com.bazaarvoice.sswf.service.StepActionWorker.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.bazaarvoice.sswf.service
import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory
import com.amazonaws.services.simpleworkflow.AmazonSimpleWorkflow
import com.amazonaws.services.simpleworkflow.model._
import com.bazaarvoice.sswf._
import com.bazaarvoice.sswf.model.result.StepResult
import com.bazaarvoice.sswf.util.unpackInput
import com.sun.istack.internal.{NotNull, Nullable}
import scala.reflect._
* The worker class responsible for executing workflow steps. The class is built so that you can plug it in to a scheduled service of your choice.
* First, call pollForWork()
to determine if a step needs to be executed, and then call doWork()
to execute the step.
* The actual logic for the step is provided by your WorkflowDefinition#act()
* You could obviously poll and work in the same thread, but remember that this worker can handle many concurrent workflows, so separating them lets you have one thread polling
* and then a pool of threads simultaneously working on actions.
* Example:
* runOne() {
* task := worker.pollForWork()
* if (task != null) {
* threadPool.submit(() -> { worker.doWork(task) })
* }
* @param domain The domain of the workflow: AWS docs
* as well as the README
* @param taskList If you execute the same workflow in different environments, use different task lists. Think of them as independent sets of actors working on the same logical workflow,
* but in
* different contexts (like production/qa/development/your machine).
* AWS docs
* as well as the README
* @param swf The SWF service client
* @param inputParser see InputParser
* @param workflowDefinition see StepsDefinition
* @tparam SSWFInput The type of the parsed workflow input
* @tparam StepEnum The enum containing workflow step definitions
class StepActionWorker[SSWFInput, StepEnum <: (Enum[StepEnum] with WorkflowStep) : ClassTag](domain: String,
taskList: String,
swf: AmazonSimpleWorkflow,
inputParser: InputParser[SSWFInput],
workflowDefinition: WorkflowDefinition[SSWFInput, StepEnum],
log: Logger) {
private[this] val identity = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean.getName
* Poll SWF for actions (steps) that need to be executed.
* A variety of exceptions are possible. Make sure your poller threads can't die without replacement.
* @return The action to be performed, if there is one. Null otherwise.
def pollForWork(): ActivityTask = {
val request = new PollForActivityTaskRequest()
.withTaskList(new TaskList().withName(taskList))
val task =
try {swf.pollForActivityTask(request)}
catch {case t: Throwable => log.info(s"Exception polling for action. ${t.getClass}: ${t.getMessage}"); throw t}
if (task.getTaskToken != null) {
} else {
* Execute the action using the logic in the workflowDefinition.
* A variety of exceptions are possible. Make sure your poller threads can't die without replacement.
* @param activityTask The task to execute
* @return The ActivityTaskCompleted response we sent to SWF
def doWork(@NotNull activityTask: ActivityTask): RespondActivityTaskCompletedRequest = {
require(activityTask != null, "activityTask must not be null")
val task = Enum.valueOf(classTag[StepEnum].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[StepEnum]], activityTask.getActivityId)
val (stepInput, wfInput) = unpackInput(inputParser)(activityTask.getInput)
log.debug(s"[${activityTask.getTaskToken}] starting[$task] stepInput[$stepInput]")
val heartbeatCallback = new HeartbeatCallback {
* Report liveness and progress. Response `true` if cancellation is requested.
* @param progressMessage Report any information about your progress.
* @return `true` if cancellation is requested.
override def checkIn(progressMessage: String): Boolean = {
val heartbeat: ActivityTaskStatus =
try {
new RecordActivityTaskHeartbeatRequest()
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
log.error(s"[${activityTask.getTaskToken}] Exception recording heartbeat", t)
throw t
log.debug(s"[${activityTask.getTaskToken}] heartbeat. progress[$progressMessage] cancel[${heartbeat.getCancelRequested}]")
val result =
try {workflowDefinition.act(task, wfInput, stepInput, heartbeatCallback, activityTask.getWorkflowExecution)}
catch {case t: Throwable => log.error(s"[${activityTask.getTaskToken}] Exception in act()", t); throw t}
log.debug(s"[${activityTask.getTaskToken}] action result: $result")
val serializedStepResult: String = StepResult.serialize(result)
require(serializedStepResult.length <= 32768, s"The serialized step result was too long. " +
s"This is likely due to your message being too long or waiting on too many signals, etc.: [$serializedStepResult]")
val response: RespondActivityTaskCompletedRequest =
new RespondActivityTaskCompletedRequest()
try {
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
log.error(s"[${activityTask.getTaskToken}] Exception reporting action result to SWF", t)
throw t