com.brein.time.timeseries.BucketTimeSeries Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.brein.time.timeseries;
import com.brein.time.exceptions.IllegalConfiguration;
import com.brein.time.exceptions.IllegalTimePoint;
import com.brein.time.exceptions.IllegalTimePointIndex;
import com.brein.time.exceptions.IllegalTimePointMovement;
import com.brein.time.exceptions.IllegalValueRegardingConfiguration;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
* This implementation represents a time-series. Each time-point of the series represents several actual time-points on
* the underlying time-axis (buckets).
* The data structure (which is based on an array) can be explained best with
* an illustration (with n == timeSeriesSize):
* [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] ... [n]
* ↑
* currentNowIdx
* Each array field is a bucket of time-stamps (ordered back from now):
* [1] ==> [1456980000, 1456980300) ← now, 1 == currentNowIdx
* [2] ==> [1456970700, 1456980000)
* ...
* [n] ==> ...
* [0] ==> ...
* @param the content held by the time-series
* @author Philipp
public class BucketTimeSeries implements Iterable, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
protected final BucketTimeSeriesConfig config;
protected T[] timeSeries = null;
protected BucketEndPoints now = null;
protected int currentNowIdx = -1;
// the observer has to be reset every time it gets deserialized
protected transient BiConsumer observer;
public BucketTimeSeries(final BucketTimeSeriesConfig config) {
this(config, null);
public BucketTimeSeries(final BucketTimeSeriesConfig config,
final BiConsumer observer) {
this.config = config;
this.timeSeries = createEmptyArray(); = observer;
public void setObserver(final BiConsumer observer) { = observer;
* Constructor to create a pre-set time series.
* @param config the configuration to use
* @param timeSeries the initiale time series
* @param now the current now timestamp
public BucketTimeSeries(final BucketTimeSeriesConfig config,
final T[] timeSeries,
final long now) throws IllegalValueRegardingConfiguration {
this.config = config;
this.timeSeries = timeSeries; = normalizeUnixTimeStamp(now);
this.currentNowIdx = 0;
if (this.timeSeries != null && this.timeSeries.length != config.getTimeSeriesSize()) {
throw new IllegalValueRegardingConfiguration("The defined size of the time-series does not satisfy the " +
"configured time-series size (" + this.timeSeries.length + " vs. " + config
.getTimeSeriesSize() + ").");
protected T[] createEmptyArray() {
final T[] array = (T[]) Array.newInstance(config.getBucketContent(), config.getTimeSeriesSize());
if (applyZero()) {
Arrays.fill(array, 0, array.length, zero());
return array;
protected boolean applyZero() {
return config.isFillNumberWithZero() && Number.class.isAssignableFrom(config.getBucketContent());
* Resets the values from [fromIndex, endIndex).
* @param fromIndex the index to start from (included)
* @param endIndex the index to end (excluded)
protected void fill(int fromIndex, int endIndex) {
fromIndex = fromIndex == -1 ? 0 : fromIndex;
endIndex = endIndex == -1 || endIndex > this.timeSeries.length ? this.timeSeries.length : endIndex;
final T val;
if (applyZero()) {
val = zero();
} else {
val = null;
// set the values
for (int i = fromIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
set(i, val);
public T[] getTimeSeries() {
return timeSeries;
public T[] order() {
final T[] result;
if (this.timeSeries != null && this.currentNowIdx != -1) {
result = (T[]) Array.newInstance(config.getBucketContent(), config.getTimeSeriesSize());
final AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(0);
forEach(val -> result[i.getAndIncrement()] = val);
} else {
result = createEmptyArray();
return result;
public long[] create(final Function supplier) {
final long[] result = new long[config.getTimeSeriesSize()];
if (this.timeSeries != null && this.currentNowIdx != -1) {
final AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(0);
forEach(val -> result[i.getAndIncrement()] = supplier.apply(val));
} else {
final boolean applyZero = applyZero();
// just assume we have nulls everywhere
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
if (applyZero) {
result[i] = supplier.apply(zero());
} else {
result[i] = supplier.apply(null);
return result;
public int getNowIdx() {
return currentNowIdx;
* This method returns the value from the time-series as if it would be ordered (i.e., zero is now, 1 is the
* previous moment, ...).
* @param idx the zero based index
* @return the value associated to the zero based index
public T getFromZeroBasedIdx(final int idx) {
if (this.timeSeries != null && this.currentNowIdx != -1) {
// we can use the default validation, because the index still must be in the borders of the time-series
return get(idx(currentNowIdx + idx));
} else {
return null;
* Gets the end-points by an offset to now, i.e., 0 means to get the now bucket, -1 gets the previous bucket, and +1
* will get the next bucket.
* @param bucketsFromNow the amount of buckets to retrieve using now as anchor
* @return the end-point (bucket) with an offset of {@code bucketsFromNow} from now
* @throws IllegalTimePoint if the current now is not defined
public BucketEndPoints getEndPoints(final int bucketsFromNow) throws IllegalTimePoint {
if (currentNowIdx == -1 || now == null) {
throw new IllegalTimePoint("The now is not set yet, thus no end-points can be returned");
return now.move(bucketsFromNow);
* Gets the time-stamp representing the beginning of the specified bucket, i.e., if {@code offset} is {@code 0}, the
* value returned will be the current bucket's start.
* @param offset the zero-based position, i.e., 0 is now, 1 is the first bucket before now, ...
* @return the start time-stamp of the bucket at the offset position
public long getTimeStamp(final int offset) {
return getEndPoints(-1 * offset).getUnixTimeStampStart();
public void set(final long unixTimeStamp, final T value) {
final int idx = handleDataUnixTimeStamp(unixTimeStamp);
if (idx == -1) {
set(idx, value);
public void modify(final long unixTimeStamp, final Function mod) {
modify(unixTimeStamp, (ignore, val) -> mod.apply(val));
public void modify(final long unixTimeStamp, final BiFunction mod) {
final int idx = handleDataUnixTimeStamp(unixTimeStamp);
if (idx == -1) {
set(idx, mod.apply(idx, get(idx)));
public void modify(final int idx, final Function mod) {
set(idx, mod.apply(get(idx)));
public void set(final int idx, final T value) throws IllegalTimePointIndex {
this.timeSeries[idx] = value;
// call the observer on a value change
if ( != null) {, value);
public void initNow(final long now, final int currentNowIdx) {
if ( == null && this.currentNowIdx == -1) { = normalizeUnixTimeStamp(now);
this.currentNowIdx = currentNowIdx;
} else {
throw new IllegalTimePointMovement("Cannot modify the now and the currentIdx once values where added.");
* Gets the value for the specified {@code idx}.
* @param idx the index of the bucket to get the current value for; must be a valid index
* @return the current value for selected bucket
* @see #getNowIdx()
public T get(final int idx) {
return this.timeSeries[idx];
* Determines the number of buckets used to cover the seconds.
* @param diffInSeconds the difference in seconds
* @return the amount of buckets used to cover this amount
public int getBucketSize(final long diffInSeconds) {
// convert one unit of this into seconds
final long secondsPerBucket = TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(config.getBucketSize(), config.getTimeUnit());
return (int) Math.ceil((double) diffInSeconds / secondsPerBucket);
protected int handleDataUnixTimeStamp(final long unixTimeStamp) {
// first we have to determine the bucket (idx)
final BucketEndPoints bucketEndPoints = normalizeUnixTimeStamp(unixTimeStamp);
final long diff;
if ( == null) {
diff = 0L;
} else {
diff =;
// we are in the future, let's move there and set it
if (diff > 0) {
return currentNowIdx;
// if we are outside the time, just ignore it
else if (Math.abs(diff) >= config.getTimeSeriesSize()) {
// do nothing
return -1;
// the absolute index has to be made relative (idx(..))
else {
return idx(currentNowIdx - diff);
protected void validateIdx(final int idx) throws IllegalTimePointIndex {
if (idx < 0 || idx >= config.getTimeSeriesSize()) {
throw new IllegalTimePointIndex(String.format("The index %d is out of bound [%d, %d].", idx, 0, config
.getTimeSeriesSize() - 1));
protected int idx(final long absIdx) {
* The absolute index has to be mapped to a real array index. This is done
* by using the modulo operation. Nevertheless, the module has a range of
* -1 * config.getTimeSeriesSize() to config.getTimeSeriesSize(). Thus,
* if negative we have to add the config.getTimeSeriesSize() once.
final int idx = (int) (absIdx % config.getTimeSeriesSize());
return idx < 0 ? idx + config.getTimeSeriesSize() : idx;
* This method is used to determine the bucket the {@code unixTimeStamp} belongs into. The bucket is represented by
* a {@link BucketEndPoints} instance, which defines the end-points of the bucket and provides methods to calculate
* the distance between buckets.
* @param unixTimeStamp the time-stamp to determine the bucket for
* @return the bucket for the specified {@code unixTimeStamp} based on the configuration of the time-series
public BucketEndPoints normalizeUnixTimeStamp(final long unixTimeStamp) {
final TimeUnit timeUnit = config.getTimeUnit();
// first get the time stamp in the unit of the time-series
final long timeStamp = timeUnit.convert(unixTimeStamp, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
* Now lets, normalize the time stamp regarding to the bucketSize:
* 1.) we need the size of a bucket
* 2.) we need where the current time stamp is located within the size,
* i.e., how much it reaches into the bucket (ratio => offset)
* 3.) we use the calculated offset to determine the end points (in seconds)
* Example:
* The time stamp 1002 (in minutes or seconds or ...?) should be mapped
* to a normalized bucket, so the bucket would be, e.g., [1000, 1005).
final int bucketSize = config.getBucketSize();
final long offset = timeStamp % bucketSize;
final long start = timeStamp - offset;
final long end = start + config.getBucketSize();
return new BucketEndPoints(TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(start, timeUnit),
TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(end, timeUnit));
protected T zero() {
final Class> contentType = config.getBucketContent();
if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(contentType)) {
if (Byte.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) Byte.valueOf((byte) 0);
} else if (Short.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) Short.valueOf((short) 0);
} else if (Integer.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) Integer.valueOf(0);
} else if (Long.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) Long.valueOf(0L);
} else if (Double.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) Double.valueOf(0.0);
} else if (Float.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) Float.valueOf(0.0f);
} else if (BigDecimal.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) BigDecimal.valueOf(0);
} else if (BigInteger.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) BigInteger.valueOf(0);
} else if (AtomicInteger.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) new AtomicInteger(0);
} else if (AtomicLong.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) new AtomicLong(0);
} else {
return null;
} else {
return null;
public BucketTimeSeriesConfig getConfig() {
return config;
public Iterator iterator() {
return new Iterator() {
final int currentIdx = getNowIdx();
final int size = BucketTimeSeries.this.config.getTimeSeriesSize();
int offset = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return offset < size;
public T next() {
if (hasNext()) {
final int idx = BucketTimeSeries.this.idx((long) currentIdx + offset);
return BucketTimeSeries.this.timeSeries[idx];
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No further elements available.");
public long getNow() {
if (now == null) {
return -1L;
} else {
return now.getUnixTimeStampEnd() - 1;
* Modifies the "now" unix time stamp of the time-series. This modifies, the time-series, i.e., data might be
* removed if the data is pushed.
* @param unixTimeStamp the new now to be used
* @throws IllegalTimePointMovement if the new unix time stamp it moved into the past, e.g., if the current time
* stamp is newers
public void setNow(final long unixTimeStamp) throws IllegalTimePointMovement {
* "now" strongly depends on the TimeUnit used for the timeSeries, as
* well as the bucketSize. If, e.g., the TimeUnit is MINUTES and the
* bucketSize is 5, a unix time stamp representing 01/20/1981 08:07:30
* must be mapped to 01/20/1981 08:10:00 (the next valid bucket).
if (this.currentNowIdx == -1 || == null) {
this.currentNowIdx = 0; = normalizeUnixTimeStamp(unixTimeStamp);
} else {
* Getting the new currentNowIdx is done by calculating the
* difference between the old now and the new now and moving
* the currentNowIdx forward.
* [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
* ↑
* currentNowIdx
* Assume we move the now time stamp forward by three buckets:
* [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
* ↑
* currentNowIdx
* So the calculation is done in two steps:
* 1.) get the bucket of the new now
* 2.) determine the difference between the buckets, if it's negative => error,
* if it is zero => done, otherwise => erase the fields in between and reset
* to zero or null
final BucketEndPoints newNow = normalizeUnixTimeStamp(unixTimeStamp);
final long diff =;
if (diff < 0) {
throw new IllegalTimePointMovement(String.format("Cannot move to the past (current: %s, update: %s)",, newNow));
} else if (diff > 0) {
final int newCurrentNowIdx = idx(currentNowIdx - diff);
* Remove the "passed" information. There are several things we have to
* consider:
* 1.) the whole array has to be reset
* 2.) the array has to be reset partly forward
* 3.) the array has to be reset "around the corner"
if (diff >= config.getTimeSeriesSize()) {
fill(-1, -1);
} else if (newCurrentNowIdx > currentNowIdx) {
fill(0, currentNowIdx);
fill(newCurrentNowIdx, -1);
} else {
fill(newCurrentNowIdx, currentNowIdx);
// set the values calculated
this.currentNowIdx = newCurrentNowIdx; = newNow;
public void setTimeSeries(final T[] timeSeries, final long now) { = normalizeUnixTimeStamp(now);
this.currentNowIdx = 0;
this.timeSeries = timeSeries;
public void combine(final BucketTimeSeries timeSeries) throws IllegalConfiguration {
combine(timeSeries, this::addition);
public void combine(final BucketTimeSeries timeSeries,
final BiFunction cmb) throws IllegalConfiguration {
final BucketTimeSeries syncedTs = sync(timeSeries, ts ->
new BucketTimeSeries<>(ts.getConfig(), ts.timeSeries, ts.getNow()));
for (int i = 0; i < config.getTimeSeriesSize(); i++) {
final int idx = idx(currentNowIdx + i);
set(idx, cmb.apply(get(idx), syncedTs.get(syncedTs.idx(syncedTs.currentNowIdx + i))));
protected > B sync(final B timeSeries, final Function copy) throws
IllegalConfiguration {
if (!Objects.equals(timeSeries.config, config)) {
throw new IllegalConfiguration("The time-series to combine must have the same configuration.");
final int cmp =, timeSeries.getNow());
final B ts;
if (cmp != 0 && getNow() == -1) {
ts = timeSeries;
} else if (cmp != 0 && timeSeries.getNow() == -1) {
ts = timeSeries;
} else {
if (cmp == 0) {
ts = timeSeries;
} else if (cmp > 0) {
// the passed time-series is in the past
ts = copy.apply(timeSeries);
} else {
// the passed time-series is in the future
ts = timeSeries;
return ts;
public String toString() {
return Arrays.toString(order());
public T addition(final T a, final T b) {
if (a == null && b == null) {
return null;
} else if (a == null) {
return addition(zero(), b);
} else if (b == null) {
return addition(a, zero());
final Class contentType = (Class) a.getClass();
if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(contentType)) {
if (Byte.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) Byte.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(Byte.class.cast(a) + Byte.class.cast(b)).byteValue());
} else if (Short.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) Short.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(Short.class.cast(a) + Short.class.cast(b)).shortValue());
} else if (Integer.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) Integer.valueOf(Integer.class.cast(a) + Integer.class.cast(b));
} else if (Long.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) Long.valueOf(Long.class.cast(a) + Long.class.cast(b));
} else if (Double.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) Double.valueOf(Double.class.cast(a) + Double.class.cast(b));
} else if (Float.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) Float.valueOf(Float.class.cast(a) + Float.class.cast(b));
} else if (BigDecimal.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) BigDecimal.class.cast(a).add(BigDecimal.class.cast(b));
} else if (BigInteger.class.equals(contentType)) {
return (T) BigInteger.class.cast(a).add(BigInteger.class.cast(b));
} else if (AtomicInteger.class.equals(contentType)) {
final int intA = AtomicInteger.class.cast(a).intValue();
final int intB = AtomicInteger.class.cast(b).intValue();
return (T) new AtomicInteger(intA + intB);
} else if (AtomicLong.class.equals(contentType)) {
final long longA = AtomicLong.class.cast(a).longValue();
final long longB = AtomicLong.class.cast(b).longValue();
return (T) new AtomicLong(longA + longB);
} else {
return null;
} else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(contentType)) {
return (T) (String.class.cast(a) + String.class.cast(b));
} else if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(contentType)) {
final List list = new ArrayList<>();
return (T) list;
} else if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(contentType)) {
final Set set = new HashSet<>();
return (T) set;
} else {
return null;
public long sumTimeSeries() {
long totalSum = 0;
for (final T i : this.timeSeries) {
totalSum += ((Number) i).longValue();
return totalSum;