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* DSI utilities
* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Sebastiano Vigna
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.Fast;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.booleans.AbstractBooleanIterator;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.booleans.BooleanIterator;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntIterators;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
/** Bit-level input stream.
* This class wraps any {@link InputStream} so that you can treat it as
* bit stream. Constructors and methods closely resemble those of
* {@link InputStream}. Data can be read from such a stream in several ways:
* reading an integer or long in fixed-width, unary, γ, shifted γ, δ, ζ and (skewed)
* Golomb coding, or reading a number of bits that will be stored in a vector of
* bytes. There is limited support for {@link #mark(int)}/{@link #reset()}
* operations.
This class can also {@linkplain #InputBitStream(byte[]) wrap a byte
* array}; this is much more lightweight than wrapping a {@link
*} wrapping the array. Overflowing the array
* will cause an {@link}.
Note that when reading using a vector of bytes bits are read in the
* stream format (see {@link OutputBitStream}): the first bit is bit 7 of the
* first byte, the eighth bit is bit 0 of the first byte, the ninth bit is bit
* 7 of the second byte and so on. When reading integers using some coding,
* instead, they are stored in the standard way, that is, in the lower
* bits.
Additional features:
* - This class provides an internal buffer. By setting a buffer of
* length 0 at creation time, you can actually bypass the buffering system:
* Note, however, that several classes providing buffering have synchronised
* methods, so using a wrapper instead of the internal buffer is likely to lead
* to a performance drop.
- To work around the schizophrenic relationship between streams and random
* access files in {@link}, this class provides a {@link #flush()}
* method that resets the internal state. At this point, you can safely reposition
* the underlying stream and read again afterwards. For instance, this is safe
* and will perform as expected:
* FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream( ... );
* InputBitStream ibs = new InputBitStream( fis );
* ... read operations on ibs ...
* ibs.flush();
* fis.getChannel().position( ... );
* ... other read operations on ibs ...
* As a commodity, an instance of this class will try to cast the underlying byte
* stream to a {@link RepositionableStream} and to fetch by reflection the {@link
* java.nio.channels.FileChannel} underlying the given input stream, in this
* order. If either reference can be successfully fetched, you can use
* directly the {@link #position(long) position()} method with argument
* pos
with the same semantics of a {@link #flush()}, followed by
* a call to position(pos / 8)
(where the latter method belongs
* either to the underlying stream or to its underlying file channel), followed
* by a {@link #skip(long) skip(pos % 8)}. However, since the reflective checks are quite
* heavy they can be disabled using a {@linkplain InputBitStream#InputBitStream(InputStream, boolean) suitable constructor}.
- Finally, this class implements partially the interface of a boolean iterator.
* More precisely, {@link #nextBoolean()} will return the same bit as {@link #readBit()},
* and also the same exceptions, whereas {@link #hasNext()} will always return true:
* you must be prepared to catch a {@link java.lang.RuntimeException} wrapping an {@link IOException}
* in case the file ends. It
* is very difficult to implement completely an eager operator using a input-stream
* based model.
* This class is not synchronised. If multiple threads
* access an instance of this class concurrently, they must be synchronised externally.
* @see
* @see
* @author Sebastiano Vigna
* @since 0.1
public class InputBitStream extends AbstractBooleanIterator implements Flushable, Closeable {
private final static boolean DEBUG = false;
private final static boolean ASSERTS = false;
/* Precomputed tables: the i-th entry decodes the stream fragment of 16 bits given by the binary reprentation of i.
* The upper 16 bits contain code lengths, the lower 16 bits decoded values. 0 means undecodable. */
public final static int[] GAMMA = new int[ 256 * 256 ], DELTA = new int[ 256 * 256 ], ZETA_3 = new int[ 256 * 256 ], SHIFTED_GAMMA = new int[ 256 * 256 ];
static void fillArrayFromResource( final String resource, final int array[] ) throws IOException {
final String resouceFullPath = "/it/unimi/dsi/io/" + resource;
final InputStream ris = InputBitStream.class.getResourceAsStream( resouceFullPath );
if ( ris == null ) throw new IOException( "Cannot open resource " + resouceFullPath );
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream( new FastBufferedInputStream( ris ) );
BinIO.loadInts( dis, array, 0, array.length );
if ( ASSERTS ) {
final int actualLength = IntIterators.unwrap( BinIO.asIntIterator( new DataInputStream( InputBitStream.class.getResourceAsStream( resouceFullPath ) ) ) ).length;
assert array.length == actualLength : resource + " is long " + actualLength + " but we think it should rather be " + array.length;
static {
/* We load all precomputed arrays from resource files,
* to work around the limit on static initialiser code. */
try {
fillArrayFromResource( "", GAMMA );
fillArrayFromResource( "", DELTA );
fillArrayFromResource( "", ZETA_3 );
fillArrayFromResource( "", SHIFTED_GAMMA );
catch ( IOException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException( e );
/** The default size of the byte buffer in bytes (8Ki). */
public final static int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 8 * 1024;
/** The underlying {@link InputStream}. */
protected final InputStream is;
/** Whether we should use the byte buffer. */
private final boolean noBuffer;
/** The cached file channel underlying {@link #is}, if any. */
protected final FileChannel fileChannel;
/** {@link #is} cast to a positionable stream, if possible. */
protected final RepositionableStream repositionableStream;
/** True if we are wrapping an array. */
protected final boolean wrapping;
/** The number of bits actually read from this bit stream. */
private long readBits;
/** Current bit buffer: the lowest {@link #fill} bits represent the current content (the remaining bits are undefined). */
private int current;
/** The stream buffer. */
protected byte[] buffer;
/** Current number of bits in the bit buffer (stored low). */
protected int fill;
/** Current position in the byte buffer. */
protected int pos;
/** Offset into byte[] slice and otherwise 0. BBT 8/30/2009. */
private int off = 0;
/** Current number of bytes available in the byte buffer. */
protected int avail;
/** Current position of the first byte in the byte buffer. */
protected long position;
/** This (non-public) constructor exists just to provide fake initialisation for classes such as {@link DebugInputBitStream}.
protected InputBitStream() {
is = null;
noBuffer = true;
repositionableStream = null;
fileChannel = null;
wrapping = false;
/** Creates a new input bit stream wrapping a given input stream using a buffer of size {@link #DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE}.
This constructor performs the reflective tests that are necessary to support {@link #position(long)}.
* @param is the input stream to wrap.
public InputBitStream( final InputStream is ) {
this( is, true );
/** Creates a new input bit stream wrapping a given input stream using a buffer of size {@link #DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE}.
* @param is the input stream to wrap.
* @param testForPosition if false, the reflective tests that are necessary to support {@link #position(long)} will not be performed.
public InputBitStream( final InputStream is, final boolean testForPosition ) {
this( is, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, testForPosition );
/** Creates a new input bit stream wrapping a given input stream with a specified buffer size.
This constructor performs the reflective tests that are necessary to support {@link #position(long)}.
* @param is the input stream to wrap.
* @param bufSize the size in byte of the buffer; it may be 0, denoting no buffering.
public InputBitStream( final InputStream is, final int bufSize ) {
this( is, bufSize, true );
/** Creates a new input bit stream wrapping a given input stream with a specified buffer size.
* @param is the input stream to wrap.
* @param bufSize the size in byte of the buffer; it may be 0, denoting no buffering.
* @param testForPosition if false, the reflective tests that are necessary to support {@link #position(long)} will not be performed.
public InputBitStream( final InputStream is, final int bufSize, final boolean testForPosition ) { = is;
wrapping = false;
if ( ! ( this.noBuffer = bufSize == 0 ) ) this.buffer = new byte[ bufSize ];
// Cheap test, we do it all the time
if ( is instanceof RepositionableStream ) {
repositionableStream = (RepositionableStream)is;
fileChannel = null;
else if ( testForPosition ) {
FileChannel fc = null;
try {
fc = (FileChannel)( is.getClass().getMethod( "getChannel" ) ).invoke( is );
catch( IllegalAccessException e ) {}
catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {}
catch( NoSuchMethodException e ) {}
catch( InvocationTargetException e ) {}
catch( ClassCastException e ) {}
fileChannel = fc;
repositionableStream = null;
else {
repositionableStream = null;
fileChannel = null;
/** Creates a new input bit stream wrapping a given file input stream using a buffer of size {@link #DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE}.
This constructor invokes directly {@link FileInputStream#getChannel()} to support {@link #position(long)}.
* @param is the file input stream to wrap.
public InputBitStream( final FileInputStream is ) {
/** Creates a new input bit stream wrapping a given file input stream with a specified buffer size.
This constructor invokes directly {@link FileInputStream#getChannel()} to support {@link #position(long)}.
* @param is the file input stream to wrap.
* @param bufSize the size in byte of the buffer; it may be 0, denoting no buffering.
public InputBitStream( final FileInputStream is, final int bufSize ) { = is;
wrapping = false;
if ( ! ( this.noBuffer = bufSize == 0 ) ) this.buffer = new byte[ bufSize ];
repositionableStream = null;
fileChannel = is.getChannel();
/** Creates a new input bit stream wrapping a given byte array.
* @param a the byte array to wrap.
public InputBitStream( final byte[] a ) {
* Creates a new input bit stream wrapping a slice of a given byte array
* (BBT 8/30/2009).
* @param a
* the byte array to wrap.
* @param off
* the byte offset of the first addressable byte in the array.
* @param len
* the #of addressable bytes in the array.
public InputBitStream(final byte[] a, final int off, final int len) {
if (a == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (off < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (off + len > a.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
is = NullInputStream.getInstance();
repositionableStream = null;
fileChannel = null;
if ( a.length > 0 ) {
buffer = a;
avail = len; // was a.length; modified BBT 8/30/2009 = pos = off; // added BBT 8/30/2009
wrapping = true;
noBuffer = false;
else {
// A zero-length buffer is like having no buffer
buffer = null;
avail = 0;
wrapping = false;
noBuffer = true;
/** Creates a new input bit stream reading from a file.
This constructor invokes directly {@link FileInputStream#getChannel()} to support {@link #position(long)}.
* @param name the name of the file.
* @param bufSize the size in byte of the buffer; it may be 0, denoting no buffering.
public InputBitStream( final String name, final int bufSize ) throws FileNotFoundException {
this( new FileInputStream( name ), bufSize );
/** Creates a new input bit stream reading from a file.
This constructor invokes directly {@link FileInputStream#getChannel()} to support {@link #position(long)}.
* @param name the name of the file.
public InputBitStream( final String name ) throws FileNotFoundException {
this( new FileInputStream( name ), DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE );
/** Creates a new input bit stream reading from a file.
This constructor invokes directly {@link FileInputStream#getChannel()} to support {@link #position(long)}.
* @param file the file.
public InputBitStream( final File file ) throws FileNotFoundException {
this( new FileInputStream( file ), DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE );
/** Creates a new input bit stream reading from a file.
This constructor invokes directly {@link FileInputStream#getChannel()} to support {@link #position(long)}.
* @param file the file.
* @param bufSize the size in byte of the buffer; it may be 0, denoting no buffering.
public InputBitStream( final File file, final int bufSize ) throws FileNotFoundException {
this( new FileInputStream( file ), bufSize );
/** Flushes the bit stream. All state information associated to the stream is reset. This
* includes bytes prefetched from the stream, bits in the bit buffer and unget'd bits.
This method is provided so that users of this class can easily wrap repositionable
* streams (for instance, file-based streams, which can be repositioned using
* the underlying {@link java.nio.channels.FileChannel}). It is guaranteed that after calling
* this method the underlying stream can be repositioned, and that the next read
* will draw data from the stream.
public void flush() {
if ( ! wrapping ) {
position += pos;
avail = 0;
pos = 0;
fill = 0;
/** Closes the bit stream. All resources associated to the stream are released.
public void close() throws IOException {
if ( is != ) is.close();
buffer = null;
/** Returns the number of bits that can be read (or skipped over) from this
* bit stream without blocking by the next caller of a method.
* @return the number of bits that can be read from this bit stream without blocking.
public long available() throws IOException {
return ( is.available() + avail ) * 8 + fill;
/** Returns the number of bits read from this bit stream.
* @return the number of bits read so far.
public long readBits() {
return readBits;
/** Sets the number of bits read from this bit stream.
This method is provided so that, for instance, the
* user can reset via readBits(0)
the read-bits count
* after a {@link #flush()}.
* @param readBits the new value for the number of bits read so far.
public void readBits( final long readBits ) {
this.readBits = readBits;
/** Reads the next byte from the stream.
This method takes care of managing the buffering logic
* transparently.
However, this method does not update {@link #readBits}.
* The caller should increment {@link #readBits} by 8 at each call, unless
* the bit are used to load {@link #current}.
private final int read() throws IOException {
if ( noBuffer ) {
final int t =;
if ( t == -1 ) throw new EOFException();
else position++;
return t;
if ( avail == 0 ) {
avail = buffer );
if ( avail == -1 ) {
avail = 0;
throw new EOFException();
else {
position += pos;
pos = 0;
return buffer[ pos++ ] & 0xFF;
/** Feeds 16 more bits into {@link #current}, assuming that {@link #fill} is less than 16.
This method will never throw an {@link EOFException}—simply, it will refill less than 16 bits.
* @return {@link #fill}.
private final int refill() throws IOException {
if ( ASSERTS ) assert fill < 16;
if ( avail > 1 ) {
// If there is a byte in the buffer, we use it directly.
avail -= 2;
current = current << 16 | ( buffer[ pos++ ] & 0xFF ) << 8 | buffer[ pos++ ] & 0xFF;
return fill += 16;
current = ( current << 8 ) | read();
fill += 8;
current = ( current << 8 ) | read();
fill += 8;
catch( EOFException dontCare ) {}
return fill;
/** Reads bits from the bit buffer, possibly refilling it.
This method is the basic mean for extracting bits from the underlying stream.
You cannot read more than {@link #fill} bits with this method (unless {@link #fill} is 0,
* and len
is nonzero, in which case the buffer will be refilled for you with 8 bits), and if you
* read exactly {@link #fill} bits the buffer will be empty afterwards. In particular,
* there will never be 8 bits in the buffer.
The bit buffer stores its content in the lower {@link #fill} bits. The content
* of the remaining bits is undefined.
This method updates {@link #readBits}.
* @param len the number of bits to read.
* @return the bits read (in the lower positions).
* @throws AssertionError if one tries to read more bits than available in the buffer and assertions are enabled.
private final int readFromCurrent( final int len ) throws IOException {
if ( len == 0 ) return 0;
if ( fill == 0 ) {
current = read();
fill = 8;
if ( ASSERTS ) assert len <= fill : len + " bit(s) requested, " + fill + " available";
readBits += len;
return current >>> ( fill -= len ) & ( 1 << len ) - 1;
/** Aligns the stream.
* After a call to this function, the stream is byte aligned. Bits that have been
* read to align are discarded.
public void align() {
if ( ( fill & 7 ) == 0 ) return;
readBits += fill & 7;
fill &= ~7;
/** Reads a sequence of bits.
* Bits will be read in the natural way: the first bit is bit 7 of the
* first byte, the eightth bit is bit 0 of the first byte, the ninth bit is
* bit 7 of the second byte and so on.
* @param bits an array of bytes to store the result.
* @param len the number of bits to read.
public void read( final byte[] bits, int len ) throws IOException {
if ( ASSERTS ) assert fill < 32 : fill + " >= " + 32;
if ( len <= fill ) {
if ( len <= 8 ) {
bits[ 0 ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( len ) << 8 - len );
else if ( len <= 16 ){
bits[ 0 ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( 8 ) );
bits[ 1 ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( len - 8 ) << 16 - len );
else if ( len <= 24 ) {
bits[ 0 ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( 8 ) );
bits[ 1 ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( 8 ) );
bits[ 2 ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( len - 16 ) << 24 - len );
else {
bits[ 0 ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( 8 ) );
bits[ 1 ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( 8 ) );
bits[ 2 ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( 8 ) );
bits[ 3 ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( len - 24 ) << 32 - len );
else {
int i, j = 0, b;
if ( fill >= 24 ) {
bits[ j++ ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( 8 ) );
bits[ j++ ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( 8 ) );
bits[ j++ ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( 8 ) );
len -= 24;
else if ( fill >= 16 ) {
bits[ j++ ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( 8 ) );
bits[ j++ ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( 8 ) );
len -= 16;
else if ( fill >= 8 ) {
bits[ j++ ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( 8 ) );
len -= 8;
final int shift = fill;
if ( shift != 0 ) {
bits[ j ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( shift ) << 8 - shift );
len -= shift;
i = len >> 3;
while( i-- != 0 ) {
b = read();
bits[ j ] |= ( b & 0xFF ) >>> shift;
bits[ ++j ] = (byte)( b << 8 - shift );
else {
i = len >> 3;
while( i-- != 0 ) bits[ j++ ] = (byte)read();
readBits += len & ~7;
len &= 7;
if ( len != 0 ) {
if ( shift == 0 ) bits[ j ] = 0; // We must zero the next byte before OR'ing stuff in
if ( len <= 8 - shift ) {
bits[ j ] |= (byte)( readFromCurrent( len ) << 8 - shift - len );
else {
bits[ j ] |= (byte)( readFromCurrent( 8 - shift ) );
bits[ j + 1 ] = (byte)( readFromCurrent( len + shift - 8 ) << 16 - shift - len );
/** Reads a bit.
* @return the next bit from the stream.
public int readBit() throws IOException {
return readFromCurrent( 1 );
/** Reads a fixed number of bits into an integer.
* @param len a bit length.
* @return an integer whose lower len
bits are taken from the stream; the rest is zeroed.
public int readInt( int len ) throws IOException {
int i, x = 0;
if ( len < 0 || len > 32 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "You cannot read " + len + " bits into an integer." );
if ( fill < 16 ) refill();
if ( len <= fill ) return readFromCurrent( len );
len -= fill;
x = readFromCurrent( fill );
i = len >> 3;
while( i-- != 0 ) x = x << 8 | read();
readBits += len & ~7;
len &= 7;
return ( x << len ) | readFromCurrent( len );
/** Reads a fixed number of bits into a long.
* @param len a bit length.
* @return a long whose lower len
bits are taken from the stream; the rest is zeroed.
public long readLong( int len ) throws IOException {
int i;
long x = 0;
if ( len < 0 || len > 64 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "You cannot read " + len + " bits into a long." );
if ( fill < 16 ) refill();
if ( len <= fill ) return readFromCurrent( len );
len -= fill;
x = readFromCurrent( fill );
i = len >> 3;
while( i-- != 0 ) x = x << 8 | read();
readBits += len & ~7;
len &= 7;
return ( x << len ) | readFromCurrent( len );
/** Skips the given number of bits.
* @param n the number of bits to skip.
* @return the actual number of skipped bits.
public long skip( long n ) throws IOException {
if ( n <= fill ) {
if ( n < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Negative bit skip value: " + n );
fill -= n;
readBits += n;
return n;
else {
final long prevReadBits = readBits;
n -= fill;
readBits += fill;
fill = 0;
long nb = n >> 3;
// TODO: A real evaluation of the usefulness of this block of code
if ( buffer != null && nb > avail && nb < avail + buffer.length ) {
/* If we can skip by simply filling the buffer and skipping some bytes,
we do it. Usually the next block has already been fetched by a read-ahead logic. */
readBits += ( avail + 1 ) << 3;
n -= ( avail + 1 ) << 3;
nb -= avail + 1;
position += pos + avail;
pos = avail = 0;
if ( nb <= avail ) {
// We skip bytes directly inside the buffer.
pos += (int)nb;
avail -= (int)nb;
readBits += n & ~7;
else {
// No way, we have to pass the byte skip to the underlying stream.
n -= avail << 3;
readBits += avail << 3;
final long toSkip = nb - avail;
// ALERT: the semantics of skip is flawed--this should be somehow fixed.
final long skipped = is.skip( toSkip );
if ( skipped < toSkip ) throw new IOException( "skip() has skipped " + skipped + " instead of " + toSkip + " bytes" );
position += ( avail + pos ) + skipped;
pos = 0;
avail = 0;
readBits += skipped << 3;
if ( skipped != toSkip ) return readBits - prevReadBits;
final int residual = (int)( n & 7 );
if ( residual != 0 ) {
current = read();
fill = 8 - residual;
readBits += residual;
return readBits - prevReadBits;
/** Sets this stream bit position, if it is based on a {@link RepositionableStream} or on a {@link java.nio.channels.FileChannel}.
Given an underlying stream that implements {@link
* RepositionableStream} or that can provide a {@link
* java.nio.channels.FileChannel} via the getChannel()
* a call to this method has the same semantics of a {@link #flush()},
* followed by a call to {@link
* java.nio.channels.FileChannel#position(long) position(position / 8)} on
* the byte stream, followed by a {@link #skip(long) skip(position % 8)}.
* @param position the new position expressed as a bit offset.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the underlying byte stream does not implement
* {@link RepositionableStream} and if the channel it returns is not a {@link java.nio.channels.FileChannel}.
* @see FileChannel#position(long)
public void position( /*final*/ long position ) throws IOException {
if ( DEBUG ) System.err.println( this + ".position(" + position + ")" );
// adjust for slice offset (BBT).
position += (off << 3);
if ( position < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal position: " + position );
final long bitDelta = ( ( this.position + pos ) << 3 ) - position;
if ( bitDelta >= 0 && bitDelta <= fill ) {
if ( DEBUG ) System.err.println( "Bit positioning... position: " + position + " this.position: " + this.position + " pos: " + pos + " bitDelta: " + bitDelta + " fill: " + fill );
fill = (int)bitDelta;
//System.err.println( "Post: " + position + " fill: " + fill );
final long delta = ( position >> 3 ) - ( this.position + pos );
if ( DEBUG ) System.err.println( this + ".position(" + position + "); curr: " + this.position + " delta: " + delta + " pos: " + pos + " avail: " + avail );
// TODO: check for delta < number of bits in current
if ( delta <= avail && delta >= - pos ) {
// We can reposition just by moving into the buffer.
avail -= delta;
pos += delta;
fill = 0;
if ( DEBUG ) System.err.println( this + ": moved internally; pos: " + pos + " avail: " + avail );
else if ( repositionableStream != null ) {
repositionableStream.position( this.position = position >> 3 );
else if ( fileChannel != null ) {
fileChannel.position( this.position = position >> 3 );
else {
if ( wrapping ) throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Illegal position: " + position );
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "position() can only be called if the underlying byte stream implements the RepositionableStream interface or if the getChannel() method of the underlying byte stream exists and returns a FileChannel" );
final int residual = (int)( position & 7 );
if ( DEBUG ) System.err.println( this + ": residual=" + residual );
if ( residual != 0 ) {
current = read();
fill = 8 - residual;
/** Tests if this stream supports the {@link #mark(int)} and {@link #reset()} methods.
This method will just delegate the test to the underlying {@link InputStream}.
* @return whether this stream supports {@link #mark(int)}/{@link #reset()}.
public boolean markSupported() {
return is.markSupported();
/** Marks the current position in this input stream. A subsequent call to
* the {@link #reset()} method repositions this stream at the last marked position so
* that subsequent reads re-read the same bits.
This method will just delegate the mark to the underlying {@link InputStream}.
* Moreover, it will throw an exception if you try to mark outsite byte boundaries.
* @param readLimit the maximum limit of bytes that can be read before the mark position becomes invalid.
* @throws IOException if you try to mark outside byte boundaries.
public void mark( final int readLimit ) throws IOException {
if ( fill != 0 ) throw new IOException( "You cannot mark a bit stream outside of byte boundaries." );
is.mark( readLimit );
/** Repositions this bit stream to the position at the time the {@link #mark(int)} method was last called.
This method will just {@link #flush() flush the stream} and delegate
* the reset to the underlying {@link InputStream}.
public void reset() throws IOException {
/** Reads a natural number in unary coding.
* @return the next unary-encoded natural number.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeUnary(int)
public int readUnary() throws IOException {
if ( ASSERTS ) assert fill < 32 : fill + " >= " + 32;
int x;
if ( fill < 16 ) refill();
if ( fill != 0 ) {
// Clean up current and check whether it is nonzero
final int currentLeftAligned = current << 32 - fill;
if ( currentLeftAligned != 0 ) {
//System.err.println( Integer.toBinaryString( currentLeftAligned ) + ", " + Integer.toHexString( currentLeftAligned ) );
if ( ( currentLeftAligned & 0xFF000000 ) != 0 ) x = 8 - Fast.BYTEMSB[ currentLeftAligned >>> 24 ];
else if ( ( currentLeftAligned & 0xFF0000 ) != 0 ) x = 16 - Fast.BYTEMSB[ currentLeftAligned >>> 16 ];
else if ( ( currentLeftAligned & 0xFF00 ) != 0 ) x = 24 - Fast.BYTEMSB[ currentLeftAligned >>> 8 ];
else x = 32 - Fast.BYTEMSB[ currentLeftAligned & 0xFF ];
readBits += x;
fill -= x;
return x - 1;
x = fill;
while( ( current = read() ) == 0 ) x += 8;
x += 7 - ( fill = Fast.BYTEMSB[ current ] );
readBits += x + 1;
return x;
/** Reads a long natural number in unary coding.
* Note that by unary coding we mean that 1 encodes 0, 01 encodes 1 and so on.
* @return the next unary-encoded long natural number.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeUnary(int)
public long readLongUnary() throws IOException {
if ( ASSERTS ) assert fill < 32 : fill + " >= " + 32;
// Clean up current and check whether it is nonzero
if ( ( current & ( 1 << fill ) - 1 ) != 0 ) return readUnary();
long x = fill;
while( ( current = read() ) == 0 ) x += 8;
x += 7 - ( fill = Fast.BYTEMSB[ current ] );
readBits += x + 1;
return x;
/** Reads a natural number in γ coding.
* @return the next γ-encoded natural number.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeGamma(int)
* @see #skipGammas(int)
public int readGamma() throws IOException {
int preComp;
if ( ( fill >= 16 || refill() >= 16 ) && ( preComp = GAMMA[ current >> ( fill - 16 ) & 0xFFFF ] ) != 0 ) {
readBits += preComp >> 16;
fill -= preComp >> 16;
return preComp & 0xFFFF;
final int msb = readUnary();
return ( ( 1 << msb ) | readInt( msb ) ) - 1;
/** Reads a long natural number in γ coding.
* @return the next γ-encoded long natural number.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeGamma(int)
* @see #skipGammas(int)
public long readLongGamma() throws IOException {
int preComp;
if ( ( fill >= 16 || refill() >= 16 ) && ( preComp = GAMMA[ current >> ( fill - 16 ) & 0xFFFF ] ) != 0 ) {
readBits += preComp >> 16;
fill -= preComp >> 16;
return preComp & 0xFFFF;
final int msb = readUnary();
return ( ( 1L << msb ) | readLong( msb ) ) - 1;
/** Skips a given number of γ-coded integers.
This method should be significantly quicker than iterating n
times on
* {@link #readGamma()} or {@link #readLongGamma()}, as precomputed tables are used directly,
* so the number of method calls is greatly reduced, and the result is discarded, so
* {@link #skip(long)} can be invoked instead of more specific decoding methods.
* @param n the number of γ-coded integers to be skipped.
* @see #readGamma()
public void skipGammas( int n ) throws IOException {
int preComp;
while( n-- != 0) {
if ( ( fill >= 16 || refill() >= 16 ) && ( preComp = GAMMA[ current >> ( fill - 16 ) & 0xFFFF ] >> 16 ) != 0 ) {
readBits += preComp;
fill -= preComp;
skip( (long)readUnary() );
/** Reads a given number of γ-coded integers.
This method should be significantly quicker than iterating n
times on
* {@link #readGamma()}, as precomputed tables are used directly,
* so the number of method calls is greatly reduced.
* @param a an array of at least count
integers where the result
* wil be written starting at the first position.
* @param count the number of γ-coded integers to be read.
* @see #readGamma()
public void readGammas( final int[] a, final int count ) throws IOException {
int preComp, msb;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
if ( ( fill >= 16 || refill() >= 16 ) && ( preComp = GAMMA[ current >> ( fill - 16 ) & 0xFFFF ] ) != 0 ) {
readBits += preComp >> 16;
fill -= preComp >> 16;
a[ i ] = preComp & 0xFFFF;
a[ i ] = ( ( 1 << ( msb = readUnary() ) ) | readInt( msb ) ) - 1;
/** Reads a natural number in shifted γ coding.
* @return the next shifted-γ–encoded natural number.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeShiftedGamma(int)
* @see #skipShiftedGammas(int)
public int readShiftedGamma() throws IOException {
int preComp;
if ( ( fill >= 16 || refill() >= 16 ) && ( preComp = SHIFTED_GAMMA[ current >> ( fill - 16 ) & 0xFFFF ] ) != 0 ) {
readBits += preComp >> 16;
fill -= preComp >> 16;
return preComp & 0xFFFF;
final int msb = readUnary() - 1;
return msb == -1 ? 0 : ( ( 1 << msb ) | readInt( msb ) );
/** Reads a natural number in shifted γ coding.
* @return the next shifted-γ–encoded natural number.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeShiftedGamma(int)
* @see #skipShiftedGammas(int)
public long readLongShiftedGamma() throws IOException {
int preComp;
if ( ( fill >= 16 || refill() >= 16 ) && ( preComp = SHIFTED_GAMMA[ current >> ( fill - 16 ) & 0xFFFF ] ) != 0 ) {
readBits += preComp >> 16;
fill -= preComp >> 16;
return preComp & 0xFFFF;
final int msb = readUnary() - 1;
return msb == -1 ? 0 : ( ( 1L << msb ) | readLong( msb ) );
/** Skips a given number of shited-γ-coded integers.
This method should be significantly quicker than iterating n
times on
* {@link #readShiftedGamma()} or {@link #readLongShiftedGamma()}, as precomputed tables are used directly,
* so the number of method calls is greatly reduced, and the result is discarded, so
* {@link #skip(long)} can be invoked instead of more specific decoding methods.
* @param n the number of shited-γ-coded integers to be skipped.
* @see #readShiftedGamma()
public void skipShiftedGammas( int n ) throws IOException {
int preComp;
while( n-- != 0) {
if ( ( fill >= 16 || refill() >= 16 ) && ( preComp = SHIFTED_GAMMA[ current >> ( fill - 16 ) & 0xFFFF ] >> 16 ) != 0 ) {
readBits += preComp;
fill -= preComp;
final long msb = readUnary() - 1;
if ( msb > 0 ) skip( msb );
/** Reads a given number of shifted-γ-coded integers.
This method should be significantly quicker than iterating n
times on
* {@link #readShiftedGamma()}, as precomputed tables are used directly,
* so the number of method calls is greatly reduced.
* @param a an array of at least count
integers where the result
* wil be written starting at the first position.
* @param count the number of shifted-γ-coded integers to be read.
* @see #readShiftedGamma()
public void readShiftedGammas( final int[] a, final int count ) throws IOException {
int preComp, msb;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
if ( ( fill >= 16 || refill() >= 16 ) && ( preComp = SHIFTED_GAMMA[ current >> ( fill - 16 ) & 0xFFFF ] ) != 0 ) {
readBits += preComp >> 16;
fill -= preComp >> 16;
a[ i ] = preComp & 0xFFFF;
msb = readUnary() - 1;
a[ i ] = msb == -1 ? 0 : ( ( 1 << msb ) | readInt( msb ) );
/** Reads a natural number in δ coding.
* @return the next δ-encoded natural number.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeDelta(int)
* @see #skipDeltas(int)
public int readDelta() throws IOException {
int preComp;
if ( ( fill >= 16 || refill() >= 16 ) && ( preComp = DELTA[ current >> ( fill - 16 ) & 0xFFFF ] ) != 0 ) {
readBits += preComp >> 16;
fill -= preComp >> 16;
return preComp & 0xFFFF;
final int msb = readGamma();
return ( ( 1 << msb ) | readInt( msb ) ) - 1;
/** Reads a long natural number in δ coding.
* @return the next δ-encoded long natural number.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeDelta(int)
* @see #skipDeltas(int)
public long readLongDelta() throws IOException {
int preComp;
if ( ( fill >= 16 || refill() >= 16 ) && ( preComp = DELTA[ current >> ( fill - 16 ) & 0xFFFF ] ) != 0 ) {
readBits += preComp >> 16;
fill -= preComp >> 16;
return preComp & 0xFFFF;
final int msb = readGamma();
return ( ( 1L << msb ) | readLong( msb ) ) - 1;
/** Skips a given number of δ-coded integers.
This method should be significantly quicker than iterating n
times on
* {@link #readDelta()} or {@link #readLongDelta()}, as precomputed tables are used directly,
* so the number of method calls is greatly reduced, and the result is discarded, so
* {@link #skip(long)} can be invoked instead of more specific decoding methods.
* @param n the number of δ-coded integers to be skipped.
* @see #readDelta()
public void skipDeltas( int n ) throws IOException {
int preComp;
while( n-- != 0) {
if ( ( fill >= 16 || refill() >= 16 ) && ( preComp = DELTA[ current >> ( fill - 16 ) & 0xFFFF ] >> 16 ) != 0 ) {
readBits += preComp;
fill -= preComp;
skip( (long)readGamma() );
/** Reads a given number of δ-coded integers.
This method should be significantly quicker than iterating n
times on
* {@link #readDelta()}, as precomputed tables are used directly,
* so the number of method calls is greatly reduced.
* @param a an array of at least count
integers where the result
* wil be written starting at the first position.
* @param count the number of δ-coded integers to be read.
* @see #readDelta()
public void readDeltas( final int[] a, final int count ) throws IOException {
int preComp, msb;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
if ( ( fill >= 16 || refill() >= 16 ) && ( preComp = DELTA[ current >> ( fill - 16 ) & 0xFFFF ] ) != 0 ) {
readBits += preComp >> 16;
fill -= preComp >> 16;
a[ i ] = preComp & 0xFFFF;
a[ i ] = ( ( 1 << ( msb = readGamma() ) ) | readInt( msb ) ) - 1;
/** Reads a natural number in a limited range using a minimal binary coding.
* @param b a strict upper bound.
* @return the next minimally binary encoded natural number.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if you try to read a negative number or use a nonpositive base.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeMinimalBinary(int, int)
public int readMinimalBinary( final int b ) throws IOException {
return readMinimalBinary( b, Fast.mostSignificantBit( b ) );
/** Reads a natural number in a limited range using a minimal binary coding.
* This method is faster than {@link #readMinimalBinary(int)} because it does not
* have to compute log2b
* @param b a strict upper bound.
* @param log2b the floor of the base-2 logarithm of the bound.
* @return the next minimally binary encoded natural number.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if you try to read a negative number or use a nonpositive base.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeMinimalBinary(int, int)
public int readMinimalBinary( final int b, final int log2b ) throws IOException {
if ( b < 1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The bound " + b + " is not positive" );
final int m = ( 1 << log2b + 1 ) - b;
final int x = readInt( log2b );
if ( x < m ) return x;
else return ( ( x << 1 ) + readBit() - m );
/** Reads a long natural number in a limited range using a minimal binary coding.
* @param b a strict upper bound.
* @return the next minimally binary encoded long natural number.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if you try to read a negative number or use a nonpositive base.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeMinimalBinary(int, int)
public long readLongMinimalBinary( final long b ) throws IOException {
return readLongMinimalBinary( b, Fast.mostSignificantBit( b ) );
/** Reads a long natural number in a limited range using a minimal binary coding.
* This method is faster than {@link #readLongMinimalBinary(long)} because it does not
* have to compute log2b
* @param b a strict upper bound.
* @param log2b the floor of the base-2 logarithm of the bound.
* @return the next minimally binary encoded long natural number.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if you try to read a negative number or use a nonpositive base.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeMinimalBinary(int, int)
public long readLongMinimalBinary( final long b, final int log2b ) throws IOException {
if ( b < 1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The bound " + b + " is not positive" );
final long m = ( 1L << log2b + 1 ) - b;
final long x = readLong( log2b );
if ( x < m ) return x;
else return ( ( x << 1 ) + readBit() - m );
/** Reads a natural number in Golomb coding.
This method implements also the case in which b
is 0: in this case,
* nothing will be read, and 0 will be returned.
* @param b the modulus for the coding.
* @return the next Golomb-encoded natural number.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if you use a nonpositive modulus.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeGolomb(int, int)
public int readGolomb( final int b ) throws IOException {
return readGolomb( b, Fast.mostSignificantBit( b ) );
/** Reads a natural number in Golomb coding.
* This method is faster than {@link #readGolomb(int)} because it does not
* have to compute log2b
This method implements also the case in which b
is 0: in this case,
* nothing will be read, and 0 will be returned.
* @param b the modulus for the coding.
* @param log2b the floor of the base-2 logarithm of the coding modulus.
* @return the next Golomb-encoded natural number.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if you use a nonpositive modulus.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeGolomb(int, int)
public int readGolomb( final int b, final int log2b ) throws IOException {
if ( b < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The modulus " + b + " is negative" );
if ( b == 0 ) return 0;
return readUnary() * b + readMinimalBinary( b, log2b );
/** Reads a long natural number in Golomb coding.
This method implements also the case in which b
is 0: in this case,
* nothing will be read, and 0 will be returned.
* @param b the modulus for the coding.
* @return the next Golomb-encoded long natural number.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if you use a nonpositive modulus.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeGolomb(int, int)
public long readLongGolomb( final long b ) throws IOException {
return readLongGolomb( b, Fast.mostSignificantBit( b ) );
/** Reads a long natural number in Golomb coding.
* This method is faster than {@link #readLongGolomb(long)} because it does not
* have to compute log2b
This method implements also the case in which b
is 0: in this case,
* nothing will be read, and 0 will be returned.
* @param b the modulus for the coding.
* @param log2b the floor of the base-2 logarithm of the coding modulus.
* @return the next Golomb-encoded long natural number.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if you use a nonpositive modulus.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeGolomb(int, int)
public long readLongGolomb( final long b, final int log2b ) throws IOException {
if ( b < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The modulus " + b + " is negative" );
if ( b == 0 ) return 0;
return readUnary() * b + readLongMinimalBinary( b, log2b );
/** Reads a natural number in skewed Golomb coding.
This method implements also the case in which b
is 0: in this case,
* nothing will be read, and 0 will be returned.
* @param b the modulus for the coding.
* @return the next skewed Golomb-encoded natural number.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if you use a negative modulus.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeSkewedGolomb(int, int)
public int readSkewedGolomb( final int b ) throws IOException {
if ( b < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The modulus " + b + " is negative" );
if ( b == 0 ) return 0;
final int M = ( ( 1 << readUnary() + 1 ) - 1 ) * b;
final int m = ( M / ( 2 * b ) ) * b;
return m + readMinimalBinary( M - m );
/** Reads a long natural number in skewed Golomb coding.
This method implements also the case in which b
is 0: in this case,
* nothing will be read, and 0 will be returned.
* @param b the modulus for the coding.
* @return the next skewed Golomb-encoded long natural number.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if you use a negative modulus.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeSkewedGolomb(int, int)
public long readLongSkewedGolomb( final long b ) throws IOException {
if ( b < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The modulus " + b + " is negative" );
if ( b == 0 ) return 0;
final long M = ( ( 1 << readUnary() + 1 ) - 1 ) * b;
final long m = ( M / ( 2 * b ) ) * b;
return m + readLongMinimalBinary( M - m );
/** Reads a natural number in ζ coding.
* @param k the shrinking factor.
* @return the next ζ-encoded natural number.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if you use a nonpositive shrinking factor.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeZeta(int, int)
public int readZeta( final int k ) throws IOException {
if ( k < 1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The shrinking factor " + k + " is not positive" );
if ( k == 3 ) {
int preComp;
if ( ( fill >= 16 || refill() >= 16 ) && ( preComp = ZETA_3[ current >> ( fill - 16 ) & 0xFFFF ] ) != 0 ) {
readBits += preComp >> 16;
fill -= preComp >> 16;
return preComp & 0xFFFF;
final int h = readUnary();
final int left = 1 << h * k;
final int m = readInt( h * k + k - 1 );
if ( m < left ) return m + left - 1;
return ( m << 1 ) + readBit() - 1;
/** Reads a long natural number in ζ coding.
* @param k the shrinking factor.
* @return the next ζ-encoded long natural number.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if you use a nonpositive shrinking factor.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeZeta(int, int)
public long readLongZeta( final int k ) throws IOException {
if ( k < 1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The shrinking factor " + k + " is not positive" );
if ( k == 3 ) {
int preComp;
if ( ( fill >= 16 || refill() >= 16 ) && ( preComp = ZETA_3[ current >> ( fill - 16 ) & 0xFFFF ] ) != 0 ) {
readBits += preComp >> 16;
fill -= preComp >> 16;
return preComp & 0xFFFF;
final int h = readUnary();
final long left = 1L << h * k;
final long m = readLong( h * k + k - 1 );
if ( m < left ) return m + left - 1;
return ( m << 1 ) + readBit() - 1;
/** Skips a given number of ζ-coded integers.
This method should be significantly quicker than iterating n
times on
* {@link #readZeta(int)} or {@link #readLongZeta(int)}, as precomputed tables are used directly,
* so the number of method calls is greatly reduced, and the result is discarded, so
* {@link #skip(long)} can be invoked instead of more specific decoding methods.
* @param k the shrinking factor.
* @param n the number of ζ-coded integers to be skipped.
* @see #readZeta(int)
public void skipZetas( final int k, int n ) throws IOException {
int h, preComp;
while( n-- != 0) {
if ( k == 3 && ( fill >= 16 || refill() >= 16 ) && ( preComp = ZETA_3[ current >> ( fill - 16 ) & 0xFFFF ] >> 16 ) != 0 ) {
readBits += preComp;
fill -= preComp;
h = readUnary();
if ( readInt( h * k + k - 1 ) >= 1 << h * k ) skip( 1L );
/** Reads a given number of γ-coded integers.
This method should be significantly quicker than iterating n
times on
* {@link #readGamma()}, as precomputed tables are used directly,
* so the number of method calls is greatly reduced.
* @param k the shrinking factor.
* @param a an array of at least count
integers where the result
* wil be written starting at the first position.
* @param count the number of ζ-coded integers to be read.
* @see #readGamma()
public void readZetas( final int k, final int[] a, final int count ) throws IOException {
int h, left, m;
int preComp;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
if ( k == 3 && ( fill >= 16 || refill() >= 16 ) && ( preComp = ZETA_3[ current >> ( fill - 16 ) & 0xFFFF ] ) != 0 ) {
readBits += preComp >> 16;
fill -= preComp >> 16;
a[ i ] = preComp & 0xFFFF;
h = readUnary();
left = 1 << h * k;
m = readInt( h * k + k - 1 );
a[ i ] = m < left ? m + left - 1 : ( m << 1 ) + readBit() - 1;
/** Reads a natural number in variable-length nibble coding.
* @return the next variable-length nibble-encoded natural number.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeNibble(int)
public int readNibble() throws IOException {
int b;
int x = 0;
do {
x <<= 3;
b = readBit();
x |= readInt( 3 );
} while( b == 0 );
return x;
/** Reads a long natural number in variable-length nibble coding.
* @return the next variable-length nibble-encoded long natural number.
* @see OutputBitStream#writeNibble(int)
public long readLongNibble() throws IOException {
int b;
long x = 0;
do {
x <<= 3;
b = readBit();
x |= readInt( 3 );
} while( b == 0 );
return x;
public boolean hasNext() {
return true;
public boolean nextBoolean() {
try {
return readBit() != 0;
catch ( IOException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException( e );
/** Skips over the given number of bits.
* @param n the number of bits to skip.
* @return the number of bits actually skipped.
* @deprecated This method is simply an expensive, try/catch-surrounded version
* of {@link #skip(long)} that is made necessary by the interface
* by {@link BooleanIterator}.
public int skip( final int n ) {
try {
return (int)skip( (long)n );
catch ( IOException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException( e );