jvmMain.com.caesarealabs.rpc4k.processor.RpcApi.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.caesarealabs.rpc4k.processor
import com.caesarealabs.rpc4k.processor.utils.appendIf
import com.caesarealabs.rpc4k.processor.utils.poet.kotlinPoet
import com.caesarealabs.rpc4k.runtime.user.Dispatch
import com.caesarealabs.rpc4k.runtime.user.EventTarget
import com.caesarealabs.rpc4k.runtime.implementation.*
import com.squareup.kotlinpoet.ParameterizedTypeName.Companion.parameterizedBy
import com.squareup.kotlinpoet.TypeName
import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Decoder
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Encoder
internal data class RpcApi(
* We need the full name in kotlin , and only want the simple name in other languages accessing the generated file.
* Note: maybe this means i should have a different model for the generated stuff?
@Serializable(SimpleNameOnlyKotlinNameSerializer::class) val name: KotlinClassName,
val methods: List,
val events: List,
val models: List
internal sealed interface RpcEndpoint {
val name: String
val returnType: KotlinTypeReference
internal data class RpcFunction(override val name: String, val parameters: List,
override val returnType: KotlinTypeReference
) : RpcEndpoint
@Serializable internal data class RpcEventEndpoint(
override val name: String, val parameters: List, override val returnType: KotlinTypeReference
) : RpcEndpoint {
val targetParameter get() = parameters.find { it.isTarget }?.value
internal data class EventParameter(
* Whether this parameter is annotated with [Dispatch]
val isDispatch: Boolean,
val value: RpcParameter,
* Whether this parameter is annotated with [EventTarget]
val isTarget: Boolean
//NiceToHave: support optional parameters
internal data class RpcParameter(val name: String, val type: KotlinTypeReference /*val isOptional: Boolean*//* = false*/)
internal sealed interface RpcModel {
val name: String
val typeParameters: List
data class Inline(override val name: String, override val typeParameters: List = listOf(), val inlinedType: KotlinTypeReference) :
data class Struct(
val hasTypeDiscriminator: Boolean,
override val name: String,
// BLOCKED: Get rid of this, i don't want it in the final spec
val packageName: String,
override val typeParameters: List = listOf(),
val properties: List,
) : RpcModel {
* @param isOptional BLOCKED: Support optional parameters and properties
data class Property(val name: String, val type: KotlinTypeReference/* val isOptional: Boolean*//* = false*/)
data class Enum(override val name: String, val options: List) : RpcModel {
override val typeParameters: List = listOf()
* Important note: Languages implementing this MUST add a `type: ` field to the structs referenced by `options` so the other side
* may know which of the union options a union value is
* @param [options] a list of possible types this union can evaluate to.
data class Union(override val name: String, val options: List, override val typeParameters: List = listOf()) :
* More precise description of an [RpcType] that comes from the JVM, and makes it easier to generate kotlin code as it includes the package name of the type
* and uses kotlin class names and not RPC class names
@Serializable(with = KotlinTypeReferenceSerializer::class)
internal data class KotlinTypeReference(
val name: KotlinClassName,
// val packageName: String,
// val simpleName: String,
val isNullable: Boolean = false,
// True in cases where the value is initialized by a default value
val hasDefaultValue: Boolean = false,
val typeArguments: List = listOf(),
val isTypeParameter: Boolean = false,
val inlinedType: KotlinTypeReference? = null
) {
companion object {
val string = KotlinTypeReference(KotlinClassName("kotlin", "String"))
// Inner classes are dot seperated
// val qualifiedName = "$packageName.$simpleName"
val rawTypeName = name.kotlinPoet
val typeName: TypeName = rawTypeName.let { name ->
if (typeArguments.isEmpty()) name else name.parameterizedBy(typeArguments.map { it.typeName })
}.copy(nullable = isNullable)
val isUnit get() = name.isUnit
// BLOCKED: get rid of packageName here
internal data class RpcType(
val name: String,
val isTypeParameter: Boolean = false,
val isNullable: Boolean = false,
val typeArguments: List = listOf(),
val inlinedType: RpcType? = null
) {
init {
// Kotlin doesn't have higher-kinded types yet
if (isTypeParameter) check(typeArguments.isEmpty()
) { "It doesn't make sense for type parameter <$name> to have type parameters: <${typeArguments.joinToString()}>" }
if (isTypeParameter) check(inlinedType == null) { "It doesn't make sense for type parameter <$name> to be an inlined type: $inlinedType" }
override fun toString(): String {
val string = if (isTypeParameter) {
} else {
.appendIf(typeArguments.isNotEmpty()) { "<${typeArguments.joinToString()}>" }
.appendIf(inlinedType != null) { "(Inlining $inlinedType)" }
return string.appendIf(isNullable) { "?" }
companion object BuiltinNames {
const val Bool = "bool"
const val I8 = "i8"
const val I16 = "i16"
const val I32 = "i32"
const val I64 = "i64"
const val I8Array = "i8array"
const val UnsignedI8Array = "ui8array"
const val UUID = "uuid"
const val F32 = "f32"
const val F64 = "f64"
const val Char = "char"
const val String = "string"
const val Void = "void"
const val Array = "array"
const val Record = "record"
const val Tuple = "tuple"
const val Date = "date"
const val Duration = "duration"
internal const val GeneratedModelsPackage = "${ApiDefinitionUtils.Package}.models"
* [KotlinTypeReference] is serialized to a [RpcType]
internal class KotlinTypeReferenceSerializer : KSerializer {
override val descriptor = RpcType.serializer().descriptor
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): KotlinTypeReference {
return decoder.decodeSerializableValue(RpcType.serializer()).toKotlinTypeReference(GeneratedModelsPackage)
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: KotlinTypeReference) {
encoder.encodeSerializableValue(RpcType.serializer(), value.toRpcType())
private fun RpcType.toKotlinTypeReference(packageName: String): KotlinTypeReference {
// NiceToHave: Generate Kotlin clients from non-kotlin servers
throw UnsupportedOperationException("Generate Kotlin clients from non-kotlin servers")
private fun KotlinTypeReference.toRpcType() = when (name.pkg) {
"kotlin" -> toBuiltinRpcType()
"kotlin.collections" -> toBuiltinCollectionType()
"kotlin.time" -> toDurationType()
"kotlinx.datetime" -> toDateType()
// com.benasher44.uuid.Uuid typealias still sometimes annoyingly evaluates as java.util.UUID so we need to treat them as the same
"com.benasher44.uuid" , "java.util" -> toUUID()
else -> toUserType()
* Converts Kotlin types like Int to RPC types like i32.
private fun KotlinTypeReference.toBuiltinRpcType(): RpcType {
val primitive = primitiveKotlinToRpcTypes[name.simple]
if (primitive != null) return buildRpcType(name = primitive)
val array = arrayKotlinToRpcTypes[name.simple]
if (array != null) return buildRpcType(name = RpcType.Array, typeArguments = listOf(RpcType(name = array)))
return when (name.simple) {
"Pair", "Triple", "Array" -> {
// Types that use normal type arguments - pair, triple, array
val name = if (name.simple == "Array") RpcType.Array else RpcType.Tuple
buildRpcType(name = name)
else -> error(
"Unexpected kotlin builtin type: ${rawTypeName}." +
" Was a custom class declared in kotlin.*? This is probably a bug in RPC4K."
private fun KotlinTypeReference.toBuiltinCollectionType(): RpcType {
val name = when (name.simple) {
"List", "Set", "MutableList", "MutableSet" -> RpcType.Array
"Map", "MutableMap" -> RpcType.Record
"Map.Entry" -> RpcType.Tuple
else -> error(
"Unexpected kotlin builtin collection type: ${rawTypeName}." +
" Was a custom class declared in kotlin.collections.*? This is probably a bug in RPC4K."
return buildRpcType(name = name)
private val arrayKotlinToRpcTypes: Map = buildMap {
putTwo("ShortArray", "UShortArray", RpcType.I16)
putTwo("IntArray", "UIntArray", RpcType.I32)
putTwo("LongArray", "ULongArray", RpcType.I64)
put("CharArray", RpcType.Char)
private val primitiveKotlinToRpcTypes: Map = buildMap {
put("Boolean", RpcType.Bool)
putTwo("Byte", "UByte", RpcType.I8)
putTwo("Short", "UShort", RpcType.I16)
putTwo("Int", "UInt", RpcType.I32)
putTwo("Long", "ULong", RpcType.I64)
put("Char", RpcType.Char)
put("String", RpcType.String)
put("Unit", RpcType.Void)
put("Float", RpcType.F32)
put("Double", RpcType.F64)
// We add special support for i8 arrays because they are useful
put("ByteArray", RpcType.I8Array)
put("UByteArray", RpcType.UnsignedI8Array)
private fun MutableMap.putTwo(key1: String, key2: String, value: String) {
put(key1, value)
put(key2, value)
private fun KotlinTypeReference.buildRpcType(
name: String,
isNullable: Boolean = this.isNullable,
typeArguments: List = this.typeArguments.map { it.toRpcType() }
): RpcType {
return RpcType(name = name, isNullable = isNullable, typeArguments = typeArguments)
private fun KotlinTypeReference.toDateType(): RpcType {
if (name.simple == "Instant") {
return buildRpcType(name = RpcType.Date, typeArguments = listOf())
} else {
error("Unexpected kotlin date type: ${name.simple}. These shouldn't be accepted by the compiler.")
private fun KotlinTypeReference.toUUID(): RpcType {
if (name.simple == "Uuid" || name.simple == "UUID") {
return buildRpcType(name = RpcType.UUID, typeArguments = listOf())
} else {
error("Unexpected kotlin java.util type: ${name.simple}. These shouldn't be accepted by the compiler.")
private fun KotlinTypeReference.toDurationType(): RpcType {
if (name.simple == "Duration") {
return buildRpcType(name = RpcType.Duration, typeArguments = listOf())
} else {
error("Unexpected kotlin kotlin.time type: ${name.simple}. These shouldn't be accepted by the compiler.")
private fun KotlinTypeReference.toUserType(): RpcType {
return RpcType(
name = name.simple,
isNullable = isNullable,
isTypeParameter = isTypeParameter,
typeArguments = typeArguments.map { it.toRpcType() },
inlinedType = inlinedType?.toRpcType()