com.blinkfox.jpack.AbstractBaseMojo Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.blinkfox.jpack;
import com.blinkfox.jpack.consts.SkipErrorEnum;
import com.blinkfox.jpack.entity.CopyResource;
import com.blinkfox.jpack.entity.Docker;
import com.blinkfox.jpack.entity.Linux;
import com.blinkfox.jpack.entity.PackInfo;
import com.blinkfox.jpack.entity.Windows;
import com.blinkfox.jpack.utils.Logger;
import com.blinkfox.jpack.utils.TimeKit;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
* 基础 Mojo 需要的一些公共属性和方法等.
* @author blinkfox on 2019-05-13.
public abstract class AbstractBaseMojo extends AbstractMojo {
private static final String START = ""
+ "-------------------------- jpack start packing... -------------------------\n"
+ " __ __ \n"
+ " |__|______ _____ ____ | | __\n"
+ " | |\\____ \\ \\__ \\ _/ ___\\ | |/ /\n"
+ " | || |_> > / __ \\_\\ \\___ | < \n"
+ " /\\__| || __/ (____ / \\___ >|__|_ \\\n"
+ " \\______||__| \\/ \\/ \\/\n";
* 用来存放 jpack 打包时的文件夹名称常量.
static final String HOME_DIR_NAME = "jpack";
* JDK8 的镜像名称常量.
private static final String JDK8_IMAGE = "openjdk:8-jdk-alpine";
* 默认需要挂载出来的数据卷字符串数组常量.
private static final String[] DEFAULT_VOLUMES = new String[] {"/tmp", "logs"};
* Maven 运行时的 target 目录的文件对象.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.build.directory}", required = true)
private File targetDir;
* Maven 项目的 `groupId`.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.groupId}", required = true)
private String groupId;
* Maven 项目的 `artifactId`.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.artifactId}", required = true)
private String artifactId;
* Maven 项目的版本 `version`.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.version}", required = true)
private String version;
* 该 Maven 项目 pom.xml 中的 `finalName`,如果 Maven 中设置了此项,打包的名称前缀将是这个值,
* 否则打包的名称前缀 Maven 默认就是 `artifactId + version`.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.build.finalName}", required = true)
private String finalName;
* 该 Maven 项目 pom.xml 中的版本 `description`.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.description}")
private String description;
* 运行 Java 程序时的 JVM 相关的参数.
@Parameter(property = "vmOptions")
private String vmOptions;
* 运行 Java 程序时的程序本身可能需要的参数.
@Parameter(property = "programArgs")
private String programArgs;
* 运行 SpringBoot 程序所需要的配置文件路径,可以是相对路径或者绝对路径,可填写多个.
@Parameter(property = "configFiles")
private String[] configFiles;
* 支持的打包平台数组,如果没有或者为空,则视为支持所有平台.
@Parameter(property = "platforms")
protected String[] platforms;
* 执行过程中是否跳过异常或错误,如果为true则直跳过不抛异常,否则抛出异常,默认值是default,会折中做了默认处理.
@Parameter(property = "skipError")
private String skipError;
* 构建 Docker 发布包相关的参数.
@Parameter(property = "windows")
private Windows windows;
* 构建 Docker 发布包相关的参数.
@Parameter(property = "linux")
private Linux linux;
* 构建 Docker 发布包相关的参数.
@Parameter(property = "docker")
private Docker docker;
* 需要排除(即不生成)的文件或目录.
@Parameter(property = "excludeFiles")
private String[] excludeFiles;
* 复制相关资源到各平台包的中的自定义配置参数.
@Parameter(property = "copyResources")
private CopyResource[] copyResources;
* Perform whatever build-process behavior this Mojo
* This is the main trigger for the Mojo
inside the Maven
system, and allows
* the Mojo
to communicate errors.
public void execute() {
final long start = System.nanoTime();
Logger.info("------------- jpack has been packaged to end. [costs: "
+ TimeKit.convertTime(System.nanoTime() - start) + "] -------------\n");
* 正式执行构建的方法.
protected abstract void exec();
* 构建 PackInfo 对象实例,便于传递复用此对象属性.
* @return PackInfo 对象实例
protected PackInfo buildPackInfo() {
PackInfo packInfo = new PackInfo()
return packInfo;
* 创建 jpack 主文件夹目录.
* @return jpack 目录的 file 对象
private File createHomeDir() {
File file = new File(this.targetDir + File.separator + HOME_DIR_NAME + File.separator);
try {
if (file.exists()) {
} else {
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.error("创建 jpack 文件夹失败!请检查其中是否有文件正在使用! ", e);
return file;
* 构建 Docker 镜像相关的默认信息.
* @return Docker实例
private Docker initDefaultDockerInfo() {
if (this.docker == null) {
this.docker = new Docker();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(this.docker.getRepo())) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(this.docker.getName())) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(this.docker.getTag())) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(this.docker.getFromImage())) {
if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(this.docker.getVolumes())) {
return this.docker;
/* getter and setter methods. */
void setTargetDir(File targetDir) {
this.targetDir = targetDir;
void setGroupId(String groupId) {
this.groupId = groupId;
void setArtifactId(String artifactId) {
this.artifactId = artifactId;
void setVersion(String version) {
this.version = version;
void setFinalName(String finalName) {
this.finalName = finalName;
void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
public Docker getDocker() {
return docker;
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