playjsonsnake.SnakeCaseJsonMacros.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A micro-library that adds snake case support to play-json
The newest version!
package playjsonsnake
import play.api.libs.json._
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
@macrocompat.bundle final class SnakeCaseJsonMacros(val c: blackbox.Context) {
// Adapted from play.api.libs.json.JsMacroImpl
import c.universe._
def readsImpl[A: WeakTypeTag]: Expr[Reads[A]] =
macroImpl[A, Reads, Reads]("read", "map", reads = true, writes = false)
def writesImpl[A: WeakTypeTag]: Expr[OWrites[A]] =
macroImpl[A, OWrites, Writes]("write", "contramap", reads = false, writes = true)
def formatImpl[A: WeakTypeTag]: Expr[OFormat[A]] =
macroImpl[A, OFormat, Format]("format", "inmap", reads = true, writes = true)
def macroImpl[A, M[_], N[_]](
methodName: String, mapLikeMethod: String, reads: Boolean, writes: Boolean
atag: WeakTypeTag[A], matag: WeakTypeTag[M[A]], natag: WeakTypeTag[N[A]]
): Expr[M[A]] = {
import c.universe.definitions.TupleClass
def abort(msg: String): Nothing = c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, msg)
val companion = weakTypeOf[A].typeSymbol
val companionObject = companion.companion
val companionType = companionObject.typeSignature
def conditionalList[T](ifReads: T, ifWrites: T): List[T] =
(if (reads) List(ifReads) else Nil) ::: (if (writes) List(ifWrites) else Nil)
val syntax = q""
val unlift = q""
val JsPath = q""
val Reads = q""
val Writes = q""
val LazyHelper = q""
val unapply = companionType.decl(TermName("unapply"))
val unapplySeq = companionType.decl(TermName("unapplySeq"))
val hasVarArgs = unapplySeq != NoSymbol
val effectiveUnapply = Seq(unapply, unapplySeq).find(_ != NoSymbol) match {
case None => abort("No unapply or unapplySeq function found")
case Some(s) => s.asMethod
val unapplyReturnTypes: Option[List[Type]] = effectiveUnapply.returnType match {
case TypeRef(_, _, Nil) =>
abort(s"Unapply of $companionObject has no parameters. Are you using an empty case class?")
case TypeRef(_, _, args) =>
args.head match {
case t @ TypeRef(_, _, Nil) => Some(List(t))
case t @ TypeRef(_, _, args) =>
if (!TupleClass.seq.exists(tupleSym => t.baseType(tupleSym) ne NoType)) Some(List(t))
else if (t <:< typeOf[Product]) Some(args)
else None
case _ => None
case _ => None
val applies =
companionType.decl(TermName("apply")) match {
case NoSymbol => abort("No apply function found")
case s => s.asTerm.alternatives
// searches apply method corresponding to unapply
val apply = applies.collectFirst {
case apply: MethodSymbol if hasVarArgs && {
val someApplyTypes =
val someInitApply =
val someApplyLast =
val someInitUnapply =
val someUnapplyLast =
val initsMatch = someInitApply == someInitUnapply
val lastMatch = (for {
lastApply <- someApplyLast
lastUnapply <- someUnapplyLast
} yield lastApply <:< lastUnapply).getOrElse(false)
initsMatch && lastMatch
} => apply
case apply: MethodSymbol
if == unapplyReturnTypes => apply
val params = apply match {
case Some(apply) => apply.paramLists.head // verify there is a single parameter group
case None => abort("No apply function found matching unapply parameters")
final case class Implicit(
paramName: Name, paramType: Type, neededImplicit: Tree, isRecursive: Boolean, tpe: Type)
val createImplicit = { (name: Name, implType: c.universe.type#Type) =>
val (isRecursive, tpe) = implType match {
case TypeRef(_, t, args) =>
val isRec = args.exists(_.typeSymbol == companion)
// Option[_] needs special treatment because we need to use XXXOpt
val tp = if (implType.typeConstructor <:< typeOf[Option[_]].typeConstructor) args.head else implType
(isRec, tp)
case TypeRef(_, t, _) =>
(false, implType)
// builds M implicit from expected type
val neededImplicitType = appliedType(natag.tpe.typeConstructor, tpe :: Nil)
// infers implicit
val neededImplicit = c.inferImplicitValue(neededImplicitType)
Implicit(name, implType, neededImplicit, isRecursive, tpe)
val applyParamImplicits = => createImplicit(, param.typeSignature))
val effectiveInferredImplicits =
if (hasVarArgs) {
val varArgsImplicit = createImplicit(applyParamImplicits.last.paramName, unapplyReturnTypes.get.last)
applyParamImplicits.init :+ varArgsImplicit
} else
val missingImplicits =
effectiveInferredImplicits.collect { case Implicit(_, t, impl, rec, _) if impl == EmptyTree && !rec => t }
if (missingImplicits.nonEmpty)
abort(s"No implicit format for ${missingImplicits.mkString(", ")} available.")
var hasRec = false
val method = TermName(methodName)
val nullableMethod = TermName(s"${methodName}Nullable")
val lazyMethod = TermName(s"lazy${methodName.capitalize}")
// combines all reads into CanBuildX
val canBuild = {
case Implicit(name, t, impl, rec, tpe) =>
val jspathTree = q"""$JsPath \ ${SnakeCaseJson.snakeCase(name.decodedName.toString)}"""
if (!rec) {
val callMethod =
if (t.typeConstructor <:< typeOf[Option[_]].typeConstructor) nullableMethod else method
} else {
hasRec = true
def readsWritesHelper(methodName: String): List[Tree] =
conditionalList(Reads, Writes).map(s => q"$s.${TermName(methodName)}(this.lazyStuff)")
if (t.typeConstructor <:< typeOf[Option[_]].typeConstructor)
else {
val arg =
if (tpe.typeConstructor <:< typeOf[List[_]].typeConstructor)
else if (tpe.typeConstructor <:< typeOf[Set[_]].typeConstructor)
else if (tpe.typeConstructor <:< typeOf[Seq[_]].typeConstructor)
else if (tpe.typeConstructor <:< typeOf[Map[_, _]].typeConstructor)
else List(q"this.lazyStuff")
}.reduceLeft { (acc, r) =>
val applyFunction = {
if (hasVarArgs) {
val applyParams = params.foldLeft(List[Tree]())((l, e) =>
l :+ Ident(TermName(
val vals = params.foldLeft(List[Tree]())((l, e) =>
// Let type inference infer the type by using the empty type, TypeTree()
l :+ q"val ${TermName(}: ${TypeTree()}"
q"(..$vals) => $companionObject.apply(..${applyParams.init}, ${applyParams.last}: _*)"
} else {
q"$companionObject.apply _"
val unapplyFunction = q"$unlift($companionObject.$effectiveUnapply)"
// if case class has one single field, needs to use inmap instead of canbuild.apply
val applyOrMap = TermName(if (params.length > 1) "apply" else mapLikeMethod)
val finalTree = q"""
import $syntax._
$canBuild.$applyOrMap(..${conditionalList(applyFunction, unapplyFunction)})
val lazyFinalTree = if (!hasRec) {
} else {
new $LazyHelper[${matag.tpe.typeSymbol}, ${atag.tpe.typeSymbol}] {
override lazy val lazyStuff: ${matag.tpe.typeSymbol}[${atag.tpe}] = $finalTree