com.bigdata.counters.XMLUtility Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright (C) SYSTAP, LLC DBA Blazegraph 2006-2016. All rights reserved.
SYSTAP, LLC DBA Blazegraph
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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Created on May 1, 2008
package com.bigdata.counters;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
import com.bigdata.counters.History.SampleIterator;
import com.bigdata.counters.ICounterSet.IInstrumentFactory;
import com.bigdata.util.HTMLUtility;
* XML (de-)serialization of {@link CounterSet}s.
* @author Bryan Thompson
* @version $Id$
public class XMLUtility {
static protected final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(XMLUtility.class);
public static final XMLUtility INSTANCE = new XMLUtility();
private XMLUtility() {
* Serializes an {@link ICounterSet} as XML.
* @param root
* The {@link ICounterSet}.
* @param w
* Where to write the XML.
* @param filter
* A filter to be applied to the counters (optional). Only the
* matched counters will be serialized.
* @throws IOException
public void writeXML(CounterSet root, final Writer w, final Pattern filter)
throws IOException {
final Iterator itr = root.postOrderIterator();
while(itr.hasNext()) {
final CounterSet counterSet = (CounterSet);
final Iterator itr2 = counterSet.counterIterator(filter);
if(!itr2.hasNext()) {
* do not emit counter sets that do not have directly attached
* counters.
while(itr2.hasNext()) {
final ICounter counter =;
final String name = counter.getName();
final Object value;
try {
value = counter.getValue();
} catch (Throwable t) {
* Log an error if we can't obtain the value of a counter
* and continue processing the remaining counters.
* Note: Counter#getValue() typically invokes
* Instrument#sample() so an error here typically means that
* the instrument implementation class ran into a problem.
log.error("Could not read counter value (skipped): "
+ counter.getPath(), t);
final long time = counter.lastModified();
if (time == 0L || value == null) {
* Zero timestamps and null values are generally an
* indicator that the counter value is not yet defined.
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Ignoring counter: name=" + name
+ ", timestamp=" + time + ", value=" + value);
final String type = getXSDType(value);
if (time < 0L) {
* Negative timestamps are not expected.
log.warn("Ignoring counter with invalid timestamp: name="
+ name
+ ", timestamp="
+ time
+ ", value="
+ value);
if(counter.getInstrument() instanceof HistoryInstrument) {
final HistoryInstrument inst = (HistoryInstrument) counter
writeHistory(w, inst.getHistory(), "minutes");
// writeHistory(w, inst.minutes, "minutes");
// writeHistory(w, inst.hours, "hours");
// writeHistory(w, inst.days, "days");
w.write(" ");
w.write(" ");
w.write(" ");
* Write the sample values for a {@link History} of some {@link ICounter}.
* @param w
* @param h
* @param units
* @throws IOException
protected void writeHistory(final Writer w, final History h,
final String units) throws IOException {
* Note: synchronized on the history to prevent concurrent modification.
synchronized(h) {
final SampleIterator itr = h.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
final IHistoryEntry entry =;
w.write(" ");
w.write(" ");
public void readXML(final CounterSet root, final InputStream is,
final IInstrumentFactory instrumentFactory, final Pattern filter)
throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
if (is == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (instrumentFactory == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
final SAXParser p;
final SAXParserFactory f = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
p = f.newSAXParser();
final MyHandler handler = new MyHandler(root, instrumentFactory, filter);
p.parse(is, handler /* @todo set validating and pass in systemId */);
* Helper class for SAX based parse of counter XML.
* @author Bryan Thompson
* @version $Id$
static private class MyHandler extends DefaultHandler {
/** Note: inner class so named with '$' vs '.' */
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MyHandler.class);
private final AbstractCounterSet root;
private final IInstrumentFactory instrumentFactory;
private final Pattern filter;
public MyHandler(final AbstractCounterSet root,
final IInstrumentFactory instrumentFactory, final Pattern filter) {
if (root == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (instrumentFactory == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.root = root;
this.instrumentFactory = instrumentFactory;
this.filter = filter;
* Set each time we enter a cs
private String path;
/** The current counter. */
private ICounter counter;
* The current history and null
if we are not reading
* some {@link History} for the current {@link #counter}.
private History history;
/** qualified name for the cs
element (counter set). */
private final String cs = "cs";
/** qualified name for the c
element (counter). */
private final String c = "c";
/** qualified name for the h
element (history). */
private final String h = "h";
/** qualified name for the h
element (history value). */
private final String v = "v";
/** buffers the cdata content inside of each element. */
private StringBuilder cdata = new StringBuilder();
public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName,
Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("uri=" + uri + ",localName=" + localName + ", qName="
+ qName);
if (qName.equals("counters")) {
// ignore.
} else if (qName.equals(cs)) {
path = attributes.getValue("path");
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"path=" + path);
} else if (qName.equals(c)) {
final String name = attributes.getValue("name");
if (filter != null) {
final String fqn = path + ICounterSet.pathSeparator + name;
if (!filter.matcher(fqn).matches()) {
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Does not match filter: " + fqn);
// will not process this counter.
counter = null;
final String type = attributes.getValue("type");
final long time = Long.parseLong(attributes.getValue("time"));
final String value = attributes.getValue("value");
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"path=" + path + ", name=" + name + ", type="
+ type + ", value=" + value + ", time=" + time);
// determine value class from XSD attribute.
final Class typ = getType(type);
// find/create counter given its path, etc.
final ICounter counter = getCounter(path, name, typ);
if (counter == null) {
log.warn("Conflict: path=" + path + ", name=" + name);
} else {
// set the value on the counter.
setValue(counter, typ, value, time);
* Set in case we need to read the counter's history also.
* Note: this will be [null] if we could not find/create the
* counter above.
this.counter = counter;
* clear history reference - set when we see the [h] element and
* know the units for the history to be read.
this.history = null;
} else if (qName.equals(h)) {
// clear - will be set below based on units and otherwise not available.
history = null;
if (counter == null) {
// The counter could not be read so ignore its history.
if(!(counter.getInstrument() instanceof HistoryInstrument)) {
* Counter does not support history (either the factory is
* wrong or the counter pre-existed but was created without
* history support).
log.warn("Ignoring history: inst="
+ counter.getInstrument().getClass().getName()
+ ", path" + counter);
final HistoryInstrument inst = (HistoryInstrument) counter
final String units = attributes.getValue("units");
if (units == null) {
throw new SAXException("No units");
} else if (units.equals("minutes")) {
history = inst.minutes;
} else if (units.equals("hours")) {
history = inst.hours;
} else if (units.equals("days")) {
history = inst.days;
} else {
throw new SAXException("Bad units: " + units);
} else if(qName.equals(v)) {
if (counter == null || history == null) {
// Ignore history.
final long time = Long.parseLong(attributes.getValue("time"));
final String value = attributes.getValue("value");
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"counter=" + counter + ", time=" + time
+ ", value=" + value);
addValue(history, time, value);
} else {
throw new SAXException("Unknown start tag: "+qName);
public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
throws SAXException {
cdata.append(ch, start, length);
public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName)
throws SAXException {
try {
// if (!qName.equals(c))
// return;
} finally {
// clear any buffered data.
* Find/create a counter given its path, name, and value class.
* @param path
* @param name
* @param typ
* @return The counter -or- null
iff the path and name
* identify a pre-existing {@link CounterSet}, which conflicts
* with the described {@link ICounter}.
protected ICounter getCounter(final String path, final String name,
Class typ) {
final ICounter counter;
// iff there is an existing node for that path.
final ICounterNode node;
// atomic makePath + counter create iff necessary.
synchronized (root) {
* Note: use just the name when the path is '/' to avoid
* forming a path that begins '//'.
node = root.getPath(path.equals(ICounterSet.pathSeparator) ? name : path
+ ICounterSet.pathSeparator + name);
if (node == null) {
final IInstrument inst = instrumentFactory
counter = ((CounterSet)root.makePath(path)).addCounter(name, inst);
} else if (node.isCounter()) {
counter = (ICounter) node;
} else {
return null;
return counter;
* Interpret an XSD attribute value, returning the corresponding Java class.
* @param type
* The XSD attribute value.
* @return
static protected Class getType(String type) {
final String localType = type.substring(type.lastIndexOf("#")+1);
final Class typ;
if(localType.equals(xsd_int)||localType.equals(xsd_long)) {
typ = Long.class;
} else if(localType.equals(xsd_float)||localType.equals(xsd_double)) {
typ = Double.class;
} else {
typ = String.class;
return typ;
* Set the counter value given its value type and the text of its value.
* @param counter
* The counter whose value will be set.
* @param typ
* The value type of the counter.
* @param text
* The text of the value to be interpreted.
* @param time
* The timestamp for the value.
static protected void setValue(final ICounter counter, final Class typ,
final String text, final long time) {
final IInstrument inst = counter.getInstrument();
if (inst instanceof OneShotInstrument) {
* This instrument can not be updated. However, new values for a
* variety of one-shot counters will be reported by each client
* that starts on the same host. E.g., the #of CPUs and that
* sort of thing. We just ignore the redundent updates.
+ " : ignoring update: path=" + counter.getPath()
+ ", value=" + text);
try {
if (typ == Long.class) {
counter.setValue(Long.parseLong(text), time);
} else if (typ == Double.class) {
counter.setValue(Double.parseDouble(text), time);
} else {
counter.setValue(text, time);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.warn("Could not set counter value: path=" + counter.getPath()
+ " : " + ex, ex);
static protected void addValue(final History history, final long time,
final String text) {
final Class typ = history.getValueType();
if (typ == Long.class) {
history.add(time, Long.parseLong(text));
} else if (typ == Double.class) {
history.add(time, Double.parseDouble(text));
} else {
history.add(time, text);
private static final transient String NAMESPACE_XSD = "";
/** assuming xs == */
private static final transient String xsd = "xs:";
private static final transient String xsd_anyType = xsd+"anyType";
private static final transient String xsd_long = xsd+"long";
private static final transient String xsd_int = xsd+"int";
private static final transient String xsd_double = xsd+"double";
private static final transient String xsd_float = xsd+"float";
private static final transient String xsd_string = xsd+"string";
private static final transient String xsd_boolean = xsd+"boolean";
* Return the XML datatype for an {@link ICounter}'s value.
* @param value
* The current counter value.
* @return The corresponding XML datatype -or- "xsd:anyType" if no more
* specific datatype could be determined.
private String getXSDType(Object value) {
if (value == null)
return xsd_anyType;
Class c = value.getClass();
if (c.equals(Long.class))
return xsd_long;
else if (c.equals(Integer.class))
return xsd_int;
else if (c.equals(Double.class))
return xsd_double;
else if (c.equals(Float.class))
return xsd_float;
else if (c.equals(String.class))
return xsd_string;
else if (c.equals(Boolean.class))
return xsd_boolean;
return xsd_anyType;
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