it.unimi.dsi.logging.ProgressLogger Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package it.unimi.dsi.logging;
* DSI utilities
* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Sebastiano Vigna
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import it.unimi.dsi.Util;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
/** Tunable progress logger.
* This class provides a simple way to log progress information about long-lasting activities.
To use this class, you first create a new instance by passing a
* {@linkplain org.apache.log4j.Logger Log4J logger}, a {@link org.apache.log4j.Priority}
* and a time interval in millisecond (you can use constants such as {@link #ONE_MINUTE}).
* Information will be logged about the current state of affairs no more often than the given
* time interval. The output of the logger depends on
* the {@linkplain #itemsName items name} (the name that will be used to denote counted
* items), which can be changed at any time.
To log the progress of an activity, you call {@link #start(CharSequence)} at the beginning, which will
* display the given string. Then, each time you want to mark progress, you call {@link #update()} or {@link #lightUpdate()}.
* The latter methods increase the item counter, and will log progress information if enough time
* has passed since the last log (and if the counter is a multiple of 2{@link #log2Modulus}, in the case of {@link #lightUpdate()}).
* When the activity is over, you call {@link #stop()}. At that point, the method {@link #toString()} returns
* information about the internal state of the logger (elapsed time, number of items per second) that
* can be printed or otherwise processed. If {@link #update()} has never been called, you will just
* get the elapsed time. By calling {@link #done()} instead of stop, this information will be logged for you.
Additionally, by setting the {@linkplain #expectedUpdates expected amount of updates} before
* calling {@link #start()} you can get some estimations on the completion time.
After you finished a run of the progress logger,
* you can change its attributes and call {@link #start()} again
* to measure another activity.
A typical call sequence to a progress logger is as follows:
* ProgressLogger pl = new ProgressLogger( logger, ProgressLogger.ONE_MINUTE );
* pl.start("Smashing pumpkins...");
* ... activity on pumpkins that calls update() on each pumpkin ...
* pl.done();
* A more flexible behaviour can be obtained at the end of the
* process by calling {@link #stop()}:
* ProgressLogger pl = new ProgressLogger( logger, ProgressLogger.ONE_MINUTE, "pumpkins" );
* pl.start("Smashing pumpkins...");
* ... activity on pumpkins that calls update() on each pumpkin ...
* pl.stop( "Really done!" );
* pl.logger.log( pl.priority, pm );
* Should you need to display additional information, you can set the field {@link #info} to any
* object: it will be printed just after the timing (and possibly memory) information.
Note that the {@linkplain org.apache.log4j.Logger Log4J logger} and
* priority are available via the public fields {@link #logger} and
* {@link #priority}: this makes it possible to pass around a progress logger and log additional information on
* the same logging stream. The priority is initialised to {@link Level#INFO}, but it can be set at any time.
* @author Sebastiano Vigna
* @since 0.9.3
public final class ProgressLogger {
public final static long ONE_SECOND = 1000;
public final static long TEN_SECONDS = 10 * ONE_SECOND;
public final static long ONE_MINUTE = ONE_SECOND * 60;
public final static long TEN_MINUTES = ONE_MINUTE * 10;
public final static long ONE_HOUR = ONE_MINUTE * 60;
public final static long DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL = TEN_SECONDS;
private static final Runtime RUNTIME = Runtime.getRuntime();
/** The default {@link #log2Modulus} for {@link #lightUpdate()}. */
public final int DEFAULT_LOG2_MODULUS = 10;
/** The logger used by this progress logger. */
final public Logger logger;
/** The priority used by this progress logger. It can be changed at any time. */
public Level priority = Level.INFO;
/** The time interval for a new log in milliseconds. */
public long logInterval;
/** Unused.
* @deprecated Replaced by {@link #log2Modulus}, which avoids the very slow modulus operator at each {@link #lightUpdate()} call.
public int modulus = 1000;
/** If nonzero, calls to {@link #lightUpdate()} will cause a call to
* {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} only if the current value of {@link #count}
* is a multiple of 2 raised to this power. */
public int log2Modulus = DEFAULT_LOG2_MODULUS;
/** If non-null
, this object will be printed after the timinig information. */
public Object info;
/** The number of calls to {@link #update()} since the last {@link #start()}. */
public long count;
/** The number of expected calls to {@link #update()} (used to compute the percentages, ignored if negative). */
public long expectedUpdates;
/** The name of several counted items. */
public String itemsName;
/** Whether to display the free memory at each progress log (default: false). */
public boolean displayFreeMemory;
/** The time at the last call to {@link #start()}. */
private long start;
/** The time at the last call to {@link #stop()}. */
private long stop;
/** The time of the last log. */
private long lastLog;
/** Creates a new progress logger using items as items name and logging every
* {@link #DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL} milliseconds with
* to the {@linkplain Logger#getRootLogger() root logger}.
public ProgressLogger() {
this( Logger.getRootLogger() );
/** Creates a new progress logger using items as items name and logging every {@link #DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL} milliseconds.
* @param logger the logger to which messages will be sent.
public ProgressLogger( final Logger logger ) {
this( logger, DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL );
/** Creates a new progress logger logging every {@link #DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL} milliseconds.
* @param logger the logger to which messages will be sent.
* @param itemsName a plural name denoting the counted items.
public ProgressLogger( final Logger logger, final String itemsName ) {
this( logger, DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL, itemsName );
/** Creates a new progress logger using items as items name.
* @param logger the logger to which messages will be sent.
* @param logInterval the logging interval in milliseconds.
public ProgressLogger( final Logger logger, final long logInterval ) {
this( logger, logInterval, "items" );
/** Creates a new progress logger.
* @param logger the logger to which messages will be sent.
* @param logInterval the logging interval in milliseconds.
* @param itemsName a plural name denoting the counted items.
public ProgressLogger( final Logger logger, final long logInterval, final String itemsName ) {
this.logger = logger;
this.logInterval = logInterval;
this.itemsName = itemsName;
this.expectedUpdates = -1;
/** Updates the progress logger.
This call updates the progress logger internal count. If enough time has passed since the
* last log, information will be logged.
This method is kept intentionally short (it delegates most of the work to an internal
* private method) so to suggest inlining. However, it performs a call to {@link System#currentTimeMillis()}
* that takes microseconds (not nanoseconds). If you plan on calling this method more than a
* few thousands times per second, you should use {@link #lightUpdate()}.
public void update() {
if ( System.currentTimeMillis() - lastLog >= logInterval ) updateInternal();
private String freeMemory() {
return ( displayFreeMemory ? "; used/avail/free/total/max mem: "
+ Util.formatSize( RUNTIME.totalMemory() - RUNTIME.freeMemory() ) + "/"
+ Util.formatSize( RUNTIME.freeMemory() + ( RUNTIME.maxMemory() - RUNTIME.totalMemory() ) ) + "/"
+ Util.formatSize( RUNTIME.freeMemory() ) + "/"
+ Util.formatSize( RUNTIME.totalMemory() ) + "/"
+ Util.formatSize( RUNTIME.maxMemory() ) : "" );
private void updateInternal() {
final long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
final long millisToEnd = Math.round( ( expectedUpdates - count ) * ( ( currentTime - start ) / ( count + 1.0 ) ) );
// Formatting is expensive, so we check for actual logging.
if ( logger.isEnabledFor( priority ) )
logger.log( priority, Util.format( count ) + " " + itemsName + ", " +
millis2hms( millis() ) + ", " + Util.format( ( count * 1000.0 ) / ( currentTime - start ) ) + " " + itemsName +
"/s" + ( expectedUpdates > 0 ? "; " + Util.format( ( 100 * count ) / expectedUpdates ) + "% done, " +
millis2hms( millisToEnd ) + " to end" : "" ) + freeMemory() + ( info != null ? "; " + info : "" ) );
lastLog = currentTime;
/** Updates the progress logger in a lightweight fashion.
This call updates the progress logger internal counter as {@link #update()}. However,
* it will actually call {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} only if the new {@link #count}
* is a multiple of 2{@link #log2Modulus}. This mechanism makes it possible to reduce the number of
* calls to {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} arbitrarily.
This method is useful when the operations being counted take less than a few microseconds.
* @see #update()
public final void lightUpdate() {
if ( ( ++count & ( 1L << log2Modulus ) - 1 ) == 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() - lastLog >= logInterval ) updateInternal();
/** Starts the progress logger, displaying a message and resetting the count.
* @param message the message to display.
public void start( final CharSequence message ) {
if ( message != null ) logger.log( priority, message );
start = lastLog = System.currentTimeMillis();
count = 0;
stop = -1;
/** Starts the progress logger, resetting the count.*/
public void start() { start( null ); }
/** Stops the progress logger, displaying a message.
This method will also mark {@link #expectedUpdates} as invalid,
* to avoid erroneous reuses of previous values.
* @param message the message to display.
public void stop( final CharSequence message ) {
if ( stop != -1 ) return;
if ( message != null ) logger.log( priority, message );
stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
expectedUpdates = -1;
/** Stops the progress logger. */
public void stop() { stop( null ); }
/** Completes a run of this progress logger, logging Completed. and the logger itself. */
public void done() {
stop( "Completed." );
logger.log( priority, this );
/** Returns the number of milliseconds between present time and the last call to {@link #start()}, if
* this progress logger is running, or between the last call to {@link #stop()} and the last call to {@link #start()}, if this
* progress logger is stopped.
* @return the number of milliseconds between present time and the last call to {@link #start()}, if
* this progress logger is running, or between the last call to {@link #stop()} and the last call to {@link #start()}, if this
* progress logger is stopped.
public long millis() {
if ( stop != -1 ) return stop - start;
else return System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
private String millis2hms( final long t ) {
if ( t < 1000 ) return t + "ms";
final long s = ( t / 1000 ) % 60;
final long m = ( ( t / 1000 ) / 60 ) % 60;
final long h = t / ( 3600 * 1000 );
if ( h == 0 && m == 0 ) return s + "s";
if ( h == 0 ) return m + "m " + s + "s";
return h + "h " + m + "m " + s + "s";
/** Converts the data stored in this progress logger to a string.
* @return the data in this progress logger in a printable form.
public String toString() {
final long t = stop - start + 1 ;
if ( t <= 0 ) return "Illegal progress logger state";
return "Elapsed: " + millis2hms( t ) + ( count != 0 ? " [" + Util.format( count ) + " " + itemsName + ", " + Util.format( count / ( t / 1000.0 ) ) + " " + itemsName + "/s]" : "" );