Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.caesarealabs.rpc4k.runtime.user.components
import com.caesarealabs.rpc4k.runtime.api.*
import com.caesarealabs.rpc4k.runtime.user.Rpc4kIndex
import io.ktor.client.*
import io.ktor.client.plugins.websocket.*
import io.ktor.client.request.*
import io.ktor.http.*
import io.ktor.util.*
import io.ktor.websocket.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
public class KtorRpcClient(
private val url: String, private val websocketUrl: String,
private val clientConfig: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit = {}
) : RpcClient {
private val client = HttpClient {
override suspend fun send(rpc: Rpc, format: SerializationFormat, serializers: List>): ByteArray {
val data = rpc.toByteArray(format, serializers)
val response = client.request(urlString = url) {
method = HttpMethod.Post
// Set correct content type for the serialization format so server will interpret it correctly
header(HttpHeaders.ContentType, format.contentType)
suspend fun exception(message: String): Nothing = throw RpcResponseException(
message, rpc, format, this, response.body(), response.status.value
when (response.status.value) {
200 -> return response.body()
400 -> exception("Request was not valid. The client may not be up to date - ${response.body()}")
403 -> exception("Could not authenticate with the server: ${response.body()}. Headers: ${response.headers.toMap()}")
404 -> exception("Could not find the server at url '$url'.")
500 -> exception("The server crashed handling the request")
else -> exception("The server returned an unexpected status code: ${response.status}.")
override val events: EventClient
get() = KtorWebsocketEventClient(websocketUrl, client)
private class KtorWebsocketEventClient(
private val url: String,
private val client: HttpClient
) : AbstractEventClient() {
private var websocket: DefaultClientWebSocketSession? = null
// LOWPRIO: better scoping behavior, the websocket should be properly scoped by calling methods, and be turned off when the client is no longer used, and then send an unsub.
private val wsScope = CoroutineScope(GlobalScope.coroutineContext)
override suspend fun send(message: ByteArray) {
// Not thread-safe
if (websocket == null) {
try {
websocket = client.webSocketSession(urlString = url)
} catch (e: IOException) {
throw IllegalStateException("Could not connect to websocket at URL $url", e)
wsScope.launch {
while (true) {
try {
val othersMessage = websocket!!.incoming.receive()
} catch (e: EOFException) {
println("Websocket connection closed")
// Aws doesn't like binary frames
websocket!!.send(Frame.Text(fin = true, message))
public fun Rpc4kIndex<*, C, *>.ktorClient(url: String, websocketUrl: String, format: SerializationFormat = JsonFormat()): C {
// val websocketUrl = "$url/events"
return createNetworkClient(KtorRpcClient(url, websocketUrl), format)