com.bigdata.bop.join.HTreeSolutionSetHashJoinOp Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Created on Aug 30, 2011
package com.bigdata.bop.join;
import java.util.Map;
import com.bigdata.bop.BOp;
import com.bigdata.bop.NV;
import com.bigdata.htree.HTree;
* {@inheritDoc}
* {@link HTree} Specific version.
* @see HTreeHashJoinUtility
* @author Bryan Thompson
* @version $Id: 5178 2011-09-12 19:09:23Z
* thompsonbry $
public class HTreeSolutionSetHashJoinOp extends SolutionSetHashJoinOp {
// static private final transient Logger log = Logger
// .getLogger(HTreeSolutionSetHashJoinOp.class);
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// public interface Annotations extends PipelineOp.Annotations,
// NamedSetAnnotations {
// /**
// * An {@link IConstraint}[] to be applied to solutions when they are
// * joined (optional).
// */
// final String CONSTRAINTS = JoinAnnotations.CONSTRAINTS;
// /**
// * When true
the hash index identified by
// * {@link #NAMED_SET_REF} will be released when this operator is done
// * (default {@value #DEFAULT_RELEASE}).
// *
// * Note: Whether or not the hash index can be released depends on
// * whether or not the hash index will be consumed by more than one
// * operator in the query plan. For example, a named solution set can be
// * consumed by more than one operator and thus must not be released
// * until all such operators are done.
// */
// final String RELEASE = HTreeSolutionSetHashJoinOp.class + ".release";
// final boolean DEFAULT_RELEASE = true;
// }
* Deep copy constructor.
public HTreeSolutionSetHashJoinOp(HTreeSolutionSetHashJoinOp op) {
* Shallow copy constructor.
* @param args
* @param annotations
public HTreeSolutionSetHashJoinOp(final BOp[] args,
final Map annotations) {
super(args, annotations);
// if (getProperty(Annotations.RELEASE, Annotations.DEFAULT_RELEASE)
// && !isLastPassRequested()) {
// /*
// * In order to release the hash index, this operator needs to be
// * notified when no more source solutions will become available.
// */
// throw new IllegalArgumentException(Annotations.RELEASE
// + " requires " + Annotations.LAST_PASS);
// }
// // The RHS annotation must be specified.
// getRequiredProperty(Annotations.NAMED_SET_REF);
public HTreeSolutionSetHashJoinOp(final BOp[] args, NV... annotations) {
this(args, NV.asMap(annotations));
// public BaseJoinStats newStats() {
// return new BaseJoinStats();
// }
// @Override
// public FutureTask eval(BOpContext context) {
// return new FutureTask(new ChunkTask(context, this));
// }
// /**
// * Task executing on the node.
// */
// private static class ChunkTask implements Callable {
// private final BOpContext context;
// private final HTreeSolutionSetHashJoinOp op;
// private final HTreeHashJoinUtility state;
// private final IConstraint[] constraints;
// private final boolean release;
// private final BaseJoinStats stats;
// private final IBlockingBuffer sink;
// private final IBlockingBuffer sink2;
// public ChunkTask(final BOpContext context,
// final HTreeSolutionSetHashJoinOp op) {
// this.context = context;
// this.stats = (BaseJoinStats) context.getStats();
// this.release = op.getProperty(Annotations.RELEASE,
// Annotations.DEFAULT_RELEASE);
// this.sink = context.getSink();
// this.sink2 = context.getSink2();
// this.op = op;
// // The name of the attribute used to discover the solution set.
// final NamedSolutionSetRef namedSetRef = (NamedSolutionSetRef) op
// .getRequiredProperty(Annotations.NAMED_SET_REF);
// // Lookup the attributes for the query on which we will hang the
// // solution set.
// final IQueryAttributes attrs = context
// .getQueryAttributes(namedSetRef.queryId);
// state = (HTreeHashJoinUtility) attrs.get(namedSetRef);
// if (state == null) {
// // The solution set was not found!
// throw new RuntimeException("Not found: " + namedSetRef);
// }
// if (!state.getJoinType().isNormal() && !op.isLastPassRequested()) {
// /*
// * Anything but a Normal join requires that we observe all solutions
// * and then do some final reporting. This is necessary for Optional,
// * Exists, and NotExists.
// */
// throw new UnsupportedOperationException(state.getJoinType()
// + " requires " + Annotations.LAST_PASS);
// }
// /*
// * Combine the original constraints (if any) with those attached to
// * this operator (if any).
// *
// * Note: The solution set hash join is used to join in a hash index
// * generated by some other part of the query plan. Since it is also
// * used for named subqueries, which can be included in more than one
// * location, it is necessary that we can override/expand on the join
// * constraints for this operator.
// */
// this.constraints = BOpUtility.concat(
// (IConstraint[]) op.getProperty(Annotations.CONSTRAINTS),
// state.getConstraints());
// }
// public Void call() throws Exception {
// try {
// doHashJoin();
// // Done.
// return null;
// } finally {
// if (release && context.isLastInvocation()) {
// /*
// * Note: It is possible to INCLUDE the named temporary
// * solution set multiple times within a query. If we want to
// * release() the hash tree then we need to know how many
// * times the temporary solution set is being included and
// * decrement a counter each time. When the counter reaches
// * zero, we can release the hash index.
// */
// state.release();
// }
// sink.close();
// if (sink2 != null)
// sink2.close();
// }
// }
// /**
// * Do a hash join of the buffered solutions with the access path.
// */
// private void doHashJoin() {
// if (state.isEmpty())
// return;
// stats.accessPathCount.increment();
// stats.accessPathRangeCount.add(state.getRightSolutionCount());
// final UnsyncLocalOutputBuffer unsyncBuffer = new UnsyncLocalOutputBuffer(
// op.getChunkCapacity(), sink);
// final ICloseableIterator leftItr = new Dechunkerator(
// context.getSource());
// state.hashJoin2(leftItr, unsyncBuffer, //true/* leftIsPipeline */,
// constraints);
// if (context.isLastInvocation()) {
// switch (state.getJoinType()) {
// case Normal:
// /*
// * Nothing to do.
// */
// break;
// case Optional:
// case NotExists: {
// /*
// * Output the optional solutions.
// */
// // where to write the optional solutions.
// final AbstractUnsynchronizedArrayBuffer unsyncBuffer2 = sink2 == null ? unsyncBuffer
// : new UnsyncLocalOutputBuffer(
// op.getChunkCapacity(), sink2);
// state.outputOptionals(unsyncBuffer2);
// unsyncBuffer2.flush();
// if (sink2 != null)
// sink2.flush();
// break;
// }
// case Exists: {
// /*
// * Output the join set.
// *
// * Note: This has special hooks to support (NOT) EXISTS
// * graph patterns, which must bind the "ASK_VAR" depending
// * on whether or not the graph pattern is satisified.
// */
// final IVariable> askVar = state.getAskVar();
// // askVar := true
// state.outputJoinSet(unsyncBuffer);
// if (askVar != null) {
// // askVar := false;
// state.outputOptionals(unsyncBuffer);
// }
// break;
// }
// default:
// throw new AssertionError();
// }
// }
// unsyncBuffer.flush();
// sink.flush();
// }
// } // class ChunkTask