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cern.jet.stat.quantile.QuantileCalc Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package cern.jet.stat.quantile;

 * Computes b and k vor various parameters.
class QuantileCalc extends Object {
 * Efficiently computes the binomial coefficient, often also referred to as "n over k" or "n choose k".
 * The binomial coefficient is defined as n!/((n-k)!*k!).
 * Tries to avoid numeric overflows. 
 * @return the binomial coefficient.
public static double binomial(long n, long k) {	
	if (k==0 || k==n) {return 1.0;}

	// since binomial(n,k)==binomial(n,n-k), we can enforce the faster variant,
	// which is also the variant minimizing number overflows.
	if (k>n/2.0) k=n-k;
	double binomial=1.0;
	long N=n-k+1;
	for (long i=k; i>0; ) {
		binomial *= ((double) N++) / (double) (i--);
	return binomial;
 * Returns the smallest long >= value.
Examples: 1.0 -> 1, 1.2 -> 2, 1.9 -> 2. * This method is safer than using (long) Math.ceil(value), because of possible rounding error. */ public static long ceiling(double value) { return Math.round(Math.ceil(value)); } /** * Computes the number of buffers and number of values per buffer such that * quantiles can be determined with an approximation error no more than epsilon with a certain probability. * * Assumes that quantiles are to be computed over N values. * The required sampling rate is computed and stored in the first element of the provided returnSamplingRate array, which, therefore must be at least of length 1. * * @param N the number of values over which quantiles shall be computed (e.g 10^6). * @param epsilon the approximation error which is guaranteed not to be exceeded (e.g. 0.001) (0 <= epsilon <= 1). To get exact result, set epsilon=0.0; * @param delta the probability that the approximation error is more than than epsilon (e.g. 0.0001) (0 <= delta <= 1). To avoid probabilistic answers, set delta=0.0. * @param quantiles the number of quantiles to be computed (e.g. 100) (quantiles >= 1). If unknown in advance, set this number large, e.g. quantiles >= 10000. * @param samplingRate a double[1] where the sampling rate is to be filled in. * @return long[2] - long[0]=the number of buffers, long[1]=the number of elements per buffer, returnSamplingRate[0]=the required sampling rate. */ public static long[] known_N_compute_B_and_K(long N, double epsilon, double delta, int quantiles, double[] returnSamplingRate) { if (delta > 0.0) { return known_N_compute_B_and_K_slow(N, epsilon, delta, quantiles, returnSamplingRate); } returnSamplingRate[0] = 1.0; return known_N_compute_B_and_K_quick(N, epsilon); } /** * Computes the number of buffers and number of values per buffer such that * quantiles can be determined with a guaranteed approximation error no more than epsilon. * Assumes that quantiles are to be computed over N values. * @return long[2] - long[0]=the number of buffers, long[1]=the number of elements per buffer. * @param N the anticipated number of values over which quantiles shall be determined. * @param epsilon the approximation error which is guaranteed not to be exceeded (e.g. 0.001) (0 <= epsilon <= 1). To get exact result, set epsilon=0.0; */ protected static long[] known_N_compute_B_and_K_quick(long N, double epsilon) { if (epsilon<=0.0) { // no way around exact quantile search long[] result = new long[2]; result[0]=1; result[1]=N; return result; } final int maxBuffers = 50; final int maxHeight = 50; final double N_double = (double) N; final double c = N_double * epsilon * 2.0; int[] heightMaximums = new int[maxBuffers-1]; // for each b, determine maximum height, i.e. the height for which x<=0 and x is a maximum // with x = binomial(b+h-2, h-1) - binomial(b+h-3, h-3) + binomial(b+h-3, h-2) - N * epsilon * 2.0 for (int b=2; b<=maxBuffers; b++) { int h = 3; while ( h<=maxHeight && // skip heights until x<=0 (h-2) * ((double)Math.round(binomial(b+h-2, h-1))) - ((double) Math.round(binomial(b+h-3, h-3))) + ((double) Math.round(binomial(b+h-3, h-2))) - c > 0.0 ) {h++;} //from now on x is monotonically growing... while ( h<=maxHeight && // skip heights until x>0 (h-2) * ((double)Math.round(binomial(b+h-2, h-1))) - ((double) Math.round(binomial(b+h-3, h-3))) + ((double) Math.round(binomial(b+h-3, h-2))) - c <= 0.0 ) {h++;} h--; //go back to last height // was x>0 or did we loop without finding anything? int hMax; if (h>=maxHeight && (h-2) * ((double)Math.round(binomial(b+h-2, h-1))) - ((double) Math.round(binomial(b+h-3, h-3))) + ((double) Math.round(binomial(b+h-3, h-2))) - c > 0.0) { hMax=Integer.MIN_VALUE; } else { hMax=h; } heightMaximums[b-2]=hMax; //safe some space } //end for // for each b, determine the smallest k satisfying the constraints, i.e. // for each b, determine kMin, with kMin = N/binomial(b+hMax-2,hMax-1) long[] kMinimums = new long[maxBuffers-1]; for (int b=2; b<=maxBuffers; b++) { int h=heightMaximums[b-2]; long kMin=Long.MAX_VALUE; if (h>Integer.MIN_VALUE) { double value = ((double)Math.round(binomial(b+h-2, h-1))); long tmpK=ceiling(N_double/value); if (tmpK<=Long.MAX_VALUE) { kMin = tmpK; } } kMinimums[b-2]=kMin; } // from all b's, determine b that minimizes b*kMin long multMin = Long.MAX_VALUE; int minB = -1; for (int b=2; b<=maxBuffers; b++) { if (kMinimums[b-2]returnSamplingRate array, which, therefore must be at least of length 1. * @param N the anticipated number of values over which quantiles shall be computed (e.g 10^6). * @param epsilon the approximation error which is guaranteed not to be exceeded (e.g. 0.001) (0 <= epsilon <= 1). To get exact result, set epsilon=0.0; * @param delta the probability that the approximation error is more than than epsilon (e.g. 0.0001) (0 <= delta <= 1). To avoid probabilistic answers, set delta=0.0. * @param quantiles the number of quantiles to be computed (e.g. 100) (quantiles >= 1). If unknown in advance, set this number large, e.g. quantiles >= 10000. * @param samplingRate a double[1] where the sampling rate is to be filled in. * @return long[2] - long[0]=the number of buffers, long[1]=the number of elements per buffer, returnSamplingRate[0]=the required sampling rate. */ protected static long[] known_N_compute_B_and_K_slow(long N, double epsilon, double delta, int quantiles, double[] returnSamplingRate) { // delta can be set to zero, i.e., all quantiles should be approximate with probability 1 if (epsilon<=0.0) { // no way around exact quantile search long[] result = new long[2]; result[0]=1; result[1]=N; returnSamplingRate[0]=1.0; return result; } final int maxBuffers = 50; final int maxHeight = 50; final double N_double = N; // One possibility is to use one buffer of size N // long ret_b = 1; long ret_k = N; double sampling_rate = 1.0; long memory = N; // Otherwise, there are at least two buffers (b >= 2) // and the height of the tree is at least three (h >= 3) // // We restrict the search for b and h to MAX_BINOM, a large enough value for // practical values of epsilon >= 0.001 and delta >= 0.00001 // final double logarithm = Math.log(2.0*quantiles/delta); final double c = 2.0 * epsilon * N_double; for (long b=2 ; b 0.0) { double t = (h-2) * binomial(b+h-2, h-1) - binomial(b+h-3, h-3) + binomial(b+h-3, h-2) ; double u = logarithm / epsilon ; double v = binomial (b+h-2, h-1) ; double w = logarithm / (2.0*epsilon*epsilon) ; // From our SIGMOD 98 paper, we have two equantions to satisfy: // t <= u * alpha/(1-alpha)^2 // kv >= w/(1-alpha)^2 // // Denoting 1/(1-alpha) by x, // we see that the first inequality is equivalent to // t/u <= x^2 - x // which is satisfied by x >= 0.5 + 0.5 * sqrt (1 + 4t/u) // Plugging in this value into second equation yields // k >= wx^2/v double x = 0.5 + 0.5 * Math.sqrt(1.0 + 4.0*t/u) ; long k = ceiling(w*x*x/v) ; if (b * k < memory) { ret_k = k ; ret_b = b ; memory = b * k ; sampling_rate = N_double*2.0*epsilon*epsilon / logarithm ; } } } long[] result = new long[2]; result[0]=ret_b; result[1]=ret_k; returnSamplingRate[0]=sampling_rate; return result; } public static void main(String[] args) { test_B_and_K_Calculation(args); } /** * Computes b and k for different parameters. */ public static void test_B_and_K_Calculation(String[] args) { boolean known_N; if (args==null) known_N = false; else known_N = new Boolean(args[0]).booleanValue(); int[] quantiles = {1,1000}; long[] sizes = {100000, 1000000, 10000000, 1000000000}; double[] deltas = {0.0, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001}; double[] epsilons = {0.0, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0000001}; if (! known_N) sizes = new long[] {0}; System.out.println("\n\n"); if (known_N) System.out.println("Computing b's and k's for KNOWN N"); else System.out.println("Computing b's and k's for UNKNOWN N"); System.out.println("mem [elements/1024]"); System.out.println("***********************************"); for (int q=0; q "); System.out.print("(b,k,mem"); if (known_N) System.out.print(",sampling"); System.out.print(")=("+b+","+k+","+(b*k/1024)); if (known_N) System.out.print(","+returnSamplingRate[0]); System.out.println(")"); } } } } } /** * Computes the number of buffers and number of values per buffer such that * quantiles can be determined with an approximation error no more than epsilon with a certain probability. * * @param epsilon the approximation error which is guaranteed not to be exceeded (e.g. 0.001) (0 <= epsilon <= 1). To get exact results, set epsilon=0.0; * @param delta the probability that the approximation error is more than than epsilon (e.g. 0.0001) (0 <= delta <= 1). To get exact results, set delta=0.0. * @param quantiles the number of quantiles to be computed (e.g. 100) (quantiles >= 1). If unknown in advance, set this number large, e.g. quantiles >= 10000. * @return long[3] - long[0]=the number of buffers, long[1]=the number of elements per buffer, long[2]=the tree height where sampling shall start. */ public static long[] unknown_N_compute_B_and_K(double epsilon, double delta, int quantiles) { // delta can be set to zero, i.e., all quantiles should be approximate with probability 1 if (epsilon<=0.0 || delta<=0.0) { // no way around exact quantile search long[] result = new long[3]; result[0]=1; result[1]=Long.MAX_VALUE; result[2]=Long.MAX_VALUE; return result; } int max_b = 50; int max_h = 50; int max_H = 50; int max_Iterations = 2; long best_b = Long.MAX_VALUE; long best_k = Long.MAX_VALUE; long best_h = Long.MAX_VALUE; long best_memory = Long.MAX_VALUE; double pow = Math.pow(2.0, max_H); double logDelta = Math.log(2.0/(delta/quantiles)) / (2.0*epsilon*epsilon); //double logDelta = Math.log(2.0/(quantiles*delta)) / (2.0*epsilon*epsilon); while (best_b == Long.MAX_VALUE && max_Iterations-- > 0) { //until we find a solution // identify that combination of b and h that minimizes b*k. // exhaustive search. for (int b=2; b<=max_b; b++) { for (int h=2; h<=max_h; h++) { double Ld = binomial(b+h-2, h-1); double Ls = binomial(b+h-3,h-1); // now we have k>=c*(1-alpha)^-2. // let's compute c. //double c = Math.log(2.0/(delta/quantiles)) / (2.0*epsilon*epsilon*Math.min(Ld, 8.0*Ls/3.0)); double c = logDelta / Math.min(Ld, 8.0*Ls/3.0); // now we have k>=d/alpha. // let's compute d. double beta = Ld/Ls; double cc = (beta-2.0)*(max_H-2.0) / (beta + pow - 2.0); double d = (h+3+cc) / (2.0*epsilon); /* double d = (Ld*(h+max_H-1.0) + Ls*((h+1)*pow - 2.0*(h+max_H))) / (Ld + Ls*(pow-2.0)); d = (d + 2.0) / (2.0*epsilon); */ // now we have c*(1-alpha)^-2 == d/alpha. // we solve this equation for alpha yielding two solutions // alpha_1,2 = (c + 2*d +- Sqrt(c*c + 4*c*d))/(2*d) double f = c*c + 4.0*c*d; if (f<0.0) continue; // non real solution to equation double root = Math.sqrt(f); double alpha_one = (c + 2.0*d + root)/(2.0*d); double alpha_two = (c + 2.0*d - root)/(2.0*d); // any alpha must satisfy 00) { // valid solution? long memory = b*k; if (memory < best_memory) { // found a solution requiring less memory best_k = k; best_b = b; best_h = h; best_memory = memory; } } } } //end for h } //end for b if (best_b == Long.MAX_VALUE) { System.out.println("Warning: Computing b and k looks like a lot of work!"); // no solution found so far. very unlikely. Anyway, try again. max_b *= 2; max_h *= 2; max_H *= 2; } } //end while long[] result = new long[3]; if (best_b == Long.MAX_VALUE) { // no solution found. // no way around exact quantile search. result[0]=1; result[1]=Long.MAX_VALUE; result[2]=Long.MAX_VALUE; } else { result[0]=best_b; result[1]=best_k; result[2]=best_h; } return result; } }

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