com.bigdata.btree.raba.codec.CanonicalHuffmanRabaCoder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright (C) SYSTAP, LLC DBA Blazegraph 2006-2016. All rights reserved.
SYSTAP, LLC DBA Blazegraph
2501 Calvert ST NW #106
Washington, DC 20008
[email protected]
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Created on Aug 11, 2009
package com.bigdata.btree.raba.codec;
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.BitVector;
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.Fast;
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.LongArrayBitVector;
import it.unimi.dsi.compression.CanonicalFast64CodeWordDecoder;
import it.unimi.dsi.compression.Decoder;
import it.unimi.dsi.compression.HuffmanCodec;
import it.unimi.dsi.compression.PrefixCoder;
import it.unimi.dsi.compression.HuffmanCodec.DecoderInputs;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.Byte2IntOpenHashMap;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.bigdata.btree.keys.KeyBuilder;
import com.bigdata.btree.raba.IRaba;
import com.bigdata.util.BytesUtil;
* This class provides (de-)compression for logical byte[][]s based on canonical
* Huffman codes. Canonical huffman codes preserve the alphabetic order of the
* original values. However, they are often used because it is possible to
* transmit the dictionary using fewer bits by sending only the bitLength[] for
* the code words. The {@link CanonicalHuffmanRabaCoder} can be used for keys or
* values and supports efficient search of the coded keys.
* Record format
* The encoded data are represented in the buffer as follows:
* version:byte The version identifier for this record format (8 bits,
* which allows for 256 format revisions).
* isKeys:1 Bit flag indicates whether the record is coding B+Tree keys
* or B+Tree values. When coding values only the non-zero
* byte frequency counts are used to compute the dictionary
* and nulls are permitted. When coding keys, the dictionary
* includes codes for all 256 possible byte values so we may
* code search keys and nulls are not permitted.
* isSymbolTable:1
* A bit flag whose value is 1 iff the symbols are given as
* a packed symbol[] and 0 if all possible byte values were
* coded. Note that the implementation MAY choose to code
* byte values with a zero frequency if MOST byte values are
* used since that does not degrade the code by much and it
* allows us to eliminate a ˜256 bytes from the data record.
* isOffsetArray:1 A bit flag whose value is 1 iff the codedValueOffset[] is
* stored. At this time, this array is always stored. Either
* the offset[] or the #of symbols in each coded value MUST be
* stored in order for us to compute the end of each sequence
* of codeWord[]s for a given coded value.
* isByteAlignedOffset:1
* A bit flag whose value is 1 iff the codedValueOffset[] is
* byte aligned. When true, the start of the array will fall
* on a byte boundary and each array element will be a multiple
* of 8 bits.
* unused:4 unused bit flags.
* size:int31 The #of elements in the logical byte[][].
* nsymbols:uint9 There are at most 256 distinct symbols, which are the
* distinct possible byte values (9 bits, which allows
* for an empty leaf or node with no byte values used as
* well as a leaf or node with all 256 byte values used).
* -- note: at this point the record is still byte aligned --
* symbol2byte:byte[]
* The symbol2byte array. The index into the array is the
* symbol, which is correlated with the frequency[] used to
* build the code. The value is the byte corresponding to that
* symbol. There are nsymbols entries in the array. The array
* is present IFF isSymbolTable is true.
* O_symbols := 48 bits.
* -- note: at this point the record is still byte aligned --
* codedValueOffsetBits:uint8
* The width in bits of the integers used to code the
* codedValueOffset[].
* O_codedValueOffsetBits := [ibs.readBits];
* sumCodedValueBitLengths:uint32
* The sum of the bit lengths of the coded values. This is
* a 32bit unsigned integer, which is sufficient to code up
* bit lengths of up to 512MB. This field IS NOT present
* if the codeOffsetBits is ZERO (0) since the field is only
* used to compute the bit offset of the codeOffset[].
* O_sumCodedValueBitLengths := O_codedValueOffsetBits + 8;
* nulls[] A vector of [nvalues] bit flags IFF isKeys==false. A flag
* is a ONE (1) iff the corresponding byte[] in the logical
* byte[][] was a null. A null is coded as a sequence of ZERO
* (0) code words. However, empty byte[]s are also permitted
* for B+Tree values (but not for B+Tree keys). Therefore you
* MUST test the nulls[] to distinguish between a null byte[]
* and an empty byte[]. This field IS NOT present when keys
* are coded.
* O_nulls := O_codedValueOffsetBits + 8 + (codedValueOffsetBits==0?0:32);
* -- note: if nsymbols==0 then this is the end of the record --
* decoderInputs:=
* length[], The bit length of each code word in the assigned order.
* symbol[], The correlated symbol indices.
* codeWord[0]. The shortest code word.
* These length[] and the symbol[] data are written out together
* using a compact representation. The length of the shortest
* code word length is given by length[0]. Since we are using
* a canonical huffman code, all we need is the shortest code
* and the length[] to regenerate the entire code.
* O_decoderInputs := O_symbols + (isSymbolTable?0:nsymbols*8)
* codedValue:bit[] The coded values given as a sequence of code words. The bit
* length of this field is given by sumCodedValueBitLengths.
* O_codedValue[] := O_nulls + size IFF values are coded
* -or-
* O_codedValue[] := O_nulls IFF keys are coded.
* codeValueOffset[]
* The bit offset to the start of each coded value in the
* codedValue[]. The offsets are relative to the start of
* the first coded value.
* While the delta in the offsets could be represented more
* efficiently, the offsets are represented directly so that
* we may avoid reading the entire codeOffset[] into memory.
* This array is present iff isOffsetArray is true.
* O_codedValueOffset[] := O_codedValue[] + sumCodedValueBitLengths
* @see HuffmanCodec
* @see
* @see
* @todo it could be useful to byte align the codedValueOffset[] IF we also
* coded the offsets using nbits, where nbits was a multiple of 8.
* FIXME Generalize to allow alphabets of size GT 256 so we can reuse this
* to directly encode the long[] keys of the leaves in the RDF DB. This
* will still be an {@link IRaba} (a random access byte[]). The difference
* is that each symbol will correspond to a sequence of 8 bytes. So what
* we need is a means to decouple the generation of the frequency[], the
* assumption that alphabets of 256 are "complete", and the application of
* the codec and the decoder, which must process 8 bytes at a time.
* @author Bryan Thompson
public class CanonicalHuffmanRabaCoder implements IRabaCoder, Externalizable {
protected static final Logger log = Logger
private static final transient boolean debug = log.isDebugEnabled();
private static final long serialVersionUID = -9207148905767204181L;
* The original serialization version for the coded data record.
final protected static transient byte VERSION0 = 0x00;
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException,
ClassNotFoundException {
// No state.
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
// No state.
final public boolean isKeyCoder() {
return true;
final public boolean isValueCoder() {
return true;
public static transient final CanonicalHuffmanRabaCoder INSTANCE = new CanonicalHuffmanRabaCoder();
public CanonicalHuffmanRabaCoder() {
* Write out the optional packed symbol table (symbol2byte). When present,
* the symbol table is written as a sequence of the in use byte values in
* the unsigned byte order (this is the order in which the frequency[] was
* specified).
* @param symbol2byte
* The symbol table.
* @param obs
* The symbol table is written on this bit stream.
protected void writeSymbolTable(final Symbol2Byte symbol2byte,
final OutputBitStream obs) throws IOException {
assert symbol2byte != null;
assert obs != null;
final int nsymbols = symbol2byte.getSymbolCount();
assert nsymbols <= 256;
// for each symbol, write the byte
for (int i = 0; i < nsymbols; i++) {
obs.writeInt(symbol2byte.symbol2byte(i), 8/* len */);
* Write a compact minimum representation of the data required to
* reconstruct the decoder (bit lengths and correlated symbols). The data
* are written out as follows:
* min
* max
* count, symbol(s)
* where min
is the bit length of the shortest code word;
* max
is the bit length of the longest code word;
* count
is the #of code words of a given length; and
* symbol(s)
are the symbols associated with each code word.
* All values are nibble coded and will generally fit in 1-2 bytes each.
* @param decoderInputs
* This contains both the bit lengths of the canonical huffman
* code and the symbols assigned to each code word.
* @param obs
* The output bit stream.
* @param sb
* Debugging information is added to this buffer (optional).
* @throws IOException
* @see {@link DecoderInputs}
static protected void writeDecoderInputs(final DecoderInputs decoderInputs,
final OutputBitStream obs, final StringBuilder sb) throws IOException {
if (decoderInputs == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (obs == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
final int[] length = decoderInputs.getLengths();
final int[] symbol = decoderInputs.getSymbols();
if (length == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (symbol == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (length.length != symbol.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
final int nsymbols = length.length;
final int min = length[0];
final int max = length[nsymbols - 1];
final int nsizes = max - min + 1;
assert nsizes >= 0;
if (sb != null)
sb.append("min=" + min + ", max=" + max+"\n");
// the minimum code word bit length.
// the maximum code word bit length.
// the bit length of the current code word.
int lastSize = min;
// #of code words having the same bit length as the current code word.
int sizeCount = 0;
// the next symbol (index) to be written.
int nextSymbol = 0;
* Write an array consisting of the #of code words for each bit length
* between [min,max], inclusive.
for (int i = 0; i < nsymbols; i++) {
final int thisSize = length[i];
assert thisSize >= lastSize;
if (thisSize == lastSize) {
} else {
// loop handles bit lengths w/o assigned code words.
while (thisSize >= lastSize + 1) {
assert thisSize >= lastSize + 1;
assert sizeCount >= 0;
if (sb != null)
sb.append("codeSize=" + lastSize + ", sizeCount="
+ sizeCount + ", symbols=[");
for (int j = nextSymbol; j < i; j++) {
if (sb != null)
sb.append(" " + symbol[j]);
if (sb != null)
sizeCount = (thisSize == lastSize + 1 ? 1 : 0);
nextSymbol = i;
if (sizeCount > 0) {
// make sure that we write out the last count.
if (sb != null)
sb.append("codeSize=" + lastSize + ", sizeCount=" + sizeCount
+ ", symbols=[");
for (int j = nextSymbol; j < nsymbols; j++) {
if (sb != null)
sb.append(" " + symbol[j]);
if (sb != null)
sb.append(" ]\n");
assert lastSize == max;
// write out the shortest code word.
if (sb != null) {
+ decoderInputs.getShortestCodeWord()+"\n");
* Reconstruct the {@link DecoderInputs} from the data written by
* {@link #writeDecoderInputs(BitVector[], OutputBitStream)}.
* @param nsymbols
* The #of symbols.
* @param ibs
* The input bit stream.
* @param sb
* Debugging information is added to this buffer (optional).
* @return The decoded bit lengths and the corresponding symbol indices for
* the canonical huffman code.
* @throws IOException
static protected DecoderInputs readDecoderInputs(final int nsymbols,
final InputBitStream ibs, final StringBuilder sb)
throws IOException {
final int min = ibs.readNibble();
final int max = ibs.readNibble();
if (sb != null)
sb.append("min=" + min + ", max=" + max+"\n");
final int[] length = new int[nsymbols];
final int[] symbol = new int[nsymbols];
// the current code length
int codeSize = min;
int lastSymbol = 0;
while (codeSize <= max) {
final int sizeCount = ibs.readNibble();
if (sb != null)
sb.append("codeSize="+codeSize+", sizeCount="+sizeCount+", symbols=[");
for (int i = 0; i < sizeCount; i++, lastSymbol++) {
final int tmp = ibs.readNibble();
if (sb != null)
sb.append(" "+tmp);
length[lastSymbol] = codeSize;
symbol[lastSymbol] = tmp;
if (sb != null)
sb.append(" ]\n");
final int shortestCodeWordLength = length[0];
final BitVector shortestCodeWord = LongArrayBitVector.getInstance()
for (int i = shortestCodeWordLength-1; i >= 0; i--) {
shortestCodeWord.set(i, ibs.readBit());
if (sb != null) {
sb.append("shortestCodeWord=" + shortestCodeWord+"\n");
return new DecoderInputs(shortestCodeWord, length, symbol);
* Return the cumulative bit length of the coded values.
* @param coder
* The coder.
* @param raba
* The logical byte[][].
* @param byte2symbol
* The mapping from byte values to symbol indices.
* @return The total bit length of the coded values.
* @deprecated Leave this field and the #of bits per codedValueOffset[]
* element blank until we have written out the coded values and
* then rewind the OBS and fill in those fields. Otherwise we
* are encoding the same byte[][] data twice, which is wasted
* effort.
protected long getSumCodedValueBitLengths(final BitVector[] codeWords,
final IRaba raba, final Byte2Symbol byte2symbol) {
final int nvalues = raba.size();
// cumulative code lengths.
long sumCodedValueBitLengths = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nvalues; i++) {
final byte[] a = raba.get(i);
long codeLength = 0;
if (a != null) {
for (byte b : a) {
codeLength += codeWords[byte2symbol.byte2symbol(b)]
// Cumulative bit length of the code words for all coded values.
sumCodedValueBitLengths += codeLength;
return sumCodedValueBitLengths;
* Write out the coded values.
* @param coder
* The coder.
* @param raba
* The logical byte[][].
* @param byte2symbol
* The mapping from byte values to symbol indices.
* @param codedValueOffset
* An optional array dimensioned to nvalues+1
, where
* nvalues is #of values in the logical byte[][]. When
* given, the array will be populated with the relative bit
* offset of the start of each coded value. The offsets are
* relative to the start of the first coded value.
* @return The #of bits written (sum total of the bit lengths of the coded
* values).
protected long writeCodedValues(final PrefixCoder coder,
final IRaba raba, final Byte2Symbol byte2symbol,
final long[] codedValueOffset, final OutputBitStream obs)
throws IOException {
final int nvalues = raba.size();
if (codedValueOffset != null) {
if (codedValueOffset.length != nvalues + 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
long bitsWritten = 0L;
for (int i = 0; i < nvalues; i++) {
if (codedValueOffset != null)
codedValueOffset[i] = bitsWritten;
final byte[] a = raba.get(i);
if (a != null) {
for (byte b : a) {
final int symbol = byte2symbol.byte2symbol(b);
if (symbol == -1)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Can not code value: " + b);
bitsWritten += coder.encode(symbol, obs);
if (codedValueOffset != null)
codedValueOffset[nvalues] = bitsWritten;
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
+ Arrays.toString(codedValueOffset));
return bitsWritten;
* Interface maps a byte value to the symbol used to code that byte value.
* @author Bryan
* Thompson
interface Byte2Symbol {
* Mapping from byte values to symbol indices.
* @param b
* The byte value.
* @return The symbol used to code that byte value -or- -1
* if the byte value was not assigned to any symbol.
int byte2symbol(byte b);
* Interface maps a symbol to the byte value assigned to that symbol.
* @author Bryan
* Thompson
interface Symbol2Byte {
* Return the #of symbols.
int getSymbolCount();
* Mapping from symbol indices to byte values.
* @param symbol
* The symbol index.
* @return The byte value.
byte symbol2byte(int symbol);
* Abstract base class for preparing a logical byte[][] for coding.
* @author Bryan
* Thompson
abstract protected static class AbstractCodingSetup implements Byte2Symbol,
Symbol2Byte {
* Return the #of distinct symbols used to generate the code.
abstract public int getSymbolCount();
* The codec used to encode and decode the logical byte[][].
abstract public HuffmanCodec codec();
* The data required to reconstruct the decoder.
abstract public DecoderInputs decoderInputs();
* Format the code book as a multi-line string.
* @param codeWords
* The code words.
* @param symbol2byte
* The mapping from symbol indices to byte value.
* @return A representation of the code book.
static protected String printCodeBook(final BitVector[] codeWords,
final Symbol2Byte symbol2byte) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int symbol = 0;
for (BitVector v : codeWords) {
final byte b = symbol2byte.symbol2byte(symbol);
.append("codeWord: "
+ v
+ ", symbol="
+ symbol
+ ", value="
+ b
+ (b >= 32 && b < 127 ? " (" + (char) b
+ ")" : "") + "\n");
return sb.toString();
* Return a dense array of the non-zero frequency counts in byte value
* order. The length of the array is the #of distinct symbols appearing
* in the input.
* @param raba
* The logical byte[][].
* @return The packed frequency counts.
protected int[] getPackedFrequencyCount(final IRaba raba) {
final int[] frequency = new int[Byte.MAX_VALUE - Byte.MIN_VALUE + 1];
final int size = raba.size();
int nsymbols = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
final byte[] a = raba.get(i);
if (a != null) {
for (byte b : a) {
if (frequency[b - Byte.MIN_VALUE]++ == 1) {
final int[] packedFreq = new int[nsymbols];
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < frequency.length; i++) {
if (frequency[i] != 0) {
packedFreq[j++] = frequency[i];
return frequency;
* Create a frequency table reporting the #of occurrences of for every
* possible byte value.
* @param raba
* The data.
* @return An 256 element array giving the frequency of each byte value.
* Values not observed will have a zero frequency count.
protected int[] getFrequencyCount(final IRaba raba) {
final int[] frequency = new int[Byte.MAX_VALUE - Byte.MIN_VALUE + 1];
final int size = raba.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
final byte[] a = raba.get(i);
if (a != null) {
for (byte b : a) {
frequency[b - Byte.MIN_VALUE]++;
return frequency;
* Compute the number of distinct bytes.
* @param frequency
* An array of 256 elements giving the frequency of
* occurrence for each possible byte value.
* @return The #of non-zero elements in that array.
protected int getSymbolCount(final int[] frequency) {
if (frequency == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (frequency.length != 256)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int count = 0;
for (int i = frequency.length; i-- != 0;) {
if (frequency[i] != 0) {
return count;
* Build the symbol table, populating the packedFrequency array, etc. as
* a side effect.
* @param frequency
* An array of 256 frequency counts. Each element of the
* array gives the frequency of occurrence of the
* corresponding byte value.
* @param packedFrequency
* The non-zero symbol frequency counts. This array is
* correlated with the packed symbol table. The array must be
* pre-allocated by the caller with nsymbol elements.
* @param symbol2byte
* The forward lookup symbol table. The array must be
* pre-allocated by the caller with nsymbol elements.
* @return The reverse symbol table.
protected Byte2IntOpenHashMap buildSymbolTable(final int[] frequency,
final int[] packedFrequency, final byte[] symbol2byte) {
* Remap the used bytes, building at the same time maps from symbol
* to bytes and from bytes to symbols.
assert frequency.length == 256;
assert packedFrequency.length == symbol2byte.length;
final int nsymbols = packedFrequency.length;
// the reverse lookup for the packed symbol table.
final Byte2IntOpenHashMap byte2symbol = new Byte2IntOpenHashMap(
for (int i = frequency.length, k = nsymbols; i-- != 0;) {
if (frequency[i] != 0) {
packedFrequency[--k] = frequency[i];
final byte b = (byte) (i + Byte.MIN_VALUE);
symbol2byte[k] = b;
byte2symbol.put(b, k);
return byte2symbol;
* Sets up for coding an {@link IRaba} representing B+Tree values. For this
* case the code book is generated from only the non-zero frequency counts.
* This results in a more compact code.
* @author Bryan
* Thompson
* FIXME If most byte values are used, then simply code them all.
* This will be more efficient (smaller data record, no indirection
* through the symbol table).
protected static class RabaCodingSetup extends AbstractCodingSetup {
/** The #of distinct symbols (distinct byte values) actually used. */
final int nsymbols;
* The frequency counts for only those byte values whose frequency count
* is non-zero. The frequency counts appear in increasing byte value
* order. This allows us to decode using a {@link #symbol2byte} map in
* the same order.
private final int[] packedFrequency;
private final DecoderInputs decoderInputs;
public DecoderInputs decoderInputs() {
return decoderInputs;
/** The canonical huffman codec. */
private final HuffmanCodec codec;
public HuffmanCodec codec() {
return codec;
private final Byte2IntOpenHashMap byte2symbol;
/** The packed symbol table (symbol to byte). */
private final byte[] symbol2byte;
final public int getSymbolCount() {
return nsymbols;
final public int byte2symbol(final byte b) {
return byte2symbol.get(b);
final public byte symbol2byte(final int symbol) {
return (byte) symbol2byte[symbol];
public RabaCodingSetup(final IRaba raba) {
if (raba == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// if (raba.isKeys())
// throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// The #of byte[] values to be coded.
final int size = raba.size();
* Array of frequency counts for all possible byte values.
final int[] frequency = new int[256];
int nsymbols = 0;
byte lastByte = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
final byte[] a = raba.get(i);
if (a != null) {
for (byte b : a) {
if (frequency[b - Byte.MIN_VALUE]++ == 0) {
lastByte = b;
if (nsymbols == 1) {
* FIXME This is a hack to workaround a ctor bug in the
* HuffmanCodec when nsymbols==1 (a bug in the
* CanonicalFast64CodeWordDecoder ctor has since been fixed,
* but one remains in the HuffmanCodec ctor).
* The workaround pretends that a 2nd symbol is present and
* assigns it a non-zero frequency count to ensure that it
* is preserved by the packedFrequency table. If that bug is
* fixed, then this code block can simply be commented out.
* The choice of that 2nd symbol is arbitrary. Since there
* is only one symbol present, we use index #0 if the symbol
* is non-zero and use index #1 if the symbol is zero.
final int fakeByteIndex = (lastByte == 0 ? 1 : 0);
frequency[fakeByteIndex] = 1;
this.nsymbols = nsymbols;
* Remap the used bytes, building at the same time maps from
* symbols to bytes and from bytes to symbols.
this.packedFrequency = new int[nsymbols];
this.symbol2byte = new byte[nsymbols];
// the reverse lookup for the packed symbol table.
byte2symbol = new Byte2IntOpenHashMap(nsymbols);
for (int i = frequency.length, k = nsymbols; i-- != 0;) {
if (frequency[i] != 0) {
packedFrequency[--k] = frequency[i];
final byte b = (byte) (i + Byte.MIN_VALUE);
symbol2byte[k] = b;
byte2symbol.put(b, k);
if (nsymbols > 0) {
* Generate a canonical huffman code. The input is the packed
* frequency data (only symbols which occur at least once). The
* packed frequency counts appear in non-increasing frequency order.
* Therefore the assigned canonical codeWord[] will already be in
* non-decreasing code length order.
decoderInputs = new DecoderInputs();
codec = new HuffmanCodec(packedFrequency, decoderInputs);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ printCodeBook(codec.codeWords(), this/* Symbol2Byte */));
} else {
* Don't bother to generate the codec.
decoderInputs = null;
codec = null;
public AbstractFixedByteArrayBuffer encode(final IRaba raba,
final DataOutputBuffer buf) {
return encodeLive(raba, buf).data();
public ICodedRaba encodeLive(final IRaba raba, final DataOutputBuffer buf) {
final AbstractCodingSetup setup = new RabaCodingSetup(raba);
final StringBuilder sb = debug ? new StringBuilder("\n") : null;
// The #of byte[] values to be coded.
final int size = raba.size();
// The #of distinct symbols (distinct byte values) actually used.
final int nsymbols = setup.getSymbolCount();
// Total #of bits in the coded values.
// FIXME this codes the data twice.
final long sumCodedValueBitLengths = nsymbols == 0 ? 0
: getSumCodedValueBitLengths(setup.codec().codeWords(),
raba, (Byte2Symbol) setup);
* The #of bits per element in the codedValueOffset[]
* @todo iff nvalues>16 and SEQUENTIAL flag was not specified by
* called.
* @todo support isByteAlignedOffsets
final int codedValueOffsetBits = nsymbols == 0 ? 0 : Fast
.mostSignificantBit(sumCodedValueBitLengths) + 1;
* Note: this initialCapacity estimate appears to be more than we need,
* however if the caller is reusing their buffer then there should be
* little waste associated with it over time.
final int initialCapacity = (int) (512 + sumCodedValueBitLengths + (size + 1)
* codedValueOffsetBits);
* Write out the record on a bit stream backed by a byte[] buffer.
final int O_origin = buf.pos(); // byte offset of the origin.
if (debug)
sb.append("O_origin=" + O_origin + "\n");
try {
// The serialization version for the record.
final int version = VERSION0;
final OutputBitStream obs = buf.getOutputBitStream();
// new OutputBitStream(buf, 0/* bufSize */, false/* reflectionTest */);
// The record version identifier.
obs.writeInt(version, 8/* nbits */);
if (debug)
sb.append("version=" + version + "\n");
// Indicates if we are coding keys vs values.
// Indicates if we write a packed symbol table into the record.
final boolean isSymbolTable = setup.getSymbolCount() != 256;
// Indicates whether the codedValueOffset[] is stored.
final boolean isOffsetArray = true;
// Indicates if we will write the codedValueOffset[] with byte alignment.
final boolean isByteAlignedOffsets = false;
// unused bit flags.
obs.writeInt(0, 4);
if (debug) {
sb.append("isKeys=" + raba.isKeys() + "\n");
sb.append("isSymbolTable=" + isSymbolTable + "\n");
sb.append("isOffsetArray=" + isOffsetArray + "\n");
sb.append("isByteAlignedOffsets=" + isByteAlignedOffsets + "\n");
// The #of elements in the logical byte[][].
obs.writeInt(size, 31);
if (debug)
sb.append("size=" + size+ "\n");
// The #of symbols in the code.
obs.writeInt(nsymbols, 9/* nbits */);
assert obs.writtenBits() == CodedRabaImpl.O_symbols;
if (debug)
sb.append("nsymbols=" + nsymbols + "\n");
if(isSymbolTable) {
// Write out the optional symbol2byte[].
writeSymbolTable(setup/* Symbol2Byte */, obs);
// the record should still be byte aligned.
assert obs.writtenBits() % 8 == 0;
assert obs.writtenBits() == CodedRabaImpl.O_symbols
+ (isSymbolTable ? nsymbols * 8 : 0);
final long O_codedValueOffsetBits = obs.writtenBits();
obs.writeInt(codedValueOffsetBits, 8/* nbits */);
if (debug) {
+ O_codedValueOffsetBits + "\n");
sb.append("codedValueOffsetBits=" + codedValueOffsetBits
+ "\n");
if (codedValueOffsetBits != 0) {
obs.writeLong(sumCodedValueBitLengths, 32/* nbits */);
if (debug)
+ sumCodedValueBitLengths + "\n");
// nulls[] : bit flags identifying null byte[]s.
final long O_nulls = obs.writtenBits();
assert O_nulls == O_codedValueOffsetBits + 8
+ (codedValueOffsetBits == 0 ? 0 : 32);
if (!raba.isKeys()) {
if (debug)
sb.append("O_nulls=" + O_nulls + "\n");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
final boolean isNull = raba.isNull(i);
if (debug)
sb.append("null[" + i + "]=" + isNull + "\n");
// The bit length of the decoder inputs.
final long decoderInputsBitLength;
if (nsymbols == 0) {
// not present in the coded data record.
decoderInputsBitLength = 0;
} else {
// write the code word length[], the correlated symbol[], and the
// shortest code word.
final long O_decoderInputs = obs.writtenBits();
if (debug)
sb.append("O_decoderInputs=" + O_decoderInputs+"\n");
writeDecoderInputs(setup.decoderInputs(), obs, sb);
// Write out the coded values.
final long O_codedValues = obs.writtenBits();
decoderInputsBitLength = O_codedValues - O_decoderInputs;
if (debug)
sb.append("O_codedValues=" + O_codedValues + "\n");
// assert O_codedValues == O_nulls + (raba.isKeys() ? 0 : size);
final long[] codedValueOffset = (codedValueOffsetBits == 0 ? null
: new long[size + 1]);
final long sumCodedValueBitLengths2 = writeCodedValues(setup
.codec().coder(), raba, (Byte2Symbol) setup,
codedValueOffset, obs);
assert sumCodedValueBitLengths == sumCodedValueBitLengths2 : "sumCodedValueBitLengths="
+ sumCodedValueBitLengths
+ " != sumCodedValueBitLengths2="
+ sumCodedValueBitLengths2;
if (codedValueOffset != null)
assert codedValueOffset[size] == sumCodedValueBitLengths;
// Write out the codedValueOffset[].
final long O_codedValueOffsets;
if (codedValueOffsetBits != 0) {
// // force byte alignment.
// final long tmp = obs.writtenBits();
// obs.align();
O_codedValueOffsets = obs.writtenBits();
assert O_codedValueOffsets == O_codedValues
+ sumCodedValueBitLengths;
if (debug)
sb.append("O_codedValueOffsets=" + O_codedValueOffsets
+ "\n");
for (int i = 0; i < codedValueOffset.length; i++) {
final long offset = codedValueOffset[i];
obs.writeLong(offset, codedValueOffsetBits/* nbits */);
if (debug)
sb.append("codedValueOffsets[" + i + "]=" + offset
+ "\n");
} else {
// Not included in the record.
O_codedValueOffsets = 0L;
}// if(nsymbols>0)
// done writing (will byte align the OBS).
if (debug) {
sb.append("bytesWritten=" + (buf.pos() - O_origin) + "\n");
// a slice with just the coded data record.
final AbstractFixedByteArrayBuffer slice = buf.slice(//
O_origin, buf.pos() - O_origin);
if (nsymbols == 0) {
return new CodedRabaImpl(slice, null/* decoder */, 0/* decoderInputsBitLength */);
return new CodedRabaImpl(slice, setup.codec().decoder(),
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
public ICodedRaba decode(final AbstractFixedByteArrayBuffer data) {
return new CodedRabaImpl(data);
* Decoder.
* @author Bryan
* Thompson
// @todo private
public static class CodedRabaImpl extends AbstractCodedRaba {
* The byte offset to the packed symbol2byte table relative to
* the start of the slice.
private static final int BYTE_O_symbols = 7;
* The bit offset to the packed symbol2byte table (relative to the start
* of the data record).
private static final long O_symbols = BYTE_O_symbols * 8;
* The entries in the logical byte[][].
private final int size;
* If the logical byte[][] contains B+Tree keys vs B+Tree values.
private final boolean isKeys;
* true
iff the packed symbol2byte[] is present in the
* record. When false
, all byte values were coded and the
* symbol index is directly transformed into the corresponding byte
* value by {@link #symbol2byte(int)}.
private final boolean isSymbolTable;
private final AbstractFixedByteArrayBuffer data;
// /**
// * A reference to the backing byte array. Offsets into this array MUST
// * be adjusted for the starting offset of the slice. Direct access to
// * this byte[] is used to reduce the cost of operations such lookup in
// * the packed symbol2byte table.
// *
// * @todo final
// */
// private byte[] array;
* The offset into the coded data record of the first byte of the slice
* for the data record.
* Note: The reference to the backing byte[]
can be changed
* by {@link ByteArrayBuffer#trim()}. In order to protect against such
* changes, we only store the offset into the data record (which is
* immutable across trim()).
* @todo if we implement a compacting store for the coded data records
* then the offset could change and we would also have to protect
* the API level operations of all {@link ICodedRaba}s against
* relocation of the backing data record due to asynchronous
* compacting operations.
private final int aoff;
// /** @todo hack! resets these fields if the slice gets trimmed. */
// public void trimmedSlice() {
// this.array = data.array();
// }
* The decoder, which is always available.
private final Decoder decoder;
* The #of symbols in the coded alphabet. For B+Tree keys this is always
* 256. Otherwise it is the #of distinct byte values appearing in the
* B+Tree values.
private final int nsymbols;
* The bit offset to the start of the nulls[], which is coded IFF the
* logical byte[][] was representing B+Tree values rather than B+Tree
* keys (no nulls). These are bit flags indicating whether the
* corresponding entry in the logical byte[][] is a null
* You must consult these bit flags in order to distinguish a
* null
from a zero length byte[].
private final long O_nulls;
* The bit offset to the start of the codedValue[] in the record.
private final long O_codedValues;
* The #of bits used to represent the elements of the codedValueOffset[]
* -or- ZERO (0) iff that array was not included in the record.
private final int codedValueOffsetBits;
* The bit offset to the start of the codedValueOffset[] in the record
* -or- ZERO (0L) iff that array was not included in the record.
private final long O_codedValueOffsets;
* Constructor used to decode a data record.
* @param data
* The record containing the coded data.
public CodedRabaImpl(final AbstractFixedByteArrayBuffer data) {
this(data, null/* decoder */, 0L/* decoderInputsBitLength */);
* Constructor used when encoding a data record (more information is
* available from the caller's context).
* @param data
* The record containing the coded data.
* @param decoder
* The decoder (optional). When not given the decoder is
* reconstructed from the record.
* @param decoderInputsBitLength
* The bit length of the {@link DecoderInputs} in the coded
* data record. This information is used to skip beyond the
* {@link DecoderInputs} without having to read them from the
* {@link InputBitStream}.
public CodedRabaImpl(final AbstractFixedByteArrayBuffer data,
final Decoder decoder, final long decoderInputsBitLength) {
if (data == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (decoder != null && decoderInputsBitLength == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(); = data;
// if (decoder == null) {
// // context is NOT encodeLive() so trim() is NOT used.
// this.array = data.array();
this.aoff =;
// } else {
// this.array = null;
// this.aoff = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
// }
final StringBuilder sb = debug ? new StringBuilder("\n") : null;
final InputBitStream ibs = data.getInputBitStream();
try {
final int version = ibs.readInt(8/* nbits */);
if (version != VERSION0) {
throw new IOException("Unknown version: " + version);
if (debug)
sb.append("version=" + version + "\n");
isKeys = ibs.readBit() != 0;
isSymbolTable = ibs.readBit() != 0;
final boolean isOffsetArray = ibs.readBit() != 0;
final boolean isByteAlignedOffsets = ibs.readBit() != 0;
// skip unused bit flags.
if (debug) {
sb.append("isKeys=" + isKeys + "\n");
sb.append("isSymbolTable=" + isSymbolTable + "\n");
sb.append("isOffsetArray=" + isOffsetArray + "\n");
sb.append("isByteAlignedOffsets=" + isByteAlignedOffsets + "\n");
this.size = ibs.readInt(31/*nbits*/);
if (debug)
sb.append("size=" + size + "\n");
if (size < 0)
throw new IOException();
nsymbols = ibs.readInt(9/* nbits */);
if (debug)
sb.append("nsymbols=" + nsymbols + "\n");
assert ibs.readBits() == O_symbols;
// skip over the packed symbol table.
if (isSymbolTable) {
ibs.skip(nsymbols * 8L);
assert ibs.readBits() == O_symbols + (nsymbols * 8L);
final long O_codedValueOffsetBits = ibs.readBits();
codedValueOffsetBits = ibs.readInt(8/* nbits */);
if (debug) {
+ O_codedValueOffsetBits + "\n");
sb.append("codedValueOffsetBits=" + codedValueOffsetBits
+ "\n");
final long sumCodedValueBitLengths;
if (codedValueOffsetBits != 0) {
sumCodedValueBitLengths = ibs.readInt(32/* nbits */);
} else {
// note: not reported.
sumCodedValueBitLengths = 0L;
if (debug)
+ sumCodedValueBitLengths + "\n");
// offset to the nulls[] (bit flags).
O_nulls = ibs.readBits();
assert O_nulls == O_codedValueOffsetBits + 8
+ (codedValueOffsetBits == 0 ? 0 : 32);
if (!isKeys) {
if (debug) {
sb.append("O_nulls=" + O_nulls + "\n");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
final boolean isNull = ibs.readBit() != 0;
sb.append("null[" + i + "]=" + isNull + "\n");
assert isNull == data.getBit(O_nulls + i) : "index="
+ i;
} else {
// skip over the null bit flags.
ibs.skip((long) size);
if (nsymbols == 0) {
* The rest of the record is empty.
this.decoder = null;
this.O_codedValues = -1;
this.O_codedValueOffsets = -1;
* Setup the decoder.
final long O_decoderInputs = ibs.readBits();
if (debug)
sb.append("O_decoderInputs=" + O_decoderInputs + "\n");
assert O_decoderInputs == O_nulls + (isKeys ? 0 : size);
// read bit length[], symbol[], and shortest code word.
final DecoderInputs decoderInputs = readDecoderInputs(nsymbols,
ibs, sb);
if (decoder == null) {
* Reconstruct the decoder.
this.decoder = new CanonicalFast64CodeWordDecoder(
decoderInputs.getLengths(), decoderInputs
} else {
* There is a minor cost savings if given, but we still need
* to read the 'decoderInputs' to know where we are in the
* bit stream.
this.decoder = decoder;
// skip over the coded byte[][] values.
O_codedValues = ibs.readBits();
if (debug)
sb.append("O_codedValues=" + O_codedValues + "\n");
// skip over the coded byte[][] values.
// note bit offset of the codedValueOffset[].
O_codedValueOffsets = (codedValueOffsetBits == 0 ? 0L
: O_codedValues + sumCodedValueBitLengths);
if (debug) {
sb.append("O_codedValueOffsets=" + O_codedValueOffsets
+ "\n");
if (O_codedValueOffsets != 0L) {
for (int i = 0; i <= size; i++) {
sb.append("codedValueOffsets[" + i + "]="
+ ibs.readInt(codedValueOffsetBits) + "\n");
if (debug)
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
// close not required for IBS backed by byte[] and has high overhead.
// } finally {
// try {
// ibs.close();
// } catch (IOException ex) {
// log.error(ex);
// }
final public int size() {
return size;
* The capacity is equal to the size (the data are immutable).
final public int capacity() {
return size;
final public boolean isEmpty() {
return size == 0;
* Always returns true
since {@link #size()} ==
* {@link #capacity()} by definition for this class.
final public boolean isFull() {
return true;
final public boolean isKeys() {
return isKeys;
public AbstractFixedByteArrayBuffer data() {
return data;
// /**
// * Lookup a symbol, returning the byte value for that symbol.
// *
// * @param symbol
// * The symbol.
// *
// * @return The byte value.
// *
// * @deprecated This has been inlined for better performance.
// */
// final private byte symbol2byte(final byte[] array, final int symbol) {
// assert symbol >= 0 && symbol < nsymbols : "nsymbol=" + symbol
// + " not in [0:" + (nsymbols - 1) + "]";
// if (!isSymbolTable) {
// return (byte) KeyBuilder.encodeByte(symbol);
// } else {
// /*
// * Index into the buffer start after [nsymbols].
// *
// * Note: This uses direct indexing into the backing byte[] to
// * avoid method call and parameter check overhead associated
// * with data.getByte(). [I had to disable the direct addressing
// * because ByteArrayBuffer#trim() was replacing the backing
// * byte[] reference after the data were coded by encodeLive()].
// */
//// if (array != null)
// return array[aoff + BYTE_O_symbols + symbol];
//// return data.getByte(BYTE_O_symbols + symbol);
// }
// }
public boolean isNull(final int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= size)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if(isKeys) {
* nulls are not allowed for keys and we do not code the
* presence of nulls when we are coding keys.
return false;
return data.getBit(O_nulls + index);
* This computes the length of the decoded byte[] by counting the code
* words for the coded value.
public int length(final int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= size)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (!isKeys) {
* Figure out whether or not this index is a null.
final boolean isNull = data.getBit(O_nulls + index);
if (isNull) {
// per the API.
throw new NullPointerException();
if (nsymbols == 0) {
* The offset[] is not stored if there are no symbols. Since we
* know that the value is not a null, this implies that the
* coded value was an empty byte[]. We have to handle this case
* explicitly.
return 0;
* Figure out the bit length of the coded byte[].
* Note: When we are allocating the byte[] for the caller we will
* scan the coded byte[] once to get the length of the decoded
* byte[] and then scan it again to decode the byte[].
final InputBitStream ibs = data.getInputBitStream();
try {
// get the bit offset of the start of this coded value.
ibs.position(O_codedValueOffsets + ((long) index)
* codedValueOffsetBits);
final long O_from = ibs.readLong(codedValueOffsetBits);
// get the bit offset of the start of the next coded value.
ibs.position(O_codedValueOffsets + (index + 1L)
* codedValueOffsetBits);
final long O_to = ibs.readLong(codedValueOffsetBits);
// the total length of this code in bits.
final long codeLength = O_to - O_from;
* Figure out how many symbols are in the coded byte[].
// position at the start of the coded byte[].
ibs.position(O_from + O_codedValues);
// reset the read bits counter.
// #of symbols in this coded byte[].
int nsymbols = 0;
while (ibs.readBits() < codeLength) {
return nsymbols;
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
// close not required for IBS backed by byte[] and has high overhead.
// } finally {
// try {
// ibs.close();
// } catch (IOException ex) {
// log.error(ex);
// }
* This uses two passes over the code words for the given index. The
* first pass figures out the #of bytes in the decoded byte[] and
* allocates the byte[]. The second pass decodes into the allocated
* byte[].
public byte[] get(final int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= size)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (!isKeys) {
* Figure out whether or not this index is a null.
final boolean isNull = data.getBit(O_nulls + index);
if (isNull) {
// The value is a null.
return null;
if (nsymbols == 0) {
* The offset[] is not stored if there are no symbols. Since
* we know that the value is not a null, this implies that
* the coded value was an empty byte[]. We have to handle
* this case explicitly.
return BytesUtil.EMPTY;
final InputBitStream ibs = data.getInputBitStream();
try {
* Figure out the bit length of the coded byte[].
* Note: When we are allocating the byte[] for the caller we
* will scan the coded byte[] once to get the length of the
* decoded byte[] and then scan it again to decode the byte[].
// get the bit offset of the start of this coded value.
ibs.position(O_codedValueOffsets + ((long) index)
* codedValueOffsetBits);
final long O_from = ibs.readLong(codedValueOffsetBits);
// get the bit offset of the start of the next coded value.
ibs.position(O_codedValueOffsets + (index + 1L)
* codedValueOffsetBits);
final long O_to = ibs.readLong(codedValueOffsetBits);
// the total length of this code in bits.
final long codeLength = O_to - O_from;
assert codeLength >= 0 : "index=" + index + ", codeLength="
+ codeLength;
* Figure out how many symbols are in the coded byte[].
// position at the start of the coded byte[].
ibs.position(O_from + O_codedValues);
// reset the read bits counter (required).
// #of symbols in this coded byte[].
int nsymbols = 0;
while (ibs.readBits() < codeLength) {
* Allocate an exact fit byte[] and decode into that byte[]. We
* decode to symbol indices and then convert symbol indices to
* bytes, which are stored in that exact fit byte[].
// position at the start of the coded byte[].
ibs.position(O_from + O_codedValues);
return getFrom(ibs, nsymbols);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
// close not required for IBS backed by byte[] and has high overhead.
// } finally {
// try {
// ibs.close();
// } catch (IOException ex) {
// log.error(ex);
// }
* Decodes the specified number of symbols into an exact fit byte[]. The
* {@link InputBitStream} must be pre-positioned to the start of the
* coded symbols.
* @param ibs
* The bit stream.
* @param nsymbols
* The #of symbols to decode.
* @return The exact fit byte[] containing the decoded symbols.
* @throws IOException
private byte[] getFrom(final InputBitStream ibs, final int nsymbols)
throws IOException {
// Allocate the decoded byte[].
final byte[] a = new byte[nsymbols];
if (!isSymbolTable) {
for (int i = 0; i < nsymbols; i++) {
final int symbol = decoder.decode(ibs);
a[i] = (byte) KeyBuilder.encodeByte(symbol);
return a;
* Note: This uses direct indexing into the backing byte[] to
* avoid method call and parameter check overhead associated
* with data.getByte().
// the coded data record.
final byte[] array = data.array();
final int aoff = this.aoff + BYTE_O_symbols;
for (int i = 0; i < nsymbols; i++) {
final int symbol = decoder.decode(ibs);
a[i] = array[aoff + symbol];
// a[i] = symbol2byte(array, symbol);
return a;
* This decodes the value at the specified index in a single pass onto
* the caller's stream.
public int copy(final int index, final OutputStream os) {
if (index < 0 || index >= size)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (!isKeys) {
* Figure out whether or not this index is a null.
final boolean isNull = data.getBit(O_nulls + index);
if (isNull) {
// per the API.
throw new NullPointerException();
if (nsymbols == 0) {
* The offset[] is not stored if there are no symbols. Since we
* know that the value is not a null, this implies that the
* coded value was an empty byte[]. We have to handle this case
* explicitly.
return 0;
final InputBitStream ibs = data.getInputBitStream();
try {
* Figure out the bit length of the coded byte[].
* Note: When we are allocating the byte[] for the caller we
* will scan the coded byte[] once to get the length of the
* decoded byte[] and then scan it again to decode the byte[].
// get the bit offset of the start of this coded value.
ibs.position(O_codedValueOffsets + ((long) index)
* codedValueOffsetBits);
final long O_from = ibs.readLong(codedValueOffsetBits);
// get the bit offset of the start of the next coded value.
ibs.position(O_codedValueOffsets + (index + 1L)
* codedValueOffsetBits);
final long O_to = ibs.readLong(codedValueOffsetBits);
// the total length of this code in bits.
final long codeLength = O_to - O_from;
assert codeLength >= 0 : "codeLength=" + codeLength;
* Copy the decoded symbols into the buffer.
// position at the start of the coded byte[].
ibs.position(O_from + O_codedValues);
// transfer codeLength decoded bytes to caller's stream.
return copyFrom(ibs, codeLength, os);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
// close() not required for IBS backed by byte[], and has high overhead.
// } finally {
// try {
// ibs.close();
// } catch (IOException ex) {
// log.error(ex);
// }
* Copy a sequence of decoded code words onto the caller's stream.
* @param ibs
* The input stream, pre-positioned at the start of the code
* words to be decoded.
* @param codeLength
* The bit length of the sequence of code words to be
* decoded.
* @param os
* Where to put the data.
* @return The #of decoded symbols that were copied.
* @throws IOException
private int copyFrom(final InputBitStream ibs, final long codeLength,
final OutputStream os) throws IOException {
// The #of symbols decoded.
int nsymbols = 0;
// reset the read bits counter.
if (!isSymbolTable) {
while (ibs.readBits() < codeLength) {
final int symbol = decoder.decode(ibs);
final byte b = (byte) KeyBuilder.encodeByte(symbol);
return nsymbols;
* Note: This uses direct indexing into the backing byte[] to avoid
* method call and parameter check overhead associated with
* data.getByte().
// the coded data record.
final byte[] array = data.array();
// compute once.
final int aoff = this.aoff + BYTE_O_symbols;
while (ibs.readBits() < codeLength) {
final int symbol = decoder.decode(ibs);
// final byte b = symbol2byte(array, symbol);
final byte b = array[aoff + symbol];
return nsymbols;
* Basic implementation may be overridden if a faster implementation is
* available.
public Iterator iterator() {
* This per-iterator buffer is used to copy the decoded byte[] out
* of the coded raba. get(index) requires two passes over the coded
* value - one of which is just to compute the #of symbols. By using
* copy(int,os) we can extract the data in a single pass onto this
* buffer. The data in the buffer is then cloned to obtain an exact
* fit byte[].
* @todo if we knew the max byte[] length for the instance then we
* could use that here and avoid over/under allocating.
final ByteArrayBuffer tmp = new ByteArrayBuffer(128/*initialCapacity*/);
return new Iterator() {
int i = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return i < size();
public byte[] next() {
if (!hasNext())
throw new NoSuchElementException();
try {
if (!isKeys) {
* Figure out whether or not this index is a null.
final boolean isNull = data.getBit(O_nulls + i);
if (isNull) {
// per the API.
return null;
// reset the buffer.
// copy out decoded byte[] (more efficient than get()).
copy(i, tmp);
// return an exact fit copy of the decoded byte[].
return tmp.toByteArray();
} finally {
// return get(i++);
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* This is an efficient binary search performed without materializing the
* coded byte[][].
public int search(final byte[] probe) {
if (probe == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
final InputBitStream ibs = data.getInputBitStream();
try {
return binarySearch(ibs, probe);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
// close not required for IBS backed by byte[] and has high overhead.
// } finally {
// try {
// ibs.close();
// } catch (IOException ex) {
// log.error(ex);
// }
* Binary search in the coded key space.
* @param ibs
* The bit stream.
* @param key
* The key for the search.
* @return index of the search key, if it is contained in keys;
* otherwise, (-(insertion point) - 1)
. The
* insertion point is defined as the point at which the key
* would be inserted into the array of keys. Note that this
* guarantees that the return value will be >= 0 if and only if
* the key is found.
final private int binarySearch(final InputBitStream ibs,
final byte[] key) throws IOException {
* The implementation codes the symbols in the key space one at a
* time, searching the coded values as it goes. This avoids the
* overhead of allocating a byte[] for the coded key. Instead, we
* directly access the codeWord for the symbol in the coder impl.
// the coded data record.
final byte[] array = data.array();
final int nmem = this.size;
final int base = 0;
int low = 0;
int high = nmem - 1;
while (low <= high) {
final int mid = (low + high) >> 1;
final int offset = base + mid;
// compare actual vs probe
final int tmp = compare(ibs, offset/* index */, key, array);
if (tmp > 0) {
// Actual LT probe, restrict lower bound and try again.
low = mid + 1;
} else if (tmp < 0) {
// Actual GT probe, restrict upper bound and try again.
high = mid - 1;
} else {
// Actual EQ probe. Found : return offset.
return offset;
// Not found: return insertion point.
final int offset = (base + low);
return -(offset + 1);
* Compares the given byte[] to the coded value at the specified index.
* The comparison is done in the code space.
* @param index
* The index of the coded value.
* @param key
* The search probe key.
* @param array
* The reference to the coded data record.
* @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer if the coded
* value identified by the index is less than, equal to,
* or greater than the key when they are compared in the
* code space.
* @throws IOException
private int compare(final InputBitStream ibs, final int index,
final byte[] key, final byte[] array) throws IOException {
if (nsymbols == 0) {
* The offset[] is not stored if there are no symbols. Since we
* know that the value is not a null (keys do not permit nulls),
* this implies that the coded value was an empty byte[]. We
* have to handle this case explicitly.
return BytesUtil.compareBytes(key, BytesUtil.EMPTY);
// get the bit offset of the start of this coded value.
ibs.position(O_codedValueOffsets + ((long) index)
* codedValueOffsetBits);
final long O_from = ibs.readLong(codedValueOffsetBits);
// get the bit offset of the start of the next coded value.
ibs.position(O_codedValueOffsets + (index + 1L)
* codedValueOffsetBits);
final long O_to = ibs.readLong(codedValueOffsetBits);
// the total length of this code in bits.
final long codeLength = O_to - O_from;
assert codeLength >= 0;
// position at the start of the coded byte[].
ibs.position(O_from + O_codedValues);
// reset the read bits counter.
// #of symbols decoded.
int nsymbols = 0;
// pre-compute once.
final int aoff = this.aoff + BYTE_O_symbols;
// loop compares decoded symbols one-by-one.
while (ibs.readBits() < codeLength && nsymbols < key.length) {
assert decoder != null;
final int symbol = decoder.decode(ibs);
// final byte b = symbol2byte(array, symbol);
final byte b;
if (!isSymbolTable) {
b = (byte) KeyBuilder.encodeByte(symbol);
} else {
* Note: This uses direct indexing into the backing byte[] to
* avoid method call and parameter check overhead associated
* with data.getByte().
b = array[aoff + symbol];
final byte a = key[nsymbols];
// promotes to signed integers in [0:255] for comparison.
final int ret = (a & 0xff) - (b & 0xff);
if (ret != 0)
return ret;
if (nsymbols == key.length) {
* Note: When the search key is [] we but the coded symbol is
* non-empty, we need to indicate that the coded symbol is
* longer.
if (ibs.readBits() < codeLength) {
return -1;
return key.length - nsymbols;
public boolean isDuplicateKeys() {
return false;