Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.caesarealabs.rpc4k.runtime.jvm.user.testing
import com.caesarealabs.logging.PrintLogging
import com.caesarealabs.rpc4k.runtime.jvm.user.components.mongo.MongoDb
import com.caesarealabs.rpc4k.runtime.jvm.user.components.mongo.manualCreateClientMongoDbClient
import com.mongodb.MongoSocketException
import com.mongodb.kotlin.client.coroutine.MongoClient
import com.mongodb.kotlin.client.coroutine.MongoDatabase
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlinx.coroutines.withTimeoutOrNull
import org.bson.Document
import org.testcontainers.containers.MongoDBContainer
import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName
* Uses a docker TestContainer for MongoDB.
* If the SHARE_TEST_CONTAINERS environment variable is set to true, multiple processes will share the same test container.
* **Requires org.testcontainers:mongodb to be manually added to the classpath** (to not bloat apps that don't want testcontainers)
* **Requires docker to be installed**.
public data object TestContainerMongoDb : MongoDb {
private val sharedTestContainerFile = File(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".sharedContainers").resolve("MongoDbSharedTestContainer.txt")
* Set to true when this process creates a new docker for mongodb
private var ownsContainer = false
* Will be set to not null when [getOrCreateClient] is called
private var container: MongoDBContainer? = null
private var closed = false
private val client = lazy {
// I've disabled this for now because it causes too many issues
// val client = if (sharedTestContainerFile.exists()) {
// val sharedConnectionString = sharedTestContainerFile.readText()
// val (existingDatabase, error) = databaseAt(sharedConnectionString)
// if (existingDatabase == null) fallbackToNewDocker(sharedConnectionString, error)
// else {
// PrintLogging.logInfo { "Shared test container with $sharedConnectionString" }
// existingDatabase
// }
// } else {
// manualCreateClientMongoDbClient(dockerContainer())
// }
val client = manualCreateClientMongoDbClient(dockerContainer())
// Make sure to close connection/container when jvm exits
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(Thread {
* Returns the database if it can be connected to at [connectionString], null otherwise
* If connecting to the database fails because of an exception, will return that exception as well.
private fun databaseAt(connectionString: String): Pair = runBlocking {
try {
val client = manualCreateClientMongoDbClient(connectionString)
val database: MongoDatabase = client.getDatabase("admin")
val ping = Document("ping", 1)
val res = withTimeoutOrNull(5_000) {
// Database exists if ping doesn't fail
if (res == null) null to null else client to null
} catch (e: MongoSocketException) {
null to e
* Called when [sharedTestContainerFile] but a database cannot be accessed at the connection string.
private fun fallbackToNewDocker(missingConnection: String, exception: MongoSocketException?): MongoClient {
PrintLogging.logWarn(exception) {
"Could not connect to supposedly existing connection at $missingConnection. " +
"Make sure to close the TestContainer after using it."
// Don't make this mistake again
return manualCreateClientMongoDbClient(dockerContainer())
* Start a new docket container and write down its connection string so other processes can connect to it too
private fun dockerContainer(): String {
val container = MongoDBContainer(DockerImageName.parse("mongo:7.0.11"))
this.container = container
val connectionString = container.connectionString
ownsContainer = true
// write down connection string so other processes can connect to it too
return connectionString
override fun close() {
if (!closed && client.isInitialized()) {
// Can't connect to container anymore because this process will close it
if (ownsContainer) sharedTestContainerFile.delete()
closed = true
override fun getOrCreateClient(): MongoClient = client.value