com.bigdata.rdf.graph.IGASState Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright (C) SYSTAP, LLC DBA Blazegraph 2006-2016. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package com.bigdata.rdf.graph;
import java.util.Set;
import org.openrdf.model.Literal;
import org.openrdf.model.Statement;
import org.openrdf.model.URI;
import org.openrdf.model.Value;
* Interface exposes access to the VS and ES that is visible during a GATHER or
* SCATTER operation.
* This interface is intended to be restrictive in both its API and the state
* that the API will expose in order to facilitate scaling in multi-machine
* environments.
* A concrete implementation of this interface for a cluster WILL ONLY provide
* O(1) access to vertices whose state has not been materialized on a given node
* by a GATHER or SCATTER. State for vertices that were not materialized will
* not be accessible.
* @author Bryan Thompson
* @param
* The generic type for the per-vertex state. This is scoped to the
* computation of the {@link IGASProgram}.
* @param
* The generic type for the per-edge state. This is scoped to the
* computation of the {@link IGASProgram}.
* @param
* The generic type for the SUM. This is often directly related to
* the generic type for the per-edge state, but that is not always
* true. The SUM type is scoped to the GATHER + SUM operation (NOT
* the computation).
public interface IGASState {
* {@link #reset()} the computation state and populate the initial frontier.
* @param ctx
* The execution context.
* @param v
* One or more vertices that will be included in the initial
* frontier.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if no vertices are specified.
void setFrontier(IGASContext ctx, Value... v);
* Discard computation state (the frontier, vertex state, and edge state)
* and reset the round counter.
* Note: The graph is NOT part of the computation and is not discared by
* this method.
void reset();
* Return the current evaluation round (origin ZERO).
int round();
* Get the state for the vertex using the appropriate factory. If this is
* the first visit for that vertex, then the state is initialized using the
* factory. Otherwise the existing state is returned.
* @param v
* The vertex.
* @return The state for that vertex.
* @see IGASProgram#getVertexStateFactory()
VS getState(Value v);
* Get the state for the edge using the appropriate factory. If this is the
* first visit for that vertex, then the state is initialized using the
* factory. Otherwise the existing state is returned.
* @param v
* The vertex.
* @return The state for that vertex.
* @see IGASProgram#getEdgeStateFactory()
ES getState(Statement e);
* Return true
iff the specified vertex has an associated
* vertex state object - this is interpreted as meaning that the vertex has
* been "visited".
* @param v
* The vertex.
* @return true
iff there is vertex state associated with that
* vertex.
boolean isVisited(Value v);
* Return true
iff the specified vertices all have an associated
* vertex state object - this is interpreted as meaning that the vertex has
* been "visited".
* @param v
* The vertices.
* @return true
iff there is vertex state associated with all
* specified vertices.
boolean isVisited(Set v);
* The current frontier.
IStaticFrontier frontier();
* Return the {@link IGASSchedulerImpl}.
IGASSchedulerImpl getScheduler();
* Compute a reduction over the vertex state table (all vertices that have
* had their vertex state materialized).
* @param op
* The reduction operation.
* @return The reduction.
T reduce(IReducer op);
* End the current round, advance the round counter, and compact the new
* frontier.
void endRound();
* Conditionally log various interesting information about the state of the
* computation.
void traceState();
* Return the other end of a link.
* @param u
* One end of the link.
* @param e
* The link.
* @return The other end of the link.
Value getOtherVertex(Value u, Statement e);
* Return the link attribute, if there is one.
* @param u
* One end of the link.
* @param e
* The link.
* @return The other end of the link.
Literal getLinkAttr(Value u, Statement e);
* Return a useful representation of an edge (non-batch API, debug only).
* This method is only required when the edge objects are internal database
* objects lacking fully materialized RDF {@link Value}s. In this case, it
* will materialize the RDF Values and present a pleasant view of the edge.
* The materialization step is a random access, which is why this method is
* for debug only. Efficient, vectored mechanisms exist to materialize RDF
* {@link Value}s for other purposes, e.g., when exporting a set of edges as
* as graph in a standard interchange syntax.
* @param e
* The edge.
* @return The representation of that edge.
String toString(Statement e);
* Return true
iff the given {@link Statement} models an edge
* that connects two vertices ({@link Statement}s also model property
* values).
* @param e
* The statement.
* @return true
iff that {@link Statement} is an edge of the
* graph.
boolean isEdge(final Statement e);
* Return true
iff the given {@link Statement} models an
* property value for a vertex of the graph ({@link Statement}s also model
* edges).
* @param e
* The statement.
* @return true
iff that {@link Statement} is an edge of the
* graph.
boolean isAttrib(Statement e);
* Return true
iff the statement models a link attribute having
* the specified link type. When this method returns true
, the
* {@link Statement#getSubject()} may be decoded to obtain the link
* described by that link attribute using {@link #decodeStatement(Value)}.
* @param e
* The statement.
* @param linkAttribType
* The type for the link attribute.
* @return true
iff the statement is an instance of a link
* attribute for the specified link type.
boolean isLinkAttrib(Statement e, URI linkAttribType);
* If the vertex is actually an edge, then return the decoded edge.
* Note: A vertex may be an edge. A link attribute is modeled by treating
* the link as a vertex and then asserting a property value about that
* "link vertex". For bigdata, this is handled efficiently as inline
* statements about statements. This approach subsumes the property graph
* model (property graphs do not permit recursive nesting of these
* relationships) and is 100% consistent with RDF reification, except that
* the link attributes are modeled efficiently inline with the links. This
* is what we call Reification
* Done Right .
* @param v
* The vertex.
* @return The edge decoded from that vertex and null
iff the
* vertex is not an edge.
* @see
* Reification Done Right
* @see RDF
Statement decodeStatement(Value v);
* Return -1, o, or 1 if u
is LT, EQ, or GT v
. A
* number of GAS programs depend on the ability to place an order over the
* vertex identifiers, as does 2D partitioning. The ordering provided by
* this method MAY be arbitrary, but it MUST be total and stable across the
* life-cycle of the GAS program evaluation.
* @param u
* A vertex.
* @param v
* Another vertex.
int compareTo(Value u, Value v);
* Retain only those vertices in the visited set that are found in the
* specified collection.
* @param retainSet The set of vertices to be retained.
void retainAll(Set retainSet);
* Convert a value into an appropriate internal form.
* @param value
* The value.
* @return The internal form and null
if the argument is
* null
Value asValue(Value value);