com.calendarfx.view.MonthSheetView Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2017 Dirk Lemmermann Software & Consulting (dlsc.com)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.calendarfx.view;
import com.calendarfx.model.Calendar;
import com.calendarfx.model.Calendar.Style;
import com.calendarfx.model.Entry;
import impl.com.calendarfx.view.MonthSheetViewSkin;
import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.IntegerProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleBooleanProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleIntegerProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.css.PseudoClass;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas;
import javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext;
import javafx.scene.control.ContextMenu;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.MenuItem;
import javafx.scene.control.RadioMenuItem;
import javafx.scene.control.SeparatorMenuItem;
import javafx.scene.control.Skin;
import javafx.scene.control.ToggleGroup;
import javafx.scene.input.ContextMenuEvent;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseButton;
import javafx.scene.input.PickResult;
import javafx.scene.layout.Region;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.util.Callback;
import org.controlsfx.control.PropertySheet;
import java.time.DayOfWeek;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.Month;
import java.time.Year;
import java.time.YearMonth;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.format.TextStyle;
import java.time.temporal.WeekFields;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
* A view laying out months and dates in a spreadsheet style. An ideal way of displaying several
* months or even a year. Each day is represented by a cell (see {@link DateCell}). Cells are
* created by a cell factory and can be customized to fit an application's needs.
* Screenshot (Using DetailedDateCell)
* Screenshot (Using "aligned" weekday layout)
* @see #setWeekDayLayout(WeekDayLayoutStrategy)
* @see #setCellFactory(Callback)
* @see MonthSheetView.DateCell
* @see MonthSheetView.SimpleDateCell
* @see MonthSheetView.DetailedDateCell
* @see MonthSheetView.BadgeDateCell
* @see MonthSheetView.UsageDateCell
public class MonthSheetView extends DateControl {
private static final String DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "month-sheet-view";
private static final String USAGE_VERY_LOW = "usage-very-low";
private static final String USAGE_LOW = "usage-low";
private static final String USAGE_MEDIUM = "usage-medium";
private static final String USAGE_HIGH = "usage-high";
private static final String USAGE_VERY_HIGH = "usage-very-high";
private double ctxMenuScreenX;
private double ctxMenuScreenY;
private DateCell dateCell;
* Constructs a new month sheet view that is using the {@link SimpleDateCell}.
public MonthSheetView() {
setHeaderCellFactory(param -> new MonthHeaderCell(param.getView(), param.getYearMonth()));
* This view has its own context menu.
addEventHandler(ContextMenuEvent.CONTEXT_MENU_REQUESTED, evt -> {
final PickResult pickResult = evt.getPickResult();
final Node intersectedNode = pickResult.getIntersectedNode();
if (intersectedNode != null && intersectedNode instanceof DateCell) {
this.dateCell = (DateCell) intersectedNode;
} else {
this.dateCell = null;
ctxMenuScreenX = evt.getScreenX();
ctxMenuScreenY = evt.getScreenY();
// Set the factory AFTER the context menu has been created or the cell factory
// will be overridden again.
setCellFactory(param -> new SimpleDateCell(param.getView(), param.getDate()));
protected Skin> createDefaultSkin() {
return new MonthSheetViewSkin(this);
private ContextMenu createContextMenu() {
ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu();
MenuItem newEntry = new MenuItem(Messages.getString("MonthSheetView.ADD_NEW_EVENT")); //$NON-NLS-1$
newEntry.setOnAction(evt -> {
LocalDate date = getDateSelectionModel().getLastSelected();
Entry> entry = createEntryAt(ZonedDateTime.of(date, LocalTime.of(12, 0), getZoneId()));
Callback callback = getEntryDetailsCallback();
EntryDetailsParameter param = new EntryDetailsParameter(null, this, entry, dateCell, ctxMenuScreenX, ctxMenuScreenY);
contextMenu.getItems().add(new SeparatorMenuItem());
RadioMenuItem standardCellItem = new RadioMenuItem(Messages.getString("MonthSheetView.STANDARD_CELLS"));
RadioMenuItem detailCellItem = new RadioMenuItem(Messages.getString("MonthSheetView.DETAIL_CELLS"));
RadioMenuItem usageCellItem = new RadioMenuItem(Messages.getString("MonthSheetView.USAGE_CELLS"));
RadioMenuItem badgeCellItem = new RadioMenuItem(Messages.getString("MonthSheetView.BADGE_CELLS"));
standardCellItem.setOnAction(evt -> setCellFactory(param -> new SimpleDateCell(param.getView(), param.getDate())));
detailCellItem.setOnAction(evt -> setCellFactory(param -> new DetailedDateCell(param.getView(), param.getDate())));
usageCellItem.setOnAction(evt -> setCellFactory(param -> new UsageDateCell(param.getView(), param.getDate())));
badgeCellItem.setOnAction(evt -> setCellFactory(param -> new BadgeDateCell(param.getView(), param.getDate())));
ToggleGroup group = new ToggleGroup();
group.getToggles().addAll(standardCellItem, detailCellItem, usageCellItem, badgeCellItem);
contextMenu.getItems().addAll(standardCellItem, detailCellItem, usageCellItem, badgeCellItem);
return contextMenu;
// cell factory support
private final ObjectProperty> cellFactory = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "cellFactory");
* A property used to store a reference to the cell factory for this view. The default cell factory
* simply returns an instance of type {@link SimpleDateCell}.
* @return the cell factory
public final ObjectProperty> cellFactoryProperty() {
return cellFactory;
* Returns the value of {@link #cellFactoryProperty()}.
* @return the cell factory
public final Callback getCellFactory() {
return cellFactoryProperty().get();
* Sets the value of {@link #cellFactoryProperty()}.
* @param factory the cell factory
public final void setCellFactory(Callback factory) {
// header cell factory support
private final ObjectProperty> headerCellFactory = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "headerCellFactory");
* A property used to store a reference to the "header" cell factory for this view. The default cell factory
* simply returns an instance of type {@link MonthHeaderCell}.
* @return the cell factory
public final ObjectProperty> headerCellFactoryProperty() {
return headerCellFactory;
* Returns the value of {@link #headerCellFactoryProperty()}.
* @return the "header" cell factory
public final Callback getHeaderCellFactory() {
return headerCellFactoryProperty().get();
* Sets the value of {@link #headerCellFactoryProperty()}.
* @param factory the "header" cell factory
public final void setHeaderCellFactory(Callback factory) {
// layout strategy support
* The different ways the view can align date cells.
* @see #setWeekDayLayout(WeekDayLayoutStrategy)
public enum WeekDayLayoutStrategy {
* Aligns the date cells in the traditional ways where
* the top-most cell shows the 1st day of the month and the
* bottom-most cell shows the last day of the month.
* Aligns the date cells in such a way that all cells
* in a given row are dates on the same weekday, e.g. all
* cells / dates are located on a "Monday".
private final ObjectProperty weekDayLayout = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "weekDayLayout", WeekDayLayoutStrategy.STANDARD);
* A property used to store the layout strategy used by this view. The month sheet
* view is capable of ensuring that the date cells next to each other always show
* the same weekday. For this extra empty cells are added at the top of some of the
* columns. However, the standard layout is to always show the first day of the month
* in the first cell from the top.
* @return the weekday layout strategy property
public final ObjectProperty weekDayLayoutProperty() {
return weekDayLayout;
* Returns the value of {@link #weekDayLayoutProperty()}.
* @return the weekday layout strategy
public final WeekDayLayoutStrategy getWeekDayLayout() {
return weekDayLayoutProperty().get();
* Sets the value of {@link #weekDayLayoutProperty()}.
* @param weekDayLayout the weekday layout strategy
public final void setWeekDayLayout(WeekDayLayoutStrategy weekDayLayout) {
// view unit support
private final ObjectProperty viewUnit = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "viewUnit", ViewUnit.YEAR);
* A property used to store the unit shown by the view (e.g. "quarters", "year", "month").
* @return the view unit (e.g. "quarters", "year", "month")
public final ObjectProperty viewUnitProperty() {
return viewUnit;
* Returns the value of {@link #viewUnitProperty()}.
* @return the view unit (e.g. "quarters", "year", "month")
public final ViewUnit getViewUnit() {
return viewUnitProperty().get();
* Sets the value of {@link #viewUnitProperty()}.
* @param unit the view unit (e.g. "quarters", "year", "month")
public final void setViewUnit(ViewUnit unit) {
// extended view unit support
private final ObjectProperty extendedViewUnit = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "extendedViewUnit", ViewUnit.MONTH);
* A property used to store the unit shown by the view in front of or after the
* main columns (e.g. "quarters", "year", "month"). So a month showing twelve months
* of a year might decide to add some "padding" and show another month in front of
* the year and one month after the year.
* @return the view unit (e.g. "quarters", "year", "month")
public final ObjectProperty extendedViewUnitProperty() {
return extendedViewUnit;
* Returns the value of {@link #extendedViewUnitProperty()}.
* @return the extended view unit (e.g. "quarters", "year", "month")
public final ViewUnit getExtendedViewUnit() {
return extendedViewUnitProperty().get();
* Sets the value of {@link #extendedViewUnitProperty()}.
* @param unit the extended view unit (e.g. "quarters", "year", "month")
public final void setExtendedViewUnit(ViewUnit unit) {
// extended units forward support
private final IntegerProperty extendedUnitsForward = new SimpleIntegerProperty(this, "extendedUnitsForward");
* An integer property that stores the number of units that will be used
* to extend the view by. A month showing twelve months of a year might decide
* to add some "padding" and show another month at the end of the year. In this
* case the number of extended units will be 1.
* @return the number of units used to extend the view at the end (e.g. "3 months")
public final IntegerProperty extendedUnitsForwardProperty() {
return extendedUnitsForward;
* Returns the value of {@link #extendedUnitsForward}.
* @return the number of units shown at the end of the view
public final int getExtendedUnitsForward() {
return extendedUnitsForwardProperty().get();
* Sets the value of {@link #extendedUnitsForward}.
* @param units the number of units shown at the end of the view
public final void setExtendedUnitsForward(int units) {
if (units < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("number of units can not be negative but was " + units);
// extended units backward support
private final IntegerProperty extendedUnitsBackward = new SimpleIntegerProperty(this, "extendedUnitsBackward");
* An integer property that stores the number of units that will be used
* to extend the view by. A month showing twelve months of a year might decide
* to put some "padding" in front of the year and show another month. In this
* case the number of extended units will be 1.
* @return the number of units used to extend the view at the beginning (e.g. "3 months")
public final IntegerProperty extendedUnitsBackwardProperty() {
return extendedUnitsBackward;
* Returns the value of {@link #extendedUnitsBackwardProperty}.
* @return the number of units shown at the beginning of the view
public final int getExtendedUnitsBackward() {
return extendedUnitsBackwardProperty().get();
* Sets the value of {@link #extendedUnitsBackwardProperty}.
* @param units the number of units shown at the beginning of the view
public final void setExtendedUnitsBackward(final int units) {
if (units < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("number of units can not be negative but was " + units);
* Returns the first "regular" month shown by the view. This method
* does not consider the extended months. If the view shows a whole
* year then the start month will be January.
* @return the start month
public final YearMonth getStartMonth() {
return getViewUnit().getStartMonth(getDate());
* Returns the first "regular" month shown by the view. This method
* does not consider the extended months. If the view shows a whole
* year then the end month will be December.
* @return the start month
public final YearMonth getEndMonth() {
return getViewUnit().getEndMonth(getDate());
* Returns the first month shown by the view. This method also takes the extended months into account. If the view shows a whole
* year with an extended unit of "month" and and extended unit count of two, then the start month will be November of the previous year.
* @return the start month
* @see #setExtendedViewUnit(ViewUnit)
* @see #setExtendedUnitsBackward(int)
* @see #setExtendedUnitsForward(int)
public final YearMonth getExtendedStartMonth() {
return getStartMonth().minusMonths(getExtendedViewUnit().toMonths(getExtendedUnitsBackward()));
* Returns the last month shown by the view. This method also takes the extended months into account. If the view shows a whole
* year with an extended unit of "month" and and extended unit count of two, then the end month will be February of the next year.
* @return the start month
* @see #setExtendedViewUnit(ViewUnit)
* @see #setExtendedUnitsBackward(int)
* @see #setExtendedUnitsForward(int)
public final YearMonth getExtendedEndMonth() {
return getEndMonth().plusMonths(getExtendedViewUnit().toMonths(getExtendedUnitsForward()));
* A simple check to see if the given month is part of the extended months.
* @param month the month to check
* @return true if the given month is part of the extended months
* @see #setExtendedViewUnit(ViewUnit)
* @see #setExtendedUnitsBackward(int)
* @see #setExtendedUnitsForward(int)
public final boolean isExtendedMonth(YearMonth month) {
if (month != null) {
YearMonth extendedStart = getExtendedStartMonth();
if ((month.equals(extendedStart) || month.isAfter(extendedStart)) && month.isBefore(getStartMonth())) {
return true;
YearMonth extendedEnd = getExtendedEndMonth();
if ((month.equals(extendedEnd) || month.isBefore(extendedEnd)) && month.isAfter(getEndMonth())) {
return true;
return false;
* Determines if the given date is currently showing is part of the view. This
* method uses the extended start and end months.
* @param date the date to check for visibility
* @return true if the date is within the time range of the view
* @see #getExtendedStartMonth()
* @see #getExtendedEndMonth()
public final boolean isVisibleDate(LocalDate date) {
if (date != null) {
YearMonth extendedStart = getExtendedStartMonth();
YearMonth extendedEnd = getExtendedEndMonth();
LocalDate startDate = extendedStart.atDay(1);
LocalDate endDate = extendedEnd.atEndOfMonth();
if ((date.equals(startDate) || date.isAfter(startDate)) && (date.equals(endDate) || date.isBefore(endDate))) {
return true;
return false;
// show week number support
private final BooleanProperty showWeekNumber = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "showWeekNumber", true);
* A property used to control whether the week numbers should be shown.
* @return true if the numbers should be shown
* @see DateControl#weekFieldsProperty()
public final BooleanProperty showWeekNumberProperty() {
return showWeekNumber;
* Returns the value of {@link #showWeekNumberProperty()}.
* @return true if the numbers should be shown
public final boolean isShowWeekNumber() {
return showWeekNumberProperty().get();
* Sets the value of {@link #showWeekNumberProperty()}.
* @param show true if the numbers should be shown
public final void setShowWeekNumber(boolean show) {
// date selection model support
private final ObjectProperty dateSelectionModel = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "dateSelectionModel", new DateSelectionModel());
* A property used to store a selection model for selecting dates.
* @return the date selection model
public final ObjectProperty dateSelectionModelProperty() {
return dateSelectionModel;
* Returns the value of {@link #dateSelectionModelProperty()}.
* @return the date selection model
public final DateSelectionModel getDateSelectionModel() {
return dateSelectionModelProperty().get();
* Sets the value of {@link #dateSelectionModelProperty()}.
* @param model the date selection model
public final void setDateSelectionModel(DateSelectionModel model) {
* An enumerator to control the behaviour of the control when the user
* clicks on a date. The view supports date selections or the ability to
* show a popover that lists the entries on the clicked date.
* @see MonthSheetView#clickBehaviourProperty()
public enum ClickBehaviour {
* A value used to make the control select the date on which the user clicked.
* A value used to make the control show some kind of dialog or popover to show
* details about the clicked date.
* Do nothing when the user clicks on a date.
private final ObjectProperty clickBehaviour = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "clickBehaviour", ClickBehaviour.PERFORM_SELECTION);
* The behaviour used when the user clicks on a date.
* @return the click behaviour
public final ObjectProperty clickBehaviourProperty() {
return clickBehaviour;
* Sets the value of {@link #clickBehaviourProperty()}.
* @param behaviour the click behaviour
public final void setClickBehaviour(ClickBehaviour behaviour) {
* Returns the value of {@link #clickBehaviourProperty()}.
* @return the click behaviour
public final ClickBehaviour getClickBehaviour() {
return clickBehaviourProperty().get();
* A view unit describes how many months the view should show. The view
* knows about years, semesters (6 months), quarters (3 months), and single
* months. When the date property changes the view will make sure to show
* the year, semester, quarter, or month where that date is located.
* @see MonthSheetView#setViewUnit(ViewUnit)
* @see MonthSheetView#setExtendedViewUnit(ViewUnit)
public enum ViewUnit {
* A value used to instruct the {@link MonthSheetView} to display a single
* month.
* @see MonthSheetView#setViewUnit(ViewUnit)
public YearMonth getStartMonth(LocalDate date) {
return YearMonth.from(date);
public YearMonth getEndMonth(LocalDate date) {
return YearMonth.from(date);
public int getMonthsCount() {
return 1;
* A value used to instruct the {@link MonthSheetView} to display a quarter
* year (3 months).
* @see MonthSheetView#setViewUnit(ViewUnit)
public YearMonth getStartMonth(LocalDate date) {
return Year.of(date.getYear()).atMonth(QUARTER_START_MONTH[date.getMonthValue() - 1]);
public YearMonth getEndMonth(LocalDate date) {
return Year.of(date.getYear()).atMonth(QUARTER_END_MONTH[date.getMonthValue() - 1]);
public int getMonthsCount() {
return 3;
* A value used to instruct the {@link MonthSheetView} to display a semester
* (6 months).
* @see MonthSheetView#setViewUnit(ViewUnit)
public YearMonth getStartMonth(LocalDate date) {
return Year.of(date.getYear()).atMonth(SEMESTER_START_MONTH[date.getMonthValue() - 1]);
public YearMonth getEndMonth(LocalDate date) {
return Year.of(date.getYear()).atMonth(SEMESTER_END_MONTH[date.getMonthValue() - 1]);
public int getMonthsCount() {
return 6;
* A value used to instruct the {@link MonthSheetView} to display a whole year.
* @see MonthSheetView#setViewUnit(ViewUnit)
public YearMonth getStartMonth(LocalDate date) {
return Year.from(date).atMonth(Month.JANUARY);
public YearMonth getEndMonth(LocalDate date) {
return Year.from(date).atMonth(Month.DECEMBER);
public int getMonthsCount() {
return 12;
private static final int[] QUARTER_START_MONTH = {1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 7, 7, 7, 10, 10, 10};
private static final int[] QUARTER_END_MONTH = {3, 3, 3, 6, 6, 6, 9, 9, 9, 12, 12, 12};
private static final int[] SEMESTER_START_MONTH = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7};
private static final int[] SEMESTER_END_MONTH = {6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12};
* Returns the start month for the given view unit and date.
* @param date the date for which to return the start month
* @return the start month for the given view unit and date
public abstract YearMonth getStartMonth(LocalDate date);
* Returns the end month for the given view unit and date.
* @param date the date for which to return the end month
* @return the end month for the given view unit and date
public abstract YearMonth getEndMonth(LocalDate date);
* Returns the number of months represented by the view unit, e.g. "3" for
* "quarter".
* @return the month count of the view unit
public abstract int getMonthsCount();
* Calculates the total number of months for the given
* number of units, e.g. when "units" is "3" and the "view unit" is
* "quarter" then the total number will be "9": three quarters equal
* 9 months.
* @param units the number of units
* @return the total number of months
public int toMonths(int units) {
return getMonthsCount() * units;
* A parameter object used by the cell factory of the month sheet view.
public static final class DateParameter {
private MonthSheetView view;
private LocalDate date;
* Constructs a new parameter object.
* @param view the view for which a cell has to be created
* @param date the date that the cell will represent
public DateParameter(MonthSheetView view, LocalDate date) {
this.view = Objects.requireNonNull(view);
this.date = date;
* Returns the view for which a cell has to be created.
* @return the month sheet view
public MonthSheetView getView() {
return view;
* Returns the date for which a cell has to be created.
* @return the date
public LocalDate getDate() {
return date;
* A parameter object used by the "header" cell factory of the month sheet view.
public static final class HeaderParameter {
private MonthSheetView view;
private YearMonth yearMonth;
public HeaderParameter(MonthSheetView view, YearMonth yearMonth) {
this.view = Objects.requireNonNull(view);
this.yearMonth = yearMonth;
public final MonthSheetView getView() {
return view;
public final YearMonth getYearMonth() {
return yearMonth;
private static final String MONTH_SHEET_VIEW_CATEGORY = "Month Sheet View";
public ObservableList getPropertySheetItems() {
ObservableList items = super.getPropertySheetItems();
items.add(new PropertySheet.Item() {
public Optional> getObservableValue() {
return Optional.of(clickBehaviourProperty());
public void setValue(Object value) {
setClickBehaviour((ClickBehaviour) value);
public Object getValue() {
return getClickBehaviour();
public Class> getType() {
return ClickBehaviour.class;
public String getName() {
return "Click Behaviour"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public String getDescription() {
return "Click behaviour"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public String getCategory() {
items.add(new PropertySheet.Item() {
public Class> getType() {
return WeekDayLayoutStrategy.class;
public String getCategory() {
public String getName() {
return "Week Day Layout";
public String getDescription() {
return "The layout strategy for the week day on the months";
public Object getValue() {
return getWeekDayLayout();
public void setValue(Object value) {
setWeekDayLayout((WeekDayLayoutStrategy) value);
public Optional> getObservableValue() {
return Optional.of(weekDayLayoutProperty());
items.add(new PropertySheet.Item() {
public Class> getType() {
return ViewUnit.class;
public String getCategory() {
public String getName() {
return "View Unit";
public String getDescription() {
return "View Unit";
public Object getValue() {
return getViewUnit();
public void setValue(Object value) {
setViewUnit((ViewUnit) value);
public Optional> getObservableValue() {
return Optional.of(viewUnitProperty());
items.add(new PropertySheet.Item() {
public Class> getType() {
return ViewUnit.class;
public String getCategory() {
public String getName() {
return "Extended View Unit";
public String getDescription() {
return "Extended View Unit";
public Object getValue() {
return getExtendedViewUnit();
public void setValue(Object value) {
setExtendedViewUnit((ViewUnit) value);
public Optional> getObservableValue() {
return Optional.of(extendedViewUnitProperty());
items.add(new PropertySheet.Item() {
public Class> getType() {
return Integer.class;
public String getCategory() {
public String getName() {
return "Extended Units Forward";
public String getDescription() {
return "Extended Units Forward";
public Object getValue() {
return getExtendedUnitsForward();
public void setValue(Object value) {
setExtendedUnitsForward((Integer) value);
public Optional> getObservableValue() {
return Optional.of(extendedUnitsForwardProperty());
items.add(new PropertySheet.Item() {
public Class> getType() {
return Integer.class;
public String getCategory() {
public String getName() {
return "Extended Units Backward";
public String getDescription() {
return "Extended Units Backward";
public Object getValue() {
return getExtendedUnitsBackward();
public void setValue(Object value) {
setExtendedUnitsBackward((Integer) value);
public Optional> getObservableValue() {
return Optional.of(extendedUnitsBackwardProperty());
items.add(new PropertySheet.Item() {
public Class> getType() {
return Boolean.class;
public String getCategory() {
public String getName() {
return "Show Week Number";
public String getDescription() {
return "Show Week Number";
public Object getValue() {
return isShowWeekNumber();
public void setValue(Object value) {
setShowWeekNumber((Boolean) value);
public Optional> getObservableValue() {
return Optional.of(showWeekNumberProperty());
items.add(new PropertySheet.Item() {
public Class> getType() {
return DateSelectionModel.SelectionMode.class;
public String getCategory() {
public String getName() {
return "Date Selection Mode";
public String getDescription() {
return "Date Selection Mode";
public Object getValue() {
return getDateSelectionModel().getSelectionMode();
public void setValue(Object value) {
getDateSelectionModel().setSelectionMode((DateSelectionModel.SelectionMode) value);
public Optional> getObservableValue() {
return Optional.of(getDateSelectionModel().selectionModeProperty());
return items;
* The default cell used for month headers.
* @see MonthSheetView#setHeaderCellFactory(Callback)
public static class MonthHeaderCell extends Label {
private final YearMonth yearMonth;
private final MonthSheetView view;
* Constructs a new month header cell.
* @param view the view where the header is needed
* @param yearMonth the month to display
public MonthHeaderCell(MonthSheetView view, YearMonth yearMonth) {
this(view, yearMonth, TextStyle.FULL);
* Constructs a new month header cell.
* @param view the view where the header is needed
* @param yearMonth the month to display
* @param textStyle the text style for the month label (full, short, ...)
public MonthHeaderCell(MonthSheetView view, YearMonth yearMonth, TextStyle textStyle) {
this.view = Objects.requireNonNull(view);
this.yearMonth = Objects.requireNonNull(yearMonth);
setText(yearMonth.getMonth().getDisplayName(textStyle, Locale.getDefault()));
setMaxSize(Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE);
* Returns the view where the cell is used.
* @return the view
public final MonthSheetView getView() {
return view;
* Returns the month for which the cell is used.
* @return the month
public final YearMonth getYearMonth() {
return yearMonth;
* The base class for all date cells that are used in combination with the
* {@link MonthSheetView}. The base class provides support for the pseudo states
* "today" and "selected". The cell also adds several stylesheets based on the
* location of the cell and based on the date or weekday represented by the cell.
* - weekend-day - if the date is on a weekend (e.g. a "Saturday" or "Sunday").
* - extended-date-cell - if the cell is located within an "extension" month.
* - first-day-of-week - if the day shown by the cell is the first day of the week (e.g. "Monday" in Europe, "Sunday" in the US).
* The cell also automatically adds the weekday name as a style class to the date ("monday", "tuesday", ...).
public static abstract class DateCell extends Region {
private static final PseudoClass PSEUDO_CLASS_SELECTED = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("selected");
private static final PseudoClass PSEUDO_CLASS_TODAY = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("today");
private static final String CELL_STYLE_CLASS = "date-cell";
private static final String EXTENDED_CELL_STYLE_CLASS = "extended-date-cell";
private static final String WEEKEND_DAY = "weekend-day";
private static final String FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK = "first-day-of-week";
private final LocalDate date;
private final MonthSheetView view;
private boolean selected;
private boolean today;
* Constructs a new date cell.
* @param view the parent month sheet view
* @param date the date shown by the cell (might be null for leading or trailing empty cells)
public DateCell(MonthSheetView view, LocalDate date) {
this.view = Objects.requireNonNull(view);
this.date = date;
* Returns the month sheet view to which the cell belongs.
* @return the parent month sheet view
public final MonthSheetView getView() {
return view;
* Returns the date shown by the cell or null if it does
* not show any date (might be the case when used as a filler
* cell at the beginning or end of the month.
* @return the date shown by the cell
public final LocalDate getDate() {
return date;
private void applyStyles() {
YearMonth yearMonth;
if (date == null) {
// date can be null if cell is used to fill the month column
yearMonth = YearMonth.from(date);
if (view.isExtendedMonth(yearMonth)) {
WeekFields fields = view.getWeekFields();
DayOfWeek firstDayOfWeek = fields.getFirstDayOfWeek();
if (date.getDayOfWeek().equals(firstDayOfWeek)) {
if (view.getWeekendDays().contains(date.getDayOfWeek())) {
if (!getStyleClass().contains(WEEKEND_DAY)) {
getStyleClass().add(0, WEEKEND_DAY);
} else {
* Returns true if the cell is currently selected.
* @return true if the cell is selected
public boolean isSelected() {
return selected;
* Tells the cell whether it is currently selected or not.
* @param selected if true the cell will be considered "selected"
* @see MonthSheetView#getDateSelectionModel()
public void setSelected(boolean selected) {
* Intentionally not made a final method. Cells might show
* different content when they are showing today or when they
* are not.
this.selected = selected;
pseudoClassStateChanged(PSEUDO_CLASS_SELECTED, selected);
// Today support.
* Returns true if the cell represents the day / date that is "today".
* @return true if the cell is showing "today"
* @see DateControl#todayProperty()
public boolean isToday() {
return today;
* Specifies whether or not the cell represents the day / date that is "today".
* Applications are free to override this method but should always call
* super.setToday().
* @param today true tells the cell that it is showing "today"
* @see DateControl#todayProperty()
public void setToday(boolean today) {
* Intentionally not made a final method. Cells might show
* different content when they are showing today or when they
* are not.
this.today = today;
pseudoClassStateChanged(PSEUDO_CLASS_TODAY, today);
* This method gets invoked whenever the {@link MonthSheetView} determines
* that the content of the cell might need to be refreshed. This might be the
* case when new entries are created or existing entries are deleted. But also
* when an entry gets assigned to a new calendar or an entry's time interval
* has changed.
* @param entries the current list of entries for the day represented
* by the cell
public void updateEntries(List> entries) {
* A specialization of the {@link SimpleDateCell} that adds a small canvas on the
* right-hand side to visualize the utilization of the day (the entries that exist on
* that date).
public static class DetailedDateCell extends SimpleDateCell {
private DetailCanvas canvas;
private static final Map calendarColors = new HashMap<>();
static {
calendarColors.put(Style.STYLE1.name().toLowerCase(), Color.rgb(119, 192, 75, 0.8));
calendarColors.put(Style.STYLE2.name().toLowerCase(), Color.rgb(65, 143, 203, 0.8));
calendarColors.put(Style.STYLE3.name().toLowerCase(), Color.rgb(247, 209, 91, 0.8));
calendarColors.put(Style.STYLE4.name().toLowerCase(), Color.rgb(157, 91, 159, 0.8));
calendarColors.put(Style.STYLE5.name().toLowerCase(), Color.rgb(208, 82, 95, 0.8));
calendarColors.put(Style.STYLE6.name().toLowerCase(), Color.rgb(249, 132, 75, 0.8));
calendarColors.put(Style.STYLE7.name().toLowerCase(), Color.rgb(174, 102, 62, 0.8));
* Constructs a new detailed date cell.
* @param view the parent month sheet view
* @param date the date shown by the cell (might be null for leading or trailing empty cells)
public DetailedDateCell(MonthSheetView view, LocalDate date) {
super(view, date);
canvas = new DetailCanvas();
* Returns the color to be used for the given calendar style.
* @param style the calendar style
* @return the color to be used for the given calendar
* @see Calendar#setStyle(String)
public static final Color getCalendarColor(String style) {
return calendarColors.get(style);
* Sets the color to be used for the given calendar style.
* @param style the calendar style
* @param color the color
public static final void setCalendarColor(String style, Color color) {
calendarColors.put(style, color);
protected void layoutChildren() {
Insets insets = getInsets();
double top = insets.getTop();
double bottom = insets.getBottom();
double left = insets.getLeft();
double right = insets.getRight();
double w = getWidth();
double h = getHeight();
double availableHeight = h - top - bottom;
double ps1 = dayOfMonthLabel.prefWidth(-1);
double ps2 = dayOfWeekLabel.prefWidth(-1);
double ps3 = weekNumberLabel.prefWidth(-1);
double ps4 = 12; // width of canvas
dayOfMonthLabel.resizeRelocate(left, top, ps1, availableHeight);
dayOfWeekLabel.resizeRelocate(left + ps1, top, ps2, availableHeight);
weekNumberLabel.resizeRelocate(w - right - ps3 - ps4, top, ps3, availableHeight);
// canvas
canvas.resizeRelocate(w - right - ps4, top, ps4, availableHeight);
protected double computePrefWidth(double height) {
return dayOfMonthLabel.prefWidth(-1) + dayOfWeekLabel.prefWidth(-1) + weekNumberLabel.prefWidth(-1) + 12;
* Had to override because for some weird reason selected date cells were higher than deselected once.
protected double computePrefHeight(double width) {
// for the height we do not care about the canvas
double h = Math.max(dayOfMonthLabel.prefHeight(-1), Math.max(dayOfWeekLabel.prefHeight(-1), weekNumberLabel.prefHeight(-1)));
return h + getInsets().getTop() + getInsets().getBottom();
public void updateEntries(List> entries) {
private final class DetailCanvas extends Canvas {
private List> entries;
private DetailCanvas() {
public boolean isResizable() {
return true;
public void setEntries(List> entries) {
this.entries = entries;
public void draw() {
final double width = getWidth();
final double height = getHeight();
GraphicsContext gc = getGraphicsContext2D();
gc.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
if (entries != null && !entries.isEmpty()) {
for (Entry> entry : entries) {
com.calendarfx.model.Calendar calendar = entry.getCalendar();
if (calendar == null) {
Color color = getCalendarColor(calendar.getStyle());
if (entry.isFullDay()) {
gc.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
} else {
LocalTime startTime = entry.getStartTime();
LocalTime endTime = entry.getEndTime();
if (entry.getStartDate().isBefore(getDate())) {
startTime = LocalTime.MIN;
if (entry.getEndDate().isAfter(getDate())) {
endTime = LocalTime.MAX;
double y = height * (startTime.toSecondOfDay() / (double) LocalTime.MAX.toSecondOfDay());
double h = height * (endTime.toSecondOfDay() / (double) LocalTime.MAX.toSecondOfDay());
gc.fillRect(0, y, width, h - y);
* The badge date cell extends the {@link SimpleDateCell} and adds another
* label to it that is used to display a counter of the number of entries that
* exist on that date.
public static class BadgeDateCell extends SimpleDateCell {
private Label counterLabel;
* Constructs a new badge date cell.
* @param view the parent month sheet view
* @param date the date shown by the cell (might be null for leading or trailing empty cells)
public BadgeDateCell(MonthSheetView view, LocalDate date) {
super(view, date);
counterLabel = new Label();
counterLabel.setVisible(false); // has to be initially invisible (to work with empty cells)
// this cell type can not display week numbers
protected void layoutChildren() {
Insets insets = getInsets();
double top = insets.getTop();
double bottom = insets.getBottom();
double left = insets.getLeft();
double right = insets.getRight();
double w = getWidth();
double h = getHeight();
double availableHeight = h - top - bottom;
double ps1 = dayOfMonthLabel.prefWidth(-1);
double ps2 = dayOfWeekLabel.prefWidth(-1);
double ps4 = counterLabel.prefWidth(-1);
double ph = counterLabel.prefHeight(-1);
dayOfMonthLabel.resizeRelocate(left, top, ps1, availableHeight);
dayOfWeekLabel.resizeRelocate(left + ps1, top, ps2, availableHeight);
// center the counter label, do not let it use the entire height
counterLabel.resizeRelocate(w - right - ps4, top + availableHeight / 2 - ph / 2, ps4, Math.min(availableHeight, ph));
protected double computePrefWidth(double height) {
return dayOfMonthLabel.prefWidth(-1) + dayOfWeekLabel.prefWidth(-1) + weekNumberLabel.prefWidth(-1);
* Had to override because for some weird reason selected date cells were higher than deselected once.
protected double computePrefHeight(double width) {
double h = Math.max(counterLabel.prefHeight(-1), Math.max(dayOfMonthLabel.prefHeight(-1), Math.max(dayOfWeekLabel.prefHeight(-1), weekNumberLabel.prefHeight(-1))));
return h + getInsets().getTop() + getInsets().getBottom();
public void updateEntries(List> entries) {
int entryCount = 0;
if (entries != null) {
entryCount = entries.size();
if (entryCount > 0) {
} else {
final Callback usagePolicy = getView().getUsagePolicy();
switch (usagePolicy.call(entryCount)) {
case NONE:
case VERY_LOW:
case LOW:
case MEDIUM:
case HIGH:
* A date cell used to display the day of month, the day of week, and the week of year in
* three separate labels. The styles used for these labels are "day-of-month", "day-of-week",
* and "week-number".
public static class SimpleDateCell extends DateCell {
private static final String DAY_OF_MONTH_STYLE = "day-of-month-label";
private static final String DAY_OF_WEEK_STYLE = "day-of-week-label";
private static final String WEEK_NUMBER_STYLE = "week-number-label";
protected final Label dayOfMonthLabel = new Label();
protected final Label dayOfWeekLabel = new Label();
protected final Label weekNumberLabel = new Label();
* Constructs a new simple date cell.
* @param view the parent month sheet view
* @param date the date shown by the cell (might be null for leading or trailing empty cells)
public SimpleDateCell(MonthSheetView view, LocalDate date) {
super(view, date);
dayOfMonthLabel.setMaxSize(Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE);
dayOfWeekLabel.setMaxSize(Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE);
weekNumberLabel.setMaxSize(Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE);
if (date != null) {
String dayOfWeekName = date.getDayOfWeek().name().toLowerCase();
dayOfMonthLabel.getStyleClass().add(dayOfWeekName + "-label");
dayOfWeekLabel.getStyleClass().add(dayOfWeekName + "-label");
weekNumberLabel.getStyleClass().add(dayOfWeekName + "-label");
getChildren().addAll(dayOfMonthLabel, dayOfWeekLabel, weekNumberLabel);
setMaxSize(Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE);
if (view.isEnableHyperlinks()) {
dayOfMonthLabel.setOnMouseClicked(evt -> {
if (evt.getButton() == MouseButton.PRIMARY && evt.getClickCount() == 1) {
fireEvent(new RequestEvent(this, this, date));
protected void layoutChildren() {
Insets insets = getInsets();
double top = insets.getTop();
double bottom = insets.getBottom();
double left = insets.getLeft();
double right = insets.getRight();
double w = getWidth();
double h = getHeight();
double availableHeight = h - top - bottom;
double ps1 = dayOfMonthLabel.prefWidth(-1);
double ps2 = dayOfWeekLabel.prefWidth(-1);
double ps3 = weekNumberLabel.prefWidth(-1);
dayOfMonthLabel.resizeRelocate(snapPosition(left), snapPosition(top), snapSize(ps1), snapSize(availableHeight));
dayOfWeekLabel.resizeRelocate(snapPosition(left + ps1), snapPosition(top), snapSize(ps2), snapSize(availableHeight));
weekNumberLabel.resizeRelocate(snapPosition(w - right - ps3), snapPosition(top), snapSize(ps3), snapSize(availableHeight));
protected double computePrefWidth(double height) {
return dayOfMonthLabel.prefWidth(-1) + dayOfWeekLabel.prefWidth(-1) + weekNumberLabel.prefWidth(-1);
* Had to override because for some weird reason selected date cells were higher than deselected once.
protected double computePrefHeight(double width) {
double h = Math.max(dayOfMonthLabel.prefHeight(-1), Math.max(dayOfWeekLabel.prefHeight(-1), weekNumberLabel.prefHeight(-1)));
return h + getInsets().getTop() + getInsets().getBottom();
private void updateLabels() {
LocalDate date = getDate();
if (date == null) {
} else {
dayOfWeekLabel.setText(date.getDayOfWeek().getDisplayName(TextStyle.SHORT, Locale.getDefault()));
MonthSheetView view = getView();
if (view != null && view.isShowWeekNumber()) {
WeekFields fields = view.getWeekFields();
DayOfWeek firstDayOfWeek = fields.getFirstDayOfWeek();
if (date.getDayOfWeek().equals(firstDayOfWeek)) {
String weekNumber = Integer.toString(date.get(fields.weekOfYear()));
* A specialization of the {@link SimpleDateCell} that adds utilization information
* to the cell by coloring its background differently based on the number of entries
* found on that day. The cell uses the "usage policy" of the month sheet view to
* determine whether the utilization is low or high. The styles used for visualizing
* the different utilizations are "usage-very-low", "usage-low", "usage-medium",
* "usage-high", and "usage-very-high". If utilization is zero then none of these styles
* will be applied.
* @see DateControl#usagePolicyProperty()
public static class UsageDateCell extends SimpleDateCell {
* Constructs a new usage date cell.
* @param view the parent month sheet view
* @param date the date shown by the cell (might be null for leading or trailing empty cells)
public UsageDateCell(MonthSheetView view, LocalDate date) {
super(view, date);
public void updateEntries(List> entries) {
int entryCount = 0;
if (entries != null) {
entryCount = entries.size();
final Callback usagePolicy = getView().getUsagePolicy();
switch (usagePolicy.call(entryCount)) {
case NONE:
case VERY_LOW:
case LOW:
case MEDIUM:
case HIGH:
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