Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
* An implementation of PipelineService that computes pipelines dynamically.
* For more details see {@link #buildPipeline(Pipeline, Long, Long)}.
* @author MarkRx
public class DynamicPipelineServiceImpl implements PipelineService {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DynamicPipelineServiceImpl.class);
private static final int PROD_COMMIT_DATE_RANGE_DEFAULT = -90;
private static final Comparator BUILD_NUMBER_COMPATATOR = new Comparator() {
public int compare(Build o1, Build o2) {
int b1Int = o1.getNumber() != null? Integer.valueOf(o1.getNumber()) : 0;
int b2Int = o2.getNumber() != null? Integer.valueOf(o2.getNumber()) : 0;
return b2Int - b1Int;
private final PipelineRepository pipelineRepository;
private final DashboardRepository dashboardRepository;
private final CollectorItemRepository collectorItemRepository;
private final BinaryArtifactService binaryArtifactService;
private final BuildService buildService;
private final CommitService commitService;
private final DeployService deployService;
private final ApiSettings settings;
public DynamicPipelineServiceImpl(PipelineRepository pipelineRepository, DashboardRepository dashboardRepository,
CollectorItemRepository collectorItemRepository, BinaryArtifactService binaryArtifactService,
BuildService buildService, CommitService commitService, DeployService deployService, ApiSettings settings) {
this.pipelineRepository = pipelineRepository;
this.dashboardRepository = dashboardRepository;
this.collectorItemRepository = collectorItemRepository;
this.binaryArtifactService = binaryArtifactService;
this.buildService = buildService;
this.commitService = commitService;
this.deployService = deployService;
this.settings = settings;
public Iterable search(PipelineSearchRequest searchRequest) throws HygieiaException {
//sets the lower and upper bound for the prod bucket's commits. uses constant for lower bound limit and today as default for upper bound
Long lowerBound = searchRequest.getBeginDate();
//if(lowerBound == null){
// TODO get incremental updates working
lowerBound = getMinStart();
Long upperBound = searchRequest.getEndDate() != null ? searchRequest.getEndDate() : new Date().getTime();
List pipelineResponses = new ArrayList<>();
for(ObjectId collectorItemId : searchRequest.getCollectorItemId()){
Pipeline pipeline = getOrCreatePipeline(collectorItemId);
pipeline = buildPipeline(pipeline, lowerBound, upperBound);
// This will make debugging much easier;
pipelineResponses.add(buildPipelineResponse(pipeline, lowerBound, upperBound));
return pipelineResponses;
protected Pipeline getOrCreatePipeline(ObjectId collectorItemId) {
Pipeline pipeline = pipelineRepository.findByCollectorItemId(collectorItemId);
if(pipeline == null){
pipeline = new Pipeline();
return pipeline;
// Creates the response that is returned to the client
private PipelineResponse buildPipelineResponse(Pipeline pipeline, Long lowerBound, Long upperBound) throws HygieiaException {
* get the collector item and dashboard
CollectorItem dashboardCollectorItem = collectorItemRepository.findOne(pipeline.getCollectorItemId());
Dashboard dashboard = dashboardRepository.findOne(new ObjectId((String)dashboardCollectorItem.getOptions().get("dashboardId")));
PipelineResponse pipelineResponse = new PipelineResponse();
// Fix for 1254
Map stageToEnvironmentNameMap = PipelineUtils.getStageToEnvironmentNameMap(dashboard);
List pipelineStageList = new ArrayList<>();
for (PipelineStage pl : stageToEnvironmentNameMap.keySet()) {
* iterate over the pipeline stages
* **/
for(PipelineStage stage : pipelineStageList){
List commitsForStage = findNotPropagatedCommits(dashboard, pipeline, stage,pipelineStageList);
pipelineResponse.setStageCommits(stage, commitsForStage);
return pipelineResponse;
* Dynamically calculates what should be in a Pipeline.
* A pipeline contains 3 section types: commits, builds, and deployments. The deployment
* section is further subdivided into environments. This method gathers information
* from collectors for the team dashboard that the pipeline corresponds to and makes a reasonable
* attempt to correlate it.
* Data is correlated in the following ways:
* - Build -> Commit: Builds keep track of the SCM revision numbers as well as the repository
* and branch information (though builds with multiple repositories are not 100% accurate). Given a list
* of commits for the dashboard we can correlate builds to them using the scm revision number.
* - EnvironmentComponent -> BinaryArtifact: Given a list of {@link Environment}s we can gather
* DeploymentUnits and associate them to {@link BinaryArtifact}s by the component name and version number.
* In the future this information may be stored in metadata that is retrieved by the deployment collector.
- BinaryArtifact -> Commit: An artifact will contain information about the HEAD svn revision
* number that was used to produce it. Given the scm revision number we can find it in our list of commits
* that are tracked for the dashboard and determine it along with all previous commits. For GIT this is done
* using a graph buitl from {@link Commit#getScmParentRevisionNumbers()}. For SVN we simply grab all revisions
* with a number less than ours.
* @param pipeline the pipeline to calculate
* @param lowerBound the lower window bound for gathering statistics
* @param upperBound the upper window bound for gathering statistics
* @return the pipeline passed in
protected Pipeline buildPipeline(Pipeline pipeline, Long lowerBound, Long upperBound) {
CollectorItem dashboardCollectorItem = collectorItemRepository.findOne(pipeline.getCollectorItemId());
Dashboard dashboard = dashboardRepository.findOne(new ObjectId((String)dashboardCollectorItem.getOptions().get("dashboardId")));
// First gather information about our dashboard
// TODO how should we handle multiple components?
Component component = dashboard.getApplication().getComponents().iterator().next();
// Note - since other items link to commits we always need to pull all of our commit data
List commits = getCommits(component, getMinStart(), upperBound);
List builds = getBuilds(component, lowerBound, upperBound);
List environments = getEnvironments(component);
Map> environmentArtifactIdentifiers = getArtifactIdentifiers(environments);
Map> artifacts = getBinaryArtifacts(
environmentArtifactIdentifiers.values().stream().flatMap( coll ->;
// We only want builds that belong to our repo
RepoBranch repo = getComponentRepoBranch(component);
builds = filterBuilds(builds, repo.getUrl(), repo.getBranch());
artifacts = filterBinaryArtifacts(artifacts, repo.getUrl(), repo.getBranch());
// we assume all the builds belong to the same job
Collections.sort(builds, BUILD_NUMBER_COMPATATOR);
// recompute pipeline
pipeline.setFailedBuilds(new HashSet<>());
pipeline.setEnvironmentStageMap(new HashMap<>());
processCommits(pipeline, commits);
processBuilds(pipeline, builds, commits);
processDeployments(pipeline, environments, artifacts, commits);
return pipeline;
* Computes the commit stage of the pipeline.
* @param pipeline
* @param commits
protected void processCommits(Pipeline pipeline, List commits) {
// TODO when processing commits should we only add the commits that are within the time boundaries?
Set seenRevisionNumbers = new HashSet<>();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("\n===== Commit List =====\n");
for (Commit commit : commits) {
sb.append(" - " + commit.getId() + " (" + commit.getScmRevisionNumber() + ") - " + commit.getScmCommitLog() + "\n");
for (Commit commit : commits) {
boolean commitNotSeen = seenRevisionNumbers.add(commit.getScmRevisionNumber());
if (commitNotSeen) {
pipeline.addCommit(PipelineStage.COMMIT.getName(), new PipelineCommit(commit, commit.getScmCommitTimestamp()));
* Computes the build stage of the pipeline.
* Given a list of builds and commits, this method will associate builds to commits and then
* add commits to the build stage of the pipeline. Only commits that are tracked by our dashboard
* are added meaning that if a build builds some other branch the commit information for that branch
* will not be put into the pipeline.
* Note: At present some extraneous builds may be processed due to limitations in the jenkins api
* when there are multiple branches being built by the same job.
* @param pipeline
* @param builds a list of builds sorted descending by build number
* @param commits
protected void processBuilds(Pipeline pipeline, List builds, List commits) {
// sort again in case code changes in future to be safe
List sortedBuilds = new ArrayList<>(builds);
Collections.sort(sortedBuilds, BUILD_NUMBER_COMPATATOR);
Multimap buildCommits = buildBuildToCommitsMap(sortedBuilds, commits);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("\n===== Build Commit Mapping =====\n");
for (Build build : sortedBuilds) {
sb.append(" - " + build.getBuildUrl() + " -> ");
Collection commitsForBuild = buildCommits.get(build.getId());
if (commitsForBuild != null && !commitsForBuild.isEmpty()) {
boolean hasPrinted = false;
for (Commit commit : commitsForBuild) {
if (hasPrinted) {
sb.append(", ");
hasPrinted = true;
} else {
sb.append("(NONE) - No commits for build exists/found.");
Set seenRevisionNumbers = new HashSet<>();
Build latestSuccessfulBuild = null;
Build lastSuccessfulBuild = null;
for (Build build : sortedBuilds) {
boolean isSuccessful = BuildStatus.Success.equals(build.getBuildStatus());
if (isSuccessful) {
lastSuccessfulBuild = build;
if (latestSuccessfulBuild == null) {
latestSuccessfulBuild = build;
if (isSuccessful || (lastSuccessfulBuild != null)) {
Collection commitsForBuild = buildCommits.get(build.getId());
* If the build belongs to a branch that has commits we are not tracking or if
* the commit is greater than 90 days old this will be null as we will not have
* a corresponding commit from our commits collection. This is desired as we don't
* want to track commits outside of our window or commits that belong to different
* branches.
if (commitsForBuild != null) {
for (Commit commit : commitsForBuild) {
boolean commitNotSeen = seenRevisionNumbers.add(commit.getScmRevisionNumber());
* Multiple builds may reference the same commit. For example, a failed build followed by a
* successful build may reference the same commit. We will use the first time we come across
* the commit as the build it belongs to.
if (commitNotSeen) {
long timestamp = isSuccessful? build.getStartTime() : lastSuccessfulBuild.getStartTime();
pipeline.addCommit(PipelineStage.BUILD.getName(), new PipelineCommit(commit, timestamp));
// Gather commits that didn't participate in a build for one reason or another but have been processed
// For now use what is in BuildEventListener... this may need to be improved upon in the future
if (latestSuccessfulBuild != null) {
for (Commit commit : commits) {
if (seenRevisionNumbers.contains(commit.getScmRevisionNumber())) {
if (commit.getScmCommitTimestamp() < latestSuccessfulBuild.getStartTime()) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("processBuilds adding orphaned build commit " + commit.getScmRevisionNumber());
pipeline.addCommit(PipelineStage.BUILD.getName(), new PipelineCommit(commit, commit.getScmCommitTimestamp()));
* Computes the build stage of the pipeline.
* Iterates over each environment to determine what commits currently exist in the current deployment.
* Given an {@link Environment} this method will iterate over its {@link DeploymentUnit}s until
* a unit is found that corresponds to a {@link BinaryArtifact} that exists in the artifacts
* collection. DeploymentUnits are artifacts are currently correlated by name and version.
* If the artifact is found an attempt is made to find the last {@link Commit} that was used
* when producing the artifact. With this information all previous commits can be deduced and
* thus added to the pipeline at each environment stage that is processed.
* @param pipeline
* @param environments
* @param artifacts
* @param commits
* @see #buildPipeline(Pipeline, Long, Long)
protected void processDeployments(Pipeline pipeline, List environments,
Map> artifacts, List commits) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("\n===== Environment Artifact Mapping =====\n");
for (Environment env : environments) {
sb.append(" - " + env.getName() + "\n");
if (env.getUnits() != null && !env.getUnits().isEmpty()) {
for (DeployableUnit du : env.getUnits()) {
* Note: At present we do not have a way to determine artifact gruop information
* from deployments. Thus if multiple distinct artifacts have the same name and
* version information the wrong artifact may be picked. A future enhancement will
* have to improve artifact correlation by storing deployment artifact information
* in deployment tools and then using this to find the correct BinaryArtifact in
* the artifacts collection.
ArtifactIdentifier id = new ArtifactIdentifier(null, du.getName(), du.getVersion(), null, null);
sb.append(" - " + id.getGroup() + ":" + id.getName() + ":" + id.getVersion() + " -> ");
Collection tmp = artifacts.get(id);
if (tmp != null && !tmp.isEmpty()) {
boolean hasPrinted = false;
for (BinaryArtifact ba : tmp) {
if (hasPrinted) {
sb.append(", ");
hasPrinted = true;
} else {
sb.append("(NONE) - No BinaryArtifacts found!");
} else {
sb.append(" - (NONE) - No DeployableUnits found!\n");
// Build commit graph - child : parents
Map commitsByRevisionNumber = buildRevisionNumberToCommitMap(commits);
Map> commitGraph = buildCommitGraph(commits);
// iterate through this in case other maps ignore missing items
for (Environment env : environments) {
EnvironmentStage stage = new EnvironmentStage();
BinaryArtifact artifact = null;
DeployableUnit deployableUnit = null;
if (env.getUnits() != null) {
for (DeployableUnit du : env.getUnits()) {
ArtifactIdentifier id = new ArtifactIdentifier(null, du.getName(), du.getVersion(), null, null);
Collection tmp = artifacts.get(id);
if (tmp != null && !tmp.isEmpty()) {
artifact = tmp.iterator().next();
deployableUnit = du;
if (artifact != null) {
// we already filtered out bas that don't correspond to our repo
String revsionNumber = artifact.getScmRevisionNumber();
List commitRevisionNumbers = getCommitHistory(commitGraph, revsionNumber);
for (String rev : commitRevisionNumbers) {
Commit commit = commitsByRevisionNumber.get(rev);
if (commit == null) {
logger.warn("Error encountered building pipeline: commit information missing for revision " + rev);
} else {
stage.addCommit(new PipelineCommit(commit, deployableUnit.getLastUpdated()));
pipeline.getEnvironmentStageMap().put(env.getName(), stage);
* Filters out builds from the dashboard's job that used a different repository.
* Builds picked up by a jenkins job might refer to different repositories if users
* changed the job around at one point. We are only interested in the repository
* that all of our commits come from. This fill filter out builds that do not
* correspond to our repository.
* Note that this method may not work 100% due to limitations gathering data from
* the jenkins api. See note in code for more information.
* @param builds a list of builds
* @param url the url of the repository we are interested in
* @param branch the branch of the repository we are interested in
* @return the filtered list
protected List filterBuilds(List builds, String url, String branch) {
List rt = new ArrayList();
String urlNoNull = url != null? url : "";
//String branchNoNull = branch != null? branch : "";
for (Build build : builds) {
boolean added = false;
// TODO this is not reliable
for (RepoBranch repo : build.getCodeRepos()) {
String rurl = repo.getUrl() != null? repo.getUrl() : "";
//String rbranch = repo.getBranch() != null? repo.getBranch() : "";
* Note:
* Based on and experimentation it seems
* that branch information on the repo's is not 100% reliable when there are multiple
* repositories that participate in the build (at least for jenkins). It appears that jenkins
* will spawn of multiple builds but each build will have all of the repositories listed
* that participated in the first build. This means that we cannot distinguish which particular
* branch the build used in this case.
* As a result the timestamping of commits may be a little off in the build portion of the pipeline.
* We shouldn't however pick up commits that exist in other branches but not the branch we are tracking
* because when processBuilds runs those extraneous commits will be dropped since they will not link
* to a commit that we are tracking.
// do not check type since it might not be known
if (HygieiaUtils.smartUrlEquals(urlNoNull, rurl) /*&& ObjectUtils.equals(branchNoNull, rbranch)*/) {
added = true;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && !added) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Ignoring build " + build.getBuildUrl() + " since it does not use the component's repository\n");
sb.append("Component repo: (url: " + url + " branch: " + branch + ")\n");
sb.append("Build repos: ");
boolean hasPrinted = false;
for (RepoBranch repo : build.getCodeRepos()) {
if (hasPrinted) {
sb.append(" ");
sb.append("(url: " + repo.getUrl() + " branch: " + repo.getBranch() + ")\n");
hasPrinted = true;
if (!hasPrinted) {
return rt;
* Filters out {@link BinaryArtifact}s that did not come from a specified repository
* @param artifactsMap a map of binary artifacts
* @param url the repository url
* @param branch the repository branch
* @return the filtered list
protected Map> filterBinaryArtifacts(Map> artifactsMap, String url, String branch) {
Map> rt = new HashMap<>();
String urlNoNull = url != null? url : "";
String branchNoNull = branch != null? branch : "";
for (Map.Entry> e : artifactsMap.entrySet()) {
ArtifactIdentifier id = e.getKey();
List artifacts = new ArrayList<>();
boolean added = false;
for (BinaryArtifact ba : e.getValue()) {
String baUrl = ba.getScmUrl();
String baBranch = ba.getScmBranch();
if (HygieiaUtils.smartUrlEquals(urlNoNull, baUrl) && ObjectUtils.equals(branchNoNull, baBranch)) {
added = true;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && !added) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Ignoring artifact identifier " + id.getGroup() + ":" + id.getName() + ":" + id.getVersion()
+ " since it does not correspond to any artifacts that use the component's repository\n");
sb.append("Component repo: (url: " + url + " branch: " + branch + ")\n");
boolean hasPrinted = false;
for (BinaryArtifact ba : e.getValue()) {
sb.append(" " + ba.getArtifactGroupId() + ":" + ba.getArtifactName() + ":" + ba.getArtifactVersion()
+ " " + "(url: " + ba.getScmUrl() + " branch: " + ba.getScmBranch() + ")\n");
hasPrinted = true;
if (!hasPrinted) {
if (!artifacts.isEmpty()) {
rt.put(e.getKey(), artifacts);
return rt;
* Determine the SCM url and branch that is set for the component. Information
* is gathered with the assumption that the data is stored in options.url and
* options.branch.
* @param component
* @return the {@link RepoBranch} that the component uses
protected RepoBranch getComponentRepoBranch(Component component) {
CollectorItem item = component.getFirstCollectorItemForType(CollectorType.SCM);
if (item == null) {
logger.warn("Error encountered building pipeline: could not find scm collector item for dashboard.");
return new RepoBranch("", "", RepoType.Unknown);
// TODO find a better way?
String url = (String)item.getOptions().get("url");
String branch = (String)item.getOptions().get("branch");
return new RepoBranch(url, branch, RepoType.Unknown);
private List getCommits(Component component, Long startDate, Long endDate) {
List rt;
CommitRequest request = new CommitRequest();
DataResponse> response =;
rt = response.getResult() != null? Lists.newArrayList(response.getResult()) : Collections.emptyList();
return rt;
private List getBuilds(Component component, Long startDate, Long endDate) {
List rt;
BuildSearchRequest request = new BuildSearchRequest();
DataResponse> response =;
rt = response.getResult() != null? Lists.newArrayList(response.getResult()) : Collections.emptyList();
return rt;
private List getEnvironments(Component component) {
DataResponse> response = deployService.getDeployStatus(component.getId());
return response.getResult() != null? response.getResult() : Collections.emptyList();
// this is here for future expansion
private Map> getArtifactIdentifiers(List environments) {
Map> rt = new HashMap<>();
for (Environment env : environments) {
Set ids = new HashSet<>();
if (env.getUnits() != null) {
for (DeployableUnit du : env.getUnits()) {
String artifactName = du.getName();
String artifactExtension = null;
int dotIdx = artifactName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (dotIdx > 0) {
// If idx is 0 starts with a dot... in which case not an extension
artifactName = artifactName.substring(0, dotIdx);
artifactExtension = artifactName.substring(dotIdx);
ArtifactIdentifier id = new ArtifactIdentifier(null, artifactName, du.getVersion(), null, artifactExtension);
rt.put(env, new ArrayList<>(ids));
return rt;
private Map> getBinaryArtifacts(List ids) {
Map> rt = new HashMap<>();
Set idsDedup = new HashSet<>(ids);
for (ArtifactIdentifier id : idsDedup) {
List artifacts = getBinaryArtifacts(id.getGroup(), id.getName(), id.getVersion(), id.getExtension());
rt.put(id, artifacts);
return rt;
private List getBinaryArtifacts(String group, String name, String version, String ext) {
List rt;
BinaryArtifactSearchRequest request = new BinaryArtifactSearchRequest();
request.setArtifactGroup(group != null && group.length() > 0? group : null);
request.setArtifactName(name != null && name.length() > 0? name : null);
request.setArtifactVersion(version != null && version.length() > 0? version : null);
request.setArtifactExtension(ext != null? ext : null); // empty string extension is valid
DataResponse> response =;
rt = response.getResult() != null? Lists.newArrayList(response.getResult()) : Collections.emptyList();
return rt;
private Multimap buildBuildToCommitsMap(List builds, List commits) {
Multimap rt = HashMultimap.create();
Map revisionNumberToCommitMap = buildRevisionNumberToCommitMap(commits);
for (Build build : builds) {
for (SCM scm : build.getSourceChangeSet()) {
String revisionNumber = scm.getScmRevisionNumber();
Commit correspondingCommit = revisionNumberToCommitMap.get(revisionNumber);
if (correspondingCommit != null) {
assert build.getId() != null;
rt.put(build.getId(), correspondingCommit);
return rt;
// TODO needs to account for scm url and branch
private Map buildRevisionNumberToCommitMap(List commits) {
Map rt = new HashMap<>();
for (Commit commit : commits) {
String revisionNumber = commit.getScmRevisionNumber();
boolean alreadyExists = rt.put(revisionNumber, commit) != null;
if (alreadyExists) {
logger.warn("Error encountered building pipeline: multiple commits exist for revision number " + revisionNumber);
return rt;
* Calculates the commit graph.
* Builds a commit graph using information within the list of commits. For GIT this is
* build using {@link Commit#getScmParentRevisionNumbers()}. For SCM this is a sequential
* key:value map of all previous commits.
* @param commits
* @return a map of revision number : parent revision number(s). This is plural in the
* case of merge commits.
// We assume each commit belongs to the same repo + branch
private Map> buildCommitGraph(List commits) {
// multimap api doesn't quite fit what we want to do here
Map> rt = new HashMap<>();
// TODO build graph for svn
for (Commit commit : commits) {
String revisionNumber = commit.getScmRevisionNumber();
boolean alreadyExists = false;
List parentRevisionNumbers = commit.getScmParentRevisionNumbers();
if (parentRevisionNumbers == null) {
alreadyExists = rt.put(revisionNumber, new ArrayList<>()) != null;
} else {
alreadyExists = rt.put(revisionNumber, parentRevisionNumbers) != null;
if (alreadyExists) {
logger.warn("Error encountered building pipeline: multiple commits exist for revision number " + revisionNumber);
return rt;
* Given a commit graph determines all predecessor commits that came before the specified revision number.
* @param commitGraph
* @param headRevisionNumber
* @return the commit history starting at headRevisionNumber
// TODO need to handle SVN
protected List getCommitHistory(Map> commitGraph, String headRevisionNumber) {
List rt = new ArrayList<>();
Set seenRevisions = new HashSet<>();
getCommitHistory(rt, seenRevisions, commitGraph, headRevisionNumber);
return rt;
private void getCommitHistory(List rt, Set seenRevisions, Map> commitGraph, String revisionNumber) {
if (revisionNumber == null) {
if (commitGraph.get(revisionNumber) == null || commitGraph.get(revisionNumber).isEmpty()) {
for (String rn : commitGraph.get(revisionNumber)) {
if (seenRevisions.add(rn)) {
getCommitHistory(rt, seenRevisions, commitGraph, rn);
private Long getMinStart() {
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
cal.setTime(new Date());
return cal.getTime().getTime();
private boolean isBetween(Long commitTimestamp, Long lowerBound, Long upperBound){
return (lowerBound <= commitTimestamp && commitTimestamp <= upperBound);
* For a given commit, will traverse the pipeline and find the time it entered in each stage of the pipeline
* @param commit
* @param dashboard
* @param pipeline
* @return
private PipelineResponseCommit applyStageTimestamps(PipelineResponseCommit commit, Dashboard dashboard, Pipeline pipeline,List pipelineStageList) throws HygieiaException {
PipelineResponseCommit returnCommit = new PipelineResponseCommit(commit);
for(PipelineStage systemStage : pipelineStageList) {
//get commits for a given stage
Map commitMap = findCommitsForStage(dashboard, pipeline, systemStage);
//if this commit doesnt have a processed timestamp for this stage, add one
PipelineCommit pipelineCommit = commitMap.get(commit.getScmRevisionNumber());
if(pipelineCommit != null && !returnCommit.getProcessedTimestamps().containsKey(systemStage.getName())){
Long timestamp = pipelineCommit.getTimestamp();
returnCommit.addNewPipelineProcessedTimestamp(systemStage, timestamp);
return returnCommit;
* Gets all commits for a given pipeline stage, taking into account the mappings for environment stages
* @param dashboard
* @param pipeline
* @param stageType
* @return
private Map findCommitsForStage(Dashboard dashboard, Pipeline pipeline, PipelineStage stage) throws HygieiaException {
Map commitMap = new HashMap<>();
// The environment name including the pseudo environments "Build" and "Commit"
String psuedoEnvironmentName =
PipelineStage.COMMIT.equals(stage) || PipelineStage.BUILD.equals(stage)? stage.getName() :
if(psuedoEnvironmentName != null){
commitMap = pipeline.getCommitsByEnvironmentName(psuedoEnvironmentName);
return commitMap;
* get the commits for a given stage by finding which commits havent passed to a later stage
* @param dashboard dashboard
* @param pipeline pipeline for that dashboard
* @param stage current stage
* @return a list of all commits as pipeline response commits that havent moved past the current stage
public List findNotPropagatedCommits(Dashboard dashboard, Pipeline pipeline, PipelineStage stage,List pipelineStageList) throws HygieiaException {
Map startingStage = findCommitsForStage(dashboard, pipeline, stage);
List notPropagatedCommits = new ArrayList<>();
for(Map.Entry entry : startingStage.entrySet()){
PipelineResponseCommit commit = applyStageTimestamps(new PipelineResponseCommit((PipelineCommit)entry.getValue()), dashboard, pipeline,pipelineStageList);
return notPropagatedCommits;