com.bigdata.rdf.graph.IGASProgram Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.bigdata.rdf.graph;
import org.openrdf.model.Statement;
import org.openrdf.model.Value;
* Abstract interface for GAS programs.
* @param
* The generic type for the per-vertex state. This is scoped to the
* computation of the {@link IGASProgram}.
* @param
* The generic type for the per-edge state. This is scoped to the
* computation of the {@link IGASProgram}.
* @param
* The generic type for the SUM. This is often directly related to
* the generic type for the per-edge state, but that is not always
* true. The SUM type is scoped to the GATHER + SUM operation (NOT
* the computation).
* @author Bryan Thompson
* TODO DESIGN: The broad problem with this approach is that it is
* overly coupled with the Java object model. Instead it needs to expose
* an API that is aimed at vectored (for GPU) execution with 2D
* partitioning (for out-of-core, multi-node).
public interface IGASProgram extends IGASOptions,
IBindingExtractor {
* One time initialization before the {@link IGASProgram} is executed.
* @param ctx
* The evaluation context.
void before(IGASContext ctx);
// /**
// * Return a default reduction that will be applied after the
// * {@link IGASProgram} is executed.
// *
// * @return The default reduction -or- null
if no such reduction
// * is defined.
// */
// IReducer getDefaultAfterOp();
* Callback to initialize the state for each vertex in the initial frontier
* before the first iteration. A typical use case is to set the distance of
* the starting vertex to ZERO (0).
* @param u
* The vertex.
* TODO We do not need both the {@link IGASContext} and the
* {@link IGASState}. The latter is available from the former.
void initVertex(IGASContext ctx, IGASState state,
Value u);
* GATHER is a map/reduce over the edges of the vertex. The SUM provides
* pair-wise reduction over the edges visited by the GATHER.
* @param u
* The vertex for which the gather is being performed. The gather
* will be invoked for each edge indident on u
* specified by {@link #getGatherEdges()}).
* @param e
* An edge (s,p,o).
* @return The new edge state accumulant.
* FIXME DESIGN: The problem with pushing the ISPO onto the ES is
* that we are then forced to maintain edge state (for the purposes
* of accessing those ISPO references) even if the algorithm does
* not require any memory for the edge state!
* Note: by lazily resolving the vertex and/or edge state in the GAS
* callback methods we avoid eagerly materializing data that we do
* not need. [Lazy resolution does not work on a cluster. The only
* available semantics there are lazy resolution of state that was
* materialized in order to support a gather() or scatter() for a
* vertex.]
* Note: The state associated with the source/target vertex and the
* edge should all be immutable for the GATHER. The vertex state
* should only be mutable for the APPLY(). The target vertex state
* and/or edge state MAY be mutable for the SCATTER, but that
* depends on the algorithm. How can we get these constraints into
* the API?
ST gather(IGASState state, Value u, Statement e);
* SUM is a pair-wise reduction that is applied during the GATHER.
* @param left
* An edge state accumulant.
* @param right
* Another edge state accumulant.
* @return Their "sum".
* TODO DESIGN: Rather than pair-wise reduction, why not use
* vectored reduction? That way we could use an array of primitives
* as well as objects.
* TODO DESIGN: This should be a reduced interface since we only
* need access to the comparator semantics while the [state]
* provides random access to vertex and edge state. The comparator
* is necessary for MIN semantics for the {@link Value}
* implementation of the backend. E.g., Value versus IV.
ST sum(final IGASState state, ST left, ST right);
* Apply the reduced aggregation computed by GATHER + SUM to the vertex.
* @param u
* The vertex.
* @param sum
* The aggregated accumulate across the edges as computed by
* GATHER and SUM -or- null
if there is no
* accumulant (this will happen if the GATHER did not find any
* edges to visit).
* @return The new state for the vertex.
* TODO How to indicate if there is no state change? return the same
* object? This only matters with secondary storage for the vertex
* state. Alternative is to side-effect the vertex state, but then
* we can not manage the barriers (BFS versus asynchronous). Except
* for indicating that the state is dirty, we do not need a return
* value. [The pattern appears to be that a vertex leaves a marker
* on its vertex state object indicating whether or not it was
* changed and then tests that state when deciding whether or not to
* scatter].
* TODO There could be a big win here if we are able to detect when
* a newly initialized vertex state does not "escape" and simply not
* store it. For some graphs, the vertexState map grows very rapidly
* when compared to either the frontier or the set of states that
* have been in the frontier during the computation.
VS apply(IGASState state, Value u, ST sum);
* Return true
iff the vertex should run its SCATTER phase.
* This may be used to avoid visiting the edges if it is known (e.g., based
* on the APPLY) that the vertex has not changed. This can save a
* substantial amount of effort.
* @param state
* @param u
* The vertex.
* @return
boolean isChanged(IGASState state, Value u);
* @param state
* @param u
* The vertex for which the scatter will being performed.
* @param e
* The edge.
void scatter(IGASState state, IGASScheduler sch, Value u, Statement e);
* Return true
iff the algorithm should continue. This is
* invoked after every iteration, once the new frontier has been computed
* and {@link IGASState#round()} has been advanced. An implementation may
* simply return true
, in which case the algorithm will
* continue IFF the current frontier is not empty.
* Note: While this can be used to make custom decisions concerning the
* halting criteria, it can also be used as an opportunity to handshake with
* a custom {@link IGraphAccessor} in order to process a dynamic graph.
* @param ctx
* The evaluation context.
* @return true
if the algorithm should continue (as long as
* the frontier is non-empty).
boolean nextRound(IGASContext ctx);