org.htmlparser.Parser Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// HTMLParser Library $Name: v1_5 $ - A java-based parser for HTML
// http://sourceforge.org/projects/htmlparser
// Copyright (C) 2004 Somik Raha
// Revision Control Information
// $Source: /cvsroot/htmlparser/htmlparser/src/org/htmlparser/Parser.java,v $
// $Author: derrickoswald $
// $Date: 2005/06/14 10:37:34 $
// $Revision: 1.106 $
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package org.htmlparser;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import org.htmlparser.filters.TagNameFilter;
import org.htmlparser.filters.NodeClassFilter;
import org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager;
import org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionMonitor;
import org.htmlparser.lexer.Lexer;
import org.htmlparser.lexer.Page;
import org.htmlparser.util.DefaultParserFeedback;
import org.htmlparser.util.IteratorImpl;
import org.htmlparser.util.NodeIterator;
import org.htmlparser.util.NodeList;
import org.htmlparser.util.ParserException;
import org.htmlparser.util.ParserFeedback;
import org.htmlparser.visitors.NodeVisitor;
* The main parser class.
* This is the primary class of the HTML Parser library. It provides
* constructors that take a {@link #Parser(String) String},
* a {@link #Parser(URLConnection) URLConnection}, or a
* {@link #Parser(Lexer) Lexer}. In the case of a String, an
* attempt is made to open it as a URL, and if that fails it assumes it is a
* local disk file. If you want to actually parse a String, use
* {@link #setInputHTML setInputHTML()} after using the
* {@link #Parser() no-args} constructor, or use {@link #createParser}.
* The Parser provides access to the contents of the
* page, via a {@link #elements() NodeIterator}, a
* {@link #parse(NodeFilter) NodeList} or a
* {@link #visitAllNodesWith NodeVisitor}.
Typical usage of the parser is:
* Parser parser = new Parser ("http://whatever");
* NodeList list = parser.parse ();
* // do something with your list of nodes.
* What types of nodes and what can be done with them is dependant on the
* setup, but in general a node can be converted back to HTML and it's
* children (enclosed nodes) and parent can be obtained, because nodes are
* nested. See the {@link Node} interface.
* For example, if the URL contains:
* {@.html
* Mondays -- What a bad idea.
* Most people have a pathological hatred of Mondays...
* }
* and the example code above is used, the list contain only one element, the
* {@.html } node. This node is a {@link org.htmlparser.tags tag},
* which is an object of class
* {@link org.htmlparser.tags.Html Html} if the default {@link NodeFactory}
* (a {@link PrototypicalNodeFactory}) is used.
* To get at further content, the children of the top
* level nodes must be examined. When digging through a node list one must be
* conscious of the possibility of whitespace between nodes, e.g. in the example
* above:
* Node node = list.elementAt (0);
* NodeList sublist = node.getChildren ();
* System.out.println (sublist.size ());
* would print out 5, not 2, because there are newlines after {@.html },
* {@.html } and {@.html } that are children of the HTML node
* besides the {@.html
} and {@.html } nodes.
* Because processing nodes is so common, two interfaces are provided to
* ease this task, {@link org.htmlparser.filters filters}
* and {@link org.htmlparser.visitors visitors}.
public class Parser
// Please don't change the formatting of the version variables below.
// This is done so as to facilitate ant script processing.
* The floating point version number ({@value}).
public static final double
* The type of version ({@value}).
public static final String
VERSION_TYPE = "Release Build"
* The date of the version ({@value}).
public static final String
VERSION_DATE = "Jun 14, 2005"
// End of formatting
* The display version ({@value}).
public static final String VERSION_STRING =
+ " (" + VERSION_TYPE + " " + VERSION_DATE + ")";
* Feedback object.
protected ParserFeedback mFeedback;
* The html lexer associated with this parser.
protected Lexer mLexer;
* A quiet message sink.
* Use this for no feedback.
public static final ParserFeedback DEVNULL =
new DefaultParserFeedback (DefaultParserFeedback.QUIET);
* A verbose message sink.
* Use this for output on System.out
public static final ParserFeedback STDOUT = new DefaultParserFeedback ();
// Static methods
* Return the version string of this parser.
* @return A string of the form:
* "[floating point number] ([build-type] [build-date])"
public static String getVersion ()
* Return the version number of this parser.
* @return A floating point number, the whole number part is the major
* version, and the fractional part is the minor version.
public static double getVersionNumber ()
* Get the connection manager all Parsers use.
* @return The connection manager.
public static ConnectionManager getConnectionManager ()
return (Page.getConnectionManager ());
* Set the connection manager all Parsers use.
* @param manager The new connection manager.
public static void setConnectionManager (ConnectionManager manager)
Page.setConnectionManager (manager);
* Creates the parser on an input string.
* @param html The string containing HTML.
* @param charset Optional. The character set encoding that will
* be reported by {@link #getEncoding}. If charset is null
* the default character set is used.
* @return A parser with the html
string as input.
public static Parser createParser (String html, String charset)
Parser ret;
if (null == html)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("html cannot be null");
ret = new Parser (new Lexer (new Page (html, charset)));
return (ret);
// Constructors
* Zero argument constructor.
* The parser is in a safe but useless state parsing an empty string.
* Set the lexer or connection using {@link #setLexer}
* or {@link #setConnection}.
* @see #setLexer(Lexer)
* @see #setConnection(URLConnection)
public Parser ()
this (new Lexer (new Page ("")), DEVNULL);
* Construct a parser using the provided lexer and feedback object.
* This would be used to create a parser for special cases where the
* normal creation of a lexer on a URLConnection needs to be customized.
* @param lexer The lexer to draw characters from.
* @param fb The object to use when information,
* warning and error messages are produced. If null no feedback
* is provided.
public Parser (Lexer lexer, ParserFeedback fb)
setFeedback (fb);
if (null == lexer)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("lexer cannot be null");
setLexer (lexer);
setNodeFactory (new PrototypicalNodeFactory ());
* Constructor for custom HTTP access.
* This would be used to create a parser for a URLConnection that needs
* a special setup or negotiation conditioning beyond what is available
* from the {@link #getConnectionManager ConnectionManager}.
* @param connection A fully conditioned connection. The connect()
* method will be called so it need not be connected yet.
* @param fb The object to use for message communication.
* @throws ParserException If the creation of the underlying Lexer
* cannot be performed.
public Parser (URLConnection connection, ParserFeedback fb)
this (new Lexer (connection), fb);
* Creates a Parser object with the location of the resource (URL or file)
* You would typically create a DefaultHTMLParserFeedback object and pass
* it in.
* @see #Parser(URLConnection,ParserFeedback)
* @param resourceLocn Either the URL or the filename (autodetects).
* A standard HTTP GET is performed to read the content of the URL.
* @param feedback The HTMLParserFeedback object to use when information,
* warning and error messages are produced. If null no feedback
* is provided.
* @throws ParserException If the URL is invalid.
public Parser (String resourceLocn, ParserFeedback feedback)
this (getConnectionManager ().openConnection (resourceLocn), feedback);
* Creates a Parser object with the location of the resource (URL or file).
* A DefaultHTMLParserFeedback object is used for feedback.
* @param resourceLocn Either the URL or the filename (autodetects).
* @throws ParserException If the resourceLocn argument does not resolve
* to a valid page or file.
public Parser (String resourceLocn) throws ParserException
this (resourceLocn, STDOUT);
* Construct a parser using the provided lexer.
* A feedback object printing to {@link #STDOUT System.out} is used.
* This would be used to create a parser for special cases where the
* normal creation of a lexer on a URLConnection needs to be customized.
* @param lexer The lexer to draw characters from.
public Parser (Lexer lexer)
this (lexer, STDOUT);
* Construct a parser using the provided URLConnection.
* This would be used to create a parser for a URLConnection that needs
* a special setup or negotiation conditioning beyond what is available
* from the {@link #getConnectionManager ConnectionManager}.
* A feedback object printing to {@link #STDOUT System.out} is used.
* @see #Parser(URLConnection,ParserFeedback)
* @param connection A fully conditioned connection. The connect()
* method will be called so it need not be connected yet.
* @throws ParserException If the creation of the underlying Lexer
* cannot be performed.
public Parser (URLConnection connection) throws ParserException
this (connection, STDOUT);
// Bean patterns
* Set the connection for this parser.
* This method creates a new Lexer
reading from the connection.
* @param connection A fully conditioned connection. The connect()
* method will be called so it need not be connected yet.
* @exception ParserException if the character set specified in the
* HTTP header is not supported, or an i/o exception occurs creating the
* lexer.
* @see #setLexer
public void setConnection (URLConnection connection)
if (null == connection)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("connection cannot be null");
setLexer (new Lexer (connection));
* Return the current connection.
* @return The connection either created by the parser or passed into this
* parser via {@link #setConnection}.
* @see #setConnection(URLConnection)
public URLConnection getConnection ()
return (getLexer ().getPage ().getConnection ());
* Set the URL for this parser.
* This method creates a new Lexer reading from the given URL.
* Trying to set the url to null or an empty string is a no-op.
* @param url The new URL for the parser.
* @throws ParserException If the url is invalid or creation of the
* underlying Lexer cannot be performed.
public void setURL (String url)
if ((null != url) && !"".equals (url))
setConnection (getConnectionManager ().openConnection (url));
* Return the current URL being parsed.
* @return The current url. This is the URL for the current page.
* A string passed into the constructor or set via setURL may be altered,
* for example, a file name may be modified to be a URL.
* @see Page#getUrl
public String getURL ()
return (getLexer ().getPage ().getUrl ());
* Set the encoding for the page this parser is reading from.
* @param encoding The new character set to use.
* @throws ParserException If the encoding change causes characters that
* have already been consumed to differ from the characters that would
* have been seen had the new encoding been in force.
* @see org.htmlparser.util.EncodingChangeException
public void setEncoding (String encoding)
getLexer ().getPage ().setEncoding (encoding);
* Get the encoding for the page this parser is reading from.
* This item is set from the HTTP header but may be overridden by meta
* tags in the head, so this may change after the head has been parsed.
* @return The encoding currently in force.
public String getEncoding ()
return (getLexer ().getPage ().getEncoding ());
* Set the lexer for this parser.
* The current NodeFactory is transferred to (set on) the given lexer,
* since the lexer owns the node factory object.
* It does not adjust the feedback
* Trying to set the lexer to null
is a no-op.
* @param lexer The lexer object to use.
* @see #setNodeFactory
public void setLexer (Lexer lexer)
NodeFactory factory;
String type;
if (null != lexer)
{ // move a node factory that's been set to the new lexer
factory = null;
if (null != getLexer ())
factory = getLexer ().getNodeFactory ();
if (null != factory)
lexer.setNodeFactory (factory);
mLexer = lexer;
// warn about content that's not likely text
type = mLexer.getPage ().getContentType ();
if (type != null && !type.startsWith ("text"))
getFeedback ().warning (
"URL "
+ mLexer.getPage ().getUrl ()
+ " does not contain text");
* Returns the lexer associated with the parser
* @return The current lexer.
public Lexer getLexer ()
return (mLexer);
* Get the current node factory.
* @return The current lexer's node factory.
public NodeFactory getNodeFactory ()
return (getLexer ().getNodeFactory ());
* Set the current node factory.
* @param factory The new node factory for the current lexer.
public void setNodeFactory (NodeFactory factory)
if (null == factory)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("node factory cannot be null");
getLexer ().setNodeFactory (factory);
* Sets the feedback object used in scanning.
* @param fb The new feedback object to use. If this is null a
* {@link #DEVNULL silent feedback object} is used.
public void setFeedback (ParserFeedback fb)
if (null == fb)
mFeedback = DEVNULL;
mFeedback = fb;
* Returns the current feedback object.
* @return The feedback object currently being used.
public ParserFeedback getFeedback()
return (mFeedback);
// Public methods
* Reset the parser to start from the beginning again.
* This assumes support for a reset from the underlying
* {@link org.htmlparser.lexer.Source} object.
* This is cheaper (in terms of time) than resetting the URL, i.e.
* parser.setURL (parser.getURL ());
* because the page is not refetched from the internet.
* Note: the nodes returned on the second parse are new
* nodes and not the same nodes returned on the first parse. If you
* want the same nodes for re-use, collect them in a NodeList with
* {@link #parse(NodeFilter) parse(null)} and operate on the NodeList.
public void reset ()
getLexer ().reset ();
* Returns an iterator (enumeration) over the html nodes.
* {@link org.htmlparser.nodes Nodes} can be of three main types:
* - {@link org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode TagNode}
* - {@link org.htmlparser.nodes.TextNode TextNode}
* - {@link org.htmlparser.nodes.RemarkNode RemarkNode}
* In general, when parsing with an iterator or processing a NodeList,
* you will need to use recursion. For example:
* void processMyNodes (Node node)
* {
* if (node instanceof TextNode)
* {
* // downcast to TextNode
* TextNode text = (TextNode)node;
* // do whatever processing you want with the text
* System.out.println (text.getText ());
* }
* if (node instanceof RemarkNode)
* {
* // downcast to RemarkNode
* RemarkNode remark = (RemarkNode)node;
* // do whatever processing you want with the comment
* }
* else if (node instanceof TagNode)
* {
* // downcast to TagNode
* TagNode tag = (TagNode)node;
* // do whatever processing you want with the tag itself
* // ...
* // process recursively (nodes within nodes) via getChildren()
* NodeList nl = tag.getChildren ();
* if (null != nl)
* for (NodeIterator i = nl.elements (); i.hasMoreElements (); )
* processMyNodes (i.nextNode ());
* }
* }
* Parser parser = new Parser ("http://www.yahoo.com");
* for (NodeIterator i = parser.elements (); i.hasMoreElements (); )
* processMyNodes (i.nextNode ());
* @throws ParserException If a parsing error occurs.
* @return An iterator over the top level nodes (usually {@.html }).
public NodeIterator elements () throws ParserException
return (new IteratorImpl (getLexer (), getFeedback ()));
* Parse the given resource, using the filter provided.
* This can be used to extract information from specific nodes.
* When used with a null
filter it returns an
* entire page which can then be modified and converted back to HTML
* (Note: the synthesis use-case is not handled very well; the parser
* is more often used to extract information from a web page).
* For example, to replace the entire contents of the HEAD with a
* single TITLE tag you could do this:
* NodeList nl = parser.parse (null); // here is your two node list
* NodeList heads = nl.extractAllNodesThatMatch (new TagNameFilter ("HEAD"))
* if (heads.size () > 0) // there may not be a HEAD tag
* {
* Head head = heads.elementAt (0); // there should be only one
* head.removeAll (); // clean out the contents
* Tag title = new TitleTag ();
* title.setTagName ("title");
* title.setChildren (new NodeList (new TextNode ("The New Title")));
* Tag title_end = new TitleTag ();
* title_end.setTagName ("/title");
* title.setEndTag (title_end);
* head.add (title);
* }
* System.out.println (nl.toHtml ()); // output the modified HTML
* @return The list of matching nodes (for a null
* filter this is all the top level nodes).
* @param filter The filter to apply to the parsed nodes,
* or null
to retrieve all the top level nodes.
* @throws ParserException If a parsing error occurs.
public NodeList parse (NodeFilter filter) throws ParserException
NodeIterator e;
Node node;
NodeList ret;
ret = new NodeList ();
for (e = elements (); e.hasMoreNodes (); )
node = e.nextNode ();
if (null != filter)
node.collectInto (ret, filter);
ret.add (node);
return (ret);
* Apply the given visitor to the current page.
* The visitor is passed to the accept()
method of each node
* in the page in a depth first traversal. The visitor
* beginParsing()
method is called prior to processing the
* page and finishedParsing()
is called after the processing.
* @param visitor The visitor to visit all nodes with.
* @throws ParserException If a parse error occurs while traversing
* the page with the visitor.
public void visitAllNodesWith (NodeVisitor visitor) throws ParserException
Node node;
for (NodeIterator e = elements(); e.hasMoreNodes(); )
node = e.nextNode();
* Initializes the parser with the given input HTML String.
* @param inputHTML the input HTML that is to be parsed.
* @throws ParserException If a error occurs in setting up the
* underlying Lexer.
public void setInputHTML (String inputHTML)
if (null == inputHTML)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("html cannot be null");
if (!"".equals (inputHTML))
setLexer (new Lexer (new Page (inputHTML)));
* Extract all nodes matching the given filter.
* @see Node#collectInto(NodeList, NodeFilter)
* @param filter The filter to be applied to the nodes.
* @throws ParserException If a parse error occurs.
* @return A list of nodes matching the filter criteria,
* i.e. for which the filter's accept method
* returned true
public NodeList extractAllNodesThatMatch (NodeFilter filter)
NodeIterator e;
NodeList ret;
ret = new NodeList ();
for (e = elements (); e.hasMoreNodes (); )
e.nextNode ().collectInto (ret, filter);
return (ret);
* Convenience method to extract all nodes of a given class type.
* Equivalent to
* extractAllNodesThatMatch (new NodeClassFilter (nodeType))
* @param nodeType The class of the nodes to collect.
* @throws ParserException If a parse error occurs.
* @return A list of nodes which have the class specified.
* @deprecated Use extractAllNodesThatMatch (new NodeClassFilter (cls)).
* @see #extractAllNodesThatAre
public Node [] extractAllNodesThatAre (Class nodeType)
NodeList ret;
ret = extractAllNodesThatMatch (new NodeClassFilter (nodeType));
return (ret.toNodeArray ());
// ConnectionMonitor interface
* Called just prior to calling connect.
* Part of the ConnectionMonitor interface, this implementation just
* sends the request header to the feedback object if any.
* @param connection The connection which is about to be connected.
* @throws ParserException Not used
* @see ConnectionMonitor#preConnect
public void preConnect (HttpURLConnection connection)
getFeedback ().info (ConnectionManager.getRequestHeader (connection));
* Called just after calling connect.
* Part of the ConnectionMonitor interface, this implementation just
* sends the response header to the feedback object if any.
* @param connection The connection that was just connected.
* @throws ParserException Not used.
* @see ConnectionMonitor#postConnect
public void postConnect (HttpURLConnection connection)
getFeedback ().info (ConnectionManager.getResponseHeader (connection));
* The main program, which can be executed from the command line
* @param args A URL or file name to parse, and an optional tag name to be
* used as a filter.
public static void main (String [] args)
Parser parser;
NodeFilter filter;
if (args.length < 1 || args[0].equals ("-help"))
System.out.println ("HTML Parser v" + VERSION_STRING + "\n");
System.out.println ();
System.out.println ("Syntax : java -jar htmlparser.jar"
+ " [type]");
System.out.println (" the URL or file to be parsed");
System.out.println (" type the node type, for example:");
System.out.println (" A - Show only the link tags");
System.out.println (" IMG - Show only the image tags");
System.out.println (" TITLE - Show only the title tag");
System.out.println ();
System.out.println ("Example : java -jar htmlparser.jar"
+ " http://www.yahoo.com");
System.out.println ();
parser = new Parser ();
if (1 < args.length)
filter = new TagNameFilter (args[1]);
{ // for a simple dump, use more verbose settings
filter = null;
parser.setFeedback (Parser.STDOUT);
getConnectionManager ().setMonitor (parser);
parser.setURL (args[0]);
System.out.println (parser.parse (filter));
catch (ParserException e)
e.printStackTrace ();