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com.frameworkset.common.poolman.DBOptionsPreparedDBUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2008 biaoping.yin
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.frameworkset.common.poolman;
import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.handle.NullRowHandler;
import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.handle.RowHandler;
import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.handle.XMLMark;
import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.sql.PrimaryKey;
import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.util.DBOptions;
import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.util.JDBCPool;
import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.util.SQLManager;
import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.util.StatementParser;
import com.frameworkset.orm.adapter.DB;
import org.frameworkset.persitent.type.BaseTypeMethod;
import org.frameworkset.persitent.util.SQLInfo;
import org.frameworkset.persitent.util.SQLUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.List;
* 执行预编sql语句
* set i parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
* @author biaoping.yin created on 2005-6-8 version 1.0
public class DBOptionsPreparedDBUtil extends DBUtil {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DBOptionsPreparedDBUtil.class);
* more分页查询,不会计算总记录数,如果没有记录那么返回的ListInfo的datas的size为0,
* 提升性能,同时前台标签库也会做响应的调整
private boolean more = false;
* @return the more
public boolean isMore() {
return more;
* @param more the more to set
public void setMore(boolean more) {
this.more = more;
* 执行单条预编译sql时参数封装对象
protected Params Params = null;
* 批处理预编译操作参数集,
* List
protected List batchparams;
// /**
// * 批处理预编译操作参数集,如果在一次批处理预编操作中出现多条
// * Map
// */
// private Map batchparamsIDXBySQL;
* 是否需要对预编译批处理进行优化,如果需要则对所有的batchparams按照sql语句是否相同进行排序
* 如果语句相同则放到一起,这样避免出现同一条sql语句存在多个preparedstatement句柄
* 默认不排序,否则排序
protected boolean batchOptimize = false;
protected static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PreparedDBUtil.class);
protected String prepareDBName = SQLManager.getInstance()
// protected String[] preparedfields;
public static final int INSERT = 0;
public static final int UPDATE = 1;
public static final int DELETE = 2;
* 分页查询类别
public static final int SELECT = 3;
* 通用查询类别
public static final int SELECT_COMMON = 4;
* 标识执行预编译的链接是外部传递进来的链接
* true标识是外部链接
* false标识不是外部链接
// protected boolean outcon = true;
protected long offset;
protected int pagesize;
* 大数据字段数据信息
* bboss workgroup
* Copyright (c) 2007
* @Date 2009-6-1 下午08:58:51
* @author biaoping.yin
* @version 1.0
class BigData {
static final int BLOB = 1;
static final int CLOB = 2;
static final int TEXT = 3;
static final int NUMERIC = 4;
/** blog 1,clob 2,text 3 */
int type;
* 字段的值
Object bigdata;
String bigdataField;
* 字段对应的索引
int index;
* 更新数据库时的主键信息
* bboss workgroup
* Copyright (c) 2007
* @Date 2009-6-1 下午08:58:51
* @author biaoping.yin
* @version 1.0
public static class UpdateKeyInfo {
String tableName;
String keyName;
String keyValue;
String type;
protected void setUpParams(StatementInfo stmtInfo,Params Params,PreparedStatement statement,List resources) throws SQLException
setUpParams( stmtInfo,Params,statement,null,resources);
private void setUpParams(StatementInfo stmtInfo,Params Params,PreparedStatement statement,PreparedStatement statement_count,List resources)throws SQLException
for(int i = 0; i < Params.params.size(); i ++)
Param param = (Param )Params.params.get(i);
* 通用预编译处理开始
public Object executePrepared(DBOptions dbOptions) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
return executePrepared( dbOptions,(Connection)null);
* 如果getCUDResult参数为true,则返回GetCUDResult类型对象,GetCUDResult的属性含义如下:
* result:操作结果,如果数据源autoprimarykey为true,并且在tableinfo表中保存了表的主键信息result为自增的主键,反之result为更新的记录数
* updateCount:更新的记录数
* keys:自动产生的主键,如果只有一条记录则为普通对象,如果有多条记录则为List类型
* @param getCUDResult
* @return
* @throws SQLException
public Object executePreparedGetCUDResult(DBOptions dbOptions,boolean getCUDResult) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
return executePrepared( dbOptions,(Connection)null,getCUDResult);
public T executePreparedForObject(DBOptions dbOptions,Class objectType) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
return executePreparedForObject( dbOptions,null,objectType);
public T[] executePreparedForObjectArray(DBOptions dbOptions,Class objectType) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
return executePreparedForObjectArray( dbOptions,null,objectType);
public List executePreparedForList(DBOptions dbOptions,Class objectType) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
return executePreparedForList( dbOptions,null,objectType);
public String executePreparedForXML(DBOptions dbOptions) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
return executePreparedForXML( dbOptions,null,null);
public T executePreparedForObject(DBOptions dbOptions,Connection con,Class objectType) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
return (T)executePreparedForObject( dbOptions,con,objectType,null);
public T[] executePreparedForObjectArray(DBOptions dbOptions,Connection con,Class objectType) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
return (T[])executePreparedForObjectArray( dbOptions,con,objectType,null);
public List executePreparedForList(DBOptions dbOptions,Connection con,Class objectType) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
return executePreparedForList( dbOptions,con,objectType,null);
public String executePreparedForXML(DBOptions dbOptions,Connection con) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
return executePreparedForXML( dbOptions,con,null);
public void executePreparedWithRowHandler(DBOptions dbOptions,NullRowHandler rowhandler) throws SQLException
executePreparedWithRowHandler( dbOptions,null,rowhandler);
public void executePreparedWithRowHandler(DBOptions dbOptions,Connection con,NullRowHandler rowhandler) throws SQLException
executePreparedForObject( dbOptions,con,null,rowhandler);
* 带行处理器的方法开始
public T executePreparedForObject(DBOptions dbOptions,Class objectType,RowHandler rowhandler) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
return (T)executePreparedForObject( dbOptions,null,objectType,rowhandler);
public T[] executePreparedForObjectArray(DBOptions dbOptions,Class objectType,RowHandler rowhandler) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
return (T[])executePreparedForObjectArray( dbOptions,null,objectType,rowhandler);
public List executePreparedForList(DBOptions dbOptions,Class objectType,RowHandler rowhandler) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
return executePreparedForList( dbOptions,null,objectType,rowhandler);
public String executePreparedForXML(DBOptions dbOptions,RowHandler rowhandler) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
return executePreparedForXML( dbOptions,null,rowhandler);
public T executePreparedForObject(DBOptions dbOptions,Connection con,Class objectType,RowHandler rowhandler) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
if(objectType != null)
return (T)innerExecute( dbOptions,con,objectType,rowhandler,ResultMap.type_objcet,false);
return (T)innerExecute( dbOptions,con,objectType,rowhandler,ResultMap.type_null,false);
public T[] executePreparedForObjectArray(DBOptions dbOptions,Connection con,Class objectType,RowHandler rowhandler) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
return (T[])innerExecute( dbOptions,con,objectType,rowhandler,ResultMap.type_objectarray,false);
public List executePreparedForList(DBOptions dbOptions,Connection con,Class objectType,RowHandler rowhandler) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
return (List)innerExecute( dbOptions,con,objectType,rowhandler,ResultMap.type_list,false);
public String executePreparedForXML(DBOptions dbOptions,Connection con,RowHandler rowhandler) throws SQLException {
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch()!");
return (String)innerExecute( dbOptions,con, XMLMark.class,rowhandler,ResultMap.type_xml,false);
protected Object innerExecute(DBOptions dbOptions,Connection con,Class objectType,RowHandler rowhandler,int type,boolean getCUDResult) throws SQLException
if(this.batchparams != null && batchparams.size() > 0)
throw new SQLException("Can not execute batch prepared operations as single prepared operation,Please call method executePreparedBatch(Connection con)!");
if(Params.prepareSqlifo == null || Params.prepareSqlifo.getNewsql() == null || Params.prepareSqlifo.getNewsql().equals(""))
throw new SQLException("执行错误:请先设置预执行sql语句!");
StatementInfo stmtInfo = null;
Object result = null;
PreparedStatement statement = null;
PreparedStatement statement_count = null;
// UpdateSQL preparedUpdate = null;
// String[] preparedfields = null;
List resources = null;
try {
JDBCPool pool = SQLManager.getInstance().getPool(this.prepareDBName);
SQLManager.assertPoolSQL(this.Params.prepareSqlifo != null ? this.Params.prepareSqlifo.getNewsql() : "",pool,prepareDBName);
stmtInfo = new StatementInfo( dbOptions,this.prepareDBName, this.Params.prepareSqlifo,
false, offset, this.pagesize, pool.isRobotQuery(), con,oraclerownum,true);
if (Params.action == INSERT) {
// 初始化批处理数据库执行语句
boolean autokey = isAutoprimarykey(prepareDBName);
Object[] temp;
// String tableName = this.fabricateTableName(sql,0);
* added by biaoping.yin on 2005.03.29
* 重构insert语句,添加主键信息,首先获取主键值
* @param insertStmt:数据库插入语句
* @return ret ret[0]:存放insert语句 ret[1]:存放新的主键值
* ret[2]:更新表tableinfo中插入表对应主键值语句
* ret[3]:PrimaryKey对象
temp = StatementParser.refactorInsertStatement(stmtInfo);
// if(log.isInfoEnabled() && showsql(stmtInfo.getDbname()))
// {
//"Execute JDBC prepared statement:{}",temp[0]);
// }
statement = stmtInfo.prepareStatement(temp[0].toString(),"Execute JDBC prepared statement:{}");
// 如果sql为insert语句并且有新的主键值生成,则保存该主键值
if (temp[1] != null) {
result = temp[1];
if (Params.updateKeyInfo == null) {
Params.updateKeyInfo = new PreparedDBUtil.UpdateKeyInfo();
if (temp[3] != null) {
PrimaryKey primaryKey = (PrimaryKey) temp[3];
if (Params.updateKeyInfo == null) {
Params.updateKeyInfo = new PreparedDBUtil.UpdateKeyInfo();
if(primaryKey.getTableName() != null)
Params.updateKeyInfo.tableName = primaryKey.getTableName();
if(primaryKey.getPrimaryKeyName() != null)
Params.updateKeyInfo.keyName = primaryKey.getPrimaryKeyName();
if (temp[1] != null && !temp[1].equals(""))
Params.updateKeyInfo.keyValue = temp[1].toString();
if(primaryKey.getMetaType() != null)
Params.updateKeyInfo.type = primaryKey.getMetaType();
if (Params.updateKeyInfo.keyValue == null && temp[1] != null)
Params.updateKeyInfo.keyValue = temp[1].toString();
if(log.isInfoEnabled() && showsql(stmtInfo.getDbname()))
{"Execute JDBC prepared statement:{}",stmtInfo.getSql());
statement = stmtInfo.prepareStatement(stmtInfo.getSql(),getCUDResult);
// /**
// * 更新大字段
// */
// this.updateBigDatas();
} else if (Params.action == UPDATE) {
if(log.isInfoEnabled() && showsql(stmtInfo.getDbname()))
{"Execute JDBC prepared update statement:{}",stmtInfo.getSql());
statement = stmtInfo.prepareStatement();
else if (Params.action == SELECT)// 分页查询操作
boolean showsql = showsql(stmtInfo.getDbname());
statement = stmtInfo.preparePagineStatement(showsql);
if(Params.totalsize < 0)
statement_count = stmtInfo.prepareCountStatement( showsql);
else // delete和通用查询操作
if(log.isInfoEnabled() && showsql(stmtInfo.getDbname()))
{"Execute JDBC prepared query statement:{}",stmtInfo.getSql());
statement = stmtInfo.prepareQueryStatement();
if (Params.action != SELECT && Params.action != SELECT_COMMON) {
resources = new ArrayList();
int updatecount = statement.getUpdateCount();
if(result == null)
result = new Integer(updatecount);
GetCUDResult CUDResult = null;
List morekeys = null;
if(Params.action == INSERT)
morekeys = StatementInfo.getGeneratedKeys(statement);
if(morekeys != null && morekeys.size() == 1)
CUDResult = new GetCUDResult(result,updatecount,morekeys.get(0));
CUDResult = new GetCUDResult(result,updatecount,morekeys);
// ResultSet keys = statement.getGeneratedKeys();
// this.updateBigDatas(Params,Params.updateKeyInfo,
// stmtInfo.getCon(),
// stmtInfo.getDbname(),
// preparedfields);
// if (preparedUpdate != null) {
// execute(stmtInfo.getCon(), preparedUpdate);
// }
if(CUDResult == null)
return result;
return CUDResult;
} else if (Params.action == SELECT) {
resources = new ArrayList();
long start = stmtInfo.getPaginesql().getStart();
long end = stmtInfo.getPaginesql().getEnd();
int startidx = 0;
int endidx = 0;
boolean haspaginsql = start >= 0;
startidx = Params.params != null?Params.params.size():0;
startidx = startidx + 1;
endidx = startidx + 1;
statement.setLong(startidx, start);
statement.setLong(endidx, end);
ResultMap resultMap = this.doPrepareSelect( dbOptions,stmtInfo,
objectType,rowhandler,type,startidx,endidx, haspaginsql);
if(type == ResultMap.type_maparray)
this.allResults = (Record[])resultMap.getCommonresult();
this.size = allResults == null ? 0 : allResults.length;
resultMap = null;
return null;
this.size = resultMap.getSize();
return resultMap.getCommonresult();
} else if (Params.action == SELECT_COMMON) {
resources = new ArrayList();
ResultMap resultMap = this.doPrepareSelectCommon( dbOptions,stmtInfo,
if(type == ResultMap.type_maparray)
this.allResults = (Record[])resultMap.getCommonresult();
this.size = allResults == null ? 0 : allResults.length;
return null;
this.size = resultMap.getSize();
return resultMap.getCommonresult();
else // 未知类型的操作
return null;
catch(NestedSQLException e)
if(stmtInfo != null)
throw e;
catch (SQLException e) {
if(stmtInfo != null)
throw new NestedSQLException("Execute prepared sql[" + (stmtInfo != null?stmtInfo.getSql():null) + "] failed:",e);
} catch (Exception e) {
if(stmtInfo != null)
throw new NestedSQLException("Execute prepared sql[" + (stmtInfo != null?stmtInfo.getSql():null) + "] failed:",e);
} finally {
if(resources != null)
if(stmtInfo != null)
stmtInfo = null;
* @param resources
public static void releaseResources(List resources)
if(resources == null)
for(int i = 0; resources != null && i < resources.size(); i ++)
Object obj = resources.get(i);
if(obj != null)
// System.out.println("aa");
// this.debugMemory();
// x.length();
// in = this.getInputStream(x);//占用太多的内存
// in = new FileInputStream(x));
// in = new FileInputStream(x);
if(obj instanceof InputStream)
else if(obj instanceof Reader)
catch(Exception e)
// System.out.println("bb");
// this.debugMemory();
catch(Exception e)
* 带行处理器的方法结束
* 执行预编译批出理操作,支持事务
* @return
* @throws SQLException
public void executePreparedBatch(DBOptions dbOptions) throws SQLException
if(this.batchparams == null || batchparams.size() == 0)
// throw new SQLException("Can not execute single prepared statement as batch prepared operation,Please call method executePrepared()!");"Can not execute single prepared statement as batch prepared operation,Please call method executePrepared()!");
return ;
executePreparedBatch( dbOptions,null);
public void executePreparedBatchGetCUDResult(DBOptions dbOptions,GetCUDResult getCUDResult) throws SQLException
if(this.batchparams == null || batchparams.size() == 0)
// throw new SQLException("Can not execute single prepared statement as batch prepared operation,Please call method executePrepared()!");"Can not execute single prepared statement as batch prepared operation,Please call method executePrepared()!");
return ;
executePreparedBatch( dbOptions,null,getCUDResult);
public Object executePrepared(DBOptions dbOptions,Connection con) throws SQLException
return executePrepared( dbOptions,con,false);
* 执行prepare语句,并且返回执行后的结果(例如插入语句后生成的主键值)
* @return Object 主键值
* @throws SQLException
public Object executePrepared(DBOptions dbOptions,Connection con,boolean getCUDResult) throws SQLException {
return innerExecute( dbOptions,con,null,null,ResultMap.type_maparray,getCUDResult);
* Executes a pagination prepared statement and returns results in the form
* of a Hashtable array. 本方法执行完毕后无需对结果集进行缓冲
* @return 结果集
* @throws SQLException
protected ResultMap doPrepareSelect(DBOptions dbOptions,StatementInfo stmtInfo,
PreparedStatement statement,
PreparedStatement statement_count,
Class objectType, RowHandler rowhandler, int result_type, int startidx, int endidx
, boolean haspaginsql) throws SQLException {
try {
ResultMap resultMap = new ResultMap();
ResultSet res = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
if(stmtInfo.getTotalsize() < 0)
if(statement_count != null)
rs = statement_count.executeQuery();
// stmtInfo.addResultSet(rs);
if ( {
totalSize = rs.getInt(1);
long oldoffset = this.offset;
this.offset = stmtInfo.rebuildOffset(totalSize);
if(this.offset < oldoffset)//重置数据获取范围
// statement.setLong(startidx, this.offset);
// statement.setLong(endidx, totalSize - 1);
if(rs != null)
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
rs = null;
if(statement_count != null)
try {
statement_count = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
this.totalSize = stmtInfo.getTotalsize();
if (totalSize > 0) {
res = statement.executeQuery();
stmtInfo.cacheResultSetMetaData( res,true);
this.meta = stmtInfo.getMeta();
if(rowhandler != null)
rowhandler.init(stmtInfo,meta, stmtInfo.getDbname());
resultMap = stmtInfo.buildResultMap(res, objectType, rowhandler, stmtInfo.getMaxsize(), true, result_type);
else //如果没有数据,则需要获取源数据
res = statement.executeQuery();
stmtInfo.cacheResultSetMetaData( res,true);
if(rowhandler != null)
rowhandler.init(stmtInfo,meta, stmtInfo.getDbname());
this.meta = stmtInfo.getMeta();
res = statement.executeQuery();
stmtInfo.cacheResultSetMetaData( res,true);
this.meta = stmtInfo.getMeta();
if(rowhandler != null)
rowhandler.init(stmtInfo,meta, stmtInfo.getDbname());
resultMap = stmtInfo.buildResultMap(res, objectType, rowhandler, stmtInfo.getMaxsize(), true, result_type);
return resultMap;
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw sqle;
} finally {
// return results;
* Executes a prepared statement and returns results in the form of a
* Hashtable array.
* 本方法执行完毕后无需对结果集进行缓冲
* 执行普通查询,没有对结果集进行分页操作
* @return 结果集
* @throws SQLException
protected ResultMap doPrepareSelectCommon(DBOptions dbOptions,StatementInfo stmtInfo,
PreparedStatement statement,
Class objectType,
RowHandler rowhandler,int result_type) throws SQLException {
try {
ResultSet res = null;
res = statement.executeQuery();
stmtInfo.cacheResultSetMetaData( res,false);
this.meta = stmtInfo.getMeta();
if(rowhandler != null)
rowhandler.init(stmtInfo,meta, stmtInfo.getDbname());
ResultMap resultMap = stmtInfo.buildResultMap(res, objectType, rowhandler, 10, false, result_type);
return resultMap;
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw sqle;
} finally {
// return null;
private void initBigdata() {
if (Params.bigdatas == null)
Params.bigdatas = new ArrayList();
private void initConditions() {
if (Params.conditions == null)
Params.conditions = new ArrayList();
// private void clearBigdata() {
// params.updateKeyInfo = null;
// if (params.bigdatas != null) {
// params.bigdatas.clear();
// params.bigdatas = null;
// }
// }
// /**
// * 创建缺省数据库的预编译插入语句
// *
// * @param sql
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public void preparedInsert(String sql) throws SQLException {
// preparedInsert(sql,(Connection)null);
// }
* 创建缺省数据库的预编译插入语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedInsert(String sql) throws SQLException {
preparedInsert( prepareDBName, sql);
* 创建缺省数据库的预编译插入语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedInsert(Params params,NewSQLInfo sql) throws SQLException {
preparedInsert( params,prepareDBName, sql);
* @param content
* @param conn
* @param table
* @param clobColumn
* @param keyColumn
* @param keyValue
* @param dbName
* @throws SQLException
* @throws IOException
* @deprecated
public static void updateClob(Object content, Connection conn,
String table, String clobColumn, String keyColumn, String keyValue,
String dbName) throws SQLException, IOException
DBUtil.getDBAdapter(dbName).updateClob(content, conn, table, clobColumn, keyColumn, keyValue, dbName)
* @param instream
* @param conn
* @param table
* @param blobColumn
* @param keyColumn
* @param keyValue
* @param dbName
* @throws SQLException
* @throws IOException
* @deprecated
public static void updateBlob(InputStream instream, Connection conn,
String table, String blobColumn, String keyColumn, String keyValue,
String dbName) throws SQLException, IOException
DBUtil.getDBAdapter(dbName).updateBlob(instream, conn, table, blobColumn, keyColumn, keyValue, dbName);
* 根据输入流更新
* @param value
* @param conn
* @param table
* @param blobColumn
* @param keyColumn
* @param keyValue
* @throws SQLException
* @throws IOException
* @deprecated
public static void updateBlob(byte[] value, Connection conn, String table,
String blobColumn, String keyColumn, String keyValue, String dbName)
throws SQLException, IOException
DBUtil.getDBAdapter(dbName).updateBlob(value, conn, table, blobColumn, keyColumn, keyValue, dbName);
* 本方法适用于在tableinfo中指定表的主键信息,但是不通过poolman来自动生成主键的情况
* 更新带有大字段clob,blob数据库记录时需要设置本记录的唯一标识(一般为数据库主键) 并且数据库主键的类型为long型
* @param i
* @param keyvalue
* @throws SQLException
public void setPrimaryKey(int i, long keyvalue) throws SQLException {
try {
// this.statement.setLong(i, keyvalue);
this.addParam(i, new Long(keyvalue), Param.setLong_int_long);
if (Params.updateKeyInfo == null)
Params.updateKeyInfo = new PreparedDBUtil.UpdateKeyInfo();
Params.updateKeyInfo.keyValue = keyvalue + "";
Params.updateKeyInfo.type = "long";
} catch (SQLException e) {
* 本方法适用于没有在tableinfo中指定表的主键信息的表
* 更新带有大字段clob,blob数据库记录时需要设置本记录的唯一标识(一般为数据库主键) 并且数据库主键的类型为long型
* @param i
* @param keyvalue
* @param keyname
* @throws SQLException
public void setPrimaryKey(int i, long keyvalue, String keyname)
throws SQLException {
try {
// this.statement.setLong(i, keyvalue);
this.addParam(i, new Long(keyvalue), Param.setLong_int_long);
if (Params.updateKeyInfo == null)
Params.updateKeyInfo = new PreparedDBUtil.UpdateKeyInfo();
Params.updateKeyInfo.keyValue = keyvalue + "";
Params.updateKeyInfo.keyName = keyname;
Params.updateKeyInfo.type = "long";
} catch (SQLException e) {
* 包含大字段clob和blob的记录批量更新时, 设置预处理的条件参数时需要通过本方法设置除主键以外的参数条件
* @param i
* @param value
* @param filedname
* @throws SQLException
* @deprecated
public void setContdition(int i, String value, String filedname)
throws SQLException {
this.setString(i, value);
PreparedDBUtil.BigData condition = new PreparedDBUtil.BigData();
condition.bigdataField = filedname;
condition.bigdata = new Integer(value);
condition.type = PreparedDBUtil.BigData.TEXT;
condition.index = i;
* 包含大字段clob和blob的记录批量更新时, 设置预处理的条件参数时需要通过本方法设置除主键以外的参数条件
* @param i
* @param value
* @param filedname
* @throws SQLException
* @deprecated
public void setContdition(int i, int value, String filedname)
throws SQLException {
this.setInt(i, value);
PreparedDBUtil.BigData condition = new PreparedDBUtil.BigData();
condition.bigdataField = filedname;
condition.bigdata = new Integer(value);
condition.type = PreparedDBUtil.BigData.NUMERIC;
condition.index = i;
* 本方法适用于在tableinfo中指定表的主键信息,但是不通过poolman来自动生成主键的情况
* 更新带有大字段clob,blob数据库记录时需要设置本记录的唯一标识(一般为数据库主键) 并且数据库主键的类型为int型
* @param i
* @param keyvalue
* @throws SQLException
public void setPrimaryKey(int i, int keyvalue) throws SQLException {
try {
// this.statement.setInt(i, keyvalue);
this.addParam(i, new Integer(keyvalue), Param.setInt_int_int);
if (Params.updateKeyInfo == null)
Params.updateKeyInfo = new PreparedDBUtil.UpdateKeyInfo();
Params.updateKeyInfo.keyValue = keyvalue + "";
Params.updateKeyInfo.type = "int";
} catch (SQLException e) {
* 本方法适用于没有在tableinfo中指定表的主键信息的表
* 更新带有大字段clob,blob数据库记录时需要设置本记录的唯一标识(一般为数据库主键) 并且数据库主键的类型为int型
* @param i
* @param keyvalue
* @param keyName
* @throws SQLException
public void setPrimaryKey(int i, int keyvalue, String keyName)
throws SQLException {
try {
// this.statement.setInt(i, keyvalue);
this.addParam(i, new Integer(keyvalue), Param.setInt_int_int);
if (Params.updateKeyInfo == null)
Params.updateKeyInfo = new PreparedDBUtil.UpdateKeyInfo();
// if (updateKeyInfo != null) {
Params.updateKeyInfo.keyValue = keyvalue + "";
Params.updateKeyInfo.keyName = keyName;
Params.updateKeyInfo.type = "int";
// }
} catch (SQLException e) {
* 本方法适用于在tableinfo中指定表的主键信息,但是不通过poolman来自动生成主键的情况
* 更新带有大字段clob,blob数据库记录时需要设置本记录的唯一标识(一般为数据库主键) 并且数据库主键的类型为String,int,long型
* @param i
* @param keyvalue
* @throws SQLException
public void setPrimaryKey(int i, String keyvalue) throws SQLException {
try {
if(Params.updateKeyInfo == null)
Params.updateKeyInfo = new PreparedDBUtil.UpdateKeyInfo();
Params.updateKeyInfo.type = "string";
Params.updateKeyInfo.keyValue = keyvalue;
this.addParam(i, keyvalue, Param.setString_int_String);
// if (updateKeyInfo != null) {
// if (updateKeyInfo.type != null) {
// if (updateKeyInfo.type.equalsIgnoreCase("int")
// || updateKeyInfo.type
// .equalsIgnoreCase("java.lang.Integer")) {
// try {
//// this.statement
//// .setInt(i, Integer.parseInt(keyvalue));
// this.addParam(i, new Integer(keyvalue), Param.setInt_int_int);
// }
// catch(SQLException e)
// {
// throw e;
// }
// catch (Exception e) {
// throw new SQLException("非法的输入参数:index=" + i
// + ",value=" + keyvalue + ",要求类型为整数");
// }
// }
// else if (updateKeyInfo.type.equalsIgnoreCase("long")
// || updateKeyInfo.type
// .equalsIgnoreCase("java.lang.long")) {
// try {
//// this.statement.setLong(i, Long.parseLong(keyvalue));
// this.addParam(i, new Long(keyvalue), Param.setLong_int_long);
// }
// catch(SQLException e)
// {
// throw e;
// }
// catch (Exception e) {
// throw new SQLException("非法的输入参数:index=" + i
// + ",value=" + keyvalue + ",要求类型为long整数");
// }
// } else {
//// this.statement.setString(i, keyvalue);
// this.addParam(i, keyvalue, Param.setString_int_String);
// }
// }
// else
// {
//// this.statement.setString(i, keyvalue);
// this.addParam(i,keyvalue, Param.setString_int_String);
// }
// this.updateKeyInfo.keyValue = keyvalue;
// } else {
// // updateKeyInfo.keyValue = keyvalue;
//// this.statement.setString(i, keyvalue);
// this.addParam(i, keyvalue, Param.setString_int_String);
// }
} catch (SQLException e) {
* 本方法适用于没有在tableinfo中指定表的主键信息的表
* 更新带有大字段clob,blob数据库记录时需要设置本记录的唯一标识(一般为数据库主键) 并且数据库主键的类型为String,int,long型
* @param i
* @param keyvalue
* @param keyName
* @throws SQLException
public void setPrimaryKey(int i, String keyvalue, String keyName)
throws SQLException {
try {
Params.updateKeyInfo = new PreparedDBUtil.UpdateKeyInfo();
Params.updateKeyInfo.keyValue = keyvalue;
Params.updateKeyInfo.keyName = keyName;
Params.updateKeyInfo.type = "string";
this.addParam(i,keyvalue, Param.setString_int_String);
// if (updateKeyInfo != null) {
// if (updateKeyInfo.type != null) {
// if (updateKeyInfo.type.equalsIgnoreCase("int")
// || updateKeyInfo.type
// .equalsIgnoreCase("java.lang.Integer")) {
// try {
//// this.statement
//// .setInt(i, Integer.parseInt(keyvalue));
// this.addParam(i, new Integer(keyvalue), Param.setInt_int_int);
// }
// catch(SQLException e)
// {
// throw e;
// }
// catch (Exception e) {
// throw new SQLException("非法的输入参数:index=" + i
// + ",value=" + keyvalue + ",要求类型为整数");
// }
// }
// else if (updateKeyInfo.type.equalsIgnoreCase("long")
// || updateKeyInfo.type
// .equalsIgnoreCase("java.lang.long")) {
// try {
//// this.statement.setLong(i, Long.parseLong(keyvalue));
// this.addParam(i, new Long(keyvalue), Param.setLong_int_long);
// }
// catch(SQLException e)
// {
// throw e;
// }
// catch (Exception e) {
// throw new SQLException("非法的输入参数:index=" + i
// + ",value=" + keyvalue + ",要求类型为long整数");
// }
// }
// else
// {
//// this.statement.setString(i, keyvalue);
// this.addParam(i,keyvalue, Param.setString_int_String);
// }
// }
// else
// {
//// this.statement.setString(i, keyvalue);
// this.addParam(i,keyvalue, Param.setString_int_String);
// }
// }
// else {
//// this.statement.setString(i, keyvalue);
// this.addParam(i,keyvalue, Param.setString_int_String);
// // this.updateKeyInfo.keyValue = keyvalue ;
// // this.updateKeyInfo.keyName = keyName ;
// }
} catch (SQLException e) {
* 创建特定数据库的预编译插入语句
* @param dbName
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedInsert(String dbName, String sql) throws SQLException {
preparedInsert((Params )null,dbName, new NewSQLInfo(sql));
* 创建特定数据库的预编译插入语句
* @param dbName
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedInsert(Params params,String dbName, NewSQLInfo sql) throws SQLException {
if(params == null)
Params = this.buildParams();
Params = params;
Params.action = INSERT;
preparedSql(Params,dbName, sql);
* 创建特定数据库的预编译插入语句
* @param dbName
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedInsert(SQLParams params,String dbName, SQLInfo sql) throws SQLException {
params.buildParams(sql, dbName);
preparedInsert(params.getRealParams(),dbName, params.getNewsql());
* 创建特定数据库的预编译插入语句
* @param dbName
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedInsert(SQLParams params,String dbName, String sql) throws SQLException {
params.buildParams(sql, dbName);
preparedInsert(params.getRealParams(),dbName, params.getNewsql());
* 创建特定数据库的预编译插入语句
* @param params
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedInsert(SQLParams params,SQLInfo sql) throws SQLException {
preparedInsert(params,this.prepareDBName, sql);
* 创建特定数据库的预编译插入语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedInsert(SQLParams params,String sql) throws SQLException {
preparedInsert(params,this.prepareDBName, sql);
// /**
// * 创建特定数据库的预编译插入语句
// *
// * @param dbName
// * @param sql
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public void preparedInsert(String dbName, String sql) throws SQLException {
// this.action = INSERT;
// preparedSql(dbName, sql);
// }
// public void preparedSql(Params Params,String dbName, NewSQLInfo sql) throws SQLException {
////// this.outcon = con == null ? false:true;
//// this.prepareDBName = dbName;
//// Params.prepareselect_sql = sql;
////// params = this.buildParams();
// preparedSql(Params,dbName, new SQLInfo (sql,false,false));
// }
public void preparedSql(Params Params,String dbName, NewSQLInfo sql) throws SQLException {
// this.outcon = con == null ? false:true;
this.prepareDBName = dbName;
Params.prepareSqlifo = sql;
// params = this.buildParams();
* 当预编译处理过程中出现异常,释放资源的方法
* @param e
* @throws SQLException
protected void resetFromSetMethod(Exception e) throws SQLException {
// action = -1;
// if (this.updateKeyInfo != null)
// this.updateKeyInfo = null;
// if (this.bigdatas != null) {
// this.bigdatas.clear();
// this.bigdatas = null;
// }
if(this.Params != null )
this.Params = null;
if(this.batchparams != null)
batchparams = null;
// if(this.conditions != null)
// {
// this.conditions.clear();
// this.conditions = null;
// }
if(SQLManager.getInstance(false) != null)
this.prepareDBName = SQLManager.getInstance(false).getDefaultDBName();
// this.prepareselect_sql = null;
this.oldcommited = true;
oraclerownum = null;
this.batchOptimize = false;
if (e != null) {
if (e instanceof SQLException)
throw (SQLException) e;
else {
throw new SQLException(e.getMessage());
public static String getFileContent(File file) throws IOException {
Writer swriter = null;
Reader reader = null;
try {
reader = new FileReader(file);
swriter = new StringWriter();
int len = 0;
char[] buffer = new char[1024];
while ((len = > 0) {
swriter.write(buffer, 0, len);
return swriter.toString();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
if (reader != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (swriter != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
* 更新大数据信息
* @throws IOException
* @throws SQLException
* @deprecated
private void updateBigDatas(Params params, PreparedDBUtil.UpdateKeyInfo updateKeyInfo,
Connection preparedCon,
String prepareDBName,
String[] preparedfields) throws SQLException, IOException {
for (int i = 0; params.bigdatas != null && i < params.bigdatas.size(); i++) {
PreparedDBUtil.BigData bigdata = (PreparedDBUtil.BigData) params.bigdatas.get(i);
String bigdataField = bigdata.bigdataField;
if (bigdataField == null)
bigdataField = preparedfields[bigdata.index -1];
String msg = "没有指定插入的大字段名称";
if (params.action == UPDATE)
msg = "没有指定插入的大字段名称";
if (bigdataField == null)
throw new SQLException(msg);
switch (bigdata.type) {
case PreparedDBUtil.BigData.CLOB:
updateClob(bigdata.bigdata, preparedCon,
updateKeyInfo.tableName, bigdataField,
updateKeyInfo.keyValue, prepareDBName);
case PreparedDBUtil.BigData.BLOB:
if (bigdata.bigdata instanceof byte[])
updateBlob((byte[]) bigdata.bigdata, preparedCon,
updateKeyInfo.tableName, bigdataField,
updateKeyInfo.keyValue, prepareDBName);
else if (bigdata.bigdata instanceof File)
updateBlob(new FileInputStream((File) bigdata.bigdata),
preparedCon, updateKeyInfo.tableName,
bigdataField, updateKeyInfo.keyName,
updateKeyInfo.keyValue, prepareDBName);
else if (bigdata.bigdata instanceof InputStream)
updateBlob((InputStream) bigdata.bigdata, preparedCon,
updateKeyInfo.tableName, bigdataField,
updateKeyInfo.keyValue, prepareDBName);
throw new SQLException("Blob 字段内容异常:未知的类型["
+ bigdata.bigdata + "]");
throw new SQLException("未知的大字段类型:[type=" + bigdata.type + "]");
* 创建预编译更新语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException {
Params = this.buildParams();
Params.action = UPDATE;
preparedSql(Params,prepareDBName, new NewSQLInfo(sql));
* 创建预编译更新语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(String sql) throws SQLException {
preparedSelect((Params)null,new NewSQLInfo(sql));
* 创建预编译更新语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(Params params,NewSQLInfo sql) throws SQLException {
preparedSelect(params,prepareDBName, sql);
* 创建预编译更新语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(SQLParams params_,String sql) throws SQLException {
// /**
// * 创建预编译更新语句
// *
// * @param sql
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public void preparedSelect(String sql) throws SQLException {
// preparedSelect(prepareDBName, sql,con);
// }
// /**
// * 创建预编译更新语句
// *
// * @param sql
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public void preparedSelect(String sql, int offset, int pagesize)
// throws SQLException {
// preparedSelect(prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize);
// }
// /**
// * @deprecated use public void preparedSelect(String sql, long offset, int pagesize)
// throws SQLException
// */
// public void preparedSelect(String sql, int offset, int pagesize)
// throws SQLException
// {
// preparedSelect(sql, (long)offset, pagesize);
// }
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(String sql, long offset, int pagesize)
throws SQLException {
preparedSelect(prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize,-1L);
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @mark
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(String sql, long offset, int pagesize,long totalsize)
throws SQLException {
preparedSelect(prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize,totalsize);
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(String sql, long offset, int pagesize,String totalsizesql)
throws SQLException {
preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize,totalsizesql);
// /**
// * @deprecated see preparedSelect(String sql, long offset, int pagesize,
// String oraclerownum) throws SQLException
// */
// public void preparedSelect(String sql, int offset, int pagesize,
// String oraclerownum) throws SQLException
// {
// preparedSelect( sql, (long )offset, pagesize,
// oraclerownum);
// }
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @mark
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(String sql, long offset, int pagesize,
String oraclerownum,long totalsize) throws SQLException {
preparedSelect(prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize, oraclerownum,totalsize);
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(String sql, long offset, int pagesize,
String oraclerownum,String totalsizesql) throws SQLException {
preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize, oraclerownum,totalsizesql);
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(String sql, long offset, int pagesize,
String oraclerownum) throws SQLException {
preparedSelect(prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize, oraclerownum,-1L);
// /**
// * 创建预编译更新语句
// *
// * @param sql
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public void preparedSelect(String prepareDBName, String sql)
// throws SQLException {
// preparedSelect(prepareDBName, sql,(Connection)null);
// }
* 创建预编译更新语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(String prepareDBName, String sql)
throws SQLException {
Params = this.buildParams();
preparedSelect(Params ,prepareDBName, new NewSQLInfo(sql));
// /**
// * 创建预编译更新语句
// *
// * @param sql
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public void preparedSelect(Params params,String prepareDBName, String sql)
// throws SQLException {
//// if(params == null)
//// {
//// Params = this.buildParams();
//// }
//// else
//// {
//// Params = params ;
//// }
//// Params.action = SELECT_COMMON;
//// Params.prepareselect_sql = sql;
//// preparedSql(Params,prepareDBName, sql);
// preparedSelect(params,prepareDBName, new SQLInfo (sql,false,false));
// }
* 创建预编译更新语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(Params params,String prepareDBName, NewSQLInfo sql)
throws SQLException {
if(params == null)
Params = this.buildParams();
Params = params ;
Params.action = SELECT_COMMON;
// Params.prepareSqlifo = sql;
preparedSql(Params,prepareDBName, sql);
* 创建预编译更新语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(SQLParams params,String prepareDBName, String sql)
throws SQLException {
if(params != null)
preparedSelect(params.getRealParams(),prepareDBName, params.getNewsql());
preparedSelect((Params)null,prepareDBName, new NewSQLInfo(sql));
// /**
// * 创建预编译更新语句
// *
// * @param sql
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public void preparedSelect(String prepareDBName, String sql, int offset,
// int pagesize) throws SQLException {
// preparedSelect(prepareDBName, sql, offset,pagesize,(Connection) null);
// }
// /**
// * 预编译查询方法
// * @deprecated see preparedSelect(String prepareDBName, String sql, long offset,
// int pagesize)
// */
// public void preparedSelect(String prepareDBName, String sql, int offset,
// int pagesize) throws SQLException {
// preparedSelect( prepareDBName, sql, (long )offset,
// pagesize);
// }
* 预编译查询方法
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(String prepareDBName, String sql, long offset,
int pagesize) throws SQLException {
preparedSelect(prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize, oraclerownum,-1L);
* 预编译查询方法
* @mark
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(String prepareDBName, String sql, long offset,
int pagesize,long totalsize) throws SQLException {
preparedSelect(prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize, oraclerownum,totalsize);
* 预编译查询方法
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(String prepareDBName, String sql, long offset,
int pagesize,String totalsizesql) throws SQLException {
preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize, oraclerownum,totalsizesql);
* 预编译查询方法
* @mark
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(Params params,String prepareDBName, NewSQLInfo sql, long offset,
int pagesize,long totalsize) throws SQLException {
preparedSelect(params,prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize, oraclerownum,totalsize);
// /**
// * 预编译查询方法
// * @mark
// * @param sql
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public void preparedSelect(Params params,String prepareDBName, SQLInfo sql, long offset,
// int pagesize,long totalsize) throws SQLException {
// preparedSelect(params,prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize, oraclerownum,totalsize);
// }
* 预编译查询方法
* preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql((Params)null,prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize,totalsizesql)
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(Params params,String prepareDBName, NewSQLInfo sql, long offset,
int pagesize) throws SQLException {
preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(params,prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize, oraclerownum);
* 预编译查询方法
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(Params params,String prepareDBName, NewSQLInfo sql, long offset,
int pagesize) throws SQLException {
preparedSelect(params,prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize, oraclerownum,-1L);
* 预编译分页查询方法 ,外部传入总记录数
* @mark
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(SQLParams params,String prepareDBName, String sql, long offset,
int pagesize,long totalsize) throws SQLException {
if( params != null)
preparedSelect(params.getRealParams(),prepareDBName, params.getNewsql(), offset, pagesize,totalsize);
preparedSelect((Params)null,prepareDBName, new NewSQLInfo(sql), offset, pagesize,totalsize);
* 预编译分页查询方法,总记录数通过totalsizesql查询获取
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(SQLParams params,String prepareDBName, String sql, long offset,
int pagesize,String totalsizesql) throws SQLException {
if( params != null)
preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(params.getRealParams(),prepareDBName, params.getNewsql(), offset, pagesize);
preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql((Params)null,prepareDBName, new NewSQLInfo(sql,totalsizesql), offset, pagesize);
* 预编译查询方法
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(SQLParams params,String prepareDBName, String sql, long offset,
int pagesize) throws SQLException {
if( params != null)
preparedSelect(params.getRealParams(),prepareDBName, params.getNewsql(), offset, pagesize,-1L);
preparedSelect((Params)null,prepareDBName, new NewSQLInfo(sql), offset, pagesize,-1L);
* 预编译查询方法
* @mark
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(SQLParams params,String sql, long offset,
int pagesize,long totalsize) throws SQLException {
preparedSelect( params,null, sql, offset,
* 预编译查询方法
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(SQLParams params,String sql, long offset,
int pagesize, String totalsizesql) throws SQLException {
preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql( params,null, sql, offset,
* 预编译查询方法
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(SQLParams params,String sql, long offset,
int pagesize) throws SQLException {
preparedSelect( params,null, sql, offset,
// /**
// * 创建预编译更新语句
// *
// * @param sql
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public void preparedSelect(String prepareDBName, String sql, int offset,
// int pagesize, String oraclerownum) throws SQLException {
// preparedSelect(prepareDBName, sql, offset,pagesize, oraclerownum,(Connection) null);
// }
// /**
// * 创建预编译查询语句
// * @deprecated see preparedSelect(String prepareDBName, String sql, long offset,
// int pagesize, String oraclerownum)
// */
// public void preparedSelect(String prepareDBName, String sql, int offset,
// int pagesize, String oraclerownum) throws SQLException {
// preparedSelect(prepareDBName, sql, (long )offset,
// pagesize, oraclerownum);
// }
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @mark
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
* preparedSelect(prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize, oraclerownum,totalsize);
public void preparedSelect(String prepareDBName, String sql, long offset,
int pagesize, String oraclerownum,long totalsize) throws SQLException {
// preparedSelect( prepareDBName, SQLUtil.getGlobalSQLUtil().getSQLInfo(sql,false,false), offset,
preparedSelect( prepareDBName, SQLUtil.getGlobalSQLUtil().getPureSQLInfo(sql), offset,
pagesize, oraclerownum,totalsize);
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @mark
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
* preparedSelect(prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize, oraclerownum,totalsize);
public void preparedSelect(String prepareDBName, SQLInfo sql, long offset,
int pagesize, String oraclerownum,long totalsize) throws SQLException {
Params = this.buildParams();
preparedSelect(Params ,prepareDBName, new NewSQLInfo(sql), offset,
pagesize, oraclerownum,totalsize);
public void setPagineOrderby(String pagineOrderby)
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
* preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize, oraclerownum,totalsizesql);
public void preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(String prepareDBName, String sql, long offset,
int pagesize, String oraclerownum,String totalsizesql) throws SQLException {
// preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(prepareDBName, SQLUtil.getGlobalSQLUtil().getSQLInfo(sql,false,false), offset,
// pagesize, oraclerownum,SQLUtil.getGlobalSQLUtil().getSQLInfo(totalsizesql,false,false));
preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(prepareDBName, SQLUtil.getGlobalSQLUtil().getPureSQLInfo(sql), offset,
pagesize, oraclerownum,SQLUtil.getGlobalSQLUtil().getPureSQLInfo(totalsizesql));
* 创建预编译查询语句
* preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql((Params)null,prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize,totalsizesql)
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
* preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(prepareDBName, sql, offset, pagesize, oraclerownum,totalsizesql);
public void preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(String prepareDBName, SQLInfo sql, long offset,
int pagesize, String oraclerownum,SQLInfo totalsizesql) throws SQLException {
Params = this.buildParams();
preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(Params ,prepareDBName, new NewSQLInfo(sql,totalsizesql), offset,
pagesize, oraclerownum);
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(String prepareDBName, String sql, long offset,
int pagesize, String oraclerownum) throws SQLException {
Params = this.buildParams();
preparedSelect(Params ,prepareDBName, new NewSQLInfo(sql), offset,
pagesize, oraclerownum,-1L);
// /**
// * 创建预编译查询语句
// * @mark
// * @param sql
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public void preparedSelect(Params params,String prepareDBName, NewSQLInfo sql, long offset,
// int pagesize, String oraclerownum,long totalsize) throws SQLException {
//// if(params == null)
//// Params = this.buildParams();
//// else
//// Params = params;
////// Params = params;
//// Params.action = SELECT;
//// this.pagesize = pagesize;
//// Params.totalsize = totalsize;
//// this.offset = StatementInfo.rebuildOffset(offset, pagesize,totalsize);
//// Params.prepareselect_sql = sql;
//// this.oraclerownum = oraclerownum;
//// preparedSql(Params,prepareDBName, sql);
// preparedSelect(params,prepareDBName, new SQLInfo (sql,false,false),offset,
// pagesize, oraclerownum,totalsize) ;
// }
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @mark
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(Params params,String prepareDBName, NewSQLInfo sql, long offset,
int pagesize, String oraclerownum,long totalsize) throws SQLException {
if(params == null)
Params = this.buildParams();
Params = params;
// Params = params;
Params.action = SELECT;
this.pagesize = pagesize;
Params.totalsize = totalsize;
this.offset = StatementInfo.rebuildOffset(offset, pagesize,totalsize);
Params.prepareSqlifo = sql;
this.oraclerownum = oraclerownum;
preparedSql(Params,prepareDBName, sql);
* 创建预编译分页查询,额外增加分页总记录数sql语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(Params params,String prepareDBName, NewSQLInfo sql, long offset,
int pagesize, String oraclerownum) throws SQLException {
if(params == null)
Params = this.buildParams();
Params = params;
// Params = params;
Params.action = SELECT;
this.offset = offset;
this.pagesize = pagesize;
Params.prepareSqlifo= sql;
this.oraclerownum = oraclerownum;
// Params.totalsizesql = totalsizesql;
preparedSql(Params,prepareDBName, sql);
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(Params params,String prepareDBName, NewSQLInfo sql, long offset,
int pagesize, String oraclerownum) throws SQLException {
preparedSelect(params,prepareDBName, sql, offset,
pagesize, oraclerownum,-1L);
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @mark
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(SQLParams params,String prepareDBName, String sql, long offset,
int pagesize, String oraclerownum,long totalsize) throws SQLException {
if(params != null)
preparedSelect(params.getRealParams(),prepareDBName, params.getNewsql(), offset,
pagesize, oraclerownum,totalsize);
preparedSelect((Params)null,prepareDBName, new NewSQLInfo(sql), offset,
pagesize, oraclerownum,totalsize);
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(SQLParams params,String prepareDBName, String sql, long offset,
int pagesize, String oraclerownum,String totalsizesql) throws SQLException {
if(params != null)
preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(params.getRealParams(),prepareDBName, params.getNewsql(), offset,
pagesize, oraclerownum);
preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql((Params)null,prepareDBName, new NewSQLInfo(sql,totalsizesql), offset,
pagesize, oraclerownum);
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(SQLParams params,String prepareDBName, String sql, long offset,
int pagesize, String oraclerownum) throws SQLException {
if(params != null)
preparedSelect(params.getRealParams(),prepareDBName, params.getNewsql(), offset,
pagesize, oraclerownum,-1L);
preparedSelect((Params)null,prepareDBName, new NewSQLInfo(sql), offset,
pagesize, oraclerownum,-1L);
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @mark
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(SQLParams params, String sql, long offset,
int pagesize, String oraclerownum,long totalsize) throws SQLException {
preparedSelect( params,null, sql, offset,
pagesize, oraclerownum,totalsize);
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql(SQLParams params, String sql, long offset,
int pagesize, String oraclerownum,String totalsizesql) throws SQLException {
preparedSelectWithTotalsizesql( params,null, sql, offset,
pagesize, oraclerownum,totalsizesql);
* 创建预编译查询语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedSelect(SQLParams params, String sql, long offset,
int pagesize, String oraclerownum) throws SQLException {
preparedSelect( params,null, sql, offset,
pagesize, oraclerownum,-1L);
public static String convertOperationType(int action)
case PreparedDBUtil.SELECT:
return "SELECT";
case PreparedDBUtil.INSERT:
return "INSERT";
case PreparedDBUtil.UPDATE:
return "UPDATE";
case PreparedDBUtil.DELETE:
return "DELETE";
case PreparedDBUtil.SELECT_COMMON:
return "unkown action";
// /**
// * 创建特定数据库的预编译更新语句
// *
// * @param dbName
// * @param sql
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public void preparedUpdate(String dbName, String sql) throws SQLException {
// preparedUpdate(dbName, sql,(Connection)null);
// }
* 创建特定数据库的预编译更新语句
* @param dbName
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedUpdate(String dbName, String sql) throws SQLException {
Params = this.buildParams();
Params.action = UPDATE;
preparedSql(Params,dbName, new NewSQLInfo(sql));
// /**
// * 创建特定数据库的预编译更新语句
// *
// * @param dbName
// * @param sql
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public void preparedUpdate(Params params,String dbName, String sql) throws SQLException {
// preparedUpdate(params,dbName, new SQLInfo( sql,false,false));
// }
* 创建特定数据库的预编译更新语句
* @param dbName
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedUpdate(Params params,String dbName, NewSQLInfo sql) throws SQLException {
if(params == null)
Params = this.buildParams();
Params = params;
Params.action = UPDATE;
* 创建特定数据库的预编译更新语句
* @param dbName
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedUpdate(SQLParams params,String dbName, SQLInfo sql) throws SQLException {
if(params != null)
params.buildParams(sql, dbName);
preparedUpdate(params.getRealParams(),dbName, params.getNewsql());
preparedUpdate((Params)null,dbName, new NewSQLInfo(sql));
* 创建特定数据库的预编译更新语句
* @param dbName
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedUpdate(SQLParams params,String dbName, String sql) throws SQLException {
if(params != null)
params.buildParams(sql, dbName);
preparedUpdate(params.getRealParams(),dbName, params.getNewsql());
preparedUpdate((Params)null,dbName, new NewSQLInfo(sql));
* 创建特定数据库的预编译更新语句
* @param params
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedUpdate(SQLParams params,SQLInfo sql) throws SQLException {
preparedUpdate(params,this.prepareDBName, sql);
* 创建特定数据库的预编译更新语句
* @param params
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedUpdate(SQLParams params,String sql) throws SQLException {
preparedUpdate(params,this.prepareDBName, sql);
* 创建特定数据库的预编译更新语句
* @param params
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedUpdate(Params params, String sql) throws SQLException {
preparedUpdate(params, this.prepareDBName,new NewSQLInfo(sql));
// /**
// * 创建缺省数据库预编译删除语句
// *
// * @param sql
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public void preparedDelete(String sql) throws SQLException {
// preparedDelete(sql,(Connection)null);
// }
* 创建缺省数据库预编译删除语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedDelete(String sql) throws SQLException {
* 创建缺省数据库预编译删除语句
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedDelete(Params params,String sql) throws SQLException {
preparedDelete(params,this.prepareDBName, new NewSQLInfo(sql));
// /**
// * 创建特定数据库预编译删除语句
// *
// * @param dbName
// * @param sql
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public void preparedDelete(String dbName, String sql) throws SQLException {
// preparedDelete(dbName, sql,(Connection)null);
// }
* 创建特定数据库预编译删除语句
* @param dbName
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedDelete(String dbName, String sql) throws SQLException {
preparedDelete((Params)null,dbName, new NewSQLInfo(sql));
// /**
// * 创建特定数据库预编译删除语句
// *
// * @param dbName
// * @param sql
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public void preparedDelete(Params params,String dbName, NewSQLInfo sql) throws SQLException {
// preparedDelete(params,dbName, sql);
// }
* 创建特定数据库预编译删除语句
* @param dbName
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedDelete(Params params,String dbName, NewSQLInfo sql) throws SQLException {
if(params == null)
Params = this.buildParams();
Params = params;
Params.action = DELETE;
preparedSql(Params,dbName, sql);
* 创建特定数据库预编译删除语句
* @param dbName
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedDelete(SQLParams params,String dbName, SQLInfo sql) throws SQLException {
if(params != null)
params.buildParams(sql, dbName);
preparedDelete(params.getRealParams(),dbName, params.getNewsql());
preparedDelete((Params)null,dbName, new NewSQLInfo(sql));
public void preparedDelete(SQLParams params,String dbName, String sql) throws SQLException {
if(params != null)
params.buildParams(sql, dbName);
preparedDelete(params.getRealParams(),dbName, params.getNewsql());
preparedDelete((Params)null,dbName, new NewSQLInfo(sql));
* 创建特定数据库预编译删除语句
* @param params
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedDelete(SQLParams params, SQLInfo sql) throws SQLException {
preparedDelete(params, this.prepareDBName, sql);
* 创建特定数据库预编译删除语句
* @param params
* @param sql
* @throws SQLException
public void preparedDelete(SQLParams params, String sql) throws SQLException {
preparedDelete(params, this.prepareDBName, sql);
protected Param buildParam()
return new Param();
protected Params buildParams()
return new Params();
* 构造预编译参数
* @param index
* @param data
* @param method
public void addParam(int index, Object data, BaseTypeMethod method) throws SQLException
Param param = buildParam(); = data;
param.index = index;
param.method = method;
// JDBC 2.0
* @param i parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
* @param x
* @throws SQLException
public void setArray(int i, Array x) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setArray(i, x);
// this.statement.setArray(i, x);
} catch (Exception e) {
public void setAsciiStream(int i, InputStream x, int length)
throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setAsciiStream(i, x, length);
// this.statement.setAsciiStream(i, x, length);
this.addParam(i, new Object[] {x,new Integer(length)}, Param.SET_AsciiStream_INT_InputStream_INT);
} catch (Exception e) {
public void setBigDecimal(int i, BigDecimal x) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setBigDecimal(i, x);
// this.statement.setBigDecimal(i, x);
this.addParam(i, x, Param.SET_BigDecimal_INT_BigDecimal);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void setBinaryStream(int i, InputStream x, int length)
throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setAsciiStream(i, x, length);
// this.statement.setBinaryStream(i, x, length);
this.addParam(i, new Object[]{x,new Integer(length)}, Param.setBinaryStream_int_InputStream_int);
} catch (SQLException e) {
// public void setBlob(int i, Blob x) throws SQLException
// {
// this.initBigdata();
// BigData bigData = new BigData();
// // bigData.bigdata = this.statement.setBlob(i, x);
// }
* @param i set i parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
* @param x
* @throws SQLException
public void setBlob(int i, byte[] x) throws SQLException {
try {
// this.initBigdata();
// BigData bigData = new BigData();
// bigData.bigdata = x;
// bigData.index = i;
// bigData.type = bigData.BLOB;
// Params.bigdatas.add(bigData);
// // if (this.action == this.INSERT)
//// this.statement.setBlob(i, BLOB.empty_lob());
// this.addParam(i, BLOB.empty_lob(), Param.setBlob_int_bytearray);
if(x != null)
// ByteArrayInputStream bis=new ByteArrayInputStream(x);
//// PreparedStatement stmt ;
//// stmt.setBinaryStream(parameterIndex, x, length);
//// stmt.set
// this.setBinaryStream(i, bis, x.length);
this.addParam(i, x, Param.setBlob_int_bytearray);
// this.addParam(i, data, method)
this.setNull(i, Types.BLOB);
} catch (SQLException e) {
* @param i set i parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
* @param blob
* @throws SQLException
public void setBlob(int i, Blob blob) throws SQLException {
try {
// this.initBigdata();
// BigData bigData = new BigData();
// bigData.bigdata = x;
// bigData.index = i;
// bigData.type = bigData.BLOB;
// Params.bigdatas.add(bigData);
// // if (this.action == this.INSERT)
//// this.statement.setBlob(i, BLOB.empty_lob());
// this.addParam(i, BLOB.empty_lob(), Param.setBlob_int_bytearray);
if(blob != null)
// ByteArrayInputStream bis=new ByteArrayInputStream(x);
//// PreparedStatement stmt ;
//// stmt.setBinaryStream(parameterIndex, x, length);
//// stmt.set
// this.setBinaryStream(i, bis, x.length);
// this.addParam(i, data, method)
this.addParam(i, blob, Param.setBlob_int_blob);
this.setNull(i, Types.BLOB);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void setClob(int i, Clob clob) throws SQLException {
try {
// this.initBigdata();
// BigData bigData = new BigData();
// bigData.bigdata = x;
// bigData.index = i;
// bigData.type = bigData.BLOB;
// Params.bigdatas.add(bigData);
// // if (this.action == this.INSERT)
//// this.statement.setBlob(i, BLOB.empty_lob());
// this.addParam(i, BLOB.empty_lob(), Param.setBlob_int_bytearray);
if(clob != null)
// ByteArrayInputStream bis=new ByteArrayInputStream(x);
//// PreparedStatement stmt ;
//// stmt.setBinaryStream(parameterIndex, x, length);
//// stmt.set
// this.setBinaryStream(i, bis, x.length);
// this.addParam(i, data, method)
this.addParam(i, clob, Param.setClob_int_Clob);
this.setNull(i, Types.CLOB);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void setBlob(int i, byte[] x, String field) throws SQLException {
// try {
// this.initBigdata();
// BigData bigData = new BigData();
// bigData.bigdata = x;
// bigData.index = i;
// bigData.type = bigData.BLOB;
// bigData.bigdataField = field;
// String s;
// Params.bigdatas.add(bigData);
// // if (this.action == this.INSERT)
//// this.statement.setBlob(i, BLOB.empty_lob());
// this.addParam(i, BLOB.empty_lob(), Param.setBlob_int_bytearray_String);
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// this.resetFromSetMethod(e);
// }
this.setBlob(i, x);
public void setBlob(int i, File x) throws SQLException {
// try {
// this.initBigdata();
// BigData bigData = new BigData();
// bigData.bigdata = x;
// bigData.index = i;
// bigData.type = BigData.BLOB;
// Params.bigdatas.add(bigData);
// // if (this.action == INSERT)
//// this.statement.setBlob(i, BLOB.empty_lob());
// this.addParam(i, BLOB.empty_lob(), Param.setBlob_int_File);
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// this.resetFromSetMethod(e);
// }
if(x == null)
this.setNull(i, Types.BLOB);
this.addParam(i, x, Param.setBlob_int_File);
public void setBlob(int i, String x) throws SQLException {
// try {
// this.initBigdata();
// BigData bigData = new BigData();
// bigData.bigdata = x;
// bigData.index = i;
// bigData.type = BigData.BLOB;
// Params.bigdatas.add(bigData);
// // if (this.action == INSERT)
//// this.statement.setBlob(i, BLOB.empty_lob());
// this.addParam(i, BLOB.empty_lob(), Param.setBlob_int_File);
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// this.resetFromSetMethod(e);
// }
if(x == null)
this.setNull(i, Types.BLOB);
// this.setBinaryStream(i, getInputStream(x), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
this.addParam(i, x, Param.setBlob_int_blob);
public String getString(File x) throws SQLException
{ in = null ;
ByteArrayOutputStream out = null;
try {
in = new;
out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte v[] = new byte[1024];
int i = 0;
while((i = > 0)
out.write(v, 0, i);
return new String(out.toByteArray());
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new NestedSQLException(e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new NestedSQLException(e);
if(in != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
if(out != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public static String getString(InputStream in,String charset) throws SQLException
ByteArrayOutputStream out = null;
try {
out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte v[] = new byte[1024];
int i = 0;
while((i = > 0)
out.write(v, 0, i);
if(charset == null)
return new String(out.toByteArray());
return new String(out.toByteArray(),charset);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new NestedSQLException(e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new NestedSQLException(e);
if(in != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
if(out != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public InputStream getInputStream(File x) throws SQLException
{ in = null ;
ByteArrayOutputStream out = null;
try {
in = new;
out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte v[] = new byte[1024];
int i = 0;
while((i = > 0)
out.write(v, 0, i);
return new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new NestedSQLException(e);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new NestedSQLException(e);
if(in != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
if(out != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public void setBlob(int i, File x, String field) throws SQLException {
// try {
// this.initBigdata();
// BigData bigData = new BigData();
// bigData.bigdata = x;
// bigData.index = i;
// bigData.type = BigData.BLOB;
// bigData.bigdataField = field;
// Params.bigdatas.add(bigData);
// // if (this.action == INSERT)
//// this.statement.setBlob(i, BLOB.empty_lob());
// this.addParam(i, BLOB.empty_lob(), Param.setBlob_int_File_String);
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// this.resetFromSetMethod(e);
// }
this.setBlob(i, x);
public void setClob(int i, File file) throws SQLException {
// try {
// this.initBigdata();
// BigData bigData = new BigData();
// bigData.bigdata = file;
// bigData.index = i;
// bigData.type = BigData.CLOB;
// Params.bigdatas.add(bigData);
// // if (this.action == INSERT)
//// this.statement.setBlob(i, BLOB.empty_lob());
// this.addParam(i, CLOB.empty_lob(), Param.setClob_int_File);
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// this.resetFromSetMethod(e);
// }
// reader;
// reader = new;
// StringReader reader = new file));
// this.setCharacterStream(i, reader, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
this.addParam(i, file, Param.setClob_int_File);
public void setClob(int i, File file, String field) throws SQLException {
// try {
// this.initBigdata();
// BigData bigData = new BigData();
// bigData.bigdata = file;
// bigData.index = i;
// bigData.type = BigData.CLOB;
// bigData.bigdataField = field;
// Params.bigdatas.add(bigData);
// // if (this.action == INSERT)
//// this.statement.setBlob(i, BLOB.empty_lob());
// this.addParam(i, CLOB.empty_lob(), Param.setClob_int_File_String);
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// this.resetFromSetMethod(e);
// }
this.setClob(i, file);
public void setBoolean(int i, boolean x) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setBoolean(i, x);
// this.statement.setBoolean(i, x);
this.addParam(i, new Boolean(x), Param.setBoolean_int_boolean);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void setByte(int i, byte b) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setByte(i, b);
// this.statement.setByte(i, b);
this.addParam(i, new Byte(b), Param.setByte_int_byte);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void setBytes(int i, byte[] x) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setBytes(i, x);
// this.statement.setBytes(i, x);
this.addParam(i, x, Param.setBytes_int_bytearray);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void setCharacterStream(int i, Reader reader, int length)
throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setCharacterStream(i, reader, length);
// this.statement.setCharacterStream(i, reader, length);
this.addParam(i, new Object[] {reader,new Integer(length)}, Param.setCharacterStream_int_Reader_int);
} catch (SQLException e) {
* 设置clob字段的值,clob字段的名称从insert语句的fields字段中查找获得,这
* 要求字段的位置和i保持一致
* @param i
* @param content
* @throws SQLException
public void setClob(int i, String content) throws SQLException {
// try {
// if (SQLManager.getInstance().getDBAdapter(this.prepareDBName)
// .getDBTYPE().equals(DBFactory.DBOracle)) {
// this.initBigdata();
// BigData bigdata = new BigData();
// bigdata.bigdata = content;
// bigdata.type = BigData.CLOB;
// bigdata.index = i;
// Params.bigdatas.add(bigdata);
// // if(action == INSERT)
//// this.statement.setClob(i, CLOB.empty_lob());
// this.addParam(i, CLOB.empty_lob(), Param.setClob_int_String);
// } else {
//// this.statement.setString(i, content);
// this.addParam(i, content, Param.setString_int_String);
// }
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// this.resetFromSetMethod(e);
// }
if(content != null)
// reader = new;
// this.setCharacterStream(i, reader, content.length());
// this.setClob(i, content)
this.addParam(i, content, Param.setClob_int_String);
this.setNull(i, Types.CLOB);
public void setClob(int i, String content, String field)
throws SQLException {
// try {
// if (SQLManager.getInstance().getDBAdapter(this.prepareDBName)
// .getDBTYPE().equals(DBFactory.DBOracle)) {
// this.initBigdata();
// BigData bigdata = new BigData();
// bigdata.bigdata = content;
// bigdata.type = BigData.CLOB;
// bigdata.index = i;
// bigdata.bigdataField = field;
// Params.bigdatas.add(bigdata);
// // if(action == INSERT)
//// this.statement.setClob(i, CLOB.empty_lob());
// this.addParam(i, CLOB.empty_lob(), Param.setClob_int_String_String);
// } else {
// // this.statement.setClob(i, clob);
// this.addParam(i, content, Param.setString_int_String);
// }
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// this.resetFromSetMethod(e);
// }
this.setClob(i, content);
* @param i set i parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
* @param d
* @throws SQLException
public void setDate(int i, java.sql.Date d) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setDate(i, d);
// this.statement.setDate(i, d);
this.addParam(i, d, Param.setDate_int_sqlDate);
} catch (SQLException e) {
* 适用于通用的date类型的数据
* @param i set i parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
* @param d
* 日期类型
* @throws SQLException
public void setDate(int i, java.util.Date d) throws SQLException {
try {
if (d != null) {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setDate(i, new java.sql.Date(d
// .getTime()));
// this.statement.setDate(i, new java.sql.Date(d.getTime()));
this.addParam(i, new java.sql.Date(d.getTime()), Param.setDate_int_utilDate);
} else {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setNull(i, Types.NULL);
// this.statement.setNull(i, Types.NULL);
this.addParam(i, new Integer(Types.DATE), Param.setNull_int_int);
} catch (SQLException e) {
* @param i set i parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
* @param d
* @param cal
* @throws SQLException
public void setDate(int i, java.sql.Date d, Calendar cal)
throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setDate(i, d, cal);
// this.statement.setDate(i, d, cal);
this.addParam(i, new Object[] {d,cal}, Param.setDate_int_Date_Calendar);
} catch (SQLException e) {
* @param i set i parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
* @param d
* @throws SQLException
public void setDouble(int i, double d) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setDouble(i, d);
// this.statement.setDouble(i, d);
this.addParam(i, new Double(d),Param.setDouble_int_double);
} catch (SQLException e) {
* @param i set i parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
* @param f
* @throws SQLException
public void setFloat(int i, float f) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setFloat(i, f);
// this.statement.setFloat(i, f);
this.addParam(i, new Float(f), Param.setFloat_int_float);
} catch (SQLException e) {
// /**
// * 当更新带有clob和blob字段的
// *
// * @param i
// * @param key
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public void setPrimaryKey(int i, int value, String table, String keyName)
// throws SQLException {
// this.updateKeyInfo = new UpdateKeyInfo();
// this.updateKeyInfo.tableName = table;
// this.updateKeyInfo.keyValue = value + "";
// this.updateKeyInfo.keyName = keyName;
// this.statement.setInt(i, value);
// }
// /**
// * 当更新带有clob和blob字段的
// *
// * @param i
// * @param key
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public void setPrimaryKey(int i, String value, String table, String
// keyName)
// throws SQLException {
// this.updateKeyInfo = new UpdateKeyInfo();
// this.updateKeyInfo.tableName = table;
// this.updateKeyInfo.keyValue = value + "";
// this.updateKeyInfo.keyName = keyName;
// this.statement.setString(i, value);
// }
* @param i set i parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
* @param x
* @throws SQLException
public void setInt(int i, int x) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setInt(i, x);
// this.statement.setInt(i, x);
this.addParam(i, new Integer(x), Param.setInt_int_int);
} catch (SQLException e) {
* @param i set i parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
* @param l
* @throws SQLException
public void setLong(int i, long l) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setLong(i, l);
// this.statement.setLong(i, l);
this.addParam(i, new Long(l), Param.setLong_int_long);
} catch (SQLException e) {
* @param i set i parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
* @param sqlType
* @throws SQLException
public void setNull(int i, int sqlType) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setNull(i, sqlType);
// this.statement.setNull(i, sqlType);
this.addParam(i, new Integer(sqlType), Param.setNull_int_int);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void setNull(int i, int sqlType, String typeName)
throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setNull(i, sqlType, typeName);
// this.statement.setNull(i, sqlType, typeName);
this.addParam(i, new Object[] {new Integer(sqlType),typeName}, Param.setNull_int_int_String);
} catch (SQLException e) {
* @param i parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
* @param o
* @throws SQLException
public void setObject(int i, Object o) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setObject(i, o);
// this.statement.setObject(i, o);
DB db = DBUtil.getDBAdapter(prepareDBName);
if(db == null)
this._setObject( i, o);
db.setObject((PreparedDBUtil) this, i, o);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void setObject(int i, Object o, int targetType) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setObject(i, o, targetType);
// this.statement.setObject(i, o, targetType);
this.addParam(i, new Object[]{o,new Integer(targetType)}, Param.setObject_int_Object_int);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void setObject(int i, Object o, int targetType, int scale)
throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setObject(i, o, targetType, scale);
// this.statement.setObject(i, o, targetType, scale);
this.addParam(i, new Object[]{o,new Integer(targetType),new Integer(scale)}, Param.setObject_int_Object_int_int);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void setRef(int i, Ref ref) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setRef(i, ref);
// this.statement.setRef(i, ref);
this.addParam(i,ref, Param.setRef_int_Ref);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void setShort(int i, short s) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setShort(i, s);
// this.statement.setShort(i, s);
this.addParam(i, new Short(s), Param.setShort_int_short);
} catch (SQLException e) {
* @param i set i parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
* @param s
* @throws SQLException
public void setString(int i, String s) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setString(i, s);
// this.statement.setString(i, s);
this.addParam(i, s, Param.setString_int_String);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void setTime(int i, Time t) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setTime(i, t);
// this.statement.setTime(i, t);
this.addParam(i, t, Param.setTime_int_Time);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void setTime(int i, Time t, Calendar cal) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setTime(i, t, cal);
// this.statement.setTime(i, t, cal);
this.addParam(i, new Object[]{t,cal}, Param.setTime_int_Time_Calendar);
} catch (SQLException e) {
* @param i set i parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
* @param t
* @throws SQLException
public void setTimestamp(int i, Timestamp t) throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setTimestamp(i, t);
// this.statement.setTimestamp(i, t);
this.addParam(i, t, Param.setTimestamp_int_Timestamp);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void setTimestamp(int i, Timestamp t, Calendar cal)
throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setTimestamp(i, t, cal);
// this.statement.setTimestamp(i, t, cal);
this.addParam(i, new Object[]{t,cal}, Param.setTimestamp_int_Timestamp_Calendar);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void setUnicodeStream(int i, InputStream x, int length)
throws SQLException {
try {
// if (this.action == SELECT)
// this.statement_count.setAsciiStream(i, x, length);
// this.statement.setUnicodeStream(i, x, length);
this.addParam(i, new Object[]{x,new Integer(length)}, Param.setUnicodeStream_int_InputStream_int);
} catch (SQLException e) {
* @return Returns the prepareDBName.
public String getPrepareDBName() {
return prepareDBName;
* @param prepareDBName
* The prepareDBName to set.
public void setPrepareDBName(String prepareDBName) {
this.prepareDBName = prepareDBName;
public static void main(String[] args) {
PreparedDBUtil dbUtil = new PreparedDBUtil();
String sql = "insert into tableinfo(1) values(?)";
try {
dbUtil.setInt(0, 1);
Object obj = dbUtil.executePrepared();
} catch (SQLException e) {
* 重置预编译参数
public void resetPrepare() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("reset prepared failed:",e);
* 扩展prepared组件功能,增加批量预编译操作的处理,相关的方法如下:
* void addPreparedBatch()
* Object[] executePreparedBatch()
* 表示一条批处理语句的参数设置完毕
* 准备设置下一条批处理语句,如果只有一条批处理语句记录需要处理则直接使用params变量保持
* 这条记录的参数,然后调用executePrepared()完成批处理操作即可
public void addPreparedBatch()
if(this.batchparams == null)
batchparams = new ArrayList();
// batchparamsIDXBySQL = new HashMap();
// batchparamsIDXBySQL.put(Params.prepareselect_sql, Params);
NewSQLInfo old = this.Params.prepareSqlifo;
Params = this.buildParams();
Params.prepareSqlifo = old;
public void addPreparedBatch(ListSQLParams batchsqlparams_) throws SQLException
if(batchsqlparams_ == null || batchsqlparams_.getSqlparams() == null || batchsqlparams_.getSqlparams().size() == 0)
throw new SQLException("batchsqlparams == null || batchsqlparams.size() == 0");
if(this.batchparams == null)
batchparams = new ArrayList();
List batchsqlparams = batchsqlparams_.getSqlparams();
int i = 0;
boolean multiparser = batchsqlparams_.multiparser();
NewSQLInfo newsql = null;
for(SQLParams sqlParams:batchsqlparams)
if(!multiparser )
if(i == 0)
sqlParams.buildParams( this.prepareDBName);
newsql = sqlParams.getNewsql();
i ++;
sqlParams.buildParamsNewSQLInfo( this.prepareDBName,newsql);
sqlParams.buildParams( this.prepareDBName);
this.Params = sqlParams.getRealParams();
this.Params.prepareSqlifo = sqlParams.getNewsql();
* 用户可以调用预编译批处理优化标识,为true时会将所有的批处理语句排序,将相同的sql语句放到一起
* 通过统一的preparedstatement来进行批处理操作。
* @param batchOptimize
public void setBatchOptimize(boolean batchOptimize)
this.batchOptimize = batchOptimize;
private String buildInfo(int r[])
if(r.length == 0)
return "No sql been executed.";
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < r.length; i ++)
if(i == 0)
ret.append(i )
ret.append(",").append(i )
return ret.toString();
public void executePreparedBatch(DBOptions dbOptions,Connection con_) throws SQLException
executePreparedBatch( dbOptions,con_,null) ;
* 执行预编译批出理操作,支持事务,如果con参数本身就是事务链接,则使用该事务链接
* 如果con == null则判断外部事务是否存在,如果存在从外部事务中获取一个事务链接来完成批处理操作
* 如果不存在则从链接池中获取一个链接,所有的批处理操作不会包含在一个事务之中。
* 如果想指定特定数据库的事务则需要调用this.setPrepareDBName(prepareDBName);方法指定执行的逻辑
* 数据库名称
* @param con_ 外部传入的数据库链接
* @param CUDResult 是否返回处理结果:批处理数据的处理情况,比如更新记录数,自动产生的主键信息
* @return
* @throws SQLException
public void executePreparedBatch(DBOptions dbOptions,Connection con_,GetCUDResult CUDResult) throws SQLException
if(this.batchparams == null || batchparams.size() == 0)
// throw new SQLException("Can not execute single prepared statement as batch prepared operation,Please call method executePrepared(Connection con)!");"Can not execute single prepared statement as batch prepared operation,Please call method executePrepared(Connection con)!");
return ;
StatementInfo stmtInfo = null;
PreparedStatement statement = null;
List resources = null;
// GetCUDResult CUDResult = null;
stmtInfo = new StatementInfo(dbOptions,this.prepareDBName,
boolean getCUDResult = CUDResult != null;
JDBCPool pool = SQLManager.getInstance().getPool(this.prepareDBName);
NewSQLInfo old_sql = null;
boolean showsql = showsql(stmtInfo.getDbname());
int i = 0;
while(i < batchparams.size() )
// Params Params = (Params)batchparams.remove(0);
Params Params = (Params)batchparams.get(i);
i ++;
if (Params.action == SELECT) {
throw new SQLException("Batch prepared Operation do not support pagine query opations.");
} else if (Params.action == SELECT_COMMON) {
throw new SQLException("Batch prepared Operation do not support query opations.");
if(old_sql == null )
old_sql = Params.prepareSqlifo;
if(log.isInfoEnabled())"Execute JDBC prepared batch statement:{}",Params.prepareSqlifo.getNewsql());
statement = stmtInfo
if(resources == null)
resources = new ArrayList();
// else if(Params.prepareselect_sql == null)
// {
// setUpParams(Params,statement);
// statement.addBatch();
// }
else if(!old_sql.equals(Params.prepareSqlifo))
int[] ret = statement.executeBatch();
if(log.isInfoEnabled()) StringBuilder("Execute prepared Batch sql[")
.append("] success")
catch(Exception e)
statement = null;
if(resources != null)
resources = null;
old_sql = Params.prepareSqlifo;
if(log.isInfoEnabled() )
log.debug("Execute JDBC prepared batch statement:{}",Params.prepareSqlifo.getNewsql());
statement = stmtInfo
if(resources == null)
resources = new ArrayList();
if(resources == null)
resources = new ArrayList();
if(i == batchparams.size())
int[] ret = statement.executeBatch();
if(log.isInfoEnabled() ) StringBuilder("Execute prepared Batch sql[")
.append("] success")
if(CUDResult != null)
List morekeys = StatementInfo.getGeneratedKeys(statement);
// CUDResult = new GetCUDResult(ret,ret,morekeys);
// else
// CUDResult = new GetCUDResult(ret,ret,null);
catch(Exception e)
statement = null;
if(resources != null)
resources = null;
// statement = null;
catch(BatchUpdateException error)
// try{
// log.error("Execuete batch prepared Error:" + error.getMessage(), error);
// }
// catch(Exception ei)
// {
// }
if(stmtInfo != null)
throw error;
catch (Exception e) {
// try{
// log.error("Execuete batch prepared Error:" + e.getMessage(), e);
// }
// catch(Exception ei)
// {
// }
if(stmtInfo != null)
if(e instanceof SQLException)
throw (SQLException)e;
throw new NestedSQLException(e.getMessage(),e);
} finally {
if(stmtInfo != null)
stmtInfo = null;
if(resources != null)
if(batchparams != null){
// return CUDResult;
public void _setObject(int i, Object o) throws SQLException
if(o == null || o instanceof java.sql.Timestamp)
this.addParam(i, o, Param.setObject_int_Object);
else if(o instanceof java.sql.Date)
o = new java.sql.Timestamp(((java.sql.Date)o).getTime());
this.addParam(i, o, Param.setObject_int_Object);
else if(o instanceof java.util.Date)
o = new java.sql.Timestamp(((java.util.Date)o).getTime());
this.addParam(i, o, Param.setObject_int_Object);
this.addParam(i, o, Param.setObject_int_Object);