com.box.sdk.BoxUser Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.box.sdk;
import static com.box.sdk.BinaryBodyUtils.writeStream;
import static com.box.sdk.http.HttpMethod.DELETE;
import static com.box.sdk.internal.utils.JsonUtils.addIfNotNull;
import com.eclipsesource.json.Json;
import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonArray;
import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonObject;
import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonValue;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
* Represents a Box user account.
* Unless otherwise noted, the methods in this class can throw an unchecked {@link BoxAPIException} (unchecked
* meaning that the compiler won't force you to handle it) if an error occurs. If you wish to implement custom error
* handling for errors related to the Box REST API, you should capture this exception explicitly.
public class BoxUser extends BoxCollaborator {
* An array of all possible file fields that can be requested when calling {@link #getInfo(String...)}.
public static final String[] ALL_FIELDS = {"type", "id", "name", "login", "created_at", "modified_at", "role",
"language", "timezone", "space_amount", "space_used", "max_upload_size", "tracking_codes",
"can_see_managed_users", "is_sync_enabled", "is_external_collab_restricted", "status", "job_title", "phone",
"address", "avatar_url", "is_exempt_from_device_limits", "is_exempt_from_login_verification", "enterprise",
"my_tags", "hostname", "is_platform_access_only", "external_app_user_id", "notification_email"};
* User URL Template.
public static final URLTemplate USER_URL_TEMPLATE = new URLTemplate("users/%s");
* Get Me URL Template.
public static final URLTemplate GET_ME_URL = new URLTemplate("users/me");
* Users URL Template.
public static final URLTemplate USERS_URL_TEMPLATE = new URLTemplate("users");
* User Memberships URL Template.
public static final URLTemplate USER_MEMBERSHIPS_URL_TEMPLATE = new URLTemplate("users/%s/memberships");
* E-Mail Alias URL Template.
public static final URLTemplate EMAIL_ALIAS_URL_TEMPLATE = new URLTemplate("users/%s/email_aliases/%s");
* E-Mail Aliases URL Template.
public static final URLTemplate EMAIL_ALIASES_URL_TEMPLATE = new URLTemplate("users/%s/email_aliases");
* Move Folder To User Template.
public static final URLTemplate MOVE_FOLDER_TO_USER_TEMPLATE = new URLTemplate("users/%s/folders/%s");
* User Avatar Template.
public static final URLTemplate USER_AVATAR_TEMPLATE = new URLTemplate("users/%s/avatar");
* Constructs a BoxUser for a user with a given ID.
* @param api the API connection to be used by the user.
* @param id the ID of the user.
public BoxUser(BoxAPIConnection api, String id) {
super(api, id);
* Provisions a new app user in an enterprise using Box Developer Edition.
* @param api the API connection to be used by the created user.
* @param name the name of the user.
* @param fields the fields to retrieve. Leave this out for the standard fields.
* @return the created user's info.
public static BoxUser.Info createAppUser(BoxAPIConnection api, String name, String... fields) {
return createAppUser(api, name, new CreateUserParams(), fields);
* Provisions a new app user in an enterprise with additional user information using Box Developer Edition.
* @param api the API connection to be used by the created user.
* @param name the name of the user.
* @param params additional user information.
* @param fields the fields to retrieve. Leave this out for the standard fields.
* @return the created user's info.
public static BoxUser.Info createAppUser(BoxAPIConnection api, String name,
CreateUserParams params, String... fields) {
return createEnterpriseUser(api, null, name, params, fields);
* Provisions a new user in an enterprise.
* @param api the API connection to be used by the created user.
* @param login the email address the user will use to login.
* @param name the name of the user.
* @param fields the fields to retrieve. Leave this out for the standard fields.
* @return the created user's info.
public static BoxUser.Info createEnterpriseUser(BoxAPIConnection api, String login, String name, String... fields) {
return createEnterpriseUser(api, login, name, null, fields);
* Provisions a new user in an enterprise with additional user information.
* @param api the API connection to be used by the created user.
* @param login the email address the user will use to login.
* @param name the name of the user.
* @param params additional user information.
* @param fields the fields to retrieve. Leave this out for the standard fields.
* @return the created user's info.
public static BoxUser.Info createEnterpriseUser(BoxAPIConnection api, String login, String name,
CreateUserParams params, String... fields) {
JsonObject requestJSON = new JsonObject();
requestJSON.add("login", login);
requestJSON.add("name", name);
if (params != null) {
if (params.getRole() != null) {
requestJSON.add("role", params.getRole().toJSONValue());
if (params.getStatus() != null) {
requestJSON.add("status", params.getStatus().toJSONValue());
if (params.getTrackingCodes() != null) {
requestJSON.add("tracking_codes", toTrackingCodesJson(params.getTrackingCodes()));
addIfNotNull(requestJSON, "language", params.getLanguage());
addIfNotNull(requestJSON, "is_sync_enabled", params.getIsSyncEnabled());
addIfNotNull(requestJSON, "job_title", params.getJobTitle());
addIfNotNull(requestJSON, "phone", params.getPhone());
addIfNotNull(requestJSON, "address", params.getAddress());
addIfNotNull(requestJSON, "space_amount", params.getSpaceAmount());
addIfNotNull(requestJSON, "can_see_managed_users", params.getCanSeeManagedUsers());
addIfNotNull(requestJSON, "timezone", params.getTimezone());
addIfNotNull(requestJSON, "is_exempt_from_device_limits", params.getIsExemptFromDeviceLimits());
addIfNotNull(requestJSON, "is_exempt_from_login_verification", params.getIsExemptFromLoginVerification());
addIfNotNull(requestJSON, "is_platform_access_only", params.getIsPlatformAccessOnly());
addIfNotNull(requestJSON, "external_app_user_id", params.getExternalAppUserId());
addIfNotNull(requestJSON, "is_external_collab_restricted", params.getIsExternalCollabRestricted());
QueryStringBuilder queryString = new QueryStringBuilder();
if (fields.length > 0) {
queryString.appendParam("fields", fields);
URL url = USERS_URL_TEMPLATE.buildWithQuery(api.getBaseURL(), queryString.toString());
BoxJSONRequest request = new BoxJSONRequest(api, url, "POST");
try (BoxJSONResponse response = request.send()) {
JsonObject responseJSON = Json.parse(response.getJSON()).asObject();
BoxUser createdUser = new BoxUser(api, responseJSON.get("id").asString());
return createdUser.new Info(responseJSON);
* Gets the current user.
* @param api the API connection of the current user.
* @return the current user.
public static BoxUser getCurrentUser(BoxAPIConnection api) {
URL url = GET_ME_URL.build(api.getBaseURL());
BoxJSONRequest request = new BoxJSONRequest(api, url, "GET");
try (BoxJSONResponse response = request.send()) {
JsonObject jsonObject = Json.parse(response.getJSON()).asObject();
return new BoxUser(api, jsonObject.get("id").asString());
* Returns an iterable containing all the enterprise users.
* @param api the API connection to be used when retrieving the users.
* @return an iterable containing all the enterprise users.
public static Iterable getAllEnterpriseUsers(final BoxAPIConnection api) {
return getAllEnterpriseUsers(api, false, null);
* Returns an iterable containing all the enterprise users. Uses marker based pagination.
* @param api the API connection to be used when retrieving the users.
* @param usemarker Boolean that determines whether to use marker based pagination.
* @param marker The marker at which the iterator will begin.
* @return an iterable containing all the enterprise users.
public static Iterable getAllEnterpriseUsers(final BoxAPIConnection api, final boolean usemarker,
final String marker) {
return getUsersInfoForType(api, null, null, null, usemarker, marker);
* Returns an iterable containing all the enterprise users that matches the filter and specifies which child fields
* to retrieve from the API.
* @param api the API connection to be used when retrieving the users.
* @param filterTerm used to filter the results to only users starting with this string in either the name or the
* login. Can be null to not filter the results.
* @param fields the fields to retrieve. Leave this out for the standard fields.
* @return an iterable containing all the enterprise users that matches the filter.
public static Iterable getAllEnterpriseUsers(final BoxAPIConnection api, final String filterTerm,
final String... fields) {
return getUsersInfoForType(api, filterTerm, null, null, false, null, fields);
* Returns an iterable containing all the enterprise users that matches the filter and specifies which child fields
* to retrieve from the API. Uses marker based pagination.
* @param api the API connection to be used when retrieving the users.
* @param filterTerm used to filter the results to only users starting with this string in either the name or the
* login. Can be null to not filter the results.
* @param usemarker Boolean that determines whether to use marker based pagination.
* @param marker The marker at which the iterator will begin.
* @param fields the fields to retrieve. Leave this out for the standard fields.
* @return an iterable containing all the enterprise users that matches the filter.
public static Iterable getAllEnterpriseUsers(
final BoxAPIConnection api,
final String filterTerm,
final boolean usemarker,
final String marker,
final String... fields
) {
return getUsersInfoForType(api, filterTerm, null, null, usemarker, marker, fields);
* Gets a limited set of information about an external user. (A user collaborating
* on content owned by the enterprise). Note: Only fields the user has permission to
* see will be returned with values. Other fields will return a value of null.
* @param api the API connection to be used when retrieving the users.
* @param filterTerm used to filter the results to only users matching the given login.
* This does exact match only, so if no filter term is passed in, nothing
* will be returned.
* @param fields the fields to retrieve. Leave this out for the standard fields.
* @return an iterable containing external users matching the given email
public static Iterable getExternalUsers(final BoxAPIConnection api, final String filterTerm,
final String... fields) {
return getUsersInfoForType(api, filterTerm, "external", null, false, null, fields);
* Gets a limited set of information about an external user. (A user collaborating
* on content owned by the enterprise). Note: Only fields the user has permission to
* see will be returned with values. Other fields will return a value of null. Uses marker based pagination.
* @param api the API connection to be used when retrieving the users.
* @param filterTerm used to filter the results to only users matching the given login.
* This does exact match only, so if no filter term is passed in, nothing
* will be returned.
* @param usemarker Boolean that determines whether to use marker based pagination.
* @param marker The marker at which the iterator will begin.
* @param fields the fields to retrieve. Leave this out for the standard fields.
* @return an iterable containing external users matching the given email
public static Iterable getExternalUsers(
final BoxAPIConnection api,
final String filterTerm,
final boolean usemarker,
final String marker,
final String... fields
) {
return getUsersInfoForType(api, filterTerm, "external", null, usemarker, marker, fields);
* Gets any managed users that match the filter term as well as any external users that
* match the filter term. For managed users it matches any users names or emails that
* start with the term. For external, it only does full match on email. This method
* is ideal to use in the case where you have a full email for a user and you don't
* know if they're managed or external.
* @param api the API connection to be used when retrieving the users.
* @param filterTerm The filter term to lookup users by (login for external, login or name for managed)
* @param fields the fields to retrieve. Leave this out for the standard fields.
* @return an iterable containing users matching the given email
public static Iterable getAllEnterpriseOrExternalUsers(
final BoxAPIConnection api,
final String filterTerm,
final String... fields
) {
return getUsersInfoForType(api, filterTerm, "all", null, false, null, fields);
* Gets any managed users that match the filter term as well as any external users that
* match the filter term. For managed users it matches any users names or emails that
* start with the term. For external, it only does full match on email. This method
* is ideal to use in the case where you have a full email for a user and you don't
* know if they're managed or external. Uses marker based pagination.
* @param api the API connection to be used when retrieving the users.
* @param filterTerm The filter term to lookup users by (login for external, login or name for managed)
* @param usemarker Boolean that determines whether to use marker based pagination.
* @param marker The marker at which the iterator will begin.
* @param fields the fields to retrieve. Leave this out for the standard fields.
* @return an iterable containing users matching the given email
public static Iterable getAllEnterpriseOrExternalUsers(
final BoxAPIConnection api,
final String filterTerm,
final boolean usemarker,
final String marker,
final String... fields
) {
return getUsersInfoForType(api, filterTerm, "all", null, usemarker, marker, fields);
* Gets any app users that has an exact match with the externalAppUserId term.
* @param api the API connection to be used when retrieving the users.
* @param externalAppUserId the external app user id that has been set for app user
* @param fields the fields to retrieve. Leave this out for the standard fields.
* @return an iterable containing users matching the given email
public static Iterable getAppUsersByExternalAppUserID(
final BoxAPIConnection api,
final String externalAppUserId,
final String... fields
) {
return getUsersInfoForType(api, null, null, externalAppUserId, false, null, fields);
* Gets any app users that has an exact match with the externalAppUserId term using marker based pagination.
* @param api the API connection to be used when retrieving the users.
* @param externalAppUserId the external app user id that has been set for app user
* @param usemarker Boolean that determines whether to use marker based pagination.
* @param marker The marker at which the iterator will begin.
* @param fields the fields to retrieve. Leave this out for the standard fields.
* @return an iterable containing users matching the given email
public static Iterable getAppUsersByExternalAppUserID(
final BoxAPIConnection api,
final String externalAppUserId,
final boolean usemarker,
String marker,
final String... fields
) {
return getUsersInfoForType(api, null, null, externalAppUserId, usemarker, marker, fields);
* Helper method to abstract out the common logic from the various users methods.
* @param api the API connection to be used when retrieving the users.
* @param filterTerm The filter term to lookup users by (login for external, login or name for managed)
* @param userType The type of users we want to search with this request.
* Valid values are 'managed' (enterprise users), 'external' or 'all'
* @param externalAppUserId the external app user id that has been set for an app user
* @param usemarker Boolean that determines whether to use marker based pagination.
* @param marker The marker at which the iterator will begin.
* @param fields the fields to retrieve. Leave this out for the standard fields.
* @return An iterator over the selected users.
private static Iterable getUsersInfoForType(
final BoxAPIConnection api,
final String filterTerm,
final String userType,
final String externalAppUserId,
final boolean usemarker,
final String marker,
final String... fields
) {
final QueryStringBuilder builder = new QueryStringBuilder();
if (filterTerm != null) {
builder.appendParam("filter_term", filterTerm);
if (userType != null) {
builder.appendParam("user_type", userType);
if (externalAppUserId != null) {
builder.appendParam("external_app_user_id", externalAppUserId);
if (usemarker) {
builder.appendParam("usemarker", "true");
if (fields.length > 0) {
builder.appendParam("fields", fields);
final URL url = USERS_URL_TEMPLATE.buildWithQuery(api.getBaseURL(), builder.toString());
if (usemarker) {
return new BoxResourceIterable(api, url, 100, null, marker) {
protected BoxUser.Info factory(JsonObject jsonObject) {
BoxUser user = new BoxUser(api, jsonObject.get("id").asString());
return user.new Info(jsonObject);
} else {
return () -> new BoxUserIterator(api, url);
private static JsonArray toTrackingCodesJson(Map trackingCodes) {
JsonArray trackingCodesJsonArray = new JsonArray();
for (String attrKey : trackingCodes.keySet()) {
JsonObject trackingCode = new JsonObject();
trackingCode.set("type", "tracking_code");
trackingCode.set("name", attrKey);
trackingCode.set("value", trackingCodes.get(attrKey));
return trackingCodesJsonArray;
* Gets information about this user.
* @param fields the optional fields to retrieve.
* @return info about this user.
public BoxUser.Info getInfo(String... fields) {
URL url;
if (fields.length > 0) {
String queryString = new QueryStringBuilder().appendParam("fields", fields).toString();
url = USER_URL_TEMPLATE.buildWithQuery(this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), queryString, this.getID());
} else {
url = USER_URL_TEMPLATE.build(this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), this.getID());
BoxJSONRequest request = new BoxJSONRequest(this.getAPI(), url, "GET");
try (BoxJSONResponse response = request.send()) {
JsonObject jsonObject = Json.parse(response.getJSON()).asObject();
return new Info(jsonObject);
* Gets information about all of the group memberships for this user.
* Does not support paging.
* Note: This method is only available to enterprise admins.
* @return a collection of information about the group memberships for this user.
public Collection getMemberships() {
BoxAPIConnection api = this.getAPI();
URL url = USER_MEMBERSHIPS_URL_TEMPLATE.build(this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), this.getID());
BoxJSONRequest request = new BoxJSONRequest(api, url, "GET");
try (BoxJSONResponse response = request.send()) {
JsonObject responseJSON = Json.parse(response.getJSON()).asObject();
int entriesCount = responseJSON.get("total_count").asInt();
Collection memberships = new ArrayList<>(entriesCount);
JsonArray entries = responseJSON.get("entries").asArray();
for (JsonValue entry : entries) {
JsonObject entryObject = entry.asObject();
BoxGroupMembership membership = new BoxGroupMembership(api, entryObject.get("id").asString());
BoxGroupMembership.Info info = membership.new Info(entryObject);
return memberships;
* Gets information about all of the group memberships for this user as iterable with paging support.
* @param fields the fields to retrieve.
* @return an iterable with information about the group memberships for this user.
public Iterable getAllMemberships(String... fields) {
final QueryStringBuilder builder = new QueryStringBuilder();
if (fields.length > 0) {
builder.appendParam("fields", fields);
return () -> {
BoxUser.this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), builder.toString(), BoxUser.this.getID());
return new BoxGroupMembershipIterator(BoxUser.this.getAPI(), url);
* Adds a new email alias to this user's account.
* @param email the email address to add as an alias.
* @return the newly created email alias.
public EmailAlias addEmailAlias(String email) {
return this.addEmailAlias(email, false);
* Adds a new email alias to this user's account and confirms it without user interaction.
* This functionality is only available for enterprise admins.
* @param email the email address to add as an alias.
* @param isConfirmed whether or not the email alias should be automatically confirmed.
* @return the newly created email alias.
public EmailAlias addEmailAlias(String email, boolean isConfirmed) {
URL url = EMAIL_ALIASES_URL_TEMPLATE.build(this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), this.getID());
BoxJSONRequest request = new BoxJSONRequest(this.getAPI(), url, "POST");
JsonObject requestJSON = new JsonObject()
.add("email", email);
if (isConfirmed) {
requestJSON.add("is_confirmed", isConfirmed);
try (BoxJSONResponse response = request.send()) {
JsonObject responseJSON = Json.parse(response.getJSON()).asObject();
return new EmailAlias(responseJSON);
* Deletes an email alias from this user's account.
* The IDs of the user's email aliases can be found by calling {@link #getEmailAliases}.
* @param emailAliasID the ID of the email alias to delete.
public void deleteEmailAlias(String emailAliasID) {
URL url = EMAIL_ALIAS_URL_TEMPLATE.build(this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), this.getID(), emailAliasID);
BoxAPIRequest request = new BoxAPIRequest(this.getAPI(), url, "DELETE");
* Gets a collection of all the email aliases for this user.
* Note that the user's primary login email is not included in the collection of email aliases.
* @return a collection of all the email aliases for this user.
public Collection getEmailAliases() {
URL url = EMAIL_ALIASES_URL_TEMPLATE.build(this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), this.getID());
BoxJSONRequest request = new BoxJSONRequest(this.getAPI(), url, "GET");
try (BoxJSONResponse response = request.send()) {
JsonObject responseJSON = Json.parse(response.getJSON()).asObject();
int totalCount = responseJSON.get("total_count").asInt();
Collection emailAliases = new ArrayList<>(totalCount);
JsonArray entries = responseJSON.get("entries").asArray();
for (JsonValue value : entries) {
JsonObject emailAliasJSON = value.asObject();
emailAliases.add(new EmailAlias(emailAliasJSON));
return emailAliases;
* Deletes a user from an enterprise account.
* @param notifyUser whether or not to send an email notification to the user that their account has been deleted.
* @param force whether or not this user should be deleted even if they still own files.
public void delete(boolean notifyUser, boolean force) {
String queryString = new QueryStringBuilder()
.appendParam("notify", String.valueOf(notifyUser))
.appendParam("force", String.valueOf(force))
* Deletes a user from an enterprise account. Uses API default values to determine if request should
* be forced and if user should be notified.
public void delete() {
private void performUserDelete(String queryString) {
URL url = USER_URL_TEMPLATE.buildWithQuery(this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), queryString, this.getID());
BoxAPIRequest request = new BoxAPIRequest(this.getAPI(), url, "DELETE");
* Updates the information about this user with any info fields that have been modified locally.
* Note: This method is only available to enterprise admins.
* @param info info the updated info.
* @param fields the fields to retrieve. Leave this out for the standard fields.
public void updateInfo(BoxUser.Info info, String... fields) {
QueryStringBuilder builder = new QueryStringBuilder();
if (fields.length > 0) {
builder.appendParam("fields", fields);
URL url = USER_URL_TEMPLATE.buildWithQuery(this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), builder.toString(), this.getID());
BoxJSONRequest request = new BoxJSONRequest(this.getAPI(), url, "PUT");
try (BoxJSONResponse response = request.send()) {
JsonObject jsonObject = Json.parse(response.getJSON()).asObject();
* Moves all the owned content from within one user’s folder into a new folder in another user's account.
* You can move folders across users as long as the you have administrative permissions and the 'source'
* user owns the folders. Per the documentation at the link below, this will move everything from the root
* folder, as this is currently the only mode of operation supported.
* See also https://developer.box.com/en/reference/put-users-id-folders-id/
* @param destinationUserID the user id of the user that you wish to transfer content to.
* @return info for the newly created folder.
public BoxFolder.Info transferContent(String destinationUserID) {
URL url = MOVE_FOLDER_TO_USER_TEMPLATE.build(this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), this.getID(), "0");
BoxJSONRequest request = new BoxJSONRequest(this.getAPI(), url, "PUT");
JsonObject destinationUser = new JsonObject();
destinationUser.add("id", destinationUserID);
JsonObject ownedBy = new JsonObject();
ownedBy.add("owned_by", destinationUser);
try (BoxJSONResponse response = request.send()) {
JsonObject responseJSON = Json.parse(response.getJSON()).asObject();
BoxFolder movedFolder = new BoxFolder(this.getAPI(), responseJSON.get("id").asString());
return movedFolder.new Info(responseJSON);
* Writes avatar into specified {@link OutputStream}
* @param outputStream Stream where to write avatar.
public void downloadAvatar(OutputStream outputStream) {
URL url = USER_AVATAR_TEMPLATE.build(this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), this.getID());
BoxAPIRequest request = new BoxAPIRequest(this.getAPI(), url, "GET");
writeStream(request.send(), outputStream);
* Retrieves the avatar of a user as an InputStream.
* @return InputStream representing the user avater.
* @deprecated This method loads whole avatar image to memory.
* Use {@link BoxUser#downloadAvatar(OutputStream)} to store avatar in file or memory.
* That method uses very small buffer to store bytes in memory.
public InputStream getAvatar() {
URL url = USER_AVATAR_TEMPLATE.build(this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), this.getID());
BoxAPIRequest request = new BoxAPIRequest(this.getAPI(), url, "GET");
BoxAPIResponse response = request.send();
try (ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
writeStream(response, outputStream);
return new ByteArrayInputStream(outputStream.toByteArray());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while closing stream", e);
* Upload avatar image to user account. Supported formats are JPG and PNG.
* The image size cannot exceed 1024 * 1024 pixels or 1MB.
* @param file File containg avatar image.
* @return Avatar creation response.
public AvatarUploadResponse uploadAvatar(File file) {
try {
return uploadAvatar(new FileInputStream(file), file.getName());
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Upload avatar image to user account. Supported formats are JPG and PNG.
* The image size cannot exceed 1024 * 1024 pixels or 1MB.
* @param file {@link File} containg avatar image.
* @param progressListener {@link ProgressListener} set if you want to track upload progress
* @return Avatar creation response.
public AvatarUploadResponse uploadAvatar(File file, ProgressListener progressListener) {
try {
return uploadAvatar(new FileInputStream(file), file.getName(), progressListener);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Upload avatar image to user account. Supported formats are JPG and PNG.
* The image size cannot exceed 1024 * 1024 pixels or 1MB.
* @param content {@link InputStream} containing image data
* @param fileName file name with extention what will be used to determine content type
* @return Avatar creation response.
public AvatarUploadResponse uploadAvatar(InputStream content, String fileName) {
return uploadAvatar(content, fileName, null);
* Upload avatar image to user account. Supported formats are JPG and PNG.
* The image size cannot exceed 1024 * 1024 pixels or 1MB.
* @param content {@link InputStream} containing image data
* @param fileName file name with extention what will be used to determine content type
* @param progressListener {@link ProgressListener} set if you want to track upload progress
* @return Avatar creation response.
public AvatarUploadResponse uploadAvatar(InputStream content, String fileName, ProgressListener progressListener) {
URL url = USER_AVATAR_TEMPLATE.build(getAPI().getBaseURL(), this.getID());
BoxImageMultipartRequest request = new BoxImageMultipartRequest(getAPI(), url, "pic");
request.setFile(content, fileName);
BoxAPIResponse response = null;
try {
if (progressListener != null) {
response = request.send(progressListener);
} else {
response = request.send();
return parseUploadAvatarResponse(response);
} finally {
* Removes avatar from user account.
public void deleteAvatar() {
URL url = USER_AVATAR_TEMPLATE.build(getAPI().getBaseURL(), this.getID());
BoxAPIRequest request = new BoxAPIRequest(getAPI(), url, DELETE);
private AvatarUploadResponse parseUploadAvatarResponse(BoxAPIResponse response) {
JsonObject responseObject = Json.parse(response.bodyToString()).asObject();
JsonObject picUrls = responseObject.get("pic_urls").asObject();
return new AvatarUploadResponse(
picUrls.getString("small", null),
picUrls.getString("large", null),
picUrls.getString("preview", null)
* Enumerates the possible roles that a user can have within an enterprise.
public enum Role {
* The user is an administrator of their enterprise.
* The user is a co-administrator of their enterprise.
* The user is a regular user within their enterprise.
private final String jsonValue;
Role(String jsonValue) {
this.jsonValue = jsonValue;
static Role fromJSONValue(String jsonValue) {
return Role.valueOf(jsonValue.toUpperCase());
String toJSONValue() {
return this.jsonValue;
* Enumerates the possible statuses that a user's account can have.
public enum Status {
* The user's account is active.
* The user's account is inactive.
* The user's account cannot delete or edit content.
* The user's account cannot delete, edit, or upload content.
private final String jsonValue;
Status(String jsonValue) {
this.jsonValue = jsonValue;
static Status fromJSONValue(String jsonValue) {
return Status.valueOf(jsonValue.toUpperCase());
String toJSONValue() {
return this.jsonValue;
* Contains information about a BoxUser.
public class Info extends BoxCollaborator.Info {
private String login;
private Role role;
private String language;
private String timezone;
private long spaceAmount;
private long spaceUsed;
private long maxUploadSize;
private boolean canSeeManagedUsers;
private boolean isSyncEnabled;
private boolean isExternalCollabRestricted;
private Status status;
private String jobTitle;
private String phone;
private String address;
private String avatarURL;
private BoxNotificationEmail notificationEmail;
private boolean isExemptFromDeviceLimits;
private boolean isExemptFromLoginVerification;
private boolean isPasswordResetRequired;
private boolean isPlatformAccessOnly;
private String externalAppUserId;
private BoxEnterprise enterprise;
private List myTags;
private String hostname;
private Map trackingCodes;
* Constructs an empty Info object.
public Info() {
* Constructs an Info object by parsing information from a JSON string.
* @param json the JSON string to parse.
public Info(String json) {
Info(JsonObject jsonObject) {
public BoxUser getResource() {
return BoxUser.this;
* Gets the email address the user uses to login.
* @return the email address the user uses to login.
public String getLogin() {
return this.login;
* Sets the email address the user uses to login. The new login must be one of the user's already confirmed
* email aliases.
* @param login one of the user's confirmed email aliases.
public void setLogin(String login) {
this.login = login;
this.addPendingChange("login", login);
* Gets the user's enterprise role.
* @return the user's enterprise role.
public Role getRole() {
return this.role;
* Sets the user's role in their enterprise.
* @param role the user's new role in their enterprise.
public void setRole(Role role) {
this.role = role;
this.addPendingChange("role", role.name().toLowerCase());
* Gets the language of the user.
* @return the language of the user.
public String getLanguage() {
return this.language;
* Sets the language of the user.
* @param language the new language of the user.
public void setLanguage(String language) {
this.language = language;
this.addPendingChange("language", language);
* Gets the timezone of the user.
* @return the timezone of the user.
public String getTimezone() {
return this.timezone;
* Sets the timezone of the user.
* @param timezone the new timezone of the user.
public void setTimezone(String timezone) {
this.timezone = timezone;
this.addPendingChange("timezone", timezone);
* Gets the user's total available space in bytes.
* @return the user's total available space in bytes.
public long getSpaceAmount() {
return this.spaceAmount;
* Sets the user's total available space in bytes.
* @param spaceAmount the new amount of space available to the user in bytes, or -1 for unlimited storage.
public void setSpaceAmount(long spaceAmount) {
this.spaceAmount = spaceAmount;
this.addPendingChange("space_amount", spaceAmount);
* Gets the amount of space the user has used in bytes.
* @return the amount of space the user has used in bytes.
public long getSpaceUsed() {
return this.spaceUsed;
* Gets the maximum individual file size in bytes the user can have.
* @return the maximum individual file size in bytes the user can have.
public long getMaxUploadSize() {
return this.maxUploadSize;
* Gets the user's current account status.
* @return the user's current account status.
public Status getStatus() {
return this.status;
* Sets the user's current account status.
* @param status the user's new account status.
public void setStatus(Status status) {
this.status = status;
this.addPendingChange("status", status.name().toLowerCase());
* Gets the job title of the user.
* @return the job title of the user.
public String getJobTitle() {
return this.jobTitle;
* Sets the job title of the user.
* @param jobTitle the new job title of the user.
public void setJobTitle(String jobTitle) {
this.jobTitle = jobTitle;
this.addPendingChange("job_title", jobTitle);
* Gets the phone number of the user.
* @return the phone number of the user.
public String getPhone() {
return this.phone;
* Sets the phone number of the user.
* @param phone the new phone number of the user.
public void setPhone(String phone) {
this.phone = phone;
this.addPendingChange("phone", phone);
* Gets the address of the user.
* @return the address of the user.
public String getAddress() {
return this.address;
* Sets the address of the user.
* @param address the new address of the user.
public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;
this.addPendingChange("address", address);
* Gets the URL of the user's avatar.
* @return the URL of the user's avatar.
public String getAvatarURL() {
return this.avatarURL;
* Gets the user's alternate notification email address to which email notifications are sent.
* @return the user's notification email address.
public BoxNotificationEmail getNotificationEmail() {
return this.notificationEmail;
* Sets the user's notification email address.
* @param notificationEmail the user's new notification email address.
public void setNotificationEmail(BoxNotificationEmail notificationEmail) {
this.notificationEmail = notificationEmail;
* Gets the enterprise that the user belongs to.
* @return the enterprise that the user belongs to.
public BoxEnterprise getEnterprise() {
return this.enterprise;
* Removes the user from their enterprise and converts them to a standalone free user.
public void removeEnterprise() {
this.enterprise = null;
this.addChildObject("enterprise", null);
* Gets whether or not the user can use Box Sync.
* @return true if the user can use Box Sync; otherwise false.
public boolean getIsSyncEnabled() {
return this.isSyncEnabled;
* Sets whether or not the user can use Box Sync.
* @param enabled whether or not the user can use Box Sync.
public void setIsSyncEnabled(boolean enabled) {
this.isSyncEnabled = enabled;
this.addPendingChange("is_sync_enabled", enabled);
* Gets whether this user is allowed or not to collaborate with users outside their enterprise.
* @return true if this user is not allowed to collaborate with users outside their enterprise; otherwise false.
public boolean getIsExternalCollabRestricted() {
return this.isExternalCollabRestricted;
* Sets whether this user is allowed or not to collaborate with users outside their enterprise.
* @param isExternalCollabRestricted whether the user is allowed to collaborate outside their enterprise.
public void setIsExternalCollabRestricted(boolean isExternalCollabRestricted) {
this.isExternalCollabRestricted = isExternalCollabRestricted;
this.addPendingChange("is_external_collab_restricted", isExternalCollabRestricted);
* Gets whether or not the user can see other enterprise users in their contact list.
* @return true if the user can see other enterprise users in their contact list; otherwise false.
public boolean getCanSeeManagedUsers() {
return this.canSeeManagedUsers;
* Sets whether or not the user can see other enterprise users in their contact list.
* @param canSeeManagedUsers whether or not the user can see other enterprise users in their contact list.
public void setCanSeeManagedUsers(boolean canSeeManagedUsers) {
this.canSeeManagedUsers = canSeeManagedUsers;
this.addPendingChange("can_see_managed_users", canSeeManagedUsers);
* Gets whether or not the user is exempt from enterprise device limits.
* @return true if the user is exempt from enterprise device limits; otherwise false.
public boolean getIsExemptFromDeviceLimits() {
return this.isExemptFromDeviceLimits;
* Sets whether or not the user is exempt from enterprise device limits.
* @param isExemptFromDeviceLimits whether or not the user is exempt from enterprise device limits.
public void setIsExemptFromDeviceLimits(boolean isExemptFromDeviceLimits) {
this.isExemptFromDeviceLimits = isExemptFromDeviceLimits;
this.addPendingChange("is_exempt_from_device_limits", isExemptFromDeviceLimits);
* Gets whether or not the user must use two-factor authentication.
* @return true if the user must use two-factor authentication; otherwise false.
public boolean getIsExemptFromLoginVerification() {
return this.isExemptFromLoginVerification;
* Sets whether or not the user must use two-factor authentication.
* @param isExemptFromLoginVerification whether or not the user must use two-factor authentication.
public void setIsExemptFromLoginVerification(boolean isExemptFromLoginVerification) {
this.isExemptFromLoginVerification = isExemptFromLoginVerification;
this.addPendingChange("is_exempt_from_login_verification", isExemptFromLoginVerification);
* Gets whether or not the user is required to reset password.
* @return true if the user is required to reset password; otherwise false.
public boolean getIsPasswordResetRequired() {
return this.isPasswordResetRequired;
* Sets whether or not the user is required to reset password.
* @param isPasswordResetRequired whether or not the user is required to reset password.
public void setIsPasswordResetRequired(boolean isPasswordResetRequired) {
this.isPasswordResetRequired = isPasswordResetRequired;
this.addPendingChange("is_password_reset_required", isPasswordResetRequired);
* Gets whether or not the user we are creating is an app user with Box Developer Edition.
* @return true if the new user is an app user for Box Developer Addition; otherwise false.
public boolean getIsPlatformAccessOnly() {
return this.isPlatformAccessOnly;
* Gets the external app user id that has been set for the app user.
* @return the external app user id.
public String getExternalAppUserId() {
return this.externalAppUserId;
* Sets the external app user id.
* @param externalAppUserId external app user id.
public void setExternalAppUserId(String externalAppUserId) {
this.externalAppUserId = externalAppUserId;
this.addPendingChange("external_app_user_id", externalAppUserId);
* Gets the tags for all files and folders owned by this user.
* @return the tags for all files and folders owned by this user.
public List getMyTags() {
return this.myTags;
* Gets the root (protocol, subdomain, domain) of any links that need to be generated for this user.
* @return the root (protocol, subdomain, domain) of any links that need to be generated for this user.
public String getHostname() {
return this.hostname;
* Gets the tracking defined for each entity.
* @return a Map with tracking codes.
public Map getTrackingCodes() {
return this.trackingCodes;
* Allows admin to set attributes specific for a group of users.
* @param trackingCodes a Map representing the user's new tracking codes
public void setTrackingCodes(Map trackingCodes) {
this.trackingCodes = trackingCodes;
this.addPendingChange("tracking_codes", toTrackingCodesJson(this.trackingCodes));
* Allows the admin to append new tracking codes to the previous existing list.
* @param name the name or `key` of the attribute to set.
* @param value the value of the attribute to set.
public void appendTrackingCodes(String name, String value) {
this.getTrackingCodes().put(name, value);
this.addPendingChange("tracking_codes", toTrackingCodesJson(this.trackingCodes));
protected void parseJSONMember(JsonObject.Member member) {
JsonValue value = member.getValue();
String memberName = member.getName();
try {
switch (memberName) {
case "login":
this.login = value.asString();
case "role":
this.role = Role.fromJSONValue(value.asString());
case "language":
this.language = value.asString();
case "timezone":
this.timezone = value.asString();
case "space_amount":
this.spaceAmount = Double.valueOf(value.toString()).longValue();
case "space_used":
this.spaceUsed = Double.valueOf(value.toString()).longValue();
case "max_upload_size":
this.maxUploadSize = Double.valueOf(value.toString()).longValue();
case "status":
this.status = Status.fromJSONValue(value.asString());
case "job_title":
this.jobTitle = value.asString();
case "phone":
this.phone = value.asString();
case "address":
this.address = value.asString();
case "avatar_url":
this.avatarURL = value.asString();
case "notification_email":
if (value.isObject()) {
this.notificationEmail = new BoxNotificationEmail(value.asObject());
} else {
this.notificationEmail = null;
case "can_see_managed_users":
this.canSeeManagedUsers = value.asBoolean();
case "is_sync_enabled":
this.isSyncEnabled = value.asBoolean();
case "is_external_collab_restricted":
this.isExternalCollabRestricted = value.asBoolean();
case "is_exempt_from_device_limits":
this.isExemptFromDeviceLimits = value.asBoolean();
case "is_exempt_from_login_verification":
this.isExemptFromLoginVerification = value.asBoolean();
case "is_password_reset_required":
this.isPasswordResetRequired = value.asBoolean();
case "is_platform_access_only":
this.isPlatformAccessOnly = value.asBoolean();
case "external_app_user_id":
this.externalAppUserId = value.asString();
case "enterprise":
JsonObject jsonObject = value.asObject();
if (this.enterprise == null) {
this.enterprise = new BoxEnterprise(jsonObject);
} else {
case "my_tags":
this.myTags = this.parseMyTags(value.asArray());
case "hostname":
this.hostname = value.asString();
case "tracking_codes":
this.trackingCodes = this.parseTrackingCodes(value.asArray());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BoxDeserializationException(memberName, value.toString(), e);
private List parseMyTags(JsonArray jsonArray) {
List myTags = new ArrayList<>(jsonArray.size());
for (JsonValue value : jsonArray) {
return myTags;
private Map parseTrackingCodes(JsonArray jsonArray) {
Map result = new HashMap<>();
if (jsonArray == null) {
return null;
List valuesList = jsonArray.values();
for (JsonValue jsonValue : valuesList) {
JsonObject object = jsonValue.asObject();
result.put(object.get("name").asString(), object.get("value").asString());
return result;