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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.    

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;


 * This class is responsible for handling the references in
 * VTL ($foo).
 * Please look at the Parser.jjt file which is
 * what controls the generation of this class.
 * @author Jason van Zyl
 * @author Geir Magnusson Jr.
 * @author Christoph Reck
 * @author  to render as $abc
    public boolean strictEscape = false;
     * Indicates if toString() should be called during condition evaluation just
     * to ensure it does not return null. Check is unnecessary if all toString()
     * implementations are known to have non-null return values. Disabling the
     * check will give a performance improval since toString() may be a complex
     * operation on large objects.
    public boolean toStringNullCheck = true;
    private int numChildren = 0;

    protected Info uberInfo;

     * @param id
    public ASTReference(int id)

     * @param p
     * @param id
    public ASTReference(Parser p, int id)
        super(p, id);

     * @see, java.lang.Object)
    public Object jjtAccept(ParserVisitor visitor, Object data)
        return visitor.visit(this, data);

     * @see, java.lang.Object)
    public Object init(InternalContextAdapter context, Object data)
    throws TemplateInitException
        super.init(context, data);
        strictEscape = rsvc.getBoolean(RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_REFERENCES_STRICT_ESCAPE, false);
        strictRef = rsvc.getBoolean(RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_REFERENCES_STRICT, false);
        toStringNullCheck = rsvc.getBoolean(RuntimeConstants.DIRECTIVE_IF_TOSTRING_NULLCHECK, true); 
         *  the only thing we can do in init() is getRoot()
         *  as that is template based, not context based,
         *  so it's thread- and context-safe

        rootString = getRoot().intern();

        numChildren = jjtGetNumChildren();
        // This is an expensive call, so get it now.
        literal = literal();
         * and if appropriate...

        if (numChildren > 0 )
            Node lastNode = jjtGetChild(numChildren-1);
            if (lastNode instanceof ASTIndex)
                astIndex = (ASTIndex)lastNode;
                identifier = lastNode.getFirstToken().image;            

         * make an uberinfo - saves new's later on
        uberInfo = new Info(getTemplateName(), getLine(),getColumn());

         * track whether we log invalid references
        logOnNull =
            rsvc.getBoolean(RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_LOG_REFERENCE_LOG_INVALID, true);

         * In the case we are referencing a variable with #if($foo) or
         * #if( ! $foo) then we allow variables to be undefined and we 
         * set strictRef to false so that if the variable is undefined
         * an exception is not thrown. 
        if (strictRef && numChildren == 0)
            logOnNull = false; // Strict mode allows nulls
            Node node = this.jjtGetParent();
            if (node instanceof ASTNotNode     // #if( ! $foo)
             || node instanceof ASTExpression  // #if( $foo )
             || node instanceof ASTOrNode      // #if( $foo || ...
             || node instanceof ASTAndNode)    // #if( $foo && ...
                // Now scan up tree to see if we are in an If statement
                while (node != null)
                    if (node instanceof ASTIfStatement)
                       strictRef = false;
                    node = node.jjtGetParent();
        return data;

     *  Returns the 'root string', the reference key
     * @return the root string.
     public String getRootString()
        return rootString;

     *   gets an Object that 'is' the value of the reference
     *   @param o   unused Object parameter
     *   @param context context used to generate value
     * @return The execution result.
     * @throws MethodInvocationException
    public Object execute(Object o, InternalContextAdapter context)
        throws MethodInvocationException

        if (referenceType == RUNT)
            return null;

         *  get the root object from the context

        Object result = getVariableValue(context, rootString);

        if (result == null && !strictRef)
            return EventHandlerUtil.invalidGetMethod(rsvc, context, 
                    getDollarBang() + rootString, null, null, uberInfo);

         * Iteratively work 'down' (it's flat...) the reference
         * to get the value, but check to make sure that
         * every result along the path is valid. For example:
         * $hashtable.Customer.Name
         * The $hashtable may be valid, but there is no key
         * 'Customer' in the hashtable so we want to stop
         * when we find a null value and return the null
         * so the error gets logged.

            Object previousResult = result; 
            int failedChild = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
                if (strictRef && result == null)
                     * At this point we know that an attempt is about to be made
                     * to call a method or property on a null value.
                    String name = jjtGetChild(i).getFirstToken().image;
                    throw new VelocityException("Attempted to access '"  
                        + name + "' on a null value at "
                        + Log.formatFileString(uberInfo.getTemplateName(),
                        + jjtGetChild(i).getLine(), jjtGetChild(i).getColumn()));                  
                previousResult = result;
                result = jjtGetChild(i).execute(result,context);
                if (result == null && !strictRef)  // If strict and null then well catch this
                                                   // next time through the loop
                    failedChild = i;

            if (result == null)
                if (failedChild == -1)
                    result = EventHandlerUtil.invalidGetMethod(rsvc, context, 
                            getDollarBang() + rootString, previousResult, null, uberInfo);                    
                    StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(getDollarBang()).append(rootString);
                    for (int i = 0; i <= failedChild; i++)
                        Node node = jjtGetChild(i);
                        if (node instanceof ASTMethod)
                            name.append(".").append(((ASTMethod) node).getMethodName()).append("()");
                    if (jjtGetChild(failedChild) instanceof ASTMethod)
                        String methodName = ((ASTMethod) jjtGetChild(failedChild)).getMethodName();
                        result = EventHandlerUtil.invalidMethod(rsvc, context, 
                                name.toString(), previousResult, methodName, uberInfo);                                                                
                        String property = jjtGetChild(failedChild).getFirstToken().image;
                        result = EventHandlerUtil.invalidGetMethod(rsvc, context, 
                                name.toString(), previousResult, property, uberInfo);                        
            return result;
        catch(MethodInvocationException mie)
            throw mie;

     *  gets the value of the reference and outputs it to the
     *  writer.
     *  @param context  context of data to use in getting value
     *  @param writer   writer to render to
     * @return True if rendering was successful.
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws MethodInvocationException
    public boolean render(InternalContextAdapter context, Writer writer) throws IOException,
        if (referenceType == RUNT)
            return true;

        Object value = null;
        if (escaped && strictEscape)
           * If we are in strict mode and the variable is escaped, then don't bother to
           * retreive the value since we won't use it. And if the var is not defined 
           * it will throw an exception.  Set value to TRUE to fall through below with
           * simply printing $foo, and not \$foo
          value = Boolean.TRUE;
          value = execute(null, context);

        String localNullString = null;

         * if this reference is escaped (\$foo) then we want to do one of two things : 1) if this is
         * a reference in the context, then we want to print $foo 2) if not, then \$foo (its
         * considered schmoo, not VTL)

        if (escaped)
            localNullString = getNullString(context);
            if (value == null)
            return true;

         * the normal processing
         * if we have an event cartridge, get a new value object

        value = EventHandlerUtil.referenceInsert(rsvc, context, literal, value);

        String toString = null;
        if (value != null)
            if (value instanceof Renderable)
                Renderable renderable = (Renderable)value;
                    if (renderable.render(context,writer))
                      return true;
                catch(RuntimeException e)
                    // We commonly get here when an error occurs within a block reference.
                    // We want to log where the reference is at so that a developer can easily
                    // know where the offending call is located.  This can be seen
                    // as another element of the error stack we report to log.
                    log.error("Exception rendering "
                        + ((renderable instanceof Reference)? "block ":"Renderable ")
                        + rootString + " at " + Log.formatFileString(this));
                    throw e;

            toString = value.toString();

        if (value == null || toString == null)
            if (strictRef)
                if (referenceType != QUIET_REFERENCE)
                  log.error("Prepend the reference with '$!' e.g., $!" + literal().substring(1)
                      + " if you want Velocity to ignore the reference when it evaluates to null");
                  if (value == null)
                    throw new VelocityException("Reference " + literal() 
                        + " evaluated to null when attempting to render at " 
                        + Log.formatFileString(this));
                  else  // toString == null
                    // This will probably rarely happen, but when it does we want to
                    // inform the user that toString == null so they don't pull there
                    // hair out wondering why Velocity thinks the value is null.                    
                    throw new VelocityException("Reference " + literal()
                        + " evaluated to object " + value.getClass().getName()
                        + " whose toString() method returned null at "
                        + Log.formatFileString(this));
                return true;
             * write prefix twice, because it's schmoo, so the \ don't escape each
             * other...
            localNullString = getNullString(context);
            if (!strictEscape)
                // If in strict escape mode then we only print escape once.
                // Yea, I know.. brittle stuff

            if (logOnNull && referenceType != QUIET_REFERENCE && log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Null reference [template '" + getTemplateName()
                        + "', line " + this.getLine() + ", column " + this.getColumn() + "] : "
                        + this.literal() + " cannot be resolved.");
            return true;
             * non-null processing

            return true;

     * This method helps to implement the "render literal if null" functionality.
     * VelocimacroProxy saves references to macro arguments (AST nodes) so that if we have a macro
     * #foobar($a $b) then there is key "$a.literal" which points to the literal presentation of the
     * argument provided to variable $a. If the value of $a is null, we render the string that was
     * provided as the argument.
     * @param context
     * @return
    private String getNullString(InternalContextAdapter context)
        Object callingArgument = context.get(".literal." + nullString);

        if (callingArgument != null)
            return ((Node) callingArgument).literal();
            return nullString;

     *   Computes boolean value of this reference
     *   Returns the actual value of reference return type
     *   boolean, and 'true' if value is not null
     *   @param context context to compute value with
     * @return True if evaluation was ok.
     * @throws MethodInvocationException
    public boolean evaluate(InternalContextAdapter context)
        throws MethodInvocationException
        Object value = execute(null, context);

        if (value == null)
            return false;
        else if (value instanceof Boolean)
            if (((Boolean) value).booleanValue())
                return true;
                return false;
        else if (toStringNullCheck)
                return value.toString() != null;
            catch(Exception e)
                throw new VelocityException("Reference evaluation threw an exception at " 
                    + Log.formatFileString(this), e);
            return true;

     * @see
    public Object value(InternalContextAdapter context)
        throws MethodInvocationException
        return (computableReference ? execute(null, context) : null);

     * Utility class to handle nulls when printing a class type
    public static String printClass(Class clazz)
      return clazz == null ? "null" : clazz.getName();
     *  Sets the value of a complex reference (something like $
     *  Currently used by ASTSetReference()
     *  @see ASTSetDirective
     *  @param context context object containing this reference
     *  @param value Object to set as value
     *  @return true if successful, false otherwise
     * @throws MethodInvocationException
    public boolean setValue( InternalContextAdapter context, Object value)
      throws MethodInvocationException
        if (jjtGetNumChildren() == 0)
            context.put(rootString, value);
            return true;

         *  The rootOfIntrospection is the object we will
         *  retrieve from the Context. This is the base
         *  object we will apply reflection to.

        Object result = getVariableValue(context, rootString);

        if (result == null)
            String msg = "reference set is not a valid reference at "
                    + Log.formatFileString(uberInfo);
            return false;

         * How many child nodes do we have?

        for (int i = 0; i < numChildren - 1; i++)
            result = jjtGetChild(i).execute(result, context);

            if (result == null)
                if (strictRef)
                    String name = jjtGetChild(i+1).getFirstToken().image;
                    throw new MethodInvocationException("Attempted to access '"  
                        + name + "' on a null value", null, name, uberInfo.getTemplateName(),
                        jjtGetChild(i+1).getLine(), jjtGetChild(i+1).getColumn());
                String msg = "reference set is not a valid reference at "
                    + Log.formatFileString(uberInfo);

                return false;

        if (astIndex != null)
            // If astIndex is not null then we are actually setting an index reference,
            // something of the form $foo[1] =, or in general any reference that ends with
            // the brackets.  This means that we need to call a more general method
            // of the form set(Integer, ), or put(Object,  not escaped, odd -> escaped

            int i = 0;
            int len = t.image.length();

            i = t.image.indexOf('$');

            if (i == -1)
                /* yikes! */
                log.error("ASTReference.getRoot() : internal error : "
                            + "no $ found for slashbang.");
                computableReference = false;
                nullString = t.image;
                return nullString;

            while (i < len && t.image.charAt(i) != '\\')

            /*  ok, i is the first \ char */

            int start = i;
            int count = 0;

            while (i < len && t.image.charAt(i++) == '\\')

             *  now construct the output string.  We really don't care about
             *  leading  slashes as this is not a reference.  It's quasi-schmoo

            nullString = t.image.substring(0,start); // prefix up to the first
            nullString += t.image.substring(start, start + count-1 ); // get the slashes
            nullString += t.image.substring(start+count); // and the rest, including the

             *  this isn't a valid reference, so lets short circuit the value
             *  and set calcs

            computableReference = false;

            return nullString;

         *  we need to see if this reference is escaped.  if so
         *  we will clean off the leading \'s and let the
         *  regular behavior determine if we should output this
         *  as \$foo or $foo later on in render(). Lazyness..

        escaped = false;

        if (t.image.startsWith("\\"))
             *  count the escapes : even # -> not escaped, odd -> escaped

            int i = 0;
            int len = t.image.length();

            while (i < len && t.image.charAt(i) == '\\')

            if ((i % 2) != 0)
                escaped = true;

            if (i > 0)
                escPrefix = t.image.substring(0, i / 2 );

            t.image = t.image.substring(i);

         *  Look for preceeding stuff like '#' and '$'
         *  and snip it off, except for the
         *  last $

        int loc1 = t.image.lastIndexOf('$');

         *  if we have extra stuff, loc > 0
         *  ex. '#$foo' so attach that to
         *  the prefix.
        if (loc1 > 0)
            morePrefix = morePrefix + t.image.substring(0, loc1);
            t.image = t.image.substring(loc1);

         *  Now it should be clean. Get the literal in case this reference
         *  isn't backed by the context at runtime, and then figure out what
         *  we are working with.

        // FIXME: this is the key to render nulls as literals, we need to look at context(refname+".literal") 
        nullString = literal();

        if (t.image.startsWith("$!"))
            referenceType = QUIET_REFERENCE;

             *  only if we aren't escaped do we want to null the output

            if (!escaped)
                nullString = "";

            if (t.image.startsWith("$!{"))
                 *  ex : $!{provider.Title}

                 *  ex : $!provider.Title

                return t.image.substring(2);
        else if (t.image.equals("${"))
             *  ex : ${provider.Title}

            referenceType = FORMAL_REFERENCE;
        else if (t.image.startsWith("$"))
             *  just nip off the '$' so we have
             *  the root

            referenceType = NORMAL_REFERENCE;
            return t.image.substring(1);
             * this is a 'RUNT', which can happen in certain circumstances where
             *  the parser is fooled into believeing that an IDENTIFIER is a real
             *  reference.  Another 'dreaded' MORE hack :).
            referenceType = RUNT;
            return t.image;


     * @param context
     * @param variable
     * @return The evaluated value of the variable.
     * @throws MethodInvocationException
    public Object getVariableValue(Context context, String variable) throws MethodInvocationException
        Object obj = null;
            obj = context.get(variable);
        catch(RuntimeException e)
            log.error("Exception calling reference $" + variable + " at "
                      + Log.formatFileString(uberInfo));
            throw e;
        if (strictRef && obj == null)
          if (!context.containsKey(variable))
              log.error("Variable $" + variable + " has not been set at "
                        + Log.formatFileString(uberInfo));
              throw new MethodInvocationException("Variable $" + variable +
                  " has not been set", null, identifier,
                  uberInfo.getTemplateName(), uberInfo.getLine(), uberInfo.getColumn());            
        return obj;        

    public String getDollarBang()
        return (referenceType == QUIET_REFERENCE) ? "$!" : "$";

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