com.brettonw.bedrock.bag.BagObject Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.brettonw.bedrock.bag;
import com.brettonw.bedrock.bag.formats.FormatReader;
import com.brettonw.bedrock.bag.formats.FormatWriter;
import com.brettonw.bedrock.bag.formats.MimeType;
import com.brettonw.bedrock.logger.*;
* A collection of text-based values store in key/value pairs (maintained in a sorted array).
public class BagObject extends Bag implements Selectable {
private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger (BagObject.class);
private static final int UNKNOWN_SIZE = -1;
private static final int DEFAULT_CONTAINER_SIZE = 1;
private static final int DOUBLING_CAP = 16;
static final String PATH_SEPARATOR = "/";
private class Pair {
final String key;
Object value;
Pair (String key) {
this.key = key;
private Pair[] container;
private int count;
* Create a new BagObject with a default underlying storage size.
public BagObject () {
* Create a new BagObject with hint for the underlying storage size.
* @param size The expected number of elements in the BagObject, treated as a hint to optimize
* memory allocation. If additional elements are stored, the BagObject will revert
* to normal allocation behavior.
public BagObject (int size) {
count = 0;
container = new Pair[Math.max (size, DEFAULT_CONTAINER_SIZE)];
BagObject (SourceAdapter sourceAdapter) throws ReadException {
// make the victim
var victim = FormatReader.readBagObject (sourceAdapter);
if (victim == null) {
throw new ReadException ();
// now steal the victim's soul and leave them to die
container = victim.container;
count = victim.count;
* Create a new BagObject as deep copy of another BagObject
public BagObject (BagObject bagObject) {
this (new SourceAdapter (bagObject.toString (MimeType.DEFAULT), MimeType.DEFAULT));
* Return the number of elements stored in the BagObject.
* @return the count of elements in the underlying store. This is distinct from the capacity of
* the underlying store.
public int getCount () {
return count;
private void grow (int gapIndex) {
var src = container;
if (count == container.length) {
// if the array is smaller than the cap then double its size, otherwise just add the block
var newSize = (count > DOUBLING_CAP) ? (count + DOUBLING_CAP) : (count * 2);
container = new Pair[newSize];
System.arraycopy (src, 0, container, 0, gapIndex);
System.arraycopy (src, gapIndex, container, gapIndex + 1, count - gapIndex);
private int binarySearch (String key) {
// starting conditions mapped to either end of the internal store
var low = 0;
var high = count - 1;
// loop as long as the bounds have not crossed
while (low <= high) {
// compute the midpoint, and compare the search term against the key stored there, this
// uses the unsigned right shift in lieu of division by 2
var mid = (low + high) >>> 1;
var cmp = container[mid].key.compareTo (key);
// check the result of the comparison
if (cmp < 0) {
// the current midpoint is below the target value, set 'low' to one past it so the
// next loop will look only at the part of the array above the midpoint
low = mid + 1;
} else if (cmp > 0) {
// the current midpoint is above the target value, set 'high' to one below it so the
// next loop will look only at the part of the array below the midpoint
high = mid - 1;
} else {
// "Found it!" she says in a sing-song voice
return mid;
// key not found, return an encoded version of where the key SHOULD be
return -(low + 1);
private Pair getOrAddPair (String key) {
// conduct a binary search for where the pair should be
var index = binarySearch (key);
if (index < 0) {
// the binary search returns a funky encoding of the index where the new value
// should go when it's not there, so we have to decode that number (-index - 1)
index = -(index + 1);
// make sure there is room in the underlying container, then store a new (empty) Pair
grow (index);
container[index] = new Pair (key);
return container[index];
* Return an object stored at the requested key value. The key may be a simple name, or it may
* be a path (with keys separated by "/") to create a hierarchical "bedrock-of-bags" that is indexed
* recursively.
* Using a binary search of the underlying store, finds where the first component of the path
* should be and returns it.
* @param key A string value used to index the element, using "/" as separators, for example:
* "com/brettonw/bedrock/key".
* @return The indexed element (if found), or null
public Object getObject (String key) {
// separate the key into path components, the "local" key value is the first component, so
// use that to conduct the search. We are only interested in values that indicate the search
// found the requested key
var path = Key.split (key);
var index = binarySearch (path[0]);
if (index >= 0) {
// grab the found element... if the path was only one element long, this is the element
// we were looking for, otherwise recur on the found element as another BagObject
var pair = container[index];
var found = pair.value;
return (path.length == 1) ? found : ((Bag) found).getObject (path[1]);
return null;
* Store an object at the requested key value. The key may be a simple name, or it may be a path
* (with keys separated by "/") to create a hierarchical "bedrock-of-bags" that is indexed
* recursively.
* Using a binary search of the underlying store, finds where the first component of the path
* should be. If it does not already exist, it is created (recursively in the case of a path),
* and the underlying store is shifted to make a space for it. The shift might cause the
* underlying store to be resized if there is insufficient room.
* Note that null values for the element are NOT stored at the leaf of the tree denoted by
* a path, as returning null from getObject would be indistinguishable from a call to getObject
* with an unknown key. This check is performed before the tree traversal, so the underlying
* store will NOT contain the path after an attempt to add a null value.
* @param key A string value used to index the element, using "/" as separators, for example:
* "com/brettonw/bedrock/key".
* @param object The element to store.
* @return The BagObject, so that operations can be chained together.
public BagObject put (String key, Object object) {
// convert the element to internal storage format, and don't bother with the rest if that's
// a null value (per the docs above)
object = objectify (object);
if (object != null) {
// separate the key into path components, the "local" key value is the first component,
// so use that to conduct the search. If there is an element there, we want to get it,
// otherwise we want to create it.
var path = Key.split (key);
var pair = getOrAddPair (path[0]);
if (path.length == 1) {
// this was the only key in the path, so it's the end of the line, store the value
pair.value = object;
} else {
// this is not the leaf key, so we set the pair value to be a new BagObject if
// necessary, then traverse via recursion,
var bagObject = (BagObject) pair.value;
if (bagObject == null) {
pair.value = (bagObject = new BagObject ());
bagObject.put (path[1], object);
return this;
* Create a new BagObject and "put" the object using its key value. The key may be a
* simple name, or it may be a path (with keys separated by "/") to create a
* hierarchical "bedrock-of-bags" that is indexed recursively.
* @param key A string value used to index the element, using "/" as separators, for example:
* "com/brettonw/bedrock/key".
* @param object The element to store.
* @return The newly created BagObject.
public static BagObject open (String key, Object object) {
return new BagObject ().put (key, object);
* Add an object to a BagArray stored at the requested key. The key may be a simple name, or it may be a path
* (with keys separated by "/") to create a hierarchical "bedrock-of-bags" that is indexed
* recursively. If the key does not already exist a non-null value will be stored as a bare
* value, just as if "put" had been called. If it does exist, and is not already an array or the
* stored value is null, then a new array will be created to store any existing values and the
* requested element.
* Using a binary search of the underlying store, finds where the first component of the path
* should be. If it does not already exist, it is created (recursively in the case of a path),
* and the underlying store is shifted to make a space for it. The shift might cause the
* underlying store to be resized if there is insufficient room.
* Note that null values for the BagArray ARE stored per the design decision for arrays.
* @param key A string value used to index the element, using "/" as separators, for example:
* "com/brettonw/bedrock/key".
* @param object The element to store.
* @return The BagObject, so that operations can be chained together.
public BagObject add (String key, Object object) {
// separate the key into path components, the "local" key value is the first component,
// so use that to conduct the search. If there is an element there, we want to get it,
// otherwise we want to create it.
var path = Key.split (key);
var pair = getOrAddPair (path[0]);
if (path.length == 1) {
// this is the end of the line, so we want to store the requested object
var bagArray = (BagArray) null;
var found = pair.value;
if ((object = objectify (object)) == null) {
if (found == null) {
// 1) object is null, key does not exist - create array
pair.value = (bagArray = new BagArray ());
} else if (found instanceof BagArray) {
// 2) object is null, key exists (is array)
bagArray = (BagArray) found;
} else {
// 3) object is null, key exists (is not array) - create array, store existing value
pair.value = (bagArray = new BagArray (2));
bagArray.add (found);
// and store the null value in the array
bagArray.add (null);
} else {
if (found == null) {
// 4) object is not null, key does not exist - store as bare value
pair.value = object;
} else {
if (found instanceof BagArray) {
// 5) object is not null, key exists (is array) - add new value to array
bagArray = (BagArray) found;
} else {
// 6) object is not null, key exists (is not array) - create array, store existing value, store new value
pair.value = (bagArray = new BagArray (2));
bagArray.add (found);
bagArray.add (object);
} else {
// this is not the leaf key, so we set the pair value to be a new BagObject if
// necessary, then traverse via recursion,
var bagObject = (BagObject) pair.value;
if (bagObject == null) {
pair.value = (bagObject = new BagObject ());
bagObject.add (path[1], object);
return this;
* Remove an object stored at the requested key. The key may be a simple name, or it may be a
* path (with keys separated by "/") to create a hierarchical "bedrock-of-bags" that is indexed
* recursively.
* Using a binary search of the underlying store, finds where the element mapped to the key
* should be, and removes it. If the element doesn't exist, nothing happens. If
* the element is removed, the underlying store is shifted to close the space where it was.
* removing elements will never cause the underlying store to shrink.
* @param key A string value used to index the element, using "/" as separators, for example:
* "com/brettonw/bedrock/key".
* @return The BagObject, so that operations can be chained together.
public BagObject remove (String key) {
var path = Key.split (key);
var index = binarySearch (path[0]);
if (index >= 0) {
if (path.length == 1) {
var gapIndex = index + 1;
System.arraycopy (container, gapIndex, container, index, count - gapIndex);
} else {
var found = (BagObject) container[index].value;
found.remove (path[1]);
return this;
* Return whether or not the requested key or path is present in the BagObject or hierarchical
* "bedrock-of-bags"
* @param key A string value used to index the element, using "/" as separators, for example:
* "com/brettonw/bedrock/key".
* @return A boolean value, true if the key is present in the underlying store. Note that null
* values are not stored (design decision), so this equivalent to checking for null.
public boolean has (String key) {
var path = Key.split (key);
var index = binarySearch (path[0]);
try {
return (index >= 0) && ((path.length == 1) || ((BagObject) container[index].value).has (path[1]));
} catch (ClassCastException classCastException) {
// if a requested value is not a BagObject - this should be an exceptional case
return false;
* Returns an array of the keys contained in the underlying container. it does not enumerate the
* container and all of its children.
* @return The keys in the underlying map as an array of Strings.
public String[] keys () {
var keys = new String[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
keys[i] = container[i].key;
return keys;
public String toString (String format) {
return FormatWriter.write (this, format);
public BagObject select (SelectKey selectKey) {
if (selectKey != null) {
var bagObject = new BagObject ();
var keys = keys ();
for (var key : keys) {
// XXX I need to think about this a bit, so that the selection keys can hoist
// XXX sub-trees out of the object, I did this so it could be a simple yes/no
// XXX query on the keys in the object, so the select key could be include or
// XXX exclude... Maybe I should not try to be so clever...
var asKey = (key);
if (asKey != null) {
bagObject.put (asKey, getObject (key));
return bagObject;
return this;
public static BagObject merge (BagObject... bagObjects) {
var totalCount = 0;
for (var bagObject : bagObjects) {
totalCount += bagObject.getCount ();
var mergedBagObject = new BagObject (totalCount);
for (var bagObject : bagObjects) {
var keys = bagObject.keys ();
for (var key : bagObject.keys ()) {
mergedBagObject.put (key, bagObject.getObject (key));
return mergedBagObject;