bboss.org.apache.velocity.texen.ant.TexenTask Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package bboss.org.apache.velocity.texen.ant;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.apache.commons.collections.ExtendedProperties;
import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
import bboss.org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext;
import bboss.org.apache.velocity.app.VelocityEngine;
import bboss.org.apache.velocity.context.Context;
import bboss.org.apache.velocity.exception.MethodInvocationException;
import bboss.org.apache.velocity.exception.ParseErrorException;
import bboss.org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException;
import bboss.org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeConstants;
import bboss.org.apache.velocity.texen.Generator;
import bboss.org.apache.velocity.util.StringUtils;
* An ant task for generating output by using Velocity
* @author Jason van Zyl
* @author Robert Burrell Donkin
* @version $Id: TexenTask.java 463298 2006-10-12 16:10:32Z henning $
public class TexenTask
extends Task
* This message fragment (telling users to consult the log or
* invoke ant with the -debug flag) is appended to rethrown
* exception messages.
private final static String ERR_MSG_FRAGMENT =
". For more information consult the velocity log, or invoke ant " +
"with the -debug flag.";
* This is the control template that governs the output.
* It may or may not invoke the services of worker
* templates.
protected String controlTemplate;
* This is where Velocity will look for templates
* using the file template loader.
protected String templatePath;
* This is where texen will place all the output
* that is a product of the generation process.
protected String outputDirectory;
* This is the file where the generated text
* will be placed.
protected String outputFile;
* This is the encoding for the output file(s).
protected String outputEncoding;
* This is the encoding for the input file(s)
* (templates).
protected String inputEncoding;
* These are properties that are fed into the
* initial context from a properties file. This
* is simply a convenient way to set some values
* that you wish to make available in the context.
* These values are not critical, like the template path
* or output path, but allow a convenient way to
* set a value that may be specific to a particular
* generation task.
* For example, if you are generating scripts to allow
* user to automatically create a database, then
* you might want the $databaseName
* to be placed
* in the initial context so that it is available
* in a script that might look something like the
* following:
* #!bin/sh
* echo y | mysqladmin create $databaseName
* The value of $databaseName
isn't critical to
* output, and you obviously don't want to change
* the ant task to simply take a database name.
* So initial context values can be set with
* properties file.
protected ExtendedProperties contextProperties;
* Property which controls whether the classpath
* will be used when trying to locate templates.
protected boolean useClasspath;
* The LogFile (incl. path) to log to.
protected String logFile;
* Property which controls whether the resource
* loader will be told to cache. Default false
protected String useResourceLoaderCache = "false";
protected String resourceLoaderModificationCheckInterval = "2";
* [REQUIRED] Set the control template for the
* generating process.
* @param controlTemplate
public void setControlTemplate (String controlTemplate)
this.controlTemplate = controlTemplate;
* Get the control template for the
* generating process.
* @return The current control template.
public String getControlTemplate()
return controlTemplate;
* [REQUIRED] Set the path where Velocity will look
* for templates using the file template
* loader.
* @param templatePath
* @throws Exception
public void setTemplatePath(String templatePath) throws Exception
StringBuilder resolvedPath = new StringBuilder();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(templatePath, ",");
while ( st.hasMoreTokens() )
// resolve relative path from basedir and leave
// absolute path untouched.
File fullPath = project.resolveFile(st.nextToken());
if ( st.hasMoreTokens() )
this.templatePath = resolvedPath.toString();
* Get the path where Velocity will look
* for templates using the file template
* loader.
* @return The template path.
public String getTemplatePath()
return templatePath;
* [REQUIRED] Set the output directory. It will be
* created if it doesn't exist.
* @param outputDirectory
public void setOutputDirectory(File outputDirectory)
this.outputDirectory = outputDirectory.getCanonicalPath();
catch (java.io.IOException ioe)
throw new BuildException(ioe);
* Get the output directory.
* @return The output directory.
public String getOutputDirectory()
return outputDirectory;
* [REQUIRED] Set the output file for the
* generation process.
* @param outputFile
public void setOutputFile(String outputFile)
this.outputFile = outputFile;
* Set the output encoding.
* @param outputEncoding
public void setOutputEncoding(String outputEncoding)
this.outputEncoding = outputEncoding;
* Set the input (template) encoding.
* @param inputEncoding
public void setInputEncoding(String inputEncoding)
this.inputEncoding = inputEncoding;
* Get the output file for the
* generation process.
* @return The output file.
public String getOutputFile()
return outputFile;
* Sets the log file.
* @param log
public void setLogFile(String log)
this.logFile = log;
* Gets the log file.
* @return The log file.
public String getLogFile()
return this.logFile;
* Set the context properties that will be
* fed into the initial context be the
* generating process starts.
* @param file
public void setContextProperties( String file )
String[] sources = StringUtils.split(file,",");
contextProperties = new ExtendedProperties();
// Always try to get the context properties resource
// from a file first. Templates may be taken from a JAR
// file but the context properties resource may be a
// resource in the filesystem. If this fails than attempt
// to get the context properties resource from the
// classpath.
for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++)
ExtendedProperties source = new ExtendedProperties();
// resolve relative path from basedir and leave
// absolute path untouched.
File fullPath = project.resolveFile(sources[i]);
log("Using contextProperties file: " + fullPath);
source.load(new FileInputStream(fullPath));
catch (IOException e)
ClassLoader classLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
InputStream inputStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(sources[i]);
if (inputStream == null)
throw new BuildException("Context properties file " + sources[i] +
" could not be found in the file system or on the classpath!");
catch (IOException ioe)
source = null;
if (source != null)
for (Iterator j = source.getKeys(); j.hasNext(); )
String name = (String) j.next();
String value = StringUtils.nullTrim(source.getString(name));
* Get the context properties that will be
* fed into the initial context be the
* generating process starts.
* @return The current context properties.
public ExtendedProperties getContextProperties()
return contextProperties;
* Set the use of the classpath in locating templates
* @param useClasspath true means the classpath will be used.
public void setUseClasspath(boolean useClasspath)
this.useClasspath = useClasspath;
* @param useResourceLoaderCache
public void setUseResourceLoaderCache(String useResourceLoaderCache)
this.useResourceLoaderCache = useResourceLoaderCache;
* @param resourceLoaderModificationCheckInterval
public void setResourceLoaderModificationCheckInterval(String resourceLoaderModificationCheckInterval)
this.resourceLoaderModificationCheckInterval = resourceLoaderModificationCheckInterval;
* Creates a VelocityContext.
* @return new Context
* @throws Exception the execute method will catch
* and rethrow as a BuildException
public Context initControlContext()
throws Exception
return new VelocityContext();
* Execute the input script with Velocity
* @throws BuildException
* BuildExceptions are thrown when required attributes are missing.
* Exceptions thrown by Velocity are rethrown as BuildExceptions.
public void execute ()
throws BuildException
// Make sure the template path is set.
if (templatePath == null && useClasspath == false)
throw new BuildException(
"The template path needs to be defined if you are not using " +
"the classpath for locating templates!");
// Make sure the control template is set.
if (controlTemplate == null)
throw new BuildException("The control template needs to be defined!");
// Make sure the output directory is set.
if (outputDirectory == null)
throw new BuildException("The output directory needs to be defined!");
// Make sure there is an output file.
if (outputFile == null)
throw new BuildException("The output file needs to be defined!");
VelocityEngine ve = new VelocityEngine();
// Setup the Velocity Runtime.
if (templatePath != null)
log("Using templatePath: " + templatePath, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
RuntimeConstants.FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH, templatePath);
if (useClasspath)
log("Using classpath");
VelocityEngine.RESOURCE_LOADER, "classpath");
"classpath." + VelocityEngine.RESOURCE_LOADER + ".class",
"classpath." + VelocityEngine.RESOURCE_LOADER +
".cache", useResourceLoaderCache);
"classpath." + VelocityEngine.RESOURCE_LOADER +
".modificationCheckInterval", resourceLoaderModificationCheckInterval);
if (this.logFile != null)
ve.setProperty(RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_LOG, this.logFile);
// Create the text generator.
Generator generator = Generator.getInstance();
if (templatePath != null)
// Make sure the output directory exists, if it doesn't
// then create it.
File file = new File(outputDirectory);
if (! file.exists())
String path = outputDirectory + File.separator + outputFile;
log("Generating to file " + path, Project.MSG_INFO);
Writer writer = generator.getWriter(path, outputEncoding);
// The generator and the output path should
// be placed in the init context here and
// not in the generator class itself.
Context c = initControlContext();
// Everything in the generator class should be
// pulled out and placed in here. What the generator
// class does can probably be added to the Velocity
// class and the generator class can probably
// be removed all together.
// Feed all the options into the initial
// control context so they are available
// in the control/worker templates.
if (contextProperties != null)
Iterator i = contextProperties.getKeys();
while (i.hasNext())
String property = (String) i.next();
String value = StringUtils.nullTrim(contextProperties.getString(property));
// Now lets quickly check to see if what
// we have is numeric and try to put it
// into the context as an Integer.
c.put(property, new Integer(value));
catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
// Now we will try to place the value into
// the context as a boolean value if it
// maps to a valid boolean value.
String booleanString =
if (booleanString != null)
c.put(property, Boolean.valueOf(booleanString));
// We are going to do something special
// for properties that have a "file.contents"
// suffix: for these properties will pull
// in the contents of the file and make
// them available in the context. So for
// a line like the following in a properties file:
// license.file.contents = license.txt
// We will pull in the contents of license.txt
// and make it available in the context as
// $license. This should make texen a little
// more flexible.
if (property.endsWith("file.contents"))
// We need to turn the license file from relative to
// absolute, and let Ant help :)
value = StringUtils.fileContentsToString(
property = property.substring(
0, property.indexOf("file.contents") - 1);
c.put(property, value);
writer.write(generator.parse(controlTemplate, c));
catch( BuildException e)
throw e;
catch( MethodInvocationException e )
throw new BuildException(
"Exception thrown by '" + e.getReferenceName() + "." +
e.getMethodName() +"'" + ERR_MSG_FRAGMENT,
catch( ParseErrorException e )
throw new BuildException("Velocity syntax error" + ERR_MSG_FRAGMENT ,e);
catch( ResourceNotFoundException e )
throw new BuildException("Resource not found" + ERR_MSG_FRAGMENT,e);
catch( Exception e )
throw new BuildException("Generation failed" + ERR_MSG_FRAGMENT ,e);
Place useful objects into the initial context.
* TexenTask places Date().toString()
into the
* context as $now
. Subclasses who want to vary the
* objects in the context should override this method.
* $generator
is not put into the context in this
* method.
* @param context The context to populate, as retrieved from
* {@link #initControlContext()}.
* @throws Exception Error while populating context. The {@link
* #execute()} method will catch and rethrow as a
* BuildException
protected void populateInitialContext(Context context)
throws Exception
context.put("now", new Date().toString());
* A hook method called at the end of {@link #execute()} which can
* be overridden to perform any necessary cleanup activities (such
* as the release of database connections, etc.). By default,
* does nothing.
* @exception Exception Problem cleaning up.
protected void cleanup()
throws Exception