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* DSI utilities
* Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Sebastiano Vigna
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode;
/** A bridge between byte {@linkplain ByteBuffer buffers} and {@linkplain InputStream input streams}.
* The main usefulness of this class is that of making it possible creating input streams
* that are really based on a {@link MappedByteBuffer}.
In particular, the factory method {@link #map(FileChannel, FileChannel.MapMode)}
* will memory-map an entire file into an array of {@link ByteBuffer} and expose the array as
* a {@link ByteBufferInputStream}. This makes it possible to access easily mapped files larger
* than 2GiB.
* @author Sebastiano Vigna
* @since 1.2
public class ByteBufferInputStream extends MeasurableInputStream implements RepositionableStream {
private static int FIRST_SHIFT = 30;
private static int SECOND_SHIFT = FIRST_SHIFT - 1;
/** The size of a chunk created by {@link #map(FileChannel, FileChannel.MapMode)}. */
public static final long CHUNK_SIZE = ( 1 << FIRST_SHIFT ) + ( 1 << SECOND_SHIFT );
/** The underlying byte buffers. */
private final ByteBuffer[] byteBuffer;
/** The number of byte buffers. */
private final int n;
/** The current buffer. */
private int curr = 0;
/** The current mark as a position, or -1 if there is no mark. */
private long mark;
/** The overall size of this input steam. */
private long size;
/** Creates a new byte-buffer input stream from a single {@link ByteBuffer}.
* @param byteBuffer the underlying byte buffer.
public ByteBufferInputStream( final ByteBuffer byteBuffer ) {
this( new ByteBuffer[] { byteBuffer } );
/** Creates a new byte-buffer input stream.
* @param byteBuffer the underlying byte buffers.
protected ByteBufferInputStream( final ByteBuffer[] byteBuffer ) {
this.byteBuffer = byteBuffer;
this.n = byteBuffer.length;
long size = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
if ( i < n - 1 && byteBuffer[ i ].capacity() != CHUNK_SIZE ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
size += byteBuffer[ i ].capacity();
this.size = size;
position( 0 );
public static ByteBufferInputStream map( final FileChannel fileChannel, MapMode mapMode ) throws IOException {
final long size = fileChannel.size();
final int chunks = (int)( ( size + ( CHUNK_SIZE - 1 ) ) / CHUNK_SIZE );
final ByteBuffer[] byteBuffer = new ByteBuffer[ chunks ];
for( int i = 0; i < chunks; i++ ) byteBuffer[ i ] = mapMode, CHUNK_SIZE * i, Math.min( CHUNK_SIZE, size - CHUNK_SIZE * i ) );
return new ByteBufferInputStream( byteBuffer );
private long remaining() {
return curr == n - 1 ? byteBuffer[ curr ].remaining() :
byteBuffer[ curr ].remaining() + ( (long)( n - 2 - curr ) << FIRST_SHIFT ) + ( (long)( n - 2 - curr ) << SECOND_SHIFT ) + byteBuffer[ n - 1 ].capacity();
public int available() {
final long available = remaining();
return available < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)available : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public boolean markSupported() {
return true;
public synchronized void mark( final int unused ) {
mark = position();
public synchronized void reset() throws IOException {
if ( mark == -1 ) throw new IOException();
position( mark );
public long skip( final long n ) throws IOException {
final long toSkip = Math.min( remaining(), n );
position( position() + toSkip );
return toSkip;
public int read() {
if ( ! byteBuffer[ curr ].hasRemaining() ) {
if ( curr < n - 1 ) byteBuffer[ ++curr ].position( 0 );
else return -1;
return byteBuffer[ curr ].get() & 0xFF;
public int read( final byte[] b, final int offset, final int length ) {
if ( length == 0 ) return 0;
final long remaining = remaining();
if ( remaining == 0 ) return -1;
final int realLength = (int)Math.min( remaining, length );
int read = 0;
while( read < realLength ) {
int rem = byteBuffer[ curr ].remaining();
if ( rem == 0 ) byteBuffer[ ++curr ].position( 0 );
byteBuffer[ curr ].get( b, offset + read, Math.min( realLength - read, rem ) );
read += Math.min( realLength, rem );
return realLength;
public long length() {
return size;
public long position() {
return ( (long)curr << FIRST_SHIFT ) + ( (long)curr << SECOND_SHIFT ) + byteBuffer[ curr ].position();
public void position( long newPosition ) {
newPosition = Math.min( newPosition, length() );
if ( newPosition == length() ) {
curr = n - 1;
byteBuffer[ curr ].position( byteBuffer[ curr ].capacity() );
curr = (int)( newPosition / CHUNK_SIZE );
byteBuffer[ curr ].position( (int)( newPosition - ( (long)curr << FIRST_SHIFT ) - ( (long)curr << SECOND_SHIFT ) ) );
public ByteBufferInputStream copy() {
final ByteBuffer[] byteBuffer = new ByteBuffer[ this.byteBuffer.length ];
for( int i = this.byteBuffer.length; i-- != 0; ) byteBuffer[ i ] = this.byteBuffer[ i ].duplicate();
return new ByteBufferInputStream( byteBuffer );