jetty.br.jsp Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Bluejeans common utilities
<%@page import="java.util.*,
private static final boolean NATIVE_COMMANDS = true;
*If true, all operations (besides upload and native commands)
*which change something on the file system are permitted
private static final boolean READ_ONLY = false;
//If true, uploads are allowed even if READ_ONLY = true
private static final boolean ALLOW_UPLOAD = true;
//Allow browsing and file manipulation only in certain directories
private static final boolean RESTRICT_BROWSING = false;
//If true, the user is allowed to browse only in RESTRICT_PATH,
//if false, the user is allowed to browse all directories besides RESTRICT_PATH
private static final boolean RESTRICT_WHITELIST = false;
//Paths, sperated by semicolon
//private static final String RESTRICT_PATH = "C:\\CODE;E:\\"; //Win32: Case important!!
private static final String RESTRICT_PATH = "/etc;/var";
//The refresh time in seconds of the upload monitor window
private static final int UPLOAD_MONITOR_REFRESH = 2;
//The number of colums for the edit field
private static final int EDITFIELD_COLS = 85;
//The number of rows for the edit field
private static final int EDITFIELD_ROWS = 30;
//Open a new window to view a file
private static final boolean USE_POPUP = true;
* If USE_DIR_PREVIEW = true, then for every directory a tooltip will be
* created (hold the mouse over the link) with the first DIR_PREVIEW_NUMBER entries.
* This can yield to performance issues. Turn it off, if the directory loads to slow.
private static final boolean USE_DIR_PREVIEW = false;
private static final int DIR_PREVIEW_NUMBER = 10;
* The name of an optional CSS Stylesheet file
private static final String CSS_NAME = "Browser.css";
* The compression level for zip file creation (0-9)
* 0 = No compression
* 1 = Standard compression (Very fast)
* ...
* 9 = Best compression (Very slow)
private static final int COMPRESSION_LEVEL = 1;
* The FORBIDDEN_DRIVES are not displayed on the list. This can be usefull, if the
* server runs on a windows platform, to avoid a message box, if you try to access
* an empty removable drive (See KNOWN BUGS in Readme.txt).
private static final String[] FORBIDDEN_DRIVES = {"a:\\"};
* Command of the shell interpreter and the parameter to run a programm
private static final String[] COMMAND_INTERPRETER = {"cmd", "/C"}; // Dos,Windows
//private static final String[] COMMAND_INTERPRETER = {"/bin/sh","-c"}; // Unix
* Max time in ms a process is allowed to run, before it will be terminated
private static final long MAX_PROCESS_RUNNING_TIME = 30 * 1000; //30 seconds
//Button names
private static final String SAVE_AS_ZIP = "Download selected files as (z)ip";
private static final String RENAME_FILE = "(R)ename File";
private static final String DELETE_FILES = "(Del)ete selected files";
private static final String CREATE_DIR = "Create (D)ir";
private static final String CREATE_FILE = "(C)reate File";
private static final String MOVE_FILES = "(M)ove Files";
private static final String COPY_FILES = "Cop(y) Files";
private static final String LAUNCH_COMMAND = "(L)aunch external program";
private static final String UPLOAD_FILES = "Upload";
//Normally you should not change anything after this line
//Change this to locate the tempfile directory for upload (not longer needed)
private static String tempdir = ".";
private static String VERSION_NR = "1.2";
private static DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance();
public class UplInfo {
public long totalSize;
public long currSize;
public long starttime;
public boolean aborted;
public UplInfo() {
totalSize = 0l;
currSize = 0l;
starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();
aborted = false;
public UplInfo(int size) {
totalSize = size;
currSize = 0;
starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();
aborted = false;
public String getUprate() {
long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime;
if (time != 0) {
long uprate = currSize * 1000 / time;
return convertFileSize(uprate) + "/s";
else return "n/a";
public int getPercent() {
if (totalSize == 0) return 0;
else return (int) (currSize * 100 / totalSize);
public String getTimeElapsed() {
long time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime) / 1000l;
if (time - 60l >= 0){
if (time % 60 >=10) return time / 60 + ":" + (time % 60) + "m";
else return time / 60 + ":0" + (time % 60) + "m";
else return time<10 ? "0" + time + "s": time + "s";
public String getTimeEstimated() {
if (currSize == 0) return "n/a";
long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime;
time = totalSize * time / currSize;
time /= 1000l;
if (time - 60l >= 0){
if (time % 60 >=10) return time / 60 + ":" + (time % 60) + "m";
else return time / 60 + ":0" + (time % 60) + "m";
else return time<10 ? "0" + time + "s": time + "s";
public class FileInfo {
public String name = null, clientFileName = null, fileContentType = null;
private byte[] fileContents = null;
public File file = null;
public StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(100);
public void setFileContents(byte[] aByteArray) {
fileContents = new byte[aByteArray.length];
System.arraycopy(aByteArray, 0, fileContents, 0, aByteArray.length);
public static class UploadMonitor {
static Hashtable uploadTable = new Hashtable();
static void set(String fName, UplInfo info) {
uploadTable.put(fName, info);
static void remove(String fName) {
static UplInfo getInfo(String fName) {
UplInfo info = (UplInfo) uploadTable.get(fName);
return info;
// A Class with methods used to process a ServletInputStream
public class HttpMultiPartParser {
//private final String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n");
private final int ONE_MB = 1024 * 1;
public Hashtable processData(ServletInputStream is, String boundary, String saveInDir,
int clength) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
if (is == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("InputStream");
if (boundary == null || boundary.trim().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"\"" + boundary + "\" is an illegal boundary indicator");
boundary = "--" + boundary;
StringTokenizer stLine = null, stFields = null;
FileInfo fileInfo = null;
Hashtable dataTable = new Hashtable(5);
String line = null, field = null, paramName = null;
boolean saveFiles = (saveInDir != null && saveInDir.trim().length() > 0);
boolean isFile = false;
if (saveFiles) { // Create the required directory (including parent dirs)
File f = new File(saveInDir);
line = getLine(is);
if (line == null || !line.startsWith(boundary)) throw new IOException(
"Boundary not found; boundary = " + boundary + ", line = " + line);
while (line != null) {
if (line == null || !line.startsWith(boundary)) return dataTable;
line = getLine(is);
if (line == null) return dataTable;
stLine = new StringTokenizer(line, ";\r\n");
if (stLine.countTokens() < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Bad data in second line");
line = stLine.nextToken().toLowerCase();
if (line.indexOf("form-data") < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Bad data in second line");
stFields = new StringTokenizer(stLine.nextToken(), "=\"");
if (stFields.countTokens() < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Bad data in second line");
fileInfo = new FileInfo();
paramName = stFields.nextToken();
isFile = false;
if (stLine.hasMoreTokens()) {
field = stLine.nextToken();
stFields = new StringTokenizer(field, "=\"");
if (stFields.countTokens() > 1) {
if (stFields.nextToken().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("filename")) {
fileInfo.name = paramName;
String value = stFields.nextToken();
if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) {
fileInfo.clientFileName = value;
isFile = true;
else {
line = getLine(is); // Skip "Content-Type:" line
line = getLine(is); // Skip blank line
line = getLine(is); // Skip blank line
line = getLine(is); // Position to boundary line
else if (field.toLowerCase().indexOf("filename") >= 0) {
line = getLine(is); // Skip "Content-Type:" line
line = getLine(is); // Skip blank line
line = getLine(is); // Skip blank line
line = getLine(is); // Position to boundary line
boolean skipBlankLine = true;
if (isFile) {
line = getLine(is);
if (line == null) return dataTable;
if (line.trim().length() < 1) skipBlankLine = false;
else {
stLine = new StringTokenizer(line, ": ");
if (stLine.countTokens() < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Bad data in third line");
stLine.nextToken(); // Content-Type
fileInfo.fileContentType = stLine.nextToken();
if (skipBlankLine) {
line = getLine(is);
if (line == null) return dataTable;
if (!isFile) {
line = getLine(is);
if (line == null) return dataTable;
dataTable.put(paramName, line);
// If parameter is dir, change saveInDir to dir
if (paramName.equals("dir")) saveInDir = line;
line = getLine(is);
try {
UplInfo uplInfo = new UplInfo(clength);
UploadMonitor.set(fileInfo.clientFileName, uplInfo);
OutputStream os = null;
String path = null;
if (saveFiles) os = new FileOutputStream(path = getFileName(saveInDir,
else os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(ONE_MB);
boolean readingContent = true;
byte previousLine[] = new byte[2 * ONE_MB];
byte temp[] = null;
byte currentLine[] = new byte[2 * ONE_MB];
int read, read3;
if ((read = is.readLine(previousLine, 0, previousLine.length)) == -1) {
line = null;
while (readingContent) {
if ((read3 = is.readLine(currentLine, 0, currentLine.length)) == -1) {
line = null;
uplInfo.aborted = true;
if (compareBoundary(boundary, currentLine)) {
os.write(previousLine, 0, read - 2);
line = new String(currentLine, 0, read3);
else {
os.write(previousLine, 0, read);
uplInfo.currSize += read;
temp = currentLine;
currentLine = previousLine;
previousLine = temp;
read = read3;
}//end else
}//end while
if (!saveFiles) {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = (ByteArrayOutputStream) os;
else fileInfo.file = new File(path);
dataTable.put(paramName, fileInfo);
uplInfo.currSize = uplInfo.totalSize;
}//end try
catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
return dataTable;
* Compares boundary string to byte array
private boolean compareBoundary(String boundary, byte ba[]) {
if (boundary == null || ba == null) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < boundary.length(); i++)
if ((byte) boundary.charAt(i) != ba[i]) return false;
return true;
/** Convenience method to read HTTP header lines */
private synchronized String getLine(ServletInputStream sis) throws IOException {
byte b[] = new byte[1024];
int read = sis.readLine(b, 0, b.length), index;
String line = null;
if (read != -1) {
line = new String(b, 0, read);
if ((index = line.indexOf('\n')) >= 0) line = line.substring(0, index - 1);
return line;
public String getFileName(String dir, String fileName) throws IllegalArgumentException {
String path = null;
if (dir == null || fileName == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"dir or fileName is null");
int index = fileName.lastIndexOf('/');
String name = null;
if (index >= 0) name = fileName.substring(index + 1);
else name = fileName;
index = name.lastIndexOf('\\');
if (index >= 0) fileName = name.substring(index + 1);
path = dir + File.separator + fileName;
if (File.separatorChar == '/') return path.replace('\\', File.separatorChar);
else return path.replace('/', File.separatorChar);
} //End of class HttpMultiPartParser
* This class is a comparator to sort the filenames and dirs
class FileComp implements Comparator {
int mode;
int sign;
FileComp() {
this.mode = 1;
this.sign = 1;
* @param mode sort by 1=Filename, 2=Size, 3=Date, 4=Type
* The default sorting method is by Name
* Negative mode means descending sort
FileComp(int mode) {
if (mode < 0) {
this.mode = -mode;
sign = -1;
else {
this.mode = mode;
this.sign = 1;
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
File f1 = (File) o1;
File f2 = (File) o2;
if (f1.isDirectory()) {
if (f2.isDirectory()) {
switch (mode) {
//Filename or Type
case 1:
case 4:
return sign
* f1.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase().compareTo(
case 2:
return sign * (new Long(f1.length()).compareTo(new Long(f2.length())));
case 3:
return sign
* (new Long(f1.lastModified())
.compareTo(new Long(f2.lastModified())));
return 1;
else return -1;
else if (f2.isDirectory()) return 1;
else {
switch (mode) {
case 1:
return sign
* f1.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase().compareTo(
case 2:
return sign * (new Long(f1.length()).compareTo(new Long(f2.length())));
case 3:
return sign
* (new Long(f1.lastModified()).compareTo(new Long(f2.lastModified())));
case 4: { // Sort by extension
int tempIndexf1 = f1.getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf('.');
int tempIndexf2 = f2.getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf('.');
if ((tempIndexf1 == -1) && (tempIndexf2 == -1)) { // Neither have an extension
return sign
* f1.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase().compareTo(
// f1 has no extension
else if (tempIndexf1 == -1) return -sign;
// f2 has no extension
else if (tempIndexf2 == -1) return sign;
// Both have an extension
else {
String tempEndf1 = f1.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase()
String tempEndf2 = f2.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase()
return sign * tempEndf1.compareTo(tempEndf2);
return 1;
* Wrapperclass to wrap an OutputStream around a Writer
class Writer2Stream extends OutputStream {
Writer out;
Writer2Stream(Writer w) {
out = w;
public void write(int i) throws IOException {
public void write(byte[] b) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
int n = b[i];
//Convert byte to ubyte
n = ((n >>> 4) & 0xF) * 16 + (n & 0xF);
public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
for (int i = off; i < off + len; i++) {
int n = b[i];
n = ((n >>> 4) & 0xF) * 16 + (n & 0xF);
} //End of class Writer2Stream
static Vector expandFileList(String[] files, boolean inclDirs) {
Vector v = new Vector();
if (files == null) return v;
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
v.add(new File(URLDecoder.decode(files[i])));
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
File f = (File) v.get(i);
if (f.isDirectory()) {
File[] fs = f.listFiles();
for (int n = 0; n < fs.length; n++)
if (!inclDirs) {
return v;
* Method to build an absolute path
* @param dir the root dir
* @param name the name of the new directory
* @return if name is an absolute directory, returns name, else returns dir+name
static String getDir(String dir, String name) {
if (!dir.endsWith(File.separator)) dir = dir + File.separator;
File mv = new File(name);
String new_dir = null;
if (!mv.isAbsolute()) {
new_dir = dir + name;
else new_dir = name;
return new_dir;
* This Method converts a byte size in a kbytes or Mbytes size, depending on the size
* @param size The size in bytes
* @return String with size and unit
static String convertFileSize(long size) {
int divisor = 1;
String unit = "bytes";
if (size >= 1024 * 1024) {
divisor = 1024 * 1024;
unit = "MB";
else if (size >= 1024) {
divisor = 1024;
unit = "KB";
if (divisor == 1) return size / divisor + " " + unit;
String aftercomma = "" + 100 * (size % divisor) / divisor;
if (aftercomma.length() == 1) aftercomma = "0" + aftercomma;
return size / divisor + "." + aftercomma + " " + unit;
* Copies all data from in to out
* @param in the input stream
* @param out the output stream
* @param buffer copy buffer
static void copyStreams(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] buffer) throws IOException {
copyStreamsWithoutClose(in, out, buffer);
* Copies all data from in to out
* @param in the input stream
* @param out the output stream
* @param buffer copy buffer
static void copyStreamsWithoutClose(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] buffer)
throws IOException {
int b;
while ((b = in.read(buffer)) != -1)
out.write(buffer, 0, b);
* Returns the Mime Type of the file, depending on the extension of the filename
static String getMimeType(String fName) {
fName = fName.toLowerCase();
if (fName.endsWith(".jpg") || fName.endsWith(".jpeg") || fName.endsWith(".jpe")) return "image/jpeg";
else if (fName.endsWith(".gif")) return "image/gif";
else if (fName.endsWith(".pdf")) return "application/pdf";
else if (fName.endsWith(".htm") || fName.endsWith(".html") || fName.endsWith(".shtml")) return "text/html";
else if (fName.endsWith(".avi")) return "video/x-msvideo";
else if (fName.endsWith(".mov") || fName.endsWith(".qt")) return "video/quicktime";
else if (fName.endsWith(".mpg") || fName.endsWith(".mpeg") || fName.endsWith(".mpe")) return "video/mpeg";
else if (fName.endsWith(".zip")) return "application/zip";
else if (fName.endsWith(".tiff") || fName.endsWith(".tif")) return "image/tiff";
else if (fName.endsWith(".rtf")) return "application/rtf";
else if (fName.endsWith(".mid") || fName.endsWith(".midi")) return "audio/x-midi";
else if (fName.endsWith(".xl") || fName.endsWith(".xls") || fName.endsWith(".xlv")
|| fName.endsWith(".xla") || fName.endsWith(".xlb") || fName.endsWith(".xlt")
|| fName.endsWith(".xlm") || fName.endsWith(".xlk")) return "application/excel";
else if (fName.endsWith(".doc") || fName.endsWith(".dot")) return "application/msword";
else if (fName.endsWith(".png")) return "image/png";
else if (fName.endsWith(".xml")) return "text/xml";
else if (fName.endsWith(".svg")) return "image/svg+xml";
else if (fName.endsWith(".mp3")) return "audio/mp3";
else if (fName.endsWith(".ogg")) return "audio/ogg";
else return "text/plain";
* Converts some important chars (int) to the corresponding html string
static String conv2Html(int i) {
if (i == '&') return "&";
else if (i == '<') return "<";
else if (i == '>') return ">";
else if (i == '"') return """;
else return "" + (char) i;
* Converts a normal string to a html conform string
static String conv2Html(String st) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < st.length(); i++) {
return buf.toString();
* Starts a native process on the server
* @param command the command to start the process
* @param dir the dir in which the process starts
static String startProcess(String command, String dir) throws IOException {
StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer();
String[] comm = new String[3];
comm[2] = command;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
//Start process
Process ls_proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(comm, null, new File(dir));
//Get input and error streams
BufferedInputStream ls_in = new BufferedInputStream(ls_proc.getInputStream());
BufferedInputStream ls_err = new BufferedInputStream(ls_proc.getErrorStream());
boolean end = false;
while (!end) {
int c = 0;
while ((ls_err.available() > 0) && (++c <= 1000)) {
c = 0;
while ((ls_in.available() > 0) && (++c <= 1000)) {
try {
//if the process has not finished, an exception is thrown
while (ls_err.available() > 0)
while (ls_in.available() > 0)
end = true;
catch (IllegalThreadStateException ex) {
//Process is running
//The process is not allowed to run longer than given time.
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - start > MAX_PROCESS_RUNNING_TIME) {
end = true;
ret.append("!!!! Process has timed out, destroyed !!!!!");
try {
catch (InterruptedException ie) {}
catch (IOException e) {
ret.append("Error: " + e);
return ret.toString();
* Converts a dir string to a linked dir string
* @param dir the directory string (e.g. /usr/local/httpd)
* @param browserLink web-path to Browser.jsp
static String dir2linkdir(String dir, String browserLink, int sortMode) {
File f = new File(dir);
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
while (f.getParentFile() != null) {
if (f.canRead()) {
String encPath = URLEncoder.encode(f.getAbsolutePath());
buf.insert(0, "" + conv2Html(f.getName()) + File.separator + "");
else buf.insert(0, conv2Html(f.getName()) + File.separator);
f = f.getParentFile();
if (f.canRead()) {
String encPath = URLEncoder.encode(f.getAbsolutePath());
buf.insert(0, "" + conv2Html(f.getAbsolutePath()) + "");
else buf.insert(0, f.getAbsolutePath());
return buf.toString();
* Returns true if the given filename tends towards a packed file
static boolean isPacked(String name, boolean gz) {
return (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip") || name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")
|| (gz && name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".gz")) || name.toLowerCase()
* If RESTRICT_BROWSING = true this method checks, whether the path is allowed or not
static boolean isAllowed(File path, boolean write) throws IOException{
if (READ_ONLY && write) return false;
StringTokenizer stk = new StringTokenizer(RESTRICT_PATH, ";");
while (stk.hasMoreTokens()){
if (path!=null && path.getCanonicalPath().startsWith(stk.nextToken()))
else return true;
//Get the current browsing directory
request.setAttribute("dir", request.getParameter("dir"));
// The browser_name variable is used to keep track of the URI
// of the jsp file itself. It is used in all link-backs.
final String browser_name = request.getRequestURI();
final String FOL_IMG = "";
boolean nohtml = false;
boolean dir_view = true;
//Get Javascript
if (request.getParameter("Javascript") != null) {
dir_view = false;
nohtml = true;
//Tell the browser that it should cache the javascript
response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "public");
Date now = new Date();
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z", Locale.US);
response.setHeader("Expires", sdf.format(new Date(now.getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24*2)));
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/javascript");
<%// This section contains the Javascript used for interface elements %>
var check = false;
<%// Disables the checkbox feature %>
function dis(){check = true;}
var DOM = 0, MS = 0, OP = 0, b = 0;
<%// Determine the browser type %>
function CheckBrowser(){
if (b == 0){
if (window.opera) OP = 1;
// Moz or Netscape
if(document.getElementById) DOM = 1;
// Micro$oft
if(document.all && !OP) MS = 1;
b = 1;
<%// Allows the whole row to be selected %>
function selrow (element, i){
var erst;
if ((OP==1)||(MS==1)) erst = element.firstChild.firstChild;
else if (DOM==1) erst = element.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild;
<%// MouseIn %>
if (i==0){
if (erst.checked == true) element.className='mousechecked';
else element.className='mousein';
<%// MouseOut %>
else if (i==1){
if (erst.checked == true) element.className='checked';
else element.className='mouseout';
<% // MouseClick %>
else if ((i==2)&&(!check)){
if (erst.checked==true) element.className='mousein';
else element.className='mousechecked';
else check=false;
<%// Filter files and dirs in FileList%>
function filter (begriff){
var suche = begriff.value.toLowerCase();
var table = document.getElementById("filetable");
var ele;
for (var r = 1; r < table.rows.length; r++){
ele = table.rows[r].cells[1].innerHTML.replace(/<[^>]+>/g,"");
if (ele.toLowerCase().indexOf(suche)>=0 )
table.rows[r].style.display = '';
else table.rows[r].style.display = 'none';
<%//(De)select all checkboxes%>
function AllFiles(){
for(var x=0;x < document.FileList.elements.length;x++){
var y = document.FileList.elements[x];
var ytr = y.parentNode.parentNode;
var check = document.FileList.selall.checked;
if(y.name == 'selfile' && ytr.style.display != 'none'){
if (y.disabled != true){
y.checked = check;
if (y.checked == true) ytr.className = 'checked';
else ytr.className = 'mouseout';
function shortKeyHandler(_event){
if (!_event) _event = window.event;
if (_event.which) {
keycode = _event.which;
} else if (_event.keyCode) {
keycode = _event.keyCode;
var t = document.getElementById("text_Dir");
if (keycode == 122){
//r, F2
else if (keycode == 113 || keycode == 114){
var path = prompt("Please enter new filename", "");
if (path == null) return;
t.value = path;
else if (keycode == 99){
var path = prompt("Please enter filename", "");
if (path == null) return;
t.value = path;
else if (keycode == 100){
var path = prompt("Please enter directory name", "");
if (path == null) return;
t.value = path;
else if (keycode == 109){
var path = prompt("Please enter move destination", "");
if (path == null) return;
t.value = path;
else if (keycode == 121){
var path = prompt("Please enter copy destination", "");
if (path == null) return;
t.value = path;
else if (keycode == 108){
else if (keycode == 46){
function popUp(URL){
fname = document.getElementsByName("myFile")[0].value;
if (fname != "")
document.onkeypress = shortKeyHandler;
<% }
// View file
else if (request.getParameter("file") != null) {
File f = new File(request.getParameter("file"));
if (!isAllowed(f, false)) {
request.setAttribute("dir", f.getParent());
request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access "+f.getAbsolutePath());
else if (f.exists() && f.canRead()) {
if (isPacked(f.getName(), false)) {
//If zipFile, do nothing here
String mimeType = getMimeType(f.getName());
if (mimeType.equals("text/plain")) response.setHeader(
"Content-Disposition", "inline;filename=\"temp.txt\"");
else response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;filename=\""
+ f.getName() + "\"");
BufferedInputStream fileInput = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));
byte buffer[] = new byte[8 * 1024];
OutputStream out_s = new Writer2Stream(out);
copyStreamsWithoutClose(fileInput, out_s, buffer);
nohtml = true;
dir_view = false;
else {
request.setAttribute("dir", f.getParent());
request.setAttribute("error", "File " + f.getAbsolutePath()
+ " does not exist or is not readable on the server");
// Download selected files as zip file
else if ((request.getParameter("Submit") != null)
&& (request.getParameter("Submit").equals(SAVE_AS_ZIP))) {
Vector v = expandFileList(request.getParameterValues("selfile"), false);
//Check if all files in vector are allowed
String notAllowedFile = null;
for (int i = 0;i < v.size(); i++){
File f = (File) v.get(i);
if (!isAllowed(f, false)){
notAllowedFile = f.getAbsolutePath();
if (notAllowedFile != null){
request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + notAllowedFile);
else if (v.size() == 0) {
request.setAttribute("error", "No files selected");
else {
File dir_file = new File("" + request.getAttribute("dir"));
int dir_l = dir_file.getAbsolutePath().length();
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"rename_me.zip\"");
ZipOutputStream zipout = new ZipOutputStream(new Writer2Stream(out));
zipout.setComment("Created by jsp File Browser v. " + VERSION_NR);
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
File f = (File) v.get(i);
if (f.canRead()) {
zipout.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(f.getAbsolutePath().substring(dir_l + 1)));
BufferedInputStream fr = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));
byte buffer[] = new byte[0xffff];
copyStreamsWithoutClose(fr, zipout, buffer);
/* int b;
while ((b=fr.read())!=-1) zipout.write(b);*/
nohtml = true;
dir_view = false;
// Download file
else if (request.getParameter("downfile") != null) {
String filePath = request.getParameter("downfile");
File f = new File(filePath);
if (!isAllowed(f, false)){
request.setAttribute("dir", f.getParent());
request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + f.getAbsoluteFile());
else if (f.exists() && f.canRead()) {
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"" + f.getName()
+ "\"");
response.setContentLength((int) f.length());
BufferedInputStream fileInput = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));
byte buffer[] = new byte[8 * 1024];
OutputStream out_s = new Writer2Stream(out);
copyStreamsWithoutClose(fileInput, out_s, buffer);
nohtml = true;
dir_view = false;
else {
request.setAttribute("dir", f.getParent());
request.setAttribute("error", "File " + f.getAbsolutePath()
+ " does not exist or is not readable on the server");
if (nohtml) return;
// If no parameter is submitted, it will take the path from jsp file browser
if (request.getAttribute("dir") == null) {
String path = null;
if (application.getRealPath(request.getRequestURI()) != null) {
File f = new File(application.getRealPath(request.getRequestURI())).getParentFile();
//This is a hack needed for tomcat
while (f != null && !f.exists())
f = f.getParentFile();
if (f != null)
path = f.getAbsolutePath();
if (path == null) { // handle the case where we are not in a directory (ex: war file)
path = new File(".").getAbsolutePath();
//Check path
if (!isAllowed(new File(path), false)){
//TODO Blacklist
if (RESTRICT_PATH.indexOf(";")<0) path = RESTRICT_PATH;
else path = RESTRICT_PATH.substring(0, RESTRICT_PATH.indexOf(";"));
request.setAttribute("dir", path);
if (request.getParameter("uplMonitor") == null) {%>
//Check path
if (!isAllowed(new File((String)request.getAttribute("dir")), false)){
request.setAttribute("error", "You are not allowed to access " + request.getAttribute("dir"));
//Upload monitor
else if (request.getParameter("uplMonitor") != null) {%>
String fname = request.getParameter("uplMonitor");
//First opening
boolean first = false;
if (request.getParameter("first") != null) first = true;
UplInfo info = new UplInfo();
if (!first) {
info = UploadMonitor.getInfo(fname);
if (info == null) {
int posi = fname.lastIndexOf("\\");
if (posi != -1) info = UploadMonitor.getInfo(fname.substring(posi + 1));
if (info == null) {
int posi = fname.lastIndexOf("/");
if (posi != -1) info = UploadMonitor.getInfo(fname.substring(posi + 1));
dir_view = false;
request.setAttribute("dir", null);
if (info.aborted) {
Upload of <%=fname%>
Upload aborted.
else if (info.totalSize != info.currSize || info.currSize == 0) {
Upload of <%=fname%>
<%=convertFileSize(info.currSize)%> from <%=convertFileSize(info.totalSize)%>
(<%=info.getPercent()%> %) uploaded (Speed: <%=info.getUprate()%>).
Time: <%=info.getTimeElapsed()%> from <%=info.getTimeEstimated()%>