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package com.boozallen.drift.detection.algorithm;
* #%L
* Drift Detection::Core
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2021 Booz Allen
* %%
* This software package is licensed under the Booz Allen Public License. All Rights Reserved.
* #L%
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.Mean;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.StandardDeviation;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.boozallen.drift.detection.DriftDetectionException;
import com.boozallen.drift.detection.DriftDetectionResult;
public class StandardDeviationDriftAlgorithm extends AbstractDriftAlgorithm {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StandardDeviationDriftAlgorithm.class);
private static final String DEFAULT_ZSCORE = "1";
private static final int NUMBER_DECIMAL_PLACES = 6;
public static final String MEAN_CONFIGURATION = "mean";
public static final String STANDARD_DEVIATION_CONFIGURATION = "standardDeviation";
public static final String ZSCORE_CONFIGURATION = "zScore";
public static final String UPPER_BOUND_CONFIGURATION = "upperBound";
public static final String LOWER_BOUND_CONFIGURATION = "lowerBound";
private Double mean = null;
private Double standardDeviation = null;
private Double zScore = new Double(DEFAULT_ZSCORE);
private Double upperBound = null;
private Double lowerBound = null;
public DriftDetectionResult calculateDrift() {
// Currently not applicable to this algorithm, so ignore or decide a
// pattern to handle.
throw new DriftDetectionException("Method currently not implemented");
public DriftDetectionResult calculateDrift(DriftData input) {
// Go run it against the input data but first make sure we have enough
// data
if (upperBound == null || lowerBound == null) {
throw new DriftDetectionException(
"Not enough information to detect drift. Either add configurations to the rule or pass in control data");
return detectDrift(mean, standardDeviation, upperBound, lowerBound, input);
// Calculate drift based on a set of input data and a set of control
// data
public DriftDetectionResult calculateDrift(DriftData input, DriftData control) {
// validate and convert the data
double[] controlValues = validateAndConvertControl(control);
// Calculate control data
Double calculatedMean = calculateMean(controlValues);"Mean calculated as {} from control data", calculatedMean);
Double calculatedStandardDeviation = calculateStandardDeviation(calculatedMean, controlValues);"Standard deviation calculated as {} from control data", calculatedStandardDeviation);
// Calculate the upper and lower bounds for our comparisons
Double calculatedUpperBound = calculateUpperBound(calculatedMean, calculatedStandardDeviation, zScore);"Upper bound calculated as {}", calculatedUpperBound);
Double calculatedLowerBound = calculateLowerBound(calculatedMean, calculatedStandardDeviation, zScore);"Lower bound calculated as {}", calculatedLowerBound);
// Perform drift detection
return detectDrift(calculatedMean, calculatedStandardDeviation, calculatedUpperBound, calculatedLowerBound,
protected DriftDetectionResult detectDrift(Double mean, Double standardDeviation, Double upperBound,
Double lowerBound, DriftData input) {
DriftDetectionResult result = createNewBaseResult();
// Validate and convert the data
List values = validateAndConvertInput(input);
// Find the max value
Double max = Collections.max(values);
boolean driftDetected = false;
if (max > upperBound) {
// Drift has been detected
driftDetected = true;
result.getMetadata().put(UPPER_BOUND_CONFIGURATION, upperBound);
if (!driftDetected) {
Double min = Collections.min(values);
if (min < lowerBound) {
// Drift has been detected
driftDetected = true;
result.getMetadata().put(LOWER_BOUND_CONFIGURATION, lowerBound);
// Add the information about the results
// Add metadata about the configurations used for this run, including
// the mean, standard deviation, and zScore
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(input.getName())) {
result.getMetadata().put(MEAN_CONFIGURATION, mean);
result.getMetadata().put(STANDARD_DEVIATION_CONFIGURATION, standardDeviation);
result.getMetadata().put(ZSCORE_CONFIGURATION, zScore);
return result;
public void setConfigurations(Map configurations) {
if (configurations != null && !configurations.isEmpty()) {
mean = getDoubleConfiguration(MEAN_CONFIGURATION);
standardDeviation = getDoubleConfiguration(STANDARD_DEVIATION_CONFIGURATION);
zScore = getDoubleConfiguration(ZSCORE_CONFIGURATION);
if (zScore == null) {
zScore = new Double(DEFAULT_ZSCORE);
// Calculate the bounds if we have a mean, standard deviation, and
// limit specified so we don't have to keep re-calculating
if (mean != null && standardDeviation != null && zScore != null) {
upperBound = calculateUpperBound(mean, standardDeviation, zScore);"Default upper bound will be set to {}", upperBound);
lowerBound = calculateLowerBound(mean, standardDeviation, zScore);"Default lower bound will be set to {}", lowerBound);
protected Double calculateUpperBound(Double mean, Double standardDeviation, Double zScore) {
Double upperBound = mean + (zScore * standardDeviation);
upperBound = round(upperBound);
return upperBound;
protected Double calculateLowerBound(Double mean, Double standardDeviation, Double zScore) {
Double lowerBound = mean - (zScore * standardDeviation);
lowerBound = round(lowerBound);
return lowerBound;
protected double[] validateAndConvertControl(DriftData control) {
// Make sure it's the type we're expecting
if (!(control instanceof DriftVariables)) {
throw new DriftDetectionException("Expected DriftVariables to be used for control calculation");
DriftVariables variables = (DriftVariables) control;
List list = variables.getVariables();
// We need some data to use for the control
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(list)) {
throw new DriftDetectionException("Control data set does not have enough data to be used");
// The Apache Commons library needs a double[], so we'll just convert it
// to that format for now.
double[] values = new double[list.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
DriftVariable variable = (DriftVariable) list.get(i);
double value = getValueAsDouble(variable, control.getName());
values[i] = value;
return values;
private List validateAndConvertInput(DriftData input) {
if (!(input instanceof DriftVariable || input instanceof DriftVariables)) {
throw new DriftDetectionException(
"Expected DriftVariable or DriftVariables to be used for Standard Deviation Algorithm");
List values = new ArrayList();
if (input instanceof DriftVariable) {
Double value = getValueAsDouble((DriftVariable) input, input.getName());
} else {
// Just create a list of the numbers that were passed in
DriftVariables variables = (DriftVariables) input;
List list = variables.getVariables();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
DriftVariable variable = (DriftVariable) list.get(i);
Double value = getValueAsDouble(variable, input.getName());
return values;
protected Double calculateMean(double[] controlData) {
// Don't make this static -- not thread-safe
Mean meanCalculator = new Mean();
Double calculatedMean = meanCalculator.evaluate(controlData);
calculatedMean = round(calculatedMean);
return calculatedMean;
protected Double calculateStandardDeviation(double mean, double[] controlData) {
// Don't make this static -- not thread-safe
StandardDeviation standardDeviationCalculator = new StandardDeviation();
double calculatedStandardDeviation = standardDeviationCalculator.evaluate(controlData, mean);
calculatedStandardDeviation = round(calculatedStandardDeviation);
return calculatedStandardDeviation;
protected double round(double value) {
BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(Double.toString(value));
BigDecimal rounded = bigDecimal.setScale(NUMBER_DECIMAL_PLACES, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
return rounded.doubleValue();
* Get a {@link Double} for this configuration.
* @param key
* @return DoubleValue
protected Double getDoubleConfiguration(String key) {
Object configuration = getConfiguration(key);
Double value = convertToDouble(configuration);
if (value != null) {"Setting {} to {} as the default value for this rule", key, value);
} else {
logger.warn("Could not convert value {} for configuration {} into a valid number", configuration, key);
return value;
protected Double convertToDouble(Object object) {
// Try converting it to a double
Double doubleValue = null;
if (object instanceof Number) {
doubleValue = ((Number) object).doubleValue();
} else if (object instanceof String) {
String text = ((String) object);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(text)) {
try {
doubleValue = Double.parseDouble(text);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.error("Could not convert object {} to double because of {}", object, e);
return doubleValue;
protected Double getValueAsDouble(DriftVariable variable, String dataset) {
Object value = variable.getValue();
Double doubleValue = convertToDouble(value);
if (doubleValue == null) {
throw new DriftDetectionException("Value " + value
+ " could not be converted to a double. Please check values in data set: " + dataset);
return doubleValue;
public Double getZScore() {
return this.zScore;
public Double getMean() {
return this.mean;
public Double getStandardDeviation() {
return this.standardDeviation;