com.boozallen.aiops.mda.metamodel.element.python.PythonStep Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.boozallen.aiops.mda.metamodel.element.python;
* #%L
* AIOps Foundation::AIOps MDA
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2021 Booz Allen
* %%
* This software package is licensed under the Booz Allen Public License. All Rights Reserved.
* #L%
import com.boozallen.aiops.mda.generator.util.PipelineUtils;
import com.boozallen.aiops.mda.generator.util.PythonGeneratorUtils;
import com.boozallen.aiops.mda.metamodel.element.BaseStepDecorator;
import com.boozallen.aiops.mda.metamodel.element.Persist;
import com.boozallen.aiops.mda.metamodel.element.Step;
import com.boozallen.aiops.mda.metamodel.element.StepDataBinding;
import com.boozallen.aiops.mda.metamodel.element.util.PythonElementUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.technologybrewery.fermenter.mda.TypeManager;
import org.technologybrewery.fermenter.mda.generator.GenerationException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* Step decorator to ease generation of Python files.
public class PythonStep extends BaseStepDecorator {
private String profileName;
private String rootArtifactId;
protected static final String DATAFRAME_TYPE = "pysparkDataFrame";
private static final String NONE = "None";
private static final String STRING = "str";
private Set imports = new TreeSet<>();
* {@inheritDoc}
public PythonStep(Step stepToDecorate) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void validate() {
if ((hasMessagingInbound() && hasInboundRecordType())
|| (hasMessagingOutbound() && hasOutboundRecordType())) {
throw new GenerationException("Step '" + getName() + "' uses messaging with a record type. "
+ "This combination cannot be used together as Python messaging only supports strings. "
+ "Please remove the inbound and/or outbound record type from this step.");
if (hasMessagingInbound() && hasNativeOutbound()) {
throw new GenerationException("Step '" + getName() + "' uses messaging inbound and native outbound. "
+ "This combination cannot be used together as it is not possible for a synchronous consumer to be "
+ "listening for an asynchronous event without also messaging being used as the outbound type.");
* {@inheritDoc}
public Persist getPersist() {
return super.getPersist() != null ? new PythonPersist(super.getPersist()) : null;
* Returns the pipeline name formatted into lowercase with underscores
* (Python naming convention).
* @return the pipeline name formatted into lowercase with underscores
public String getLowercaseSnakeCaseName() {
return PythonElementUtils.getSnakeCaseValue(getName());
* Returns the pipeline name formatted into lowercase with hyphens.
* @return the pipeline name formatted into lowercase with hyphens
public String getKababCaseName() {
return PipelineUtils.deriveArtifactIdFromCamelCase(getName());
* Returns the base import values needed for this Python step instance.
* @return imports
public Set getBaseImports() {
return getImports(false);
* Returns the implementation import values needed for this Python step
* instance.
* @return imports
public Set getImplImports() {
return getImports(true);
* Helper method that replaces any {@link #imports} for this {@link PythonStep} that
* reference metamodel-defined records and/or dictionary types with import statements
* that reference the relative paths (instead of absolute paths) of these modules.
* By using relative (instead of absolute) imports to generated record/dictionary classes,
* we simplify generation and mitigate the need to generate the encapsulating package
* path into every import statement in order to form valid absolute imports.
* This Relative imports only applies for Old Monolith Generation.
* For New case of Semantic Data we simply fetch from shared directory.
* For example, the import statement to a metamodel defined record becomes
* {@code from ..record.custom_record import CustomRecord} instead of
* {@code from the_package_name.record.custom_record import CustomRecord}.
* @param isImplModule {@code true} if {@link #imports} are being used in an implementation stub
* (i.e. a developer modifiable class), {@code false} if {@link #imports} are
* being used in a non-modifiable generated class.
* @return {@link #imports} that have been appropriately modified to include the correct
* relative import paths for any references to metamodel-define records or dictionary types.
private Set getImports(boolean isImplModule) {
Set importsSet = new TreeSet<>();
for (String moduleImport : imports) {
if (moduleImport.startsWith("from record.")
|| moduleImport.startsWith("from dictionary.")) {
importsSet.add(moduleImport.replace("from ",
isImplModule ? "from .." : "from ..."));
}else if(profileName.equals("data-delivery-pyspark-pipeline")){
String rootArtifact = rootArtifactId.replace("-", "_");
importsSet.add(moduleImport.replace("from ",
"from " + rootArtifact + "_data_records."));
} else {
return importsSet;
* Calculates the base Python method signature. It's labor intensive and
* messy in velocity, so much more clean to do it in the Python decorator.
* @return signature
public String getBaseSignature() {
String inputType = getInputType(false);
String outputType = getOutputType(false);
return createSignature("execute_step", inputType, outputType, isAsynchronous());
* Calculates the concrete Python method signature. It's labor intensive and
* messy in velocity, so much more clean to do it in the Python decorator.
* @return signature
public String getConcreteSignature() {
String inputType = getInputType(true);
String outputType = getOutputType(true);
return createSignature("execute_step_impl", inputType, outputType, isAsynchronous());
* Calculates the signature for the encryption.
* @return encryption method signature
public String getEncryptionSignature() {
String inputType = getInputType(true);
String outputType = getOutputType(true);
return createSignature("check_and_apply_encryption_policy", inputType, outputType, false);
* Calculates the signature for the encryption.
* @return encryption method signature
public String getApplyEncryptionSignature() {
String inputType = getInputType(true);
String outputType = getOutputType(true);
return createSignatureWithAdditionalParameter("apply_encryption_to_dataset", inputType, inputType,
false, "fields_to_update: List[str], algorithm: str");
* Calculates the signature for get_fields_list.
* @return get_fields_list method signature
public String getFieldListSignature() {
String inputType = getInputType(true);
if (hasInboundNativeCollectionType() && !hasInboundRecordType()) {
// The inbound type for this condition is actually Set, but for
// this method signature we are only interested in DataFrame
inputType = "DataFrame";
String outputType = "List[str]";
return createSignature("get_fields_list", inputType, outputType, false);
public void setProfileName(String profileName){
this.profileName = profileName;
public void setRootArtifactId(String rootArtifactId){
this.rootArtifactId = rootArtifactId;
private String createSignature(String methodName, String inputType, String outputType, boolean asyncMethod) {
// builds python method signature like so:
// def method_name(self, inbound: inputType) -> outputType
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (asyncMethod) {
builder.append("async ");
builder.append("def ");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(inputType)) {
builder.append(", ");
builder.append("inbound: ");
builder.append(") ");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(outputType)) {
builder.append("-> ");
return builder.toString();
private String createSignatureWithAdditionalParameter(String methodName, String inputType, String outputType, boolean asyncMethod, String additionalParameter) {
// builds python method signature like so:
// def method_name(self, inbound: inputType) -> outputType
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (asyncMethod) {
builder.append("async ");
builder.append("def ");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(inputType)) {
builder.append(", ");
builder.append("inbound: ");
if (additionalParameter != null) {
builder.append(", ");
builder.append(") ");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(outputType)) {
builder.append("-> ");
return builder.toString();
private String getInputType(boolean forImplMethod) {
String inputType = null;
if (hasNativeInbound()) {
inputType = deriveNativeType(getInbound());
} else if (hasMessagingInbound() && forImplMethod) {
// for inbound messaging, the base method will get the inbound
// message from kafka, so there is no need for an inputType in the
// base method signature. the impl method will handle the inbound
// message, thus the inputType of string here.
inputType = STRING;
return inputType;
private String getOutputType(boolean forImplMethod) {
String outputType;
if (hasNativeOutbound()) {
outputType = deriveNativeType(getOutbound());
} else if (hasMessagingOutbound() && forImplMethod) {
// for outbound messaging, the base method will send the outbound
// message to kafka, so there is no need for an outputType in the
// base method signature. the impl method will determine what the
// output message is, thus the outputType of string here.
outputType = STRING;
} else {
outputType = NONE;
return outputType;
private String deriveNativeType(StepDataBinding stepDataBinding) {
String nativeTypeValue = null;
String recordTypeName;
String recordTypeImport;
if (hasRecordType(stepDataBinding)) {
PythonStepDataRecordType recordType = new PythonStepDataRecordType(stepDataBinding.getRecordType());
recordTypeName = recordType.getName();
recordTypeImport = recordType.getFullyQualifiedType();
} else {
// default type
recordTypeName = TypeManager.getShortType(DATAFRAME_TYPE);
recordTypeImport = TypeManager.getFullyQualifiedType(DATAFRAME_TYPE);
if (stepDataBinding.getNativeCollectionType() != null) {
// builds the native type like so:
// collectionTypeName[recordTypeName]
PythonStepDataCollectionType collectionType = new PythonStepDataCollectionType(
String collectionTypeName = collectionType.getShortType();
String collectionTypeImport = collectionType.getFullyQualifiedType();
nativeTypeValue = collectionTypeName + "[" + recordTypeName + "]";
} else {
nativeTypeValue = recordTypeName;
return nativeTypeValue;
private void addPersistImports() {
PythonPersist pythonPersist = (PythonPersist) getPersist();
if (pythonPersist != null) {
private void addImport(String fullyQualifiedType) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fullyQualifiedType)) {
String pythonImport = PythonElementUtils.derivePythonImport(fullyQualifiedType);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pythonImport)) {