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* Created on Jan 25, 2008
package com.bigdata.rdf.spo;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.bigdata.btree.IIndex;
import com.bigdata.btree.proc.AbstractKeyArrayIndexProcedure;
import com.bigdata.btree.proc.AbstractKeyArrayIndexProcedureConstructor;
import com.bigdata.btree.proc.IParallelizableIndexProcedure;
import com.bigdata.btree.proc.IResultHandler;
import com.bigdata.btree.proc.LongAggregator;
import com.bigdata.btree.raba.IRaba;
import com.bigdata.btree.raba.codec.IRabaCoder;
import com.bigdata.rdf.model.StatementEnum;
import com.bigdata.relation.IMutableRelationIndexWriteProcedure;
import com.bigdata.util.BytesUtil;
* Procedure for batch insert on a single statement index (or index partition).
* The key for each statement encodes the {s:p:o} of the statement in the order
* that is appropriate for the index (SPO, POS, OSP, etc). The key is written
* unchanged on the index.
* The value for each statement is a byte that encodes the {@link StatementEnum}
* and also encodes whether or not the "override" flag is set using - see
* {@link StatementEnum#MASK_OVERRIDE} - followed by 8 bytes representing the
* statement identifier IFF statement identifiers are enabled AND the
* {@link StatementEnum} is {@link StatementEnum#Explicit}. The value requires
* interpretation to determine the byte[] that will be written as the value on
* the index - see the code for more details.
* Note: This needs to be a custom batch operation using a conditional insert so
* that we do not write on the index when the data would not be changed and to
* handle the overflow flag and the optional statement identifier correctly.
* @author Bryan Thompson
public class SPOIndexWriteProc extends AbstractKeyArrayIndexProcedure