com.bigdata.journal.BasicBufferStrategy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright (C) SYSTAP, LLC DBA Blazegraph 2006-2016. All rights reserved.
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package com.bigdata.journal;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import com.bigdata.counters.CounterSet;
* Implements logic to read from and write on a buffer. This is sufficient
* for a {@link BufferMode#Transient} implementation or a
* {@link BufferMode#Mapped} implementation, but the
* {@link BufferMode#Direct} implementation needs to also implement write
* through to the disk.
* @author Bryan Thompson
* @version $Id$
abstract public class BasicBufferStrategy extends AbstractBufferStrategy {
* A buffer containing a write through image of the backing file. The image
* begins after the root blocks, making it impossible to write on the root
* blocks using the buffer. The offset of the image into the backing file is
* given by {@link FileMetadata#headerSize0}.
* Note: The {@link #buffer} reference is updated by {@link #truncate(long)}.
* Since both readers and writers MUST use the current value for this
* variable it is marked as volatile
* Note: Access to the buffer's internal state (its offset and limit) MUST
* be serialized in order to prevent a concurrent modification of the
* buffer's internal state resulting in an inconsistent view.
* Synchronization is on this (the {@link BasicBufferStrategy}
* reference).
private volatile ByteBuffer buffer;
* @param readOnly
* @return
synchronized protected ByteBuffer getBufferView(boolean readOnly) {
if (readOnly) {
return buffer.asReadOnlyBuffer();
} else {
return buffer.duplicate();
* The size of the journal header, including MAGIC, version, and both root
* blocks. This is used as an offset when computing the address of a record
* in an underlying file and is ignored by buffer modes that are not backed
* by a file (e.g., transient) or that are memory mapped (since the map is
* setup to skip over the header)
final int headerSize;
* The current length of the backing file in bytes.
protected long extent;
* The size of the user data space in bytes.
protected long userExtent;
public long getExtent() {
return extent;
public long getUserExtent() {
return userExtent;
BasicBufferStrategy(long maximumExtent, int offsetBits, long nextOffset,
int headerSize, long extent, BufferMode bufferMode,
ByteBuffer buffer, boolean readOnly) {
super(extent, maximumExtent, offsetBits, nextOffset, bufferMode, readOnly);
this.buffer = buffer;
this.extent = extent;
this.headerSize = headerSize;
this.userExtent = extent - headerSize;
* Releases the buffer.
public void close() {
// release the buffer.
buffer = null;
public long write(final ByteBuffer data) {
if (data == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERR_BUFFER_NULL);
if (isReadOnly())
throw new IllegalStateException(ERR_READ_ONLY);
// #of bytes to store.
final int nbytes = data.remaining();
if (nbytes == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERR_BUFFER_EMPTY);
* Write the record on the buffer.
* Note: This is synchronized in order to support concurrent writers.
final long addr;
synchronized(this) // @todo probably can be synchronized(nextOffset)
// the next offset.
final long offset = nextOffset.get();
// formulate the address that can be used to recover that record.
addr = toAddr(nbytes, offset);
final long needed = (offset + nbytes) - userExtent;
if (offset + nbytes > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new RuntimeException(ERR_MAX_EXTENT);
if (needed > 0) {
if (!overflow(needed)) {
throw new OverflowException();
* Note: The data MUST be copied within the synchronized() block
* since otherwise overflow() could cause the buffer reference to be
* invalidated. (Likewise, we do not "own" the limit and position on
* the [buffer] unless everyone is synchronized.)
buffer.limit((int) offset + nbytes);
buffer.position((int) offset);
// increment by the #of bytes written.
return addr;
public ByteBuffer read(final long addr) {
if (addr == 0L)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERR_ADDRESS_IS_NULL);
final long offset = getOffset(addr);
final int nbytes = getByteCount(addr);
if(nbytes==0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERR_RECORD_LENGTH_ZERO);
if (offset + nbytes > nextOffset.get()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERR_ADDRESS_NOT_WRITTEN);
* Create a view onto the same buffer with distinct position, limit and
* mark. This allows us to perform concurrent reads on the buffer which
* in turn supports concurrent execution of concurrent transactions
* reading from various historical states.
final ByteBuffer view;
synchronized(this) {
* Note: Synchronization is required to have asReadOnlyBuffer()
* construct a consistent view with concurrent writers. If you do
* not synchronize then an IllegalArgumentException can get tossed
* out of here. The problem is that the operation is not atomic
* without synchronization (concurrent operations can modify the
* limit and position rendering the result inconsistent). This
* problem was revealed by the AbstractMRMWTestCase, but it does not
* show up on every run.
view = buffer.asReadOnlyBuffer();
// return a read-only view onto the data in the store.
view.limit((int) offset + nbytes);
view.position((int) offset);
// the slice will show only the record being read.
return view.slice();
* Note: This is synchronized since it MAY be invoked directly while
* concurrent writers are running and not just from {@link #overflow(long)}.
synchronized public void truncate(final long newExtent) {
final long newUserExtent = newExtent - headerSize;
if (newUserExtent < getNextOffset() ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERR_TRUNCATE);
if (newUserExtent > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
* Constraint when using a buffered mode.
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERR_MAX_EXTENT);
if(newUserExtent == getUserExtent()) {
// NOP.
final boolean isDirect = buffer.isDirect();
final int newCapacity = (int) newUserExtent;
final ByteBuffer tmp = (isDirect ? ByteBuffer
.allocateDirect(newCapacity) : ByteBuffer.allocate(newCapacity));
* Copy at most those bytes that have been written on.
// Copy to the new buffer.
// Replace the buffer reference.
buffer = tmp;
extent = newUserExtent + headerSize;
userExtent = newUserExtent;
if(log.isInfoEnabled())"Buffer: newCapacity=" + cf.format(newCapacity));
* Note: This is synchronized so that concurrent writers must block during
* this operation.
synchronized public long transferTo(final RandomAccessFile out)
throws IOException {
final long count = nextOffset.get();
final FileChannel outChannel = out.getChannel();
// current position on the output channel.
final long toPosition = outChannel.position();
// if(toPosition + count > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
// throw new IOException("Would exceed int32 bytes.");
// }
* Write all the data onto the output channel.
// final long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
// setup the buffer for the operation.
FileChannelUtility.writeAll(outChannel, buffer, toPosition);
outChannel.position(toPosition + count);
// // write the data : @todo use an explicit position for this write?
// final long nwritten = outChannel.write(buffer);
// if( nwritten != count ) {
// throw new AssertionError("Expected to write " + count
// + " bytes but wrote " + nwritten);
// }
// final long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - begin;
//"\nTransferred " + count
// + " bytes from memory to disk at offset=" + toPosition + " in "
// + elapsed + "ms");
return count;
* FIXME Counters need to be added here for the {@link DirectBufferStrategy},
* {@link MappedBufferStrategy}, and {@link TransientBufferStrategy}.
synchronized public CounterSet getCounters() {
if (root == null) {
root = new CounterSet();
return root;
private CounterSet root;