com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.core.DefaultDatabus Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.core;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.common.dropwizard.lifecycle.LifeCycleRegistry;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.common.dropwizard.time.ClockTicker;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.common.uuid.TimeUUIDs;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.ChannelNames;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.DefaultJoinFilter;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.MasterFanoutPartitions;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.QueueDrainExecutorService;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.SystemIdentity;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.api.Event;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.api.MoveSubscriptionStatus;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.api.Names;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.api.PollResult;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.api.ReplaySubscriptionStatus;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.api.Subscription;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.api.UnauthorizedSubscriptionException;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.api.UnknownMoveException;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.api.UnknownReplayException;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.api.UnknownSubscriptionException;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.auth.DatabusAuthorizer;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.db.SubscriptionDAO;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.databus.model.OwnedSubscription;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.event.api.EventData;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.event.api.EventSink;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.event.core.SizeCacheKey;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.job.api.JobHandler;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.job.api.JobHandlerRegistry;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.job.api.JobIdentifier;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.job.api.JobRequest;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.job.api.JobService;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.job.api.JobStatus;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sor.api.Coordinate;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sor.api.Intrinsic;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sor.api.ReadConsistency;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sor.api.UnknownPlacementException;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sor.api.UnknownTableException;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sor.condition.Condition;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sor.condition.Conditions;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sor.core.DataProvider;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sor.core.DatabusEventWriter;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sor.core.DatabusEventWriterRegistry;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sor.core.UpdateRef;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sortedq.core.ReadOnlyQueueException;
import com.codahale.metrics.Meter;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import io.dropwizard.lifecycle.Managed;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.time.Clock;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import static;
import static;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
public class DefaultDatabus implements OwnerAwareDatabus, DatabusEventWriter, Managed {
private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultDatabus.class);
* How long should poll loop, searching for events before giving up and returning.
private static final Duration MAX_POLL_TIME = Duration.ofMillis(100);
* How long should the app wait before querying the data store again when it finds an unknown change?
private static final Duration RECENT_UNKNOWN_RETRY = Duration.ofMillis(400);
* How old does an event need to be before we stop aggressively looking for it?
private static final Duration STALE_UNKNOWN_AGE = Duration.ofSeconds(2);
* Don't merge too many duplicate events together to avoid event keys getting unreasonably long.
private static final int MAX_EVENTS_TO_CONSOLIDATE = 1000;
/* How many items are to be fetched in each try for draining the queue. */
private static final int MAX_ITEMS_TO_FETCH_FOR_QUEUE_DRAINING = 100;
/* This is how long we submit tasks to drain the queue for each subscription from one poll request */
private static final Duration MAX_QUEUE_DRAIN_TIME_FOR_A_SUBSCRIPTION = Duration.ofMinutes(1);
/* We don't allow subscriptions to be created beyond this number. */
private static final Duration MAX_SUBSCRIPTION_TTL = Duration.ofDays(365 * 10);
/* We don't allow subscriptions to be created with event TTLs beyond this number. */
public static final Duration MAX_EVENT_TTL = Duration.ofDays(365);
private final DatabusEventWriterRegistry _eventWriterRegistry;
private final SubscriptionDAO _subscriptionDao;
private final DatabusEventStore _eventStore;
private final DataProvider _dataProvider;
private final SubscriptionEvaluator _subscriptionEvaluator;
private final JobService _jobService;
private final DatabusAuthorizer _databusAuthorizer;
private final String _systemOwnerId;
private final PartitionSelector _masterPartitionSelector;
private final List _masterFanoutChannels;
private final Meter _peekedMeter;
private final Meter _polledMeter;
private final Meter _renewedMeter;
private final Meter _ackedMeter;
private final Meter _recentUnknownMeter;
private final Meter _staleUnknownMeter;
private final Meter _redundantMeter;
private final Meter _discardedMeter;
private final Meter _consolidatedMeter;
private final Meter _unownedSubscriptionMeter;
private final Meter _drainQueueAsyncMeter;
private final Meter _drainQueueTaskMeter;
private final Meter _drainQueueRedundantMeter;
private final LoadingCache> _eventSizeCache;
private final Supplier _defaultJoinFilterCondition;
private final Ticker _ticker;
private final Clock _clock;
private ExecutorService _drainService;
private ConcurrentMap _drainedSubscriptionsMap = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
public DefaultDatabus(LifeCycleRegistry lifeCycle, DatabusEventWriterRegistry eventWriterRegistry,
DataProvider dataProvider, SubscriptionDAO subscriptionDao, DatabusEventStore eventStore,
SubscriptionEvaluator subscriptionEvaluator, JobService jobService,
JobHandlerRegistry jobHandlerRegistry, DatabusAuthorizer databusAuthorizer,
@SystemIdentity String systemOwnerId,
@DefaultJoinFilter Supplier defaultJoinFilterCondition,
@QueueDrainExecutorService ExecutorService drainService,
@MasterFanoutPartitions int masterPartitions,
@MasterFanoutPartitions PartitionSelector masterPartitionSelector,
MetricRegistry metricRegistry, Clock clock) {
_eventWriterRegistry = eventWriterRegistry;
_subscriptionDao = subscriptionDao;
_eventStore = eventStore;
_dataProvider = dataProvider;
_subscriptionEvaluator = subscriptionEvaluator;
_jobService = jobService;
_databusAuthorizer = databusAuthorizer;
_systemOwnerId = systemOwnerId;
_defaultJoinFilterCondition = defaultJoinFilterCondition;
_drainService = requireNonNull(drainService, "drainService");
_masterPartitionSelector = masterPartitionSelector;
_ticker = ClockTicker.getTicker(clock);
_clock = clock;
_peekedMeter = newEventMeter("peeked", metricRegistry);
_polledMeter = newEventMeter("polled", metricRegistry);
_renewedMeter = newEventMeter("renewed", metricRegistry);
_ackedMeter = newEventMeter("acked", metricRegistry);
_recentUnknownMeter = newEventMeter("recent-unknown", metricRegistry);
_staleUnknownMeter = newEventMeter("stale-unknown", metricRegistry);
_redundantMeter = newEventMeter("redundant", metricRegistry);
_discardedMeter = newEventMeter("discarded", metricRegistry);
_consolidatedMeter = newEventMeter("consolidated", metricRegistry);
_unownedSubscriptionMeter = newEventMeter("unowned", metricRegistry);
_drainQueueAsyncMeter = newEventMeter("drainQueueAsync", metricRegistry);
_drainQueueTaskMeter = newEventMeter("drainQueueTask", metricRegistry);
_drainQueueRedundantMeter = newEventMeter("drainQueueRedundant", metricRegistry);
_eventSizeCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.expireAfterWrite(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.build(new CacheLoader>() {
public Map.Entry load(SizeCacheKey key)
throws Exception {
return Maps.immutableEntry(internalEventCountUpTo(key.channelName, key.limitAsked), key.limitAsked);
ImmutableList.Builder masterFanoutChannels = ImmutableList.builder();
for (int partition=0; partition < masterPartitions; partition++) {
_masterFanoutChannels =;
requireNonNull(jobHandlerRegistry, "jobHandlerRegistry");
private void registerMoveSubscriptionJobHandler(JobHandlerRegistry jobHandlerRegistry) {
new Supplier>() {
public JobHandler get() {
return new JobHandler() {
public MoveSubscriptionResult run(MoveSubscriptionRequest request)
throws Exception {
try {
// Last chance to verify the subscriptions' owner before doing anything mutative
checkSubscriptionOwner(request.getOwnerId(), request.getFrom());
checkSubscriptionOwner(request.getOwnerId(), request.getTo());
_eventStore.move(request.getFrom(), request.getTo());
} catch (ReadOnlyQueueException e) {
// The from queue is not owned by this server.
return notOwner();
return new MoveSubscriptionResult(new Date());
private void registerReplaySubscriptionJobHandler(JobHandlerRegistry jobHandlerRegistry) {
new Supplier>() {
public JobHandler get() {
return new JobHandler() {
public ReplaySubscriptionResult run(ReplaySubscriptionRequest request)
throws Exception {
try {
// Last chance to verify the subscription's owner before doing anything mutative
checkSubscriptionOwner(request.getOwnerId(), request.getSubscription());
replay(request.getSubscription(), request.getSince());
} catch (ReadOnlyQueueException e) {
// The subscription is not owned by this server.
return notOwner();
// Make sure that we have completed the replay request in time.
// If replay took more than the replay TTL time, we should fail it as
// there could be some events that were expired before we could replay it
if (request.getSince() != null && request.getSince().toInstant()
.isBefore(_clock.instant())) {
// Uh-oh we were too late in replaying, and could have lost some events
throw new ReplayTooLateException();
return new ReplaySubscriptionResult(new Date());
private void createDatabusReplaySubscription() {
// Create a master databus replay subscription where the events expire every 50 hours (2 days + 2 hours)
subscribe(_systemOwnerId, ChannelNames.getMasterReplayChannel(), Conditions.alwaysTrue(),
Duration.ofDays(3650), DatabusChannelConfiguration.REPLAY_TTL, false);
private Meter newEventMeter(String name, MetricRegistry metricRegistry) {
return metricRegistry.meter(getMetricName(name));
private String getMetricName(String name) {
return"bv.emodb.databus", "DefaultDatabus", name);
protected ConcurrentMap getDrainedSubscriptionsMap() {
return _drainedSubscriptionsMap;
public void start()
throws Exception {
// Create a databus replay subscription
public void stop()
throws Exception {
public Iterator listSubscriptions(final String ownerId, @Nullable String fromSubscriptionExclusive, long limit) {
checkArgument(limit > 0, "Limit must be >0");
// We always have all the subscriptions cached in memory so fetch them all.
Iterable allSubscriptions = _subscriptionDao.getAllSubscriptions();
return, false)
// Ignore subscriptions not accessible by the owner.
.filter((subscription) -> _databusAuthorizer.owner(ownerId).canAccessSubscription(subscription))
// Sort them by name. They're stored sorted in Cassandra so this should be a no-op, but
// do the sort anyway so we're not depending on internals of the subscription DAO.
.sorted((left, right) -> left.getName().compareTo(right.getName()))
// Apply the "from" parameter
.filter(subscription -> fromSubscriptionExclusive == null || subscription.getName().compareTo(fromSubscriptionExclusive) > 0)
// Apply the "limit" parameter (be careful to avoid overflow when limit == Long.MAX_VALUE).
// Necessary to make generics work
.map(subscription -> (Subscription) subscription)
public void subscribe(String ownerId, String subscription, Condition tableFilter, Duration subscriptionTtl, Duration eventTtl) {
subscribe(ownerId, subscription, tableFilter, subscriptionTtl, eventTtl, true);
public void subscribe(String ownerId, String subscription, Condition tableFilter, Duration subscriptionTtl,
Duration eventTtl, boolean includeDefaultJoinFilter) {
// This call should be deprecated soon.
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, subscription);
requireNonNull(tableFilter, "tableFilter");
checkArgument(subscriptionTtl.compareTo(Duration.ZERO) > 0, "SubscriptionTtl must be >0");
checkArgument(subscriptionTtl.compareTo(MAX_SUBSCRIPTION_TTL) <= 0, "Subscription TTL duration limit is 10 years. The value cannot go beyond that.");
checkArgument(eventTtl.compareTo(Duration.ZERO) > 0, "EventTtl must be >0");
checkArgument(eventTtl.compareTo(MAX_EVENT_TTL) <= 0, "Event TTL duration limit is 365 days. The value cannot go beyond that.");
if (includeDefaultJoinFilter) {
// If the default join filter condition is set (that is, isn't "alwaysTrue()") then add it to the filter
Condition defaultJoinFilterCondition = _defaultJoinFilterCondition.get();
if (!Conditions.alwaysTrue().equals(defaultJoinFilterCondition)) {
if (tableFilter.equals(Conditions.alwaysTrue())) {
tableFilter = defaultJoinFilterCondition;
} else {
tableFilter = Conditions.and(tableFilter, defaultJoinFilterCondition);
// except for resetting the ttl, recreating a subscription that already exists has no effect.
// assume that multiple servers that manage the same subscriptions can each attempt to create
// the subscription at startup.
_subscriptionDao.insertSubscription(ownerId, subscription, tableFilter, subscriptionTtl, eventTtl);
public void unsubscribe(String ownerId, String subscription) {
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, subscription);
public Subscription getSubscription(String ownerId, String name)
throws UnknownSubscriptionException {
OwnedSubscription subscription = getSubscriptionByName(name);
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, subscription);
return subscription;
private OwnedSubscription getSubscriptionByName(String name) {
OwnedSubscription subscription = _subscriptionDao.getSubscription(name);
if (subscription == null) {
throw new UnknownSubscriptionException(name);
return subscription;
public void writeEvents(Collection refs) {
ImmutableMultimap.Builder eventIds = ImmutableMultimap.builder();
for (UpdateRef ref : refs) {
int partition = _masterPartitionSelector.getPartition(ref.getKey());
eventIds.put(_masterFanoutChannels.get(partition), UpdateRefSerializer.toByteBuffer(ref));
public long getEventCount(String ownerId, String subscription) {
return getEventCountUpTo(ownerId, subscription, Long.MAX_VALUE);
public long getEventCountUpTo(String ownerId, String subscription, long limit) {
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, subscription);
// We get the size from cache as a tuple of size, and the limit used to estimate that size
// So, the key is the size, and value is the limit used to estimate the size
SizeCacheKey sizeCacheKey = new SizeCacheKey(subscription, limit);
Map.Entry size = _eventSizeCache.getUnchecked(sizeCacheKey);
if (size.getValue() >= limit) { // We have the same or better estimate
return size.getKey();
// User wants a better estimate than what our cache has, so we need to invalidate this key and load a new size
return _eventSizeCache.getUnchecked(sizeCacheKey).getKey();
private long internalEventCountUpTo(String subscription, long limit) {
checkArgument(limit > 0, "Limit must be >0");
return _eventStore.getSizeEstimate(subscription, limit);
public long getClaimCount(String ownerId, String subscription) {
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, subscription);
return _eventStore.getClaimCount(subscription);
public Iterator peek(String ownerId, final String subscription, int limit) {
checkArgument(limit > 0, "Limit must be >0");
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, subscription);
PollResult result = peekOrPoll(subscription, null, limit);
return result.getEventIterator();
public PollResult poll(String ownerId, final String subscription, final Duration claimTtl, int limit) {
checkArgument(claimTtl.compareTo(Duration.ZERO) >= 0, "ClaimTtl must be >=0");
checkArgument(limit > 0, "Limit must be >0");
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, subscription);
return peekOrPoll(subscription, claimTtl, limit);
/** Implements peek() or poll() based on whether claimTtl is null or non-null. */
private PollResult peekOrPoll(String subscription, @Nullable Duration claimTtl, int limit) {
int remaining = limit;
Map rawEvents = ImmutableMap.of();
Map uniqueItems = Maps.newHashMap();
boolean isPeek = claimTtl == null;
boolean repeatable = !isPeek && claimTtl.toMillis() > 0;
boolean eventsAvailableForNextPoll = false;
boolean noMaxPollTimeOut = true;
int itemsDiscarded = 0;
Meter eventMeter = isPeek ? _peekedMeter : _polledMeter;
// Reading raw events from the event store is a significantly faster operation than resolving the events into
// databus poll events. This is because the former sequentially loads small event references while the latter
// requires reading and resolving the effectively random objects associated with those references from the data
// store.
// To make the process more efficient this method first polls for "limit" raw events from the event store.
// Then, up to the first 10 of those raw events are resolved synchronously with a time limit of MAX_POLL_TIME.
// Any remaining raw events are resolved lazily as the event list is consumed by the caller. This makes the
// return time for this method faster and more predictable while supporting polls for more events than can
// be resolved within MAX_POLL_TIME. This is especially beneficial for REST clients which may otherwise time
// out while waiting for "limit" events to be read and resolved.
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(_ticker);
int padding = 0;
do {
if (remaining == 0) {
break; // Don't need any more events.
// Query the databus event store. Consolidate multiple events that refer to the same item.
ConsolidatingEventSink sink = new ConsolidatingEventSink(remaining + padding);
boolean more = isPeek ?
_eventStore.peek(subscription, sink) :
_eventStore.poll(subscription, claimTtl, sink);
rawEvents = sink.getEvents();
if (rawEvents.isEmpty()) {
// No events to be had.
eventsAvailableForNextPoll = more;
// Resolve the raw events in batches of 10 until at least one response item is found for a maximum time of MAX_POLL_TIME.
do {
int batchItemsDiscarded = resolvePeekOrPollEvents(subscription, rawEvents, Math.min(10, remaining),
(coord, item) -> {
// Check whether we've already added this piece of content to the poll result. If so, consolidate
// the two together to reduce the amount of work a client must do. Note that the previous item
// would be from a previous batch of events and it's possible that we have read two different
// versions of the same item of content. This will prefer the most recent.
Item previousItem = uniqueItems.get(coord);
if (previousItem != null && previousItem.consolidateWith(item)) {
} else {
// We have found a new item of content to return!
uniqueItems.put(coord, item);
remaining = limit - uniqueItems.size();
itemsDiscarded += batchItemsDiscarded;
} while (!rawEvents.isEmpty() && remaining > 0 && stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) < MAX_POLL_TIME.toMillis());
// There are more events for the next poll if either the event store explicitly said so or if, due to padding,
// we got more events than "limit", in which case we're likely to unclaim at last one.
eventsAvailableForNextPoll = more || rawEvents.size() + uniqueItems.size() > limit;
if (!more) {
// There are no more events to be had, so exit now
// Note: Due to redundant/unknown events, it's possible that the 'events' list is empty even though, if we
// tried again, we'd find more events. Try again a few times, but not for more than MAX_POLL_TIME so clients
// don't timeout the request. This helps move through large amounts of redundant deltas relatively quickly
// while also putting a bound on the total amount of work done by a single call to poll().
padding = 10;
} while (repeatable && (noMaxPollTimeOut = stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) < MAX_POLL_TIME.toMillis()));
Iterator events;
int approximateSize;
if (uniqueItems.isEmpty()) {
// Either there were no raw events or all events found were for redundant or unknown changes. It's possible
// that eventually there will be more events, but to prevent a lengthy delay iterating the remaining events
// quit now and return an empty result. The caller can always poll again to try to pick up any more events,
// and if necessary an async drain will kick off a few lines down to assist in clearing the redundant update
// wasteland.
events = Collections.emptyIterator();
approximateSize = 0;
// If there are still more unresolved events claimed then unclaim them now
if (repeatable && !rawEvents.isEmpty()) {
unclaim(subscription, rawEvents.values());
} else if (rawEvents.isEmpty()) {
// All events have been resolved
events = toEvents(uniqueItems.values()).iterator();
approximateSize = uniqueItems.size();
} else {
// Return an event list which contains the first events which were resolved synchronously plus the
// remaining events from the peek or poll which will be resolved lazily in batches of 25.
final Map deferredRawEvents = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(rawEvents);
final int initialDeferredLimit = remaining;
Iterator deferredEvents = new AbstractIterator() {
private Iterator currentBatch = Collections.emptyIterator();
private int remaining = initialDeferredLimit;
protected Event computeNext() {
Event next = null;
if (currentBatch.hasNext()) {
next =;
} else if (!deferredRawEvents.isEmpty() && remaining > 0) {
// Resolve the next batch of events
try {
final List- items = Lists.newArrayList();
do {
resolvePeekOrPollEvents(subscription, deferredRawEvents, Math.min(remaining, 25),
(coord, item) -> {
// Unlike with the original batch the deferred batch's events are always
// already de-duplicated by coordinate, so there is no need to maintain
// a coordinate-to-item uniqueness map.
if (!items.isEmpty()) {
remaining -= items.size();
currentBatch = toEvents(items).iterator();
next =;
} while (next == null && !deferredRawEvents.isEmpty() && remaining > 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Don't fail; the caller has already received some events. Just cut the result stream short
// now and throw back any remaining events for a future poll.
_log.warn("Failed to load additional events during peek/poll for subscription {}", subscription, e);
if (next != null) {
return next;
if (!deferredRawEvents.isEmpty()) {
// If we padded the number of raw events it's possible there are more than the caller actually
// requested. Release the extra padded events now.
try {
unclaim(subscription, deferredRawEvents.values());
} catch (Exception e) {
// Don't fail, just log a warning. The claims will eventually time out on their own.
_log.warn("Failed to unclaim {} events from subscription {}", deferredRawEvents.size(), subscription, e);
// Update the metric for the actual number of events returned
eventMeter.mark(limit - remaining);
return endOfData();
events = Iterators.concat(toEvents(uniqueItems.values()).iterator(), deferredEvents);
approximateSize = uniqueItems.size() + deferredRawEvents.size();
// Try draining the queue asynchronously if there are still more events available and more redundant events were
// discarded than resolved items found so far.
// Doing this only in the poll case for now.
if (repeatable && eventsAvailableForNextPoll && itemsDiscarded > uniqueItems.size()) {
return new PollResult(events, approximateSize, eventsAvailableForNextPoll);
* Resolves events found during a peek or poll and converts them into items. No more than
* events are read, not including events which are skipped because they come from dropped tables.
* Any events for content which has not yet been replicated to the local data center are excluded and set to retry
* in RECENT_UNKNOWN_RETRY. Any events for redundant changes are automatically deleted.
* To make use of this method more efficient it is not idempotent. This method has the following side effect:
* - All events processed are removed from
* Finally, this method returns the number of redundant events that were found and deleted, false otherwise.
private int resolvePeekOrPollEvents(String subscription, Map rawEvents, int limit,
ResolvedItemSink sink) {
Map eventOrder = Maps.newHashMap();
List eventIdsToDiscard = Lists.newArrayList();
List recentUnknownEventIds = Lists.newArrayList();
int remaining = limit;
int itemsDiscarded = 0;
DataProvider.AnnotatedGet annotatedGet = _dataProvider.prepareGetAnnotated(ReadConsistency.STRONG);
Iterator> rawEventIterator = rawEvents.entrySet().iterator();
while (rawEventIterator.hasNext() && remaining != 0) {
Map.Entry entry =;
Coordinate coord = entry.getKey();
// Query the table/key pair.
try {
annotatedGet.add(coord.getTable(), coord.getId());
remaining -= 1;
} catch (UnknownTableException | UnknownPlacementException e) {
// It's likely the table or facade was dropped since the event was queued. Discard the events.
EventList list = entry.getValue();
for (Pair pair : list.getEventAndChangeIds()) {
// Keep track of the order in which we received the events from the EventStore.
eventOrder.put(coord, eventOrder.size());
Iterator readResultIter = annotatedGet.execute();
// Loop through the results of the data store query.
while (readResultIter.hasNext()) {
DataProvider.AnnotatedContent readResult =;
// Get the JSON System of Record entity for this piece of content
Map content = readResult.getContent();
// Find the original event IDs that correspond to this piece of content
Coordinate coord = Coordinate.fromJson(content);
EventList eventList = rawEvents.get(coord);
// Get all databus event tags for the original event(s) for this coordinate
List> tags = eventList.getTags();
Item item = null;
// Loop over the Databus events for this piece of content. Usually there's just one, but not always...
for (Pair eventData : eventList.getEventAndChangeIds()) {
String eventId = eventData.first();
UUID changeId = eventData.second();
// Has the content replicated yet? If not, abandon the event and we'll try again when the claim expires.
if (readResult.isChangeDeltaPending(changeId)) {
if (isRecent(changeId)) {
} else {
// Is the change redundant? If so, no need to fire databus events for it. Ack it now.
if (readResult.isChangeDeltaRedundant(changeId)) {
Item eventItem = new Item(eventId, eventOrder.get(coord), content, tags);
if (item == null) {
item = eventItem;
} else if (item.consolidateWith(eventItem)) {
} else {
sink.accept(coord, item);
item = eventItem;
if (item != null) {
sink.accept(coord, item);
// Reduce the claim length on recent unknown IDs so we look for them again soon.
if (!recentUnknownEventIds.isEmpty()) {
_eventStore.renew(subscription, recentUnknownEventIds, RECENT_UNKNOWN_RETRY, false);
// Ack events we never again want to see.
if ((itemsDiscarded = eventIdsToDiscard.size()) != 0) {
_eventStore.delete(subscription, eventIdsToDiscard, true);
// Remove all coordinates from rawEvents which were processed by this method
for (Coordinate coord : eventOrder.keySet()) {
return itemsDiscarded;
* Simple interface for the event sink in {@link #resolvePeekOrPollEvents(String, Map, int, ResolvedItemSink)}
private interface ResolvedItemSink {
void accept(Coordinate coordinate, Item item);
* Converts a collection of Items to Events.
private List toEvents(Collection- items) {
if (items.isEmpty()) {
return ImmutableList.of();
// Sort the items to match the order of their events in an attempt to get first-in-first-out.
* Convenience method to unclaim all of the events from a collection of event lists. This is to unclaim excess
* events when a padded poll returns more events than the requested limit.
private void unclaim(String subscription, Collection
eventLists) {
List eventIdsToUnclaim = Lists.newArrayList();
for (EventList unclaimEvents : eventLists) {
for (Pair eventAndChangeId : unclaimEvents.getEventAndChangeIds()) {
_eventStore.renew(subscription, eventIdsToUnclaim, Duration.ZERO, false);
private boolean isRecent(UUID changeId) {
return _clock.millis() - TimeUUIDs.getTimeMillis(changeId) < STALE_UNKNOWN_AGE.toMillis();
public void renew(String ownerId, String subscription, Collection eventKeys, Duration claimTtl) {
requireNonNull(eventKeys, "eventKeys");
checkArgument(claimTtl.compareTo(Duration.ZERO) >= 0, "ClaimTtl must be >=0");
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, subscription);
_eventStore.renew(subscription, EventKeyFormat.decodeAll(eventKeys), claimTtl, true);
public void acknowledge(String ownerId, String subscription, Collection eventKeys) {
requireNonNull(eventKeys, "eventKeys");
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, subscription);
_eventStore.delete(subscription, EventKeyFormat.decodeAll(eventKeys), true);
public String replayAsync(String ownerId, String subscription) {
return replayAsyncSince(ownerId, subscription, null);
public String replayAsyncSince(String ownerId, String subscription, Date since) {
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, subscription);
JobIdentifier jobId =
new JobRequest<>(ReplaySubscriptionJob.INSTANCE, new ReplaySubscriptionRequest(ownerId, subscription, since)));
return jobId.toString();
public void replay(String subscription, Date since) {
// Make sure since is within Replay TTL
checkState(since == null || since.toInstant().plus(DatabusChannelConfiguration.REPLAY_TTL).isAfter(_clock.instant()),
"Since timestamp is outside the replay TTL.");
String source = ChannelNames.getMasterReplayChannel();
final OwnedSubscription destination = getSubscriptionByName(subscription);
_eventStore.copy(source, subscription,
(eventDataBytes) -> _subscriptionEvaluator.matches(destination, eventDataBytes, since),
public ReplaySubscriptionStatus getReplayStatus(String ownerId, String reference) {
requireNonNull(reference, "reference");
JobIdentifier jobId;
try {
jobId = JobIdentifier.fromString(reference, ReplaySubscriptionJob.INSTANCE);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// The reference is illegal and therefore cannot match any replay jobs.
throw new UnknownReplayException(reference);
JobStatus status = _jobService.getJobStatus(jobId);
if (status == null) {
throw new UnknownReplayException(reference);
ReplaySubscriptionRequest request = status.getRequest();
if (request == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Replay request details not found: " + jobId);
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, request.getSubscription());
switch (status.getStatus()) {
return new ReplaySubscriptionStatus(request.getSubscription(), ReplaySubscriptionStatus.Status.COMPLETE);
case FAILED:
return new ReplaySubscriptionStatus(request.getSubscription(), ReplaySubscriptionStatus.Status.ERROR);
return new ReplaySubscriptionStatus(request.getSubscription(), ReplaySubscriptionStatus.Status.IN_PROGRESS);
public String moveAsync(String ownerId, String from, String to) {
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, from);
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, to);
JobIdentifier jobId =
_jobService.submitJob(new JobRequest<>(
MoveSubscriptionJob.INSTANCE, new MoveSubscriptionRequest(ownerId, from, to)));
return jobId.toString();
public MoveSubscriptionStatus getMoveStatus(String ownerId, String reference) {
requireNonNull(reference, "reference");
JobIdentifier jobId;
try {
jobId = JobIdentifier.fromString(reference, MoveSubscriptionJob.INSTANCE);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// The reference is illegal and therefore cannot match any move jobs.
throw new UnknownMoveException(reference);
JobStatus status = _jobService.getJobStatus(jobId);
if (status == null) {
throw new UnknownMoveException(reference);
MoveSubscriptionRequest request = status.getRequest();
if (request == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Move request details not found: " + jobId);
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, request.getFrom());
switch (status.getStatus()) {
return new MoveSubscriptionStatus(request.getFrom(), request.getTo(), MoveSubscriptionStatus.Status.COMPLETE);
case FAILED:
return new MoveSubscriptionStatus(request.getFrom(), request.getTo(), MoveSubscriptionStatus.Status.ERROR);
return new MoveSubscriptionStatus(request.getFrom(), request.getTo(), MoveSubscriptionStatus.Status.IN_PROGRESS);
public void injectEvent(String ownerId, String subscription, String table, String key) {
// Pick a changeId UUID that's guaranteed to be older than the compaction cutoff so poll()'s calls to
// AnnotatedContent.isChangeDeltaPending() and isChangeDeltaRedundant() will always return false.
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, subscription);
UpdateRef ref = new UpdateRef(table, key, TimeUUIDs.minimumUuid(), ImmutableSet.of());
_eventStore.add(subscription, UpdateRefSerializer.toByteBuffer(ref));
public void unclaimAll(String ownerId, String subscription) {
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, subscription);
public void purge(String ownerId, String subscription) {
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, subscription);
private void checkLegalSubscriptionName(String subscription) {
"Subscription name must be a lowercase ASCII string between 1 and 255 characters in length. " +
"Allowed punctuation characters are -.:@_ and the subscription name may not start with a single underscore character. " +
"An example of a valid subscription name would be 'polloi:review'.");
private void checkSubscriptionOwner(String ownerId, String subscription) {
// Verify the subscription either doesn't exist or is already owned by the same owner. In practice this is
// predominantly cached by SubscriptionDAO so performance should be good.
checkSubscriptionOwner(ownerId, _subscriptionDao.getSubscription(subscription));
private void checkSubscriptionOwner(String ownerId, OwnedSubscription subscription) {
requireNonNull(ownerId, "ownerId");
if (subscription != null) {
// Grandfather-in subscriptions created before ownership was introduced. This should be a temporary issue
// since the subscriptions will need to renew at some point or expire.
if (subscription.getOwnerId() == null) {
} else if (!_databusAuthorizer.owner(ownerId).canAccessSubscription(subscription)) {
throw new UnauthorizedSubscriptionException("Not subscriber", subscription.getName());
protected void drainQueueAsync(String subscription) {
try {
boolean notDrainingNow = _drainedSubscriptionsMap.putIfAbsent(subscription, 0L) == null;
if (notDrainingNow) {"Starting the draining process for subscription: {}.", subscription);
// submit a task to drain the queue.
try {
submitDrainServiceTask(subscription, MAX_ITEMS_TO_FETCH_FOR_QUEUE_DRAINING, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Failed to submit the task. This is unlikely, but just in case clear the draining marker
} else {
_log.debug("Draining for subscription: {} was already started from a previous poll.", subscription);
} catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Encountered exception while draining the queue for subscription: {}.", subscription, e);
private void submitDrainServiceTask(String subscription, int itemsToFetch, @Nullable Cache knownNonRedundantEvents) {
_drainService.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
doDrainQueue(subscription, itemsToFetch,
knownNonRedundantEvents != null ? knownNonRedundantEvents : CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(1000).build());
private void doDrainQueue(String subscription, int itemsToFetch, Cache knownNonRedundantEvents) {
boolean anyRedundantItemFound = false;
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(_ticker);
ConsolidatingEventSink sink = new ConsolidatingEventSink(itemsToFetch);
boolean more = _eventStore.peek(subscription, sink);
Map rawEvents = sink.getEvents();
if (rawEvents.isEmpty()) {
return; // queue is empty.
List eventIdsToDiscard = Lists.newArrayList();
// Query the events from the data store in batch to reduce latency.
DataProvider.AnnotatedGet annotatedGet = _dataProvider.prepareGetAnnotated(ReadConsistency.STRONG);
for (Map.Entry entry : rawEvents.entrySet()) {
Coordinate coord = entry.getKey();
// If we've determined on a previous iteration that all change IDs returned for this coordinate are
// not redundant then skip it.
boolean anyUnverifiedEvents = entry.getValue().getEventAndChangeIds().stream()
.anyMatch(eventId -> knownNonRedundantEvents.getIfPresent(eventId) == null);
if (anyUnverifiedEvents) {
// Query the table/key pair.
try {
annotatedGet.add(coord.getTable(), coord.getId());
} catch (UnknownTableException | UnknownPlacementException e) {
// It's likely the table or facade was dropped since the event was queued. Discard the events.
EventList list = entry.getValue();
for (Pair pair : list.getEventAndChangeIds()) {
Iterator readResultIter = annotatedGet.execute();
// Loop through the results of the data store query.
while (readResultIter.hasNext()) {
DataProvider.AnnotatedContent readResult =;
// Get the JSON System of Record entity for this piece of content
Map content = readResult.getContent();
// Find the original event IDs that correspond to this piece of content
Coordinate coord = Coordinate.fromJson(content);
EventList eventList = rawEvents.get(coord);
// Loop over the Databus events for this piece of content. Usually there's just one, but not always...
for (Pair eventData : eventList.getEventAndChangeIds()) {
String eventId = eventData.first();
UUID changeId = eventData.second();
// Is the change redundant?
if (readResult.isChangeDeltaRedundant(changeId)) {
anyRedundantItemFound = true;
} else {
knownNonRedundantEvents.put(eventId, Boolean.TRUE);
// delete the events we never again want to see.
if (!eventIdsToDiscard.isEmpty()) {
_eventStore.delete(subscription, eventIdsToDiscard, true);
long totalSubscriptionDrainTime = _drainedSubscriptionsMap.getOrDefault(subscription, 0L) + stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// submit a new task for next batch if any the found items in this batch are redundant and there are more items available on the queue.
// Also right now, we are only giving MAX_QUEUE_DRAIN_TIME_FOR_A_SUBSCRIPTION time for draining for a subscription for each poll. This is because there is no guarantee that the local server
// remains as the owner of the subscription through out. The right solution here is to check if the local service still owns the subscription for each task submission.
// But, MAX_QUEUE_DRAIN_TIME_FOR_A_SUBSCRIPTION may be OK as we can easily expect subsequent polls from the clients which will trigger these tasks again.
if (anyRedundantItemFound && more && totalSubscriptionDrainTime < MAX_QUEUE_DRAIN_TIME_FOR_A_SUBSCRIPTION.toMillis()) {
_drainedSubscriptionsMap.replace(subscription, totalSubscriptionDrainTime);
submitDrainServiceTask(subscription, itemsToFetch, knownNonRedundantEvents);
} else {
* EventStore sink that doesn't count adjacent events for the same table/key against the peek/poll limit.
private class ConsolidatingEventSink implements EventSink {
private final Map _eventMap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
private final int _limit;
ConsolidatingEventSink(int limit) {
_limit = limit;
public int remaining() {
// Go a bit past the desired limit to maximize opportunity to consolidate events. Otherwise, for example,
// if limit was 1, we'd stop after the first event and not consolidate anything.
return _limit - _eventMap.size() + 1;
public Status accept(EventData rawEvent) {
// Parse the raw event data into table/key/changeId/tags.
UpdateRef ref = UpdateRefSerializer.fromByteBuffer(rawEvent.getData());
// Consolidate events that refer to the same item.
Coordinate contentKey = Coordinate.of(ref.getTable(), ref.getKey());
EventList eventList = _eventMap.get(contentKey);
if (eventList == null) {
if (_eventMap.size() == _limit) {
return Status.REJECTED_STOP;
_eventMap.put(contentKey, eventList = new EventList());
eventList.add(rawEvent.getId(), ref.getChangeId(), ref.getTags());
if (eventList.size() == MAX_EVENTS_TO_CONSOLIDATE) {
return Status.ACCEPTED_STOP;
Map getEvents() {
return _eventMap;
private static class EventList {
private final List> _eventAndChangeIds = Lists.newArrayList();
private List> _tags;
void add(String eventId, UUID changeId, Set tags) {
_eventAndChangeIds.add(Pair.of(eventId, changeId));
_tags = sortedTagUnion(_tags, tags);
List> getEventAndChangeIds() {
return _eventAndChangeIds;
List> getTags() {
return _tags;
int size() {
return _eventAndChangeIds.size();
private static class Item implements Comparable- {
private final List
private final int _sortIndex;
private Map _content;
private List> _tags;
Item(String eventId, int sortIndex, Map content, List> tags) {
_consolidatedEventIds = Lists.newArrayList(eventId);
_sortIndex = sortIndex;
_content = content;
_tags = tags;
boolean consolidateWith(Item other) {
if (_consolidatedEventIds.size() >= MAX_EVENTS_TO_CONSOLIDATE) {
return false;
// We'll construct an event key that combines all the duplicate events. Unfortunately we can't discard/ack
// the extra events at this time, subtle race conditions result that can cause clients to miss events.
// Pick the newest version of the content. There's no reason to return stale stuff.
if (Intrinsic.getVersion(_content) < Intrinsic.getVersion(other._content)) {
_content = other._content;
// Combine tags from the other event
for (List tagList : other._tags) {
// The contents of "tagList" are already sorted, no need to sort again.
_tags = sortedTagUnion(_tags, tagList);
return true;
Event toEvent() {
// Tags are already sorted
return new Event(EventKeyFormat.encode(_consolidatedEventIds), _content, _tags);
public int compareTo(Item item) {
return, item._sortIndex);
// Conserve memory by having a singleton set to represent a set containing a single empty set of tags
private final static List> EMPTY_TAGS = ImmutableList.>of(ImmutableList.of());
// Simple comparator for comparing lists of pre-sorted lists
private final static Comparator> TAG_LIST_COMPARATOR = new Comparator>() {
public int compare(List o1, List o2) {
int l1 = o1.size();
int l2 = o2.size();
int l = Math.min(l1, l2);
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
int c = o1.get(i).compareTo(o2.get(i));
if (c != 0) {
return c;
// Shorter list sorts first
return, l2);
* Produces a list-of-lists for all unique tag sets for a given databus event. existingTags
must either
* be null or the result of a previous call to {@link #sortedTagUnion(java.util.List, java.util.List)} or
* {@link #sortedTagUnion(java.util.List, java.util.Set)}.
private static List> sortedTagUnion(@Nullable List> existingTags, Set newTagSet) {
return sortedTagUnion(existingTags, asSortedList(newTagSet));
* Produces a list-of-lists for all unique tag sets for a given databus event. existingTags
must either
* be null or the result of a previous call to {@link #sortedTagUnion(java.util.List, java.util.List)} or
* {@link #sortedTagUnion(java.util.List, java.util.Set)}. Additionally the contents of sortedNewTagList
* must already be sorted prior to this method call.
private static List> sortedTagUnion(@Nullable List> existingTags, List sortedNewTagList) {
// Optimize for the common case where for each coordinate there is exactly one event or that all events
// use the same tags (typically the empty set)
if (existingTags == null) {
if (sortedNewTagList.isEmpty()) {
return EMPTY_TAGS;
existingTags = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(3);
return existingTags;
int insertionPoint = Collections.binarySearch(existingTags, sortedNewTagList, TAG_LIST_COMPARATOR);
if (insertionPoint >= 0) {
// Existing tags already includes this set of tags
return existingTags;
if (existingTags == EMPTY_TAGS) {
// Can't update the default empty tag set. Make a copy.
existingTags = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(3);
insertionPoint = -insertionPoint - 1;
existingTags.add(insertionPoint, sortedNewTagList);
return existingTags;
private static List asSortedList(Set tags) {
switch (tags.size()) {
case 0:
return ImmutableList.of();
case 1:
return ImmutableList.of(tags.iterator().next());
return Ordering.natural().immutableSortedCopy(tags);
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