com.bazaarvoice.sswf.model.result.StepResults.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.bazaarvoice.sswf.model.result
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.{ArrayNode, JsonNodeFactory}
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{JsonNode, ObjectMapper}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
* Messages to signal state transitions from action steps
* @param message An optional text description of what happened in the step
sealed abstract class StepResult(message: Option[String]) {
def isInProgress: Boolean
case class Success(message: Option[String]) extends StepResult(message) {
def this() = this(None)
def this(msg: String) = this(Some(msg))
override def isInProgress: Boolean = false
case class InProgress(message: Option[String]) extends StepResult(message) {
def this() = this(None)
def this(msg: String) = this(Some(msg))
override def isInProgress: Boolean = true
case class Wait(message: Option[String], waitSeconds: Int, signal: String, signals: List[String]) extends StepResult(message) {
require(waitSeconds > 0, s"waitSeconds must be > 0 [$waitSeconds]")
def this(waitSeconds: Int, signal0: String) = this(None, waitSeconds, signal0, Nil)
def this(waitSeconds: Int, signal0: String, signal1: String) = this(None, waitSeconds, signal0, List(signal1))
def this(waitSeconds: Int, signal0: String, signal1: String, signal2: String) = this(None, waitSeconds, signal0, List(signal1, signal2))
def this(waitSeconds: Int, signal0: String, signal1: String, signal2: String, signal3: String) = this(None, waitSeconds, signal0, List(signal1, signal2, signal3))
def this(waitSeconds: Int, signal0: String, signal1: String, signal2: String, signal3: String, signal4: String) = this(None, waitSeconds, signal0, List(signal1, signal2, signal3, signal4))
def this(waitSeconds: Int, signal0: String, signal1: String, signal2: String, signal3: String, signal4: String, signal5: String) =
this(None, waitSeconds, signal0, List(signal1, signal2, signal3, signal4, signal5))
def this(waitSeconds: Int, signal0: String, signals: java.util.List[String]) = this(None, waitSeconds, signal0, signals.toList)
def this(message: String, waitSeconds: Int, signal0: String, signals: java.util.List[String]) = this(Some(message), waitSeconds, signal0, signals.toList)
override def isInProgress: Boolean = true
case class Failed(message: Option[String]) extends StepResult(message) {
def this() = this(None)
def this(msg: String) = this(Some(msg))
override def isInProgress: Boolean = false
case class Cancelled(message: Option[String]) extends StepResult(message) {
def this() = this(None)
def this(msg: String) = this(Some(msg))
override def isInProgress: Boolean = false
case class TimedOut(timeoutType: String, resumeInfo: Option[String]) extends StepResult(Some(s"$timeoutType-$resumeInfo")) {
override def isInProgress: Boolean = true
object StepResult {
val mapper = new ObjectMapper()
val json = JsonNodeFactory.instance
def deserialize(string: String): StepResult = {
val node = mapper.readTree(string)
node.get("result").asText() match {
case "SUCCESS" => Success(Option(node.get("message")).map(_.asText()))
case "IN_PROGRESS" => InProgress(Option(node.get("message")).map(_.asText()))
case "WAIT" =>
val signal0 :: signals = node.get("signals").elements().map(_.asText()).toList
case "FAILED" => Failed(Option(node.get("message")).map(_.asText()))
case "CANCELLED" => Cancelled(Option(node.get("message")).map(_.asText()))
case "TIMED_OUT" =>
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(string)
def serialize(message: StepResult) = {
val node: JsonNode = message match {
case Success(Some(msg)) => json.objectNode().put("result", "SUCCESS").put("message", msg)
case Success(None) => json.objectNode().put("result", "SUCCESS")
case InProgress(Some(msg)) => json.objectNode().put("result", "IN_PROGRESS").put("message", msg)
case InProgress(None) => json.objectNode().put("result", "IN_PROGRESS")
case Wait(msg, waitSeconds, signal0, signals) =>
val signalsNode: ArrayNode = json.arrayNode().add(signal0)
val waitNode = json.objectNode()
.put("result", "WAIT")
.put("waitSeconds", waitSeconds)
msg.foreach(s => waitNode.put("message", s))
waitNode.set("signals", signalsNode)
case Failed(Some(msg)) => json.objectNode().put("result", "FAILED").put("message", msg)
case Failed(None) => json.objectNode().put("result", "FAILED")
case Cancelled(Some(msg)) => json.objectNode().put("result", "CANCELLED").put("message", msg)
case Cancelled(None) => json.objectNode().put("result", "CANCELLED")
case TimedOut(timeoutType, resumeInfo) =>
val toNode = json.objectNode()
.put("result", "TIMED_OUT")
.put("timeoutType", timeoutType)
resumeInfo.foreach(s => toNode.put("resumeInfo", s))