com.bazaarvoice.emodb.event.dedup.DedupQueue Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.bazaarvoice.emodb.event.dedup;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.common.dropwizard.lifecycle.ServiceFailureListener;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.event.api.DedupEventStore;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.event.api.EventData;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.event.api.EventSink;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.event.api.EventStore;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.event.api.SimpleEventSink;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.event.core.Limits;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sortedq.api.Consumer;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sortedq.api.SortedQueue;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sortedq.api.SortedQueueFactory;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sortedq.core.ByteBufferOrdering;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sortedq.core.ReadOnlyQueueException;
import com.bazaarvoice.emodb.sortedq.db.QueueDAO;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import static;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
/** In-memory state for a single {@link DefaultDedupEventStore} sorted queue. */
public class DedupQueue extends AbstractIdleService {
private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DedupQueue.class);
private static final Duration LAZY_FILL_DELAY = Duration.ofSeconds(1);
private static final Duration SORTED_QUEUE_TIMEOUT = Duration.ofMillis(100);
private static final ByteBufferOrdering ORDERING = ByteBufferOrdering.INSTANCE;
private final String _name;
private final QueueDAO _queueDAO;
private final ScheduledExecutorService _executor;
private final EventStore _eventStore;
private final Supplier _dedupEnabled;
private final String _readChannel;
private final String _writeChannel;
private final AsyncFiller _asyncFiller = new AsyncFiller();
private volatile SortedQueue _queue;
private final SortedQueueFactory _sortedQueueFactory;
public DedupQueue(String name, String readChannel, String writeChannel,
QueueDAO queueDAO, EventStore eventStore, Supplier dedupEnabled,
ScheduledExecutorService executor, SortedQueueFactory sortedQueueFactory, MetricRegistry metricRegistry) {
_name = requireNonNull(name, "name");
_readChannel = requireNonNull(readChannel, "readChannel");
_writeChannel = requireNonNull(writeChannel, "writeChannel");
_queueDAO = requireNonNull(queueDAO, "queueDAO");
_eventStore = requireNonNull(eventStore, "eventStore");
_dedupEnabled = requireNonNull(dedupEnabled, "dedupEnabled");
_executor = requireNonNull(executor, "executor");
_sortedQueueFactory = sortedQueueFactory;
ServiceFailureListener.listenTo(this, metricRegistry);
protected void startUp() throws Exception {
_queue = _sortedQueueFactory.create(_name, _queueDAO);
protected void shutDown() throws Exception {
if (_queue != null) {
_queue.setReadOnly(); // Lost leadership, prevent further writes to the database.
_queue = null;
public SortedQueue getQueue() throws ReadOnlyQueueException {
SortedQueue queue = _queue;
if (queue == null) {
throw new ReadOnlyQueueException(); // Service is no longer running.
return queue;
/** Implementation of {@link EventStore#addAll(String, Collection)}. */
public void addAll(Collection records) {
/** Implementation of {@link EventStore#peek(String, EventSink)}. */
public boolean peek(EventSink sink) {
return peekOrPoll(null, sink);
/** Implementation of {@link EventStore#poll(String, Duration, EventSink)}. */
public boolean poll(Duration claimTtl, EventSink sink) {
return peekOrPoll(claimTtl, sink);
/** Implementation of {@link EventStore#delete(String, Collection, boolean)}. */
public void delete(Collection eventIds, boolean cancelClaims) {
_eventStore.delete(_readChannel, eventIds, cancelClaims);
/** Implementation of {@link DedupEventStore#moveToRawChannel(String, String)}. */
public void moveToRawChannel(final String toChannel) {
// Pause the asynchronous filler; it is not thread safe to fill while the move is taking place. This is
// because the move process may reassign slabs from this queue's write channel to toChannel's write channel. If the filler
// is running it will poll the write channel (which is safe) and then delete the events it polled after they
// are written to the read channel (which is not safe). This is not thread safe because events are deleted
// based on the containing slab, and if the slab has been moved to toChannel then this has the effect of
// deleting the events from toChannel as well.
try {
SortedQueue queue = getQueue();
_eventStore.move(_writeChannel, toChannel);
queue.drainTo(new Consumer() {
public void consume(List records) {
_eventStore.addAll(toChannel, records);
}, Long.MAX_VALUE);
_eventStore.move(_readChannel, toChannel);
} finally {
/** Implementation of {@link EventStore#purge(String)}. */
public void purge() {
SortedQueue queue = getQueue();
// Peek & Poll Implementation
/** Implements peek() or poll() based on whether claimTtl is null or non-null. */
private boolean peekOrPoll(@Nullable Duration claimTtl, EventSink rawSink) {
// If dedup activity is disabled then we're in the process of falling back to regular non-dedup'd channels.
// Don't do anything that might move events around--we're likely racing a call to moveToRawChannel().
if (!_dedupEnabled.get()) {
return false;
// When polling, protect from bad pollers that never ack.
if (claimTtl != null && _eventStore.getClaimCount(_readChannel) >= Limits.MAX_CLAIMS_OUTSTANDING) {
return false;
TrackingEventSink sink = new TrackingEventSink(rawSink);
// There are three places in which to look for events:
// 1. Read channel
// 2. Persistent sorted queue
// 3. Write channel
// This code is designed to, in the *common* case, poll only one of those sources. As things transition
// between the following 3 phases it will occasionally poll multiple sources, but hopefully a server will
// spend most of its time in one particular phase, resulting in efficient polling overall.
// Phase 1: Try to keep the read channel empty. Start by draining the read channel of un-acked events.
// Phase 2: When readers are slower than writers, events build up in the sorted queue. Source from the sorted queue.
// Phase 3: When readers are faster than writers, the sorted queue isn't useful. Source directly from the write channel.
// The read channel only contains unclaimed events when (a) claims have expired because something has gone
// wrong (crash, restart, timeout, etc.) or (b) polling the sorted queue or write channel pulled more items
// than the sink would accept and we had to write the overflow to the read channel. Neither is the common
// case, so rely on the DefaultEventStore "empty channel" cache to rate limit actual reads to one-per-second.
boolean moreRead = peekOrPollReadChannel(claimTtl, sink);
if (sink.isDone()) {
return moreRead || !getQueue().isEmpty() || !isWriteChannelEmpty();
// Do NOT dedup events in-memory between the read channel and the other sources. Once an event makes it to
// the read channel we can't dedup it with anything else. That lets us support the following sequence:
// 1. process A adds EventX
// 2. process B polls EventX and begins working on it
// 3. process A makes a change and adds EventX to be re-evaluated
// 4. process B acks EventX
// The event added in step 3 must be kept separate from the event added in step 1 so it doesn't get acked
// in step 4. Essentially, once a poller starts working on an event (indicated by its presence in the read
// channel) we can't dedup/consolidate that event with any other events.
Set unique = Sets.newHashSet();
// Search for events in the write channel, copying them to the sorted queue or, under certain circumstances,
// copying them directly to the read channel before returning.
boolean moreWrite = peekOrPollWriteChannel(claimTtl, sink, unique);
if (moreWrite) {
// There are more unconsumed write channel events. Move them asynchronously to the sorted queue.
// Search for events in the sorted queue, copying them to the read channel before returning.
boolean moreSorted = peekOrPollSortedQueue(claimTtl, sink, unique);
return moreWrite || moreSorted;
private boolean peekOrPollReadChannel(@Nullable Duration claimTtl, TrackingEventSink sink) {
if (claimTtl == null) {
return _eventStore.peek(_readChannel, sink);
} else {
return _eventStore.poll(_readChannel, claimTtl, sink);
private boolean addAndPeekOrPollReadChannel(Collection records, @Nullable Duration claimTtl, TrackingEventSink sink) {
if (records.isEmpty()) {
return false;
if (claimTtl == null) {
return _eventStore.addAllAndPeek(_readChannel, records, sink);
} else {
return _eventStore.addAllAndPoll(_readChannel, records, claimTtl, sink);
private boolean peekOrPollWriteChannel(@Nullable final Duration claimTtl, final TrackingEventSink sink, final Set unique) {
// Move records from the write channel to the read channel, deduping entries in-memory.
// Always poll at least once to ensure that copying from write->sorted doesn't fall behind readers.
// The EventStore "empty channel" cache will no-op the poll when it's likely the write channel has no data.
Drained drained = drainWriteChannelTo(new Consumer() {
// The consume() method will be called zero or one time.
public void consume(List records) {
// If we see that sorted queue readers might be getting way ahead of filling from the write
// channel, throttle the readers. Make the readers do some of the filling and limit them to
// consuming at most 50% of the records they drain from the write channel.
if (records.size() == Limits.MAX_POLL_LIMIT) {
sink.setHardLimit(Limits.MAX_POLL_LIMIT / 2);
// Eliminate duplicates in-memory.
records = filterDuplicates(records, unique);
// If the sorted queue is empty, we can dedup entirely in memory and transfer records directly
// to the read channel, bypassing the sorted queue completely.
if (!records.isEmpty() && !sink.isDone() && getQueue().isEmpty()) {
records = sorted(records); // Make the results pretty.
// We really don't want to copy events to the read channel unless the sink takes them, so start
// by passing the sink exactly the number of events it says it needs via sink.remaining().
int padding = 0;
do {
int count = Math.min(sink.remaining() + padding, records.size());
addAndPeekOrPollReadChannel(records.subList(0, count), claimTtl, sink);
records = records.subList(count, records.size());
padding += 10;
} while (!records.isEmpty() && !sink.isDone());
// Move the remaining records to the sorted queue.
if (!records.isEmpty()) {
unique.removeAll(Sets.newHashSet(records)); // Remove records from "unique" since we didn't give them to the sink.
}, Limits.MAX_POLL_LIMIT);
return drained == Drained.SOME;
private boolean peekOrPollSortedQueue(@Nullable final Duration claimTtl, final TrackingEventSink sink, final Set unique) {
// Move records from the sorted queue to the read channel.
SortedQueue queue = getQueue();
int padding = 0;
long stopAt = System.currentTimeMillis() + SORTED_QUEUE_TIMEOUT.toMillis(); // Don't loop forever
long remainingTime;
// As events are drained from the sorted queue to the read channel keep track of whether there were more events
// than were accepted by the sink.
AtomicBoolean moreEventsInReadChannel = new AtomicBoolean(false);
while (!sink.isDone() && !queue.isEmpty() && (remainingTime = stopAt - System.currentTimeMillis()) > 0) {
queue.drainTo(new Consumer() {
public void consume(List records) {
// The records will be deleted from the PersistentSortedQueue when this method returns, so to avoid
// possible data loss we *must* copy them to persistent storage (ie. read channel) before returning.
boolean more = addAndPeekOrPollReadChannel(filterDuplicates(records, unique), claimTtl, sink);
}, sink.remaining() + padding, Duration.ofMillis(remainingTime));
// Increase the padding each time in case the sink finds lots of events it can consolidate.
padding = Math.min(padding + 10, 1000);
return !queue.isEmpty() || moreEventsInReadChannel.get();
private enum Drained {
private Drained drainWriteChannelTo(Consumer consumer, int limit) {
// Because we're trying to move records from the write channel to the read channel, use "poll" with the
// write channel even if we're trying to "peek" the dedup queue.
SimpleEventSink simpleSink = new SimpleEventSink(limit);
boolean more = _eventStore.poll(_writeChannel, Duration.ofSeconds(30), simpleSink);
List events = simpleSink.getEvents();
if (events.isEmpty()) {
return Drained.NONE;
// Once the records are in the read channel we are safe to remove them from the write channel.
_eventStore.delete(_writeChannel, getEventIds(events), true);
return more ? Drained.SOME : Drained.ALL;
private boolean isWriteChannelEmpty() {
EventSink sink = new EventSink() {
public int remaining() {
return 1;
public Status accept(EventData event) {
// We're not interested in claiming any events, just need to know if any exist. Therefore
// immediately reject any events.
return Status.REJECTED_STOP;
boolean more = _eventStore.poll(_writeChannel, Duration.ofMillis(100), sink);
return !more;
private List filterDuplicates(Collection records, Set unique) {
List results = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(records.size());
for (ByteBuffer record : records) {
if (unique.add(record)) {
return results;
private List sorted(Iterable events) {
return ORDERING.immutableSortedCopy(events);
private List getEventIds(List events) {
return Lists.transform(events, new Function() {
public String apply(EventData event) {
return event.getId();
private List getEventData(List events) {
return Lists.transform(events, new Function() {
public ByteBuffer apply(EventData event) {
return event.getData();
// Used by the DedupQueueTask to expose dedup queue metrics, for debugging.
public String toString() {
SortedQueue queue = _queue;
MoreObjects.ToStringHelper helper = MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this);
helper.add("name", _name);
helper.add("#write", _eventStore.getSizeEstimate(_writeChannel, 1000));
helper.add("#write-claims", _eventStore.getClaimCount(_writeChannel));
helper.add("#dedup", (queue != null) ? queue.sizeEstimate() : "n/a");
helper.add("#read", _eventStore.getSizeEstimate(_readChannel, 1000));
helper.add("#read-claims", _eventStore.getClaimCount(_readChannel));
if (_asyncFiller.isFilling()) {
helper.add("idle", _asyncFiller.getConsecutiveNoops());
return helper.toString();
/** Does dedup work in the background by filling the SortedQueue from the write channel. */
private class AsyncFiller implements Runnable {
private volatile ScheduledFuture> _fillFuture;
private volatile boolean _paused;
private volatile int _consecutiveNoops;
boolean isFilling() {
return _fillFuture != null;
int getConsecutiveNoops() {
return _consecutiveNoops;
void start() {
schedule(Duration.ZERO, false);
private synchronized void schedule(@Nullable Duration delay, boolean fromFillerThread) {
if (_paused) {
// Ignore scheduling any future if the filler is paused
// Clear out the old future.
if (fromFillerThread) {
_fillFuture = null;
// Schedule the new future.
if (_fillFuture == null && delay != null) {
_fillFuture = _executor.schedule(this, delay.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
public void run() {
Duration nextFill = null;
try {
nextFill = fill();
} catch (ReadOnlyQueueException e) {
// Lost leadership. No big deal, ignore the exception.
} catch (Throwable t) {
_log.error("Unexpected exception filling queue: {}", _name, t);
} finally {
schedule(nextFill, true);
* Pauses this instance from asynchronously filling the dedup queue. If a fill iteration is currently in
* progress this call blocks until it is complete.
public void pause() {
Future> fillFuture;
synchronized (this) {
if (_paused && _fillFuture == null) {
// Already paused
_paused = true;
fillFuture = _fillFuture;
if (fillFuture != null) {
// A fill is scheduled or running so the pause must block until it is complete. This also has to be
// done while not synchronized otherwise we could deadlock if the fill thread calls schedule().
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Should never happen since all Throwables are caught in run()
_log.error("Unexpected exception waiting for queue pause to complete: {}", _name, t);
synchronized (this) {
// Protecting against the extremely unlikely situation where pause() is called multiple times
// concurrently prior to resume().
if (fillFuture == _fillFuture) {
_fillFuture = null;
* Lifts the pause on asynchronous filling from a prior call to {@link #pause()}. Note that this does not
* immediately resume the fill; it only allows the fill to start again if and when {@link #start()} is called.
public synchronized void resume() {
_paused = false;
* Copies a batch of events from the write queue to the sorted queue. This is always invoked via the
* scheduled executor.
private Duration fill() {
State state = state();
if (state != State.STARTING && state != State.RUNNING) {
return null;
// If dedup activity is disabled then don't move anything out of the write channel.
if (!_dedupEnabled.get()) {
return null;
Drained drained = drainWriteChannelTo(new Consumer() {
public void consume(List records) {
}, Limits.MAX_POLL_LIMIT);
Duration nextFill;
if (drained != Drained.NONE) {
// If there are more events to fetch, schedule another fill immediately. Otherwise wait a while.
_consecutiveNoops = 0;
boolean more = (drained == Drained.SOME);
nextFill = more ? Duration.ZERO : LAZY_FILL_DELAY;
} else if (++_consecutiveNoops < 3) {
// We didn't find anything. Try again in a little while.
} else {
// The last few polls didn't find anything. Stop polling for now.
_consecutiveNoops = 0;
nextFill = null;
return nextFill;
/** Counts known event counts and tracks when the delegate sink returns a stop status. */
private static class TrackingEventSink implements EventSink {
private final EventSink _delegate;
private int _hardLimit = Limits.MAX_PEEK_LIMIT;
private int _count;
private boolean _done;
TrackingEventSink(EventSink delegate) {
_delegate = delegate;
public int remaining() {
int remaining = Math.min(_delegate.remaining(), _hardLimit - _count);
// Remaining should always be >0 until accept() returns STOP, after which DedupQueue should not call
// remaining() again. It's for client EventSink implementations to return status values from accept
// that are inconsistent with remaining(), so it's best to not trust remaining() after STOP.
checkState(!_done && remaining > 0);
return remaining;
public Status accept(EventData event) {
Status status = _delegate.accept(event);
// Update tracking variables.
if (status == Status.ACCEPTED_CONTINUE && ++_count >= _hardLimit) {
status = Status.ACCEPTED_STOP;
if (status == Status.ACCEPTED_STOP || status == Status.REJECTED_STOP) {
_done = true;
return status;
void setHardLimit(int hardLimit) {
_hardLimit = hardLimit;
if (_count >= _hardLimit) {
_done = true;
boolean isDone() {
return _done;
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