com.caoccao.javet.sanitizer.options.JavetSanitizerOptions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2023-2024. caoccao.com Sam Cao
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.caoccao.javet.sanitizer.options;
import com.caoccao.javet.sanitizer.exceptions.JavetSanitizerException;
import com.caoccao.javet.sanitizer.visitors.IJavetSanitizerVisitor;
import com.caoccao.javet.sanitizer.visitors.JavetSanitizerVisitor;
import com.caoccao.javet.swc4j.enums.Swc4jMediaType;
import com.caoccao.javet.swc4j.enums.Swc4jParseMode;
import com.caoccao.javet.swc4j.options.Swc4jOptions;
import com.caoccao.javet.swc4j.utils.AssertionUtils;
import com.caoccao.javet.swc4j.utils.SimpleList;
import com.caoccao.javet.swc4j.utils.SimpleMap;
import com.caoccao.javet.swc4j.utils.SimpleSet;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
* The type Javet sanitizer option.
* @since 0.7.0
public class JavetSanitizerOptions {
* Default name of global identifier.
* @since 0.7.0
public static final String DEFAULT_GLOBAL_IDENTIFIER = "globalThis";
* Default reserved function identifier set.
* @since 0.7.0
public static final Set DEFAULT_RESERVED_FUNCTION_IDENTIFIER_SET = SimpleSet.immutableOf("main");
* Default reserved identifier set.
* @since 0.7.0
public static final Set DEFAULT_RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_SET = SimpleSet.immutableOf();
* Default reserved mutable identifier set.
* @since 0.7.0
public static final Set DEFAULT_RESERVED_MUTABLE_IDENTIFIER_SET = SimpleSet.immutableOf();
* The Built-in object set.
* Object.getOwnPropertyNames(global)
* .concat(['Decimal'])
* .sort()
* .forEach(o => console.log(o))
* @since 0.7.0
public static final Set DEFAULT_BUILT_IN_OBJECT_SET = SimpleSet.immutableOf(
"AbortController", "AbortSignal", "AggregateError", "Array", "ArrayBuffer", "Atomics",
"BigInt", "BigInt64Array", "BigUint64Array", "Boolean", "Buffer",
"DataView", "Date", "Decimal",
"Error", "EvalError", "Event", "EventTarget",
"FinalizationRegistry", "Float32Array", "Float64Array", "Function",
"Infinity", "Int16Array", "Int32Array", "Int8Array", "Intl",
"Map", "Math", "MessageChannel", "MessageEvent", "MessagePort",
"NaN", "Number",
"Promise", "Proxy",
"RangeError", "ReferenceError", "Reflect", "RegExp",
"Set", "SharedArrayBuffer", "String", "Symbol", "SyntaxError",
"TextDecoder", "TextEncoder", "TypeError",
"URIError", "URL", "URLSearchParams", "Uint16Array", "Uint32Array", "Uint8Array", "Uint8ClampedArray",
"WeakMap", "WeakRef", "WeakSet", "WebAssembly",
"_", "_error",
"async_hooks", "atob",
"btoa", "buffer",
"child_process", "clearImmediate", "clearInterval", "clearTimeout", "cluster", "console", "constants", "crypto",
"decodeURI", "decodeURIComponent", "dgram", "diagnostics_channel", "dns", "domain",
"encodeURI", "encodeURIComponent", "escape", "eval", "events",
"global", "globalThis",
"http", "http2", "https",
"inspector", "isFinite", "isNaN",
"parseFloat", "parseInt", "path", "perf_hooks", "performance", "process",
"querystring", "queueMicrotask",
"readline", "repl", "require",
"setImmediate", "setInterval", "setTimeout", "stream", "string_decoder", "sys",
"timers", "tls", "trace_events", "tty",
"undefined", "unescape", "url", "util",
"v8", "vm",
"wasi", "worker_threads",
* The Disallowed identifier set.
* JS Global Objects
* @since 0.7.0
public static final Set DEFAULT_DISALLOWED_IDENTIFIER_SET = SimpleSet.immutableOf(
"apply", "AsyncFunction", "AsyncGenerator", "AsyncGeneratorFunction",
"call", "clearInterval", "clearTimeout",
"defineProperty", "defineProperties",
"global", "globalThis", "getPrototypeOf",
"Generator", "GeneratorFunction",
"prototype", "Proxy",
"setImmediate", "setInterval", "setTimeout", "setPrototypeOf", "Symbol",
"WebAssembly", "window");
* Default media type is JavaScript.
* @since 0.7.0
public static final Swc4jMediaType DEFAULT_MEDIA_TYPE = Swc4jMediaType.JavaScript;
* Default parse mode is Program.
* @since 0.7.0
public static final Swc4jParseMode DEFAULT_PARSE_MODE = Swc4jParseMode.Program;
* The default to be deleted objects from V8.
* @since 0.7.0
public static final List DEFAULT_TO_BE_DELETED_OBJECT_LIST = SimpleList.immutableOf(
* The default to be frozen objects from V8.
* @since 0.7.0
public static final List DEFAULT_TO_BE_FROZEN_OBJECT_LIST = SimpleList.immutableOf(
"Object", // Object must be the first.
* Default option is the most strict and secure option.
* Most built-in objects and keywords are disabled.
* @since 0.7.0
public static final JavetSanitizerOptions Default = new JavetSanitizerOptions("Default").seal();
private Map argumentMap;
private Set builtInObjectSet;
private Set disallowedIdentifierSet;
private String globalIdentifier;
private boolean keywordAsyncEnabled;
private boolean keywordAwaitEnabled;
private boolean keywordDebuggerEnabled;
private boolean keywordExportEnabled;
private boolean keywordImportEnabled;
private boolean keywordVarEnabled;
private boolean keywordWithEnabled;
private boolean keywordYieldEnabled;
private Swc4jMediaType mediaType;
private String name;
private Swc4jParseMode parseMode;
private Set reservedFunctionIdentifierSet;
private Function reservedIdentifierMatcher;
private Set reservedIdentifierSet;
private Set reservedMutableIdentifierSet;
private boolean sealed;
private boolean shebangEnabled;
private URL specifier;
private List toBeDeletedIdentifierList;
private List toBeFrozenIdentifierList;
private Function visitorConstructor;
* Instantiates a new Javet sanitizer option.
* @param name the name
public JavetSanitizerOptions(String name) {
argumentMap = new HashMap<>();
builtInObjectSet = new HashSet<>(DEFAULT_BUILT_IN_OBJECT_SET);
disallowedIdentifierSet = new HashSet<>(DEFAULT_DISALLOWED_IDENTIFIER_SET);
keywordAsyncEnabled = false;
keywordAwaitEnabled = false;
keywordDebuggerEnabled = false;
keywordExportEnabled = false;
keywordImportEnabled = false;
keywordVarEnabled = false;
keywordWithEnabled = false;
keywordYieldEnabled = false;
this.name = AssertionUtils.notNull(name, "Name");
reservedFunctionIdentifierSet = new HashSet<>(DEFAULT_RESERVED_FUNCTION_IDENTIFIER_SET);
reservedIdentifierMatcher = identifier -> false;
reservedIdentifierSet = new HashSet<>(DEFAULT_RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_SET);
reservedMutableIdentifierSet = new HashSet<>(DEFAULT_RESERVED_MUTABLE_IDENTIFIER_SET);
shebangEnabled = false;
specifier = Swc4jOptions.DEFAULT_SPECIFIER;
toBeDeletedIdentifierList = new ArrayList<>(DEFAULT_TO_BE_DELETED_OBJECT_LIST);
toBeFrozenIdentifierList = new ArrayList<>(DEFAULT_TO_BE_FROZEN_OBJECT_LIST);
sealed = false;
visitorConstructor = JavetSanitizerVisitor::new;
* Gets argument map.
* @return the argument map
* @since 0.7.0
public Map getArgumentMap() {
return argumentMap;
* Gets built-in object set.
* @return the built-in object set
* @since 0.7.0
public Set getBuiltInObjectSet() {
return builtInObjectSet;
* Gets disallowed identifier set.
* @return the disallowed identifier set
* @since 0.7.0
public Set getDisallowedIdentifierSet() {
return disallowedIdentifierSet;
* Gets global identifier.
* @return the global identifier
* @since 0.7.0
public String getGlobalIdentifier() {
return globalIdentifier;
* Gets media type.
* @return the media type
* @since 0.7.0
public Swc4jMediaType getMediaType() {
return mediaType;
* Gets name.
* @return the name
* @since 0.7.0
public String getName() {
return name;
* Gets parse mode.
* @return the parse mode
* @since 0.7.0
public Swc4jParseMode getParseMode() {
return parseMode;
* Gets reserved function identifier set.
* @return the reserved function identifier set
* @since 0.7.0
public Set getReservedFunctionIdentifierSet() {
return reservedFunctionIdentifierSet;
* Gets reserved identifier matcher.
* @return the reserved identifier matcher
* @since 0.7.0
public Function getReservedIdentifierMatcher() {
return reservedIdentifierMatcher;
* Gets reserved identifier set.
* @return the reserved identifier set
* @since 0.7.0
public Set getReservedIdentifierSet() {
return reservedIdentifierSet;
* Gets reserved mutable identifier set.
* @return the reserved mutable identifier set
* @since 0.7.0
public Set getReservedMutableIdentifierSet() {
return reservedMutableIdentifierSet;
* Gets specifier.
* @return the specifier
* @since 0.7.0
public URL getSpecifier() {
return specifier;
* Gets to be deleted identifier list.
* @return the to be deleted identifier list
* @since 0.7.0
public List getToBeDeletedIdentifierList() {
return toBeDeletedIdentifierList;
* Gets to be frozen identifier list.
* @return the to be frozen identifier list
* @since 0.7.0
public List getToBeFrozenIdentifierList() {
return toBeFrozenIdentifierList;
* Gets visitor.
* @return the visitor
* @throws JavetSanitizerException the javet sanitizer exception
* @since 0.7.0
public IJavetSanitizerVisitor getVisitor() throws JavetSanitizerException {
try {
return visitorConstructor.apply(this);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw JavetSanitizerException.visitorNotFound(visitorConstructor.toString(), t);
* Is keyword async enabled.
* @return true : yes, false: no
* @since 0.7.0
public boolean isKeywordAsyncEnabled() {
return keywordAsyncEnabled;
* Is keyword await enabled.
* @return true : yes, false: no
* @since 0.7.0
public boolean isKeywordAwaitEnabled() {
return keywordAwaitEnabled;
* Is keyword debugger enabled.
* @return true : yes, false: no
* @since 0.7.0
public boolean isKeywordDebuggerEnabled() {
return keywordDebuggerEnabled;
* Is keyword export enabled.
* @return true : yes, false: no
* @since 0.7.0
public boolean isKeywordExportEnabled() {
return keywordExportEnabled;
* Is keyword import enabled.
* @return true : yes, false: no
* @since 0.7.0
public boolean isKeywordImportEnabled() {
return keywordImportEnabled;
* Is keyword var enabled.
* @return true : yes, false: no
* @since 0.7.0
public boolean isKeywordVarEnabled() {
return keywordVarEnabled;
* Is keyword with enabled.
* @return true : yes, false: no
* @since 0.7.0
public boolean isKeywordWithEnabled() {
return keywordWithEnabled;
* Is keyword yield enabled.
* @return true : yes, false: no
* @since 0.7.0
public boolean isKeywordYieldEnabled() {
return keywordYieldEnabled;
* Is sealed.
* @return true : yes, false: no
* @since 0.7.0
public boolean isSealed() {
return sealed;
* Is shebang enabled.
* @return true : yes, false: no
* @since 0.8.0
public boolean isShebangEnabled() {
return shebangEnabled;
* Seal javet sanitizer option. After it is sealed, it will be immutable.
* @return the self
* @since 0.7.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions seal() {
argumentMap = SimpleMap.immutable(argumentMap);
builtInObjectSet = SimpleSet.immutable(builtInObjectSet);
disallowedIdentifierSet = SimpleSet.immutable(disallowedIdentifierSet);
reservedFunctionIdentifierSet = SimpleSet.immutable(reservedFunctionIdentifierSet);
reservedIdentifierSet = SimpleSet.immutable(reservedIdentifierSet);
reservedMutableIdentifierSet = SimpleSet.immutable(reservedMutableIdentifierSet);
toBeDeletedIdentifierList = SimpleList.immutable(toBeDeletedIdentifierList);
toBeFrozenIdentifierList = SimpleList.immutable(toBeFrozenIdentifierList);
sealed = true;
return this;
* Sets global identifier.
* @param globalIdentifier the global identifier
* @return the self
* @since 0.7.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions setGlobalIdentifier(String globalIdentifier) {
if (!sealed) {
this.globalIdentifier = globalIdentifier;
return this;
* Sets keyword async enabled.
* @param keywordAsyncEnabled the keyword async enabled
* @return the self
* @since 0.7.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions setKeywordAsyncEnabled(boolean keywordAsyncEnabled) {
if (!sealed) {
this.keywordAsyncEnabled = keywordAsyncEnabled;
return this;
* Sets keyword await enabled.
* @param keywordAwaitEnabled the keyword await enabled
* @return the self
* @since 0.7.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions setKeywordAwaitEnabled(boolean keywordAwaitEnabled) {
if (!sealed) {
this.keywordAwaitEnabled = keywordAwaitEnabled;
return this;
* Sets keyword debugger enabled.
* @param keywordDebuggerEnabled the keyword debugger enabled
* @return the self
* @since 0.7.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions setKeywordDebuggerEnabled(boolean keywordDebuggerEnabled) {
if (!sealed) {
this.keywordDebuggerEnabled = keywordDebuggerEnabled;
return this;
* Sets keyword export enabled.
* @param keywordExportEnabled the keyword export enabled
* @return the self
* @since 0.7.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions setKeywordExportEnabled(boolean keywordExportEnabled) {
if (!sealed) {
this.keywordExportEnabled = keywordExportEnabled;
return this;
* Sets keyword import enabled.
* @param keywordImportEnabled the keyword import enabled
* @return the self
* @since 0.7.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions setKeywordImportEnabled(boolean keywordImportEnabled) {
if (!sealed) {
this.keywordImportEnabled = keywordImportEnabled;
return this;
* Sets keyword var enabled.
* @param keywordVarEnabled the keyword var enabled
* @return the self
* @since 0.7.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions setKeywordVarEnabled(boolean keywordVarEnabled) {
if (!sealed) {
this.keywordVarEnabled = keywordVarEnabled;
return this;
* Sets keyword with enabled.
* @param keywordWithEnabled the keyword with enabled
* @return the self
* @since 0.7.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions setKeywordWithEnabled(boolean keywordWithEnabled) {
if (!sealed) {
this.keywordWithEnabled = keywordWithEnabled;
return this;
* Sets keyword yield enabled.
* @param keywordYieldEnabled the keyword yield enabled
* @return the self
* @since 0.7.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions setKeywordYieldEnabled(boolean keywordYieldEnabled) {
if (!sealed) {
this.keywordYieldEnabled = keywordYieldEnabled;
return this;
* Sets media type.
* @param mediaType the media type
* @return the self
* @since 0.7.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions setMediaType(Swc4jMediaType mediaType) {
if (!sealed) {
this.mediaType = AssertionUtils.notNull(mediaType, "Media type");
return this;
* Sets name.
* @param name the name
* @return the self
* @since 0.7.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions setName(String name) {
if (!sealed) {
this.name = AssertionUtils.notNull(name, "Name");
return this;
* Sets parse mode.
* @param parseMode the parse mode
* @return the self
* @since 0.7.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions setParseMode(Swc4jParseMode parseMode) {
if (!sealed) {
this.parseMode = AssertionUtils.notNull(parseMode, "Parse mode");
return this;
* Sets reserved identifier matcher.
* @param reservedIdentifierMatcher the reserved identifier matcher
* @return the self
* @since 0.7.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions setReservedIdentifierMatcher(Function reservedIdentifierMatcher) {
if (!sealed) {
this.reservedIdentifierMatcher = AssertionUtils.notNull(reservedIdentifierMatcher, "Reserved identifier matcher");
return this;
* Sets shebang enabled.
* @param shebangEnabled the shebang enabled
* @return the shebang enabled
* @since 0.8.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions setShebangEnabled(boolean shebangEnabled) {
if (!sealed) {
this.shebangEnabled = shebangEnabled;
return this;
* Sets specifier.
* @param specifier the specifier
* @return the specifier
* @since 0.7.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions setSpecifier(URL specifier) {
if (!sealed) {
this.specifier = AssertionUtils.notNull(specifier, "Specifier");
return this;
* Sets visitor constructor.
* @param visitorConstructor the visitor constructor
* @return the self
* @since 0.7.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions setVisitorConstructor(
Function visitorConstructor) {
if (!sealed) {
this.visitorConstructor = AssertionUtils.notNull(visitorConstructor, "Visitor constructor");
return this;
* To clone javet sanitizer option.
* @return the new javet sanitizer option
* @since 0.7.0
public JavetSanitizerOptions toClone() {
JavetSanitizerOptions options = new JavetSanitizerOptions(name);
options.globalIdentifier = globalIdentifier;
options.keywordAsyncEnabled = keywordAsyncEnabled;
options.keywordAwaitEnabled = keywordAwaitEnabled;
options.keywordDebuggerEnabled = keywordDebuggerEnabled;
options.keywordExportEnabled = keywordExportEnabled;
options.keywordImportEnabled = keywordImportEnabled;
options.keywordWithEnabled = keywordWithEnabled;
options.keywordYieldEnabled = keywordYieldEnabled;
options.mediaType = mediaType;
options.parseMode = parseMode;
options.reservedIdentifierMatcher = reservedIdentifierMatcher;
options.shebangEnabled = shebangEnabled;
options.specifier = specifier;
options.visitorConstructor = visitorConstructor;
return options;