIdx += 1
xpos += barWidth
drawDecoration(g2, maxHeight)
private def drawDecoration(g2: Graphics2D, maxHeight: Int): Unit = {
val width = (barWidth * model.numBars).toInt
drawAxes(g2, maxHeight, width)
drawVerticalMarkers(g2, width)
private def drawAxes(g2: Graphics2D, maxHeight: Int, width: Int): Unit = { // left y axis
g2.drawLine(MARGIN - 1, height - MARGIN, MARGIN - 1, MARGIN)
// x axis
g2.drawLine(MARGIN - 1, height - MARGIN - 1, MARGIN - 1 + width, height - MARGIN - 1)
val numTrials = formatNumber(model.sum)
val yOffset = 8
val trialsX = width - (if (width > NARROW_X_THRESH) 230 + 0.2 * width else 210).toInt
val meanX = width - (if (width > NARROW_X_THRESH) 170 + 0.1 * width else 80).toInt
g2.drawString(AppContext.getLabel("HEIGHT") + " = " + formatNumber(maxHeight), MARGIN / 3, MARGIN - yOffset)
if (width > 0.7 * NARROW_X_THRESH) {
g2.drawString(AppContext.getLabel("NUM_TRIALS") + " = " + numTrials, trialsX, MARGIN - yOffset)
if (width > 0.4 * NARROW_X_THRESH) {
g2.drawString(AppContext.getLabel("MEAN") + " = " + formatNumber(model.mean), meanX, MARGIN - yOffset)
if (width > NARROW_X_THRESH) {
val median = model.calcMedian(model.calcMedianPos)
g2.drawString(AppContext.getLabel("MEDIAN") + " = " + formatNumber(median), width - 90, MARGIN - yOffset)
private def drawVerticalMarkers(g2: Graphics2D, width: Double): Unit = {
drawMeanLine(g2, width)
drawMedianLine(g2, width)
drawZeroLine(g2, width)
private def drawMeanLine(g2: Graphics2D, width: Double): Unit = {
val meanXpos = (MARGIN + width * xFunction.getValue(model.mean) / model.numBars + barWidth / 2).toInt
g2.drawLine(meanXpos, height - MARGIN, meanXpos, MARGIN)
g2.drawString(AppContext.getLabel("MEAN"), meanXpos + 4, MARGIN + 12)
private def drawMedianLine(g2: Graphics2D, width: Double): Unit = {
val median = model.calcMedianPos
val medianXpos = (MARGIN + width * median / model.numBars + barWidth / 2).toInt
g2.drawLine(medianXpos, height - MARGIN, medianXpos, MARGIN)
g2.drawString(AppContext.getLabel("MEDIAN"), medianXpos + 4, MARGIN + 28)
private def drawZeroLine(g2: Graphics2D, width: Double): Unit = {
if (xFunction.getInverseValue(0) < 0) {
g2.drawLine(zeroXPos, height - MARGIN, zeroXPos, MARGIN)
g2.drawString("0", zeroXPos + 4, MARGIN + 38)
private def calcZeroPos(): Int = {
val zero = xFunction.getValue(0)
(MARGIN + width * zero / model.numBars + barWidth / 2).toInt
/** Draw a single bar in the histogram */
private def drawBar(g2: Graphics2D, scale: Double, xpos: Float, xIdx: Int, value: Int): Unit = {
val h = scale * value
val top = (height - h - MARGIN).toInt
g2.fillRect(xpos.toInt, top, Math.max(1, barWidth).toInt, h.toInt)
if (model.numBars < maxNumLabels) { // if not too many bars add a nice border.
g2.drawRect(xpos.toInt, top, barWidth.toInt, h.toInt)
drawLabelIfNeeded(g2, xpos, xIdx)
/** Draw the label or label and tick if needed for this bar.
* Avoid drawing the x label if its close to 0 so it does not interfere with the 0 label.
private def drawLabelIfNeeded(g2: Graphics2D, xpos: Float, xIdx: Int): Unit = {
val xValue = xFunction.getInverseValue(xIdx)
val x = (xpos + barWidth / 2).toInt
val metrics = g2.getFontMetrics
var drawingLabel = false
val labelSkip = (maxLabelWidth + 10) * model.numBars / width
val closeToZero = Math.abs(xpos - zeroXPos) < maxLabelWidth / 2
if (closeToZero) {
g2.drawString(formatter.format(0), zeroXPos - 8, height - 5)
g2.drawLine(zeroXPos, height - MARGIN + TICK_LENGTH + 4, zeroXPos, height - MARGIN - 2) // zero tick
else if (model.numBars < maxNumLabels || xIdx % labelSkip == 0) {
drawingLabel = true
val label = formatter.format(xValue)
val labelXPos = x - metrics.stringWidth(label) / 2
g2.drawString(label, labelXPos, height - 5)
val skipD2 = Math.max(1, labelSkip / 2)
val skipD5 = Math.max(1, labelSkip / 5)
if (labelSkip % 2 == 0 && xIdx % skipD2 == 0)
g2.drawLine(x, height - MARGIN + TICK_LENGTH + 1, x, height - MARGIN)
else if (labelSkip % 5 == 0 && xIdx % skipD5 == 0)
g2.drawLine(x, height - MARGIN + TICK_LENGTH - 2, x, height - MARGIN)
if (drawingLabel)
g2.drawLine(x, height - MARGIN + TICK_LENGTH + 4, x, height - MARGIN - 2)
private def clearBackground(g2: Graphics2D): Unit = {
g2.fillRect(0, 0, width, height)