com.bigdata.rdf.graph.impl.util.GASRunnerBase Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.bigdata.rdf.graph.impl.util;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.openrdf.model.Value;
import com.bigdata.rdf.graph.FrontierEnum;
import com.bigdata.rdf.graph.IGASContext;
import com.bigdata.rdf.graph.IGASEngine;
import com.bigdata.rdf.graph.IGASProgram;
import com.bigdata.rdf.graph.IGASScheduler;
import com.bigdata.rdf.graph.IGASSchedulerImpl;
import com.bigdata.rdf.graph.IGASState;
import com.bigdata.rdf.graph.IGASStats;
import com.bigdata.rdf.graph.IGraphAccessor;
import com.bigdata.rdf.graph.impl.GASEngine;
import com.bigdata.rdf.graph.impl.GASState;
import com.bigdata.rdf.graph.impl.GASStats;
* Base class for running performance tests.
* @param
* The generic type for the per-vertex state. This is scoped to the
* computation of the {@link IGASProgram}.
* @param
* The generic type for the per-edge state. This is scoped to the
* computation of the {@link IGASProgram}.
* @param
* The generic type for the SUM. This is often directly related to
* the generic type for the per-edge state, but that is not always
* true. The SUM type is scoped to the GATHER + SUM operation (NOT
* the computation).
* @author Bryan Thompson
* TODO Do we need a different driver if the algorithm always visits all
* vertices? For such algorithms, we just run them once per graph
* (unless the graph is dynamic).
public abstract class GASRunnerBase implements
Callable {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(GASRunnerBase.class);
* Configured options for the {@link GASRunner}.
* @author Bryan Thompson
protected class OptionData {
static public final long DEFAULT_SEED = 217L;
static public final int DEFAULT_NRUNS = 1;
static public final int DEFAULT_NSAMPLES = 100;
static public final int DEFAULT_NTHREADS = 4; // TODO #of hardware threads?
* The seed used for the random number generator (default {@value #seed}
* ).
public long seed = DEFAULT_SEED;
* Random number generated used for sampling the starting vertices. Set
* by #init().
public Random r = null;
* The #of runs per initial condition. For algorithms that use a single
* starting vertex (BFS, SSSP, etc.), there will be a total of
* nruns * nsamples
runs. For algorithms that populate the
* initial frontier with all vertices (e.g., CC, PR), there will be a
* total of nruns
public int nruns = DEFAULT_NRUNS;
* The #of random starting vertices to use for algorithms that use
* a single starting vertex in the initial frontier and otherwise
* ignored.
public int nsamples = DEFAULT_NSAMPLES;
* The #of threads to use for GATHER and SCATTER operators.
public int nthreads = DEFAULT_NTHREADS;
* The analytic class to be executed.
public Class> analyticClass;
* The {@link IGASSchedulerImpl} class to use.
* TODO Override or always? If always, then where to get the default?
public Class schedulerClassOverride;
/** Set of files to load (may be empty). */
public final LinkedHashSet loadSet = new LinkedHashSet();
/** The name of the implementation specific configuration file. */
public String propertyFile;
protected OptionData() {
* Initialize any resources, including the connection to the backend.
public void init() throws Exception {
// Setup the random number generator.
this.r = new Random(seed);
r = new Random(seed);
* Shutdown any resources, including the connection to the backend.
* Note: This method must be safe. It may be called if {@link #init()}
* fails. It may be called more than once.
public void shutdown() {
* Return true
iff one or more arguments can be parsed
* starting at the specified index.
* @param i
* The index into the arguments.
* @param args
* The arguments.
* @return true
iff any arguments were recognized.
public boolean handleArg(final AtomicInteger i, final String[] args) {
return false;
* Print the optional message on stderr, print the usage information on
* stderr, and then force the program to exit with the given status code.
* @param status
* The status code.
* @param msg
* The optional message
public void usage(final int status, final String msg) {
if (msg != null) {
System.err.println("[options] analyticClass propertyFile");
* Extension hook for reporting at the end of the test run.
* @param sb A buffer into which more information may be appended.
public void report(final StringBuilder sb) {
// NOP
} // class OptionData
* The configuration metadata for the run.
private final OptionData opt;
* Factory for the {@link OptionData}.
abstract protected OptionData newOptionData();
* The {@link OptionData} for the run.
protected OptionData getOptionData() {
return opt;
* Factory for the {@link IGASEngine}.
abstract protected IGASEngine newGASEngine();
* Load files into the backend if they can not be assumed to already exist
* (a typical pattern is that files are loaded into an empty KB instance,
* but not loaded into a pre-existing one).
* @throws Exception
abstract protected void loadFiles() throws Exception;
* Run a GAS analytic against some data set.
* @param args
* (options) analyticClass propertyFile
* Where:
* - propertyFile
* - The implementation specific property file or other type of
* configuration file.
* and options are any of:
* - -nthreads
* - The #of threads which will be used for GATHER and SCATTER
* operations (default {@value OptionData#DEFAULT_NTHREADS}).
* - -nruns
* - The #of times that the algorithm will be run. For
* algorithms that are initialized with a single starting vertex
* drawn from a random sample, total number of runs is
nruns * nsamples
. For algorithms that are
* initialize with either all vertices, there will be a total of
* nruns runs. (default {@value OptionData#DEFAULT_NRUNS})
* - -nsamples
* - For algorithms that use a single starting vertex (such as
* BFS, SSSP, etc.), this is the #of starting vertices that will
* be randomly selected. The sampled vertices will have at least
* one out-edge or in-edge as appropriate based on the
* {@link IGASProgram}. For algorithm will be run ONCE for EACH
* sampled vertex. This parameter is ignored for algorithms that
* initialize the frontier with all vertices (PR, CC, etc).
* (default {@value OptionData#DEFAULT_NSAMPLES})
* - -seed
* - The seed for the random number generator (default
* {@value OptionData#DEFAULT_SEED}).
* - -schedulerClass
* - Override the default {@link IGASScheduler}. Class must
* implement {@link IGASSchedulerImpl}.
* - -load
* - Loads the named resource IFF the KB is empty (or does not
* exist) at the time this utility is executed. This option may
* appear multiple times. The resources will be searched for as
* URLs, on the CLASSPATH, and in the file system.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
public GASRunnerBase(final String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException {
final OptionData opt = newOptionData();
* Handle all arguments starting with "-". These should appear before
* any non-option arguments to the program.
final AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(0);
while (i.get() < args.length) {
final String arg = args[i.get()];
if (arg.startsWith("-")) {
if (arg.equals("-seed")) {
opt.seed = Long.valueOf(args[i.incrementAndGet()]);
} else if (arg.equals("-nruns")) {
final String s = args[i.incrementAndGet()];
opt.nruns = Integer.valueOf(s);
if (opt.nruns <= 0) {
opt.usage(1/* status */,
"-nruns must be positive, not: " + s);
} else if (arg.equals("-nsamples")) {
final String s = args[i.incrementAndGet()];
opt.nsamples = Integer.valueOf(s);
if (opt.nsamples <= 0) {
opt.usage(1/* status */,
"-nsamples must be positive, not: " + s);
} else if (arg.equals("-nthreads")) {
final String s = args[i.incrementAndGet()];
opt.nthreads = Integer.valueOf(s);
if (opt.nthreads < 0) {
opt.usage(1/* status */,
"-nthreads must be non-negative, not: " + s);
} else if (arg.equals("-schedulerClass")) {
final String s = args[i.incrementAndGet()];
opt.schedulerClassOverride = (Class) Class.forName(s);
} else if (arg.equals("-load")) {
final String s = args[i.incrementAndGet()];
} else {
if (!opt.handleArg(i, args)) {
opt.usage(1/* status */, "Unknown argument: " + arg);
} else {
* Check for the remaining (required) argument(s).
final int nremaining = args.length - i.get();
if (nremaining != 2) {
* There are either too many or too few arguments remaining.
opt.usage(1/* status */, nremaining < 1 ? "Too few arguments."
: "Too many arguments");
* The analytic to be executed.
final String s = args[i.getAndIncrement()];
opt.analyticClass = (Class>) Class
* Property file.
opt.propertyFile = args[i.getAndIncrement()];
this.opt = opt; // assign options.
* Return the object used to access the as-configured graph.
abstract protected IGraphAccessor newGraphAccessor();
* Return an instance of the {@link IGASProgram} to be evaluated.
protected IGASProgram newGASProgram() {
final Class> cls = (Class>)opt.analyticClass;
try {
final Constructor> ctor = cls
.getConstructor(new Class[] {});
final IGASProgram gasProgram = ctor
.newInstance(new Object[] {});
return gasProgram;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Run the test.
* This provides a safe pattern for either loading data into a temporary
* journal, which is then destroyed, or using an exiting journal and
* optionally loading in some data set. When we load the data the journal is
* destroyed afterwards and when the journal is pre-existing and we neither
* load the data nor destroy the journal. This has to do with the effective
* BufferMode (if transient) and whether the file is specified and whether a
* temporary file is created (CREATE_TEMP_FILE). If we do our own file
* create if the effective buffer mode is non-transient, then we can get all
* this information.
final public IGASStats call() throws Exception {
try {
// initialize backend / connection to backend.
// Load data sets
// Run GAS program.
return runAnalytic();
} finally {
// Shutdown backend / connection to backend.
* Run the analytic.
* @return The performance statistics for the run.
* @throws Exception
final protected IGASStats runAnalytic() throws Exception {
final IGASEngine gasEngine = newGASEngine();
try {
if (opt.schedulerClassOverride != null) {
((GASEngine) gasEngine)
final IGASProgram gasProgram = newGASProgram();
final IGraphAccessor graphAccessor = newGraphAccessor();
final IGASContext gasContext = gasEngine.newGASContext(
graphAccessor, gasProgram);
final IGASState gasState = gasContext.getGASState();
final FrontierEnum frontierEnum = gasProgram
* TODO Should be customized if we do not want to use the default
* behavior (sample is drawn from distribution containing all
* vertices versus a subset of the vertices).
final VertexDistribution dist = frontierEnum
.equals(FrontierEnum.SingleVertex) ? graphAccessor
.getDistribution(opt.r) : null;
* FIXME We need to introduce an abstraction that will allow us to
* indicate whether an analytic (a) runs one or more times with a
* pre-populated frontier that is a single vertex choosen from a
* distribution, (b) runs one or more times using a sample of
* vertices; or (c) runs one or more times using all vertices.
* The requirment to use (a) a single vertex as the starting point;
* (b) a sample of vertices; or (c) all vertices arises from the
* nature of the specific IGASProgram. For both a single vertex and
* a sample of vertices, the initial value must come from a policy
* specified when the program is executed. For algorithms that
* normally operate on all vertices, it sometimes permissible to
* instead specify a sample of vertices. However, this may result in
* only the connected component(s) that span the sample being
* utilized by the computation.
* The requirement to run once or multiple times arises from the
* desired to characterize the variance in the performance of the
* IGASProgram either as a function of the sampled vertex (or
* vertices) in the initial frontier and/or as a function of the
* runtime variation for a given initial frontier.
* Thus, this could really be broken into two distinct parameters:
* #of trials per condition (to measure the variance in the
* runtime), and #of conditions (to measure the variance as a
* function of graph and the initial frontier).
* The question of how we filter the initial vertices (in terms of
* ensuring that they have at least one out-edge or in-edge) is part
* of the same set of concerns around how to obtain a sample of
* vertices from the distribution.
final Value[] sampled;
switch (frontierEnum) {
case SingleVertex:
sampled = dist.getWeightedSample(opt.nsamples,
case AllVertices:
// All vertices will be used. Do not sample anything.
sampled = null;
throw new AssertionError();
final IGASStats total = new GASStats();
* The #of vertices that were not connected for that analytic across
* all trials.
long nunconnected = 0;
for (int run = 0; run < opt.nruns; run++) {
if (frontierEnum == FrontierEnum.AllVertices) {
// Run analytic.
final IGASStats stats = (IGASStats) gasContext.call();
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
log.info("Run complete: stats(sample)=" + stats);
} else {
* The initial frontier is a single vertex. Choose it
* from the sampled vertices.
for (int i = 0; i < sampled.length; i++) {
final Value startingVertex = sampled[i];
gasState.setFrontier(gasContext, startingVertex);
// Run analytic.
final IGASStats stats = (IGASStats) gasContext.call();
if (stats.getFrontierSize() == 1) {
* The starting vertex was not actually connected to any
* other vertices by the traversal performed by the GAS
* program.
if (log.isInfoEnabled())
log.info("Ignoring unconnected startingVertex: "
+ startingVertex + ", stats=" + stats);
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
log.info("Run complete: vertex[" + i + "] of "
+ sampled.length + " : startingVertex="
+ startingVertex + ", stats(sample)=" + stats);
} // next starting vertex in sample.
} // end single starting vertex run.
} // next run.
// Total over all sampled vertices.
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(": analytic=" + gasProgram.getClass().getSimpleName());
sb.append(", nseed=" + opt.seed);
sb.append(", nruns=" + opt.nruns); // #runs (per sample if sampling)
sb.append(", nsamples=" + opt.nsamples); // #desired samples
sb.append(", nsampled=" + (sampled == null ? "N/A" : sampled.length));// #actually sampled
sb.append(", distSize=" + (dist==null?"N/A":dist.size()));// #available for sampling.
sb.append(", nunconnected=" + nunconnected);// #unconnected vertices.
sb.append(", nthreads=" + opt.nthreads);
sb.append(", scheduler=" + ((GASState)gasState).getScheduler().getClass().getSimpleName());
sb.append(", gasEngine=" + gasEngine.getClass().getSimpleName());
opt.report(sb); // extension hook.
// performance results.
sb.append(", stats(total)=" + total);
return total;
} finally {