com.bigdata.cache.LRUCache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright (C) SYSTAP, LLC DBA Blazegraph 2006-2016. All rights reserved.
SYSTAP, LLC DBA Blazegraph
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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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* Created on Apr 19, 2006
package com.bigdata.cache;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* Hard reference hash map with Least Recently Used ordering over entries. The
* keys are object identifiers. The values are cache entries wrapping the
* identified objects.
* @version $Id$
* @author Bryan Thompson
* @todo Consider removing synchronization for use in a single threaded context.
* @todo This can be replaced by a hard reference ring buffer that scans the
* last N entries to minimize churn. See {@link HardReferenceQueue}. This
* will change the delegation interfaces since the ring buffer does NOT
* support random access by the identifier.
public class LRUCache implements ICachePolicy
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LRUCache.class);
protected static final boolean INFO = log.isInfoEnabled();
* The maximum capacity of the cache.
private final int capacity;
* The hash map from keys to entries wrapping cached object references.
private final Map> map;
* The entry which is first in the ordering (the
* least recently used) and null
iff the cache is
* empty.
private Entry first = null;
* The entry which is last in the ordering (the most recently used)
* and null
iff the cache is empty.
private Entry last = null;
* The load factor for the internal hash table.
private final float loadFactor;
private long highTide = 0, ninserts = 0, ntests = 0, nsuccess = 0;
public double getHitRatio() {
return ((double) nsuccess / ntests);
public long getInsertCount() {
return ninserts;
public long getTestCount() {
return ntests;
public long getSuccessCount() {
return nsuccess;
* The cache eviction listener.
private ICacheListener _listener = null;
* Create an LRU cache with a default load factor of 0.75
* @param capacity
* The capacity of the cache.
public LRUCache( int capacity )
this( capacity, 0.75f );
* Create an LRU cache with the specific capacity and load factor.
* @param capacity
* The capacity of the cache (must be positive).
* @param loadFactor
* The load factor for the internal hash table.
public LRUCache( int capacity, float loadFactor )
if( capacity <= 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.capacity = capacity;
this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
this.map = new HashMap>( capacity, loadFactor );
public void setListener(ICacheListener listener) {
_listener = listener;
public ICacheListener getCacheListener() {
return _listener;
* Visits objects in the cache in LRU ordering (the least recently used
* object is visited first).
* The returned iterator is NOT thread safe. It supports removal but does
* NOT support concurrent modification of the cache state. Normally the
* iterator is used during a commit and the framework guarantees that
* concurrent
public Iterator iterator() {
return new LRUIterator( this, true );
* Visits {@link ICacheEntry entries} in the cache in LRU ordering (the
* least recently used object is visited first).
* The returned iterator is NOT thread safe. It supports removal but does
* NOT support concurrent modification of the cache state. Normally the
* iterator is used during a commit and the framework guarantees that
* concurrent
public Iterator> entryIterator() {
return new LRUIterator( this, false );
public void clear() {
first = last = null;
public void resetStatistics() {
highTide = ninserts = ntests = nsuccess = 0;
* The #of entries in the cache.
synchronized public int size() {
return map.size();
* The capacity of the cache.
public int capacity() {
// this is final data and does not need to be synchronized.
return capacity;
* Writes cache performance statistics.
protected void finalize() throws Throwable
if (INFO)
public String getStatistics() {
return "LRUCache" + //
": capacity=" + capacity + //
", loadFactor=" + loadFactor + //
", highTide=" + highTide + //
", ninserts=" + ninserts + //
", ntests=" + ntests + //
", nsuccess=" + nsuccess + //
", hitRatio=" + ((double) nsuccess / ntests)//
* Add the object to the hash map under the key if it is not already there
* and update the entry ordering (this can be used to touch an entry).
* Cache evictions are only performed at or over capacity, but not
* for reentrant invocations. If a cache eviction causes a nested
* {@link #put(long, Object, boolean)} cache enters a temporary
* over capacity condition. The nested eviction is effectively
* deferred and a new cache entry is created for the incoming object rather
* than recycling the LRU cache entry. This temporary over capacity state
* exists until the primary eviction event has been handled, at which point
* entries are purged from the cache until it has one free entry. That free
* entry is then used to cache the incoming object which triggered the outer
* eviction event.
* This is not the only coherent manner in which nested eviction events
* could be handled, but it is perhaps the simplest. This technique MUST NOT
* be used with an open array hash table since the temporary over capacity
* condition would not be supported.
* @param key
* The object identifier.
* @param obj
* The object.
synchronized public void put(K key, T obj, boolean dirty )
assert key != null;
try {
Entry entry = map.get(key);
if (entry == null) {
if (map.size() >= capacity && reentrantPutCounter == 1) {
* Purge the the LRU position until the cache is just under
* capacity.
while (map.size() >= capacity) {
// entry in the LRU position.
entry = first;
if (_listener != null) {
// Notify listener of cache eviction.
// remove LRU entry from ordering.
// remove entry from hash map under that key.
* Recycle the last cache entry that we purged.
// set key and object on LRU entry.
entry.key = key;
entry.obj = obj;
entry.dirty = dirty;
// add entry into the hash map.
map.put(key, entry);
// add entry into MRU position in ordering.
} else {
* Create a new entry and link into the MRU position.
* Note: This also handles the case of a reentrant
* invocation, in which case the cache will be temporarily
* over capacity.
entry = new Entry(key, obj, dirty);
map.put(key, entry);
int count = map.size();
if (count > highTide) {
highTide = count;
} else {
if (entry.obj != obj) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"can not change object under key");
// Update entry ordering.
// Update dirty flag.
entry.dirty = dirty;
} finally {
* Used to track and handle reentrant calls to put(). The value of the
* counter is the number of times that put() occurs in the stack frame.
* E.g., the counter value will be zero when put() is not in the stack
* frame, a non-recursive invocation will show a counter value of 1; and a
* counter value of 2 or more indicates a reentrant invocation is in
* progress.
* @see #put(long, Object, boolean)
private int reentrantPutCounter = 0;
synchronized public T get( K key )
assert key != null;
Entry entry = map.get( key );
if( entry == null ) {
return null;
touchEntry( entry );
return entry.getObject();
// synchronized public boolean isDirty( long key ) {
// ntests++;
// Entry entry = (Entry) map.get( new Long( key ) );
// if( entry == null ) {
// return false;
// }
// return entry.isDirty();
// }
synchronized public T remove( K key )
assert key != null;
Entry entry = map.remove( key );
if( entry == null ) return null;
removeEntry( entry );
return entry.getObject();
* Registers a listener for removeEntry events. This is used by the
* {@link LRUIterator} to handle concurrent modifications of the cache
* ordering during traversal.
synchronized protected void addCacheOrderChangeListener( ICacheOrderChangeListener l ) {
if( _cacheOrderChangeListeners == null ) {
_cacheOrderChangeListeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet>();
* Unregister the listener. This is safe to invoke when the listener is not
* registered.
* @param l
* The listener.
synchronized protected void removeCacheOrderChangeListener( ICacheOrderChangeListener l ) {
if (_cacheOrderChangeListeners == null)
if( _cacheOrderChangeListeners.size() == 0 ) {
_cacheOrderChangeListeners = null;
private void fireCacheOrderChangeEvent( boolean removed, ICacheEntry entry ) {
if( _cacheOrderChangeListeners.size() == 0 ) return;
// ICacheOrderChangeListener[] listeners = _cacheOrderChangeListeners
// .toArray(new ICacheOrderChangeListener[] {});
// for( int i=0; i l = listeners[ i ];
Iterator> itr = _cacheOrderChangeListeners.iterator();
while( itr.hasNext() ) {
ICacheOrderChangeListener l = itr.next();
if( removed ) {
l.willRemove( entry );
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); // feature is not implemented.
* Lazily allocated and eagerly freed.
private CopyOnWriteArraySet> _cacheOrderChangeListeners = null;
protected static interface ICacheOrderChangeListener {
public void willRemove( ICacheEntry entry );
// public void didAdd(ICacheEntryEntry);
* Add an Entry to the tail of the linked list (the MRU position).
private void addEntry(Entry entry) {
if (first == null) {
first = entry;
last = entry;
} else {
last.next = entry;
entry.prior = last;
last = entry;
* Remove an {@link Entry} from linked list that maintains the LRU ordering.
* The {@link Entry} is modified but not deleted. The key and value fields
* on the {@link Entry} are not modified. The {@link #first} and {@link #last}
* fields are updated as necessary. This method is used when the LRU entry is
* being evicted and the {@link Entry} will be recycled into the MRU position
* in the ordering. You must also remove the entry under that key from the hash
* map.
private void removeEntry(Entry entry) {
if( _cacheOrderChangeListeners != null ) {
fireCacheOrderChangeEvent(true, entry);
Entry prior = entry.prior;
Entry next = entry.next;
if (entry == first) {
first = next;
if (last == entry) {
last = prior;
if (prior != null) {
prior.next = next;
if (next != null) {
next.prior = prior;
entry.prior = null;
entry.next = null;
* Move the entry to the end of the linked list (the MRU position).
private void touchEntry(Entry entry) {
if (last == entry) {
* Wraps an object with metadata to maintain the LRU ordering.
* @version $Id$
* @author thompsonbry
final static class Entry implements ICacheEntry
private K key;
private T obj;
private boolean dirty;
private Entry prior;
private Entry next;
Entry( K key, T obj, boolean dirty )
this.key = key;
this.obj = obj;
this.dirty = dirty;
public boolean isDirty() {
return dirty;
public void setDirty(boolean dirty) {
this.dirty = dirty;
public K getKey() {
return key;
public T getObject() {
return obj;
* The prior entry (less recently used).
* @return The next entry or null
public Entry getPrior() {
return prior;
* The next entry (more recently used).
* @return The next entry or null
public Entry getNext() {
return next;
* Human readable representation used for debugging in test cases.
public String toString() {
return "Entry{key=" + key + ",obj=" + obj + ",dirty=" + dirty
+ ",prior=" + (prior == null ? "N/A" : "" + prior.key)
+ ",next=" + (next == null ? "N/A" : "" + next.key)+ "}";
* Visits entries in the {@link LRUCache} in their natural ordering from LRU
* to MRU. The iterator will optionally resolve the entries to the
* application objects associated with each entry. The iterator supports
* removal but is NOT thread-safe and does not support concurrent
* modification of the {@link LRUCache}.
* This class provide fast visitation from LRU to MRU by chasing references.
* In order to support concurrent modification of the cache order during
* traversal, an instance uses a protocol by it is informed of changes in
* the cache order. There are two basic operations that effect the cache
* order: addEntry and removeEntry. addEntry always inserts the entry in the
* MRU position, so it can not effect the visitation order. However,
* removeEntry could unlink the entry that the iterator will use to reach
* the next entry (via its next reference). The iterator must therefore
* receive notice when a cache entry is about to be removed. If the entry is
* the same entry that the iterator would visit next in the LRU to MRU
* ordering, then the iterator advances its state to the next entry that it
* would visit. When removeEntry then removes the entry from the cache
* ordering, the iterator correctly visits the next cache entry in the new
* ordering.
* @version $Id$
* @author Bryan Thompson
* @todo In order to support generics, we might need to break this down into
* two implementations so that we can have a strongly typed iterator
* for both T and ICacheEntry.
static class LRUIterator implements Iterator, ICacheOrderChangeListener
private final LRUCache cache;
private final boolean resolveObjects;
private Entry next;
private Entry lastVisited = null;
* An iterator that traverses the {@link LRUCache} in the its natural
* ordering.
* @param cache
* The {@link LRUCache}.
* @param resolveObjects
* When true, the iterator will visit the application objects
* in the cache. When false it will visit the {@link ICache}
* entries themselves.
LRUIterator( LRUCache cache, boolean resolveObjects )
this.cache = cache;
this.next = cache.first;
this.resolveObjects = resolveObjects;
public boolean hasNext() {
return next != null;
public Object next() {
if( next == null ) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
/* Optionally resolve the application object vs the entry for that
* object.
Object ret = (resolveObjects ? next.obj : next);
* Advance the internal state of the iterator.
lastVisited = next;
next = next.next;
if( next == null ) {
* Return either the cache entry or the resolve application object.
return ret;
* Removes the last visited entry from the cache.
* @exception IllegalStateException
* if no entry has been visited yet.
public void remove() {
if( lastVisited == null ) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
cache.map.remove( lastVisited.key );
cache.removeEntry( lastVisited );
public void willRemove(ICacheEntry entry) {
if( entry == next ) {
next = next.next;
* Unregister the iterator as a cache order change listener. This is
* safe to invoke multiple times.
private void removeListener() {