Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder;
import lombok.Data;
* Auto-configuration for an OAuth2 client (secured with session, not access token)
* Security(Web)FilterChain with @Order(Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE - 1). Typical use-cases are
* spring-cloud-gateway used as BFF and applications with Thymeleaf or another server-side rendering
* framework. Default configuration includes: enabled sessions, CSRF protection, "oauth2Login",
* "logout". securityMatchers must be set for this filter-chain @Bean and its dependencies to be
* defined. Properties defined here are a complement for*
* (which are required when enabling spring-addons client filter-chain).
* @author Jerome Wacongne
public class SpringAddonsOidcClientProperties {
public static final String RESPONSE_STATUS_HEADER = "X-RESPONSE-STATUS";
public static final String POST_AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS_URI_PARAM = "post_login_success_uri";
public static final String POST_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE_URI_PARAM = "post_login_failure_uri";
public static final String POST_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE_CAUSE_ATTRIBUTE = "error";
public static final String POST_LOGOUT_SUCCESS_URI_PARAM = "post_logout_success_uri";
* Path matchers for the routes secured with the auto-configured client filter-chain. If left
* empty, OAuth2 client auto-configuration is disabled. It should include "/login/**" and
* "/oauth2/**" for login process. Can be set to "/**" to intercept all requests (OAuth2 client
* only application, no REST API secured with access tokens).
private List securityMatchers = List.of();
* Fully qualified URI of the configured OAuth2 client.
private URI clientUri = URI.create("/");
* URI at which a login can be performed. If left empty, ${client-uri}/login is used. Can be
* changed to the URI on a SPA or a mobile application deep-link
private Optional loginUri = Optional.empty();
* URI containing scheme, host and port where the user should be redirected after a successful
* login (defaults to the client URI)
private Optional postLoginRedirectHost = Optional.empty();
* Where to redirect the user after successful login
private Optional postLoginRedirectPath = Optional.empty();
* Where to redirect the user after login failure
private Optional loginErrorRedirectPath = Optional.empty();
* HTTP status for redirections in OAuth2 login and logout. You might set this to something in 2xx
* range (like OK, ACCEPTED, NO_CONTENT, ...) for single page and mobile applications to handle
* this redirection as it wishes (change the user-agent, clear some headers, ...).
private OAuth2RedirectionProperties oauth2Redirections = new OAuth2RedirectionProperties();
public URI getPostLoginRedirectHost() {
return postLoginRedirectHost.orElse(clientUri);
public Optional getPostLoginRedirectUri() {
if (postLoginRedirectHost.isEmpty() && postLoginRedirectPath.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
final var uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(getPostLoginRedirectHost());
return Optional.of(;
* URI containing scheme, host and port where the user should be redirected after a successful
* logout (defaults to the client URI)
private Optional postLogoutRedirectHost = Optional.empty();
* Path (relative to clientUri) where the user should be redirected after being logged out from
* authorization server(s)
private Optional postLogoutRedirectPath = Optional.empty();
public URI getPostLogoutRedirectHost() {
return postLogoutRedirectHost.orElse(clientUri);
public URI getPostLogoutRedirectUri() {
var uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(getPostLogoutRedirectHost());
* Map of logout properties indexed by client registration ID (must match a registration in Spring
* Boot OAuth2 client configuration). {@link OAuth2LogoutProperties} are configuration for
* authorization server not strictly following the
* RP-Initiated Logout
* standard, but exposing a logout end-point expecting an authorized GET request with following
* request params:
* - "client-id" (required)
* - post-logout redirect URI (optional)
private Map oauth2Logout = new HashMap<>();
* If true, AOP is used to instrument authorized client repository and keep the principalName
* current user has for each issuer he authenticates on.
* This is useful only if you allow a user to authenticate on more than one OpenID Provider at a
* time. For instance, user logs in on Google and on an authorization server of your own and your
* client sends direct queries to Google APIs (with an access token issued by Google) and resource
* servers of your own (with an access token from your authorization server).
private boolean multiTenancyEnabled = false;
* Path matchers for the routes accessible to anonymous requests
private List permitAll = List.of("/login/**", "/oauth2/**");
* CSRF protection configuration for the auto-configured client filter-chain
private Csrf csrf = Csrf.DEFAULT;
* When true, PKCE is enabled (by default, Spring enables it only for "public" clients)
private boolean pkceForced = false;
* Fine grained CORS configuration
* @deprecated use com.c4-soft.springaddons.oidc.cors instead
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true)
private List cors = List.of();
* Additional parameters to send with authorization request, mapped by client registration IDs
* @deprecated use the more concise authorization-params syntax
private Map> authorizationRequestParams = new HashMap<>();
* Additional parameters to send with authorization request, mapped by client registration IDs.
* {@link OAuth2AuthorizationRequest#getAdditionalParameters()} return a Map<String,
* Object>, when it should probably be Map<String, List<String>>. Also the
* serializer does not handle collections correctly (serializes using {@link Object#toString()}
* instead of repeating the parameter with each value toString()). What spring-addons does is
* joining the String values with a comma.
private Map>> authorizationParams = new HashMap<>();
public MultiValueMap getExtraAuthorizationParameters(String registrationId) {
return getExtraParameters(registrationId, authorizationRequestParams, authorizationParams);
* Additional parameters to send with token request, mapped by client registration IDs
* @deprecated use the more concise token-params syntax
private Map> tokenRequestParams = new HashMap<>();
* Additional parameters to send with authorization request, mapped by client registration IDs
private Map>> tokenParams = new HashMap<>();
public MultiValueMap getExtraTokenParameters(String registrationId) {
return getExtraParameters(registrationId, tokenRequestParams, tokenParams);
private static MultiValueMap getExtraParameters(String registrationId,
Map> requestParams,
Map>> requestParamsMap) {
final var extraParameters = Optional.ofNullable(requestParamsMap.get(registrationId))
.map(LinkedMultiValueMap::new).orElse(new LinkedMultiValueMap<>());
for (final var param : requestParams.getOrDefault(registrationId, List.of())) {
if (StringUtils.hasText(param.getName())) {
extraParameters.add(param.getName(), param.getValue());
return extraParameters;
* Logout properties for OpenID Providers which do not implement the RP-Initiated Logout spec
* @author Jerome Wacongne
public static class OAuth2LogoutProperties {
* URI on the authorization server where to redirect the user for logout
private URI uri;
* request param name for client-id
private Optional clientIdRequestParam = Optional.empty();
* request param name for post-logout redirect URI (where the user should be redirected after
* his session is closed on the authorization server)
private Optional postLogoutUriRequestParam = Optional.empty();
* request param name for setting an ID-Token hint
private Optional idTokenHintRequestParam = Optional.empty();
* RP-Initiated Logout is enabled by default. Setting this to false disables it.
private boolean enabled = true;
private BackChannelLogoutProperties backChannelLogout = new BackChannelLogoutProperties();
public static class BackChannelLogoutProperties {
private boolean enabled = false;
* The URI for a loop of the Spring client to itself in which it actually ends the user session.
* Overriding this can be useful to force the scheme and port in the case where the client is
* behind a reverse proxy with different scheme and port (default URI uses the original
* Back-Channel Logout request scheme and ports).
private Optional internalLogoutUri = Optional.empty();
private Optional cookieName = Optional.empty();
* Request parameter
* @author Jerome Wacongne
public static class RequestParam {
* request parameter name
private String name;
* request parameter value
private String value;
public static class OAuth2RedirectionProperties {
* Defines {@link AuthenticationEntryPoint} or {@link ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint} behavior
private HttpStatus authenticationEntryPoint = HttpStatus.FOUND;
* Status for the 1st response in authorization code flow, with location to get authorization
* code from authorization server
private HttpStatus preAuthorizationCode = HttpStatus.FOUND;
* Status for the response after authorization code, with location to the UI
private HttpStatus postAuthorizationCode = HttpStatus.FOUND;
* Status for the response after an authorization failure
private HttpStatus postAuthorizationFailure = HttpStatus.FOUND;
* Status for the response after BFF logout, with location to authorization server logout
* endpoint
private HttpStatus rpInitiatedLogout = HttpStatus.FOUND;
* Used only in servlet applications
private HttpStatus invalidSessionStrategy = HttpStatus.FOUND;
public Optional getLogoutProperties(String clientRegistrationId) {
return Optional.ofNullable(oauth2Logout.get(clientRegistrationId));