Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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* Created on Apr 12, 2008
import org.openrdf.model.URI;
import org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl;
import com.bigdata.rdf.sparql.ast.eval.SliceServiceFactory;
* A vocabulary for the bigdata full text search facility. Full text search may
* be used to combine text search and graph search. Low-latency, user facing
* search applications may be created by slicing the full text search results
* and feeding them incrementally into SPARQL queries. This approach allows the
* application to manage the cost of the SPARQL query by bounding the input. If
* necessary, additional results can be feed into the query.
* @see SliceServiceFactory
* @see
* Free Text Index
* @author Bryan Thompson
* @version $Id: 6786 2012-12-19 18:43:27Z thompsonbry $
public interface BDS {
* The namespace used for magic search predicates.
* @see #SEARCH
* @see #RANK
final String NAMESPACE = "";
* The name of a magic predicate recognized in SPARQL queries when it occurs
* in statement patterns such as:
* ( s?, bigdata:search, "scale-out RDF triplestore" )
* The value MUST be bound and MUST be a literal. The
* languageCode
attribute is permitted. When specified, the
* languageCode
attribute will be used to determine how the
* literal is tokenized - it does not filter for matches marked with that
* languageCode
attribute. The datatype
* is not allowed.
* The subject MUST NOT be bound.
* This expression will evaluate to a set of bindings for the subject
* position corresponding to the indexed literals matching any of the terms
* obtained when the literal was tokenized.
* Note: The context position should be unbound when using statement
* identifiers.
final URI SEARCH = new URIImpl(NAMESPACE + "search");
* Magic predicate used to query for free text search metadata, reporting
* the relevance of the search result to the search query. Use in
* conjunction with {@link #SEARCH} as follows:
* select ?s ?relevance
* where {
* ?s bds:search "scale-out RDF triplestore" .
* ?s bds:relevance ?relevance .
* }
* Relevance is the cosine of the angle between the query vector (search
* terms) and the document vector (terms in the indexed literals). The
* minimum relevance is ZERO (0.0). The maximum relevance is ONE (1.0).
final URI RELEVANCE = new URIImpl(NAMESPACE + "relevance");
* Magic predicate used to query for free text search metadata, reporting
* the rank (origin ONE (1)) of the search result amoung the search results
* obtained for the search query. The rank is from ONE to N, where N is the
* number of search results from the full text index. {@link #MIN_RANK} and
* {@link #MAX_RANK} may be used to "slice" the full text index search
* results. Use this query hint conjunction with {@link #SEARCH} as follows:
* select ?s ?rank
* where {
* ?s bds:search "scale-out RDF triplestore" .
* ?s bds:rank ?rank .
* }
* @see #MIN_RANK
* @see #MAX_RANK
final URI RANK = new URIImpl(NAMESPACE + "rank");
* Magic predicate used to limit the maximum rank of the free text search
* results to the specified value (default {@value #DEFAULT_MAX_RANK)}. Use
* in conjunction with {@link #SEARCH} as follows:
* select ?s
* where {
* ?s bds:search "scale-out RDF triplestore" .
* ?s bds:maxRank "5"^^xsd:int .
* }
* You can use {@link #MIN_RANK} and {@link #MAX_RANK} together to page
* through the search results. This is often key to achieving low latency
* graph search. By limiting the number of results that are fed into the
* remained of the SPARQL query, you can ensure that the SPARQL query runs
* quickly. If you do not get enough results from the SPARQL query, you can
* feed the next "page" of free text results by changing the values for the
* {@link #MIN_RANK} AND {@link #MAX_RANK} query hints.
final URI MAX_RANK = new URIImpl(NAMESPACE + "maxRank");
* The default for {@link #MAX_RANK}.
final int DEFAULT_MAX_RANK = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* Magic predicate used to limit the minimum rank of the free text search
* results to the specified value (default {@value #DEFAULT_MIN_RANK}). Use
* in conjunction with {@link #SEARCH} as follows:
* select ?s
* where {
* ?s bds:search "scale-out RDF triplestore" .
* ?s bds:minRank "5"^^xsd:int .
* }
* The default is {@value #DEFAULT_MIN_RANK}.
final URI MIN_RANK = new URIImpl(NAMESPACE + "minRank");
* The default for {@link #MIN_RANK} is 1, full text search results will
* start with the #1 most relevant hit by default.
final int DEFAULT_MIN_RANK = 1;
* Magic predicate used to query for free text search metadata. Use in
* conjunction with {@link #SEARCH} as follows:
* select ?s
* where {
* ?s bds:search "scale-out RDF triplestore" .
* ?s bds:minRelevance "0.5"^^xsd:double .
* }
* The relevance scores are in [0.0:1.0], where 0.0 is the minimum possible
* relevance and 1.0 is the maximum possible relevance. You should NOT
* specify a minimum relevance of ZERO (0.0) as this can drag in way too
* many unrelated results. The default is {@value #DEFAULT_MIN_RELEVANCE}.
final URI MIN_RELEVANCE = new URIImpl(NAMESPACE + "minRelevance");
final double DEFAULT_MIN_RELEVANCE = 0.0d;
* Magic predicate used to query for free text search metadata. Use in
* conjunction with {@link #SEARCH} as follows:
* select ?s
* where {
* ?s bds:search "scale-out RDF triplestore" .
* ?s bds:maxRelevance "0.9"^^xsd:double .
* }
* The relevance scores are in [0.0:1.0], where 0.0 is the minimum possible
* relevance and 1.0 is the maximum possible relevance. You should NOT
* specify a minimum relevance of ZERO (0.0) as this can drag in way too
* many unrelated results. The default maximum relevance is
final URI MAX_RELEVANCE = new URIImpl(NAMESPACE + "maxRelevance");
* The default value for {@link #MAX_RELEVANCE} unless overridden.
final double DEFAULT_MAX_RELEVANCE = 1.0d;
* Magic predicate used to query for free text search metadata indicates
* that all terms in the query must be found within a given literal in order
* for that literal to "match" the query (default
* {@value #DEFAULT_MATCH_ALL_TERMS}). Use in conjunction with
* {@link #SEARCH} as follows:
* select ?s
* where {
* ?s bds:search "scale-out RDF triplestore" .
* ?s bds:matchAllTerms "true" .
* }
final URI MATCH_ALL_TERMS = new URIImpl(NAMESPACE + "matchAllTerms");
final boolean DEFAULT_MATCH_ALL_TERMS = false;
* Magic predicate used to query for free text search metadata indicates
* that only exact string matches will be reported (the literal must contain
* the search string). Use in conjunction with {@link #SEARCH} as follows:
* select ?s
* where {
* ?s bds:search "scale-out RDF triplestore" .
* ?s bds:matchExact "true" .
* }
* This operation will be rather expensive as it will require materializing
* all the hits to check their values.
final URI MATCH_EXACT = new URIImpl(NAMESPACE + "matchExact");
final boolean DEFAULT_MATCH_EXACT = false;
* Magic predicate used to query for free text search metadata indicates
* that only search results that also pass the specified REGEX filter will
* be reported. Use in conjunction with {@link #SEARCH} as follows:
* select ?s
* where {
* ?s bds:search "scale-out RDF triplestore" .
* ?s bds:matchRegex "regex to apply to ?s bindings" .
* }
* This operation will be rather expensive as it will require materializing
* all the hits to check their values.
final URI MATCH_REGEX = new URIImpl(NAMESPACE + "matchRegex");
final String DEFAULT_MATCH_REGEX = null;
* Prefix matching is now indicated using a wildcard
* PREFIX bds:
* SELECT ?subj ?label
* ?label bds:search "mi*" .
* ?label bds:relevance ?cosine .
* ?subj ?p ?label .
* }
* The following approach is no longer supported.
* Magic predicate used to query for free text search metadata to turn on
* prefix matching. Prefix matching will match all full text index tokens
* that begin with the specified token(s) (default
* {@value #DEFAULT_PREFIX_MATCH}). Use in conjunction with {@link #SEARCH}
* as follows:
* select ?s
* where {
* ?s bds:search "scale-out RDF triplestore" .
* ?s bds:prefixMatch "true" .
* }
* This will turn on prefix matching.
* @deprecated Prefix matching is now invoked using a wildcard.
* @see
* prefixMatch does not work in full text search
final URI PREFIX_MATCH = new URIImpl(NAMESPACE + "prefixMatch");
* @deprecated This option is now invoked using a wildcard.
final boolean DEFAULT_PREFIX_MATCH = false;
* Magic predicate used to query for free text search metadata. Use in
* conjunction with {@link #SEARCH} as follows:
* select ?s
* where {
* ?s bds:search "scale-out RDF triplestore" .
* ?s bds:subjectSearch "true" .
* }
* The subject-centric search index must be enabled via
* {@link AbstractTripleStore.Options#SUBJECT_CENTRIC_TEXT_INDEX}.
* @deprecated Feature was never completed due to scalability issues. See
* BZLG-1548, BLZG-563.
final URI SUBJECT_SEARCH = new URIImpl(NAMESPACE + "subjectSearch");
final boolean DEFAULT_SUBJECT_SEARCH = false;
* Magic predicate used for the "search in search" service. Also serves as
* the identifier for the service itself.
final URI SEARCH_IN_SEARCH = new URIImpl(NAMESPACE + "searchInSearch");
* Magic predicate used to query for free text search metadata to set a
* deadline in milliseconds on the full text index search (
* {@value #DEFAULT_TIMEOUT}). Use in conjunction with {@link #SEARCH} as
* follows:
* select ?s
* where {
* ?s bds:search "scale-out RDF triplestore" .
* ?s bds:searchTimeout "5000" .
* }
* Timeout specified in milliseconds.
final URI SEARCH_TIMEOUT = new URIImpl(NAMESPACE + "searchTimeout");
* The default timeout for a free text search (milliseconds).
* Magic predicate to specify that we want a range count done on the search.
* Bind the range count to the variable in the object position. Will
* attempt to do a fast range count on the index rather than materializing
* the hits into an array. This is only possible if matchExact == false
* and matchRegex == null.
final URI RANGE_COUNT = new URIImpl(NAMESPACE + "rangeCount");