Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import com.querydsl.core.BooleanBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.TimeZone;
* The feature service.
* Features can currently belong to 2 sprint types: scrum and kanban. In order to be considered part of the sprint
* the feature must not be deleted and must have an "active" sprint asset state if the sprint is set. The following
* logic also applies:
* A feature is part of a scrum sprint if any of the following are true:
* - the feature has a sprint set that has start <= now <= end and end < EOT (9999-12-31T59:59:59.999999)
* A feature is part of a kanban sprint if any of the following are true:
* - the feature does not have a sprint set
* - the feature has a sprint set that does not have an end date
* - the feature has a sprint set that has an end date >= EOT (9999-12-31T59:59:59.999999)
public class FeatureServiceImpl implements FeatureService {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FeatureServiceImpl.class);
private final ComponentRepository componentRepository;
private final FeatureRepository featureRepository;
private final CollectorRepository collectorRepository;
* Default autowired constructor for repositories
* @param componentRepository
* Repository containing components used by the UI (populated by
* UI)
* @param collectorRepository
* Repository containing all registered collectors
* @param featureRepository
* Repository containing all features
public FeatureServiceImpl(ComponentRepository componentRepository,
CollectorRepository collectorRepository, FeatureRepository featureRepository) {
this.componentRepository = componentRepository;
this.featureRepository = featureRepository;
this.collectorRepository = collectorRepository;
* Retrieves a single story based on a back-end story number
* @param componentId
* The ID of the related UI component that will reference
* collector item content from this collector
* @param storyNumber
* A back-end story ID used by a source system
* @return A data response list of type Feature containing a single story
public DataResponse> getStory(ObjectId componentId, String storyNumber) {
Component component = componentRepository.findOne(componentId);
if ((component == null) || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(component.getCollectorItems())
|| CollectionUtils
|| (component.getCollectorItems().get(CollectorType.AgileTool).get(0) == null)) {
return getEmptyLegacyDataResponse();
CollectorItem item = component.getCollectorItems().get(CollectorType.AgileTool).get(0);
QScopeOwner team = new QScopeOwner("team");
BooleanBuilder builder = new BooleanBuilder();
// Get one story based on story number, based on component
List story = featureRepository.getStoryByNumber(storyNumber);
Collector collector = collectorRepository.findOne(item.getCollectorId());
return new DataResponse<>(story, collector.getLastExecuted());
* Retrieves all stories for a given team and their current sprint
* @param componentId
* The ID of the related UI component that will reference
* collector item content from this collector
* @param teamId
* A given scope-owner's source-system ID
* @return A data response list of type Feature containing all features for
* the given team and current sprint
public DataResponse> getRelevantStories(ObjectId componentId, String teamId, String projectId,
Optional agileType) {
Component component = componentRepository.findOne(componentId);
if ((component == null) || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(component.getCollectorItems())
|| CollectionUtils
|| (component.getCollectorItems().get(CollectorType.AgileTool).get(0) == null)) {
return getEmptyLegacyDataResponse();
CollectorItem item = component.getCollectorItems().get(CollectorType.AgileTool).get(0);
QScopeOwner team = new QScopeOwner("team");
BooleanBuilder builder = new BooleanBuilder();
// Get teamId first from available collector item, based on component
List relevantStories = getFeaturesForCurrentSprints(teamId, projectId, item.getCollectorId(), agileType.isPresent()? agileType.get() : null, false);
Collector collector = collectorRepository.findOne(item.getCollectorId());
return new DataResponse<>(relevantStories, collector.getLastExecuted());
* Retrieves all unique super features and their total sub feature estimates
* for a given team and their current sprint
* @param componentId
* The ID of the related UI component that will reference
* collector item content from this collector
* @param teamId
* A given scope-owner's source-system ID
* @return A data response list of type Feature containing the unique
* features plus their sub features' estimates associated to the
* current sprint and team
public DataResponse> getFeatureEpicEstimates(ObjectId componentId, String teamId, String projectId,
Optional agileType, Optional estimateMetricType) {
Component component = componentRepository.findOne(componentId);
if ((component == null) || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(component.getCollectorItems())
|| CollectionUtils
|| (component.getCollectorItems().get(CollectorType.AgileTool).get(0) == null)) {
return getEmptyLegacyDataResponse();
CollectorItem item = component.getCollectorItems().get(CollectorType.AgileTool).get(0);
List relevantFeatureEstimates = getFeaturesForCurrentSprints(teamId, projectId, item.getCollectorId(), agileType.isPresent()? agileType.get() : null, true);
// epicID : epic information (in the form of a Feature object)
Map epicIDToEpicFeatureMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Feature tempRs : relevantFeatureEstimates) {
String epicID = tempRs.getsEpicID();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(epicID))
Feature feature = epicIDToEpicFeatureMap.get(epicID);
if (feature == null) {
feature = new Feature();
epicIDToEpicFeatureMap.put(epicID, feature);
// if estimateMetricType is hours accumulate time estimate in minutes for better precision ... divide by 60 later
int estimate = getEstimate(tempRs, estimateMetricType);
feature.setsEstimate(String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(feature.getsEstimate()) + estimate));
if (isEstimateTime(estimateMetricType)) {
// time estimate is in minutes but we want to return in hours
for (Feature f : epicIDToEpicFeatureMap.values()) {
f.setsEstimate(String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(f.getsEstimate()) / 60));
Collector collector = collectorRepository.findOne(item.getCollectorId());
return new DataResponse<>(new ArrayList<>(epicIDToEpicFeatureMap.values()), collector.getLastExecuted());
public DataResponse getAggregatedSprintEstimates(ObjectId componentId,
String teamId, String projectId, Optional agileType, Optional estimateMetricType) {
Component component = componentRepository.findOne(componentId);
if ((component == null) || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(component.getCollectorItems())
|| CollectionUtils
|| (component.getCollectorItems().get(CollectorType.AgileTool).get(0) == null)) {
return new DataResponse(new SprintEstimate(), 0);
CollectorItem item = component.getCollectorItems().get(CollectorType.AgileTool).get(0);
Collector collector = collectorRepository.findOne(item.getCollectorId());
SprintEstimate estimate = getSprintEstimates(teamId, projectId, item.getCollectorId(), agileType, estimateMetricType);
return new DataResponse<>(estimate, collector.getLastExecuted());
* Retrieves estimate total of all features in the current sprint and for
* the current team.
* @param componentId
* The ID of the related UI component that will reference
* collector item content from this collector
* @param teamId
* A given scope-owner's source-system ID
* @return A data response list of type Feature containing the total
* estimate number for all features
public DataResponse> getTotalEstimate(ObjectId componentId, String teamId,
Optional agileType, Optional estimateMetricType) {
Component component = componentRepository.findOne(componentId);
if ((component == null) || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(component.getCollectorItems())
|| CollectionUtils
|| (component.getCollectorItems().get(CollectorType.AgileTool).get(0) == null)) {
return getEmptyLegacyDataResponse();
CollectorItem item = component.getCollectorItems().get(CollectorType.AgileTool).get(0);
SprintEstimate estimate = getSprintEstimates(teamId, FeatureCollectorConstants.PROJECT_ID_ANY, item.getCollectorId(), agileType, estimateMetricType);
List list = Collections.singletonList(new Feature());
Collector collector = collectorRepository.findOne(item.getCollectorId());
return new DataResponse<>(list, collector.getLastExecuted());
* Retrieves estimate in-progress of all features in the current sprint and
* for the current team.
* @param componentId
* The ID of the related UI component that will reference
* collector item content from this collector
* @param teamId
* A given scope-owner's source-system ID
* @return A data response list of type Feature containing the in-progress
* estimate number for all features
public DataResponse> getInProgressEstimate(ObjectId componentId, String teamId,
Optional agileType, Optional estimateMetricType) {
Component component = componentRepository.findOne(componentId);
if ((component == null) || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(component.getCollectorItems())
|| CollectionUtils
|| (component.getCollectorItems().get(CollectorType.AgileTool).get(0) == null)) {
return getEmptyLegacyDataResponse();
CollectorItem item = component.getCollectorItems().get(CollectorType.AgileTool).get(0);
SprintEstimate estimate = getSprintEstimates(teamId, FeatureCollectorConstants.PROJECT_ID_ANY, item.getCollectorId(), agileType, estimateMetricType);
List list = Collections.singletonList(new Feature());
Collector collector = collectorRepository.findOne(item.getCollectorId());
return new DataResponse<>(list, collector.getLastExecuted());
* Retrieves estimate done of all features in the current sprint and for the
* current team.
* @param componentId
* The ID of the related UI component that will reference
* collector item content from this collector
* @param teamId
* A given scope-owner's source-system ID
* @return A data response list of type Feature containing the done estimate
* number for all features
public DataResponse> getDoneEstimate(ObjectId componentId, String teamId,
Optional agileType, Optional estimateMetricType) {
Component component = componentRepository.findOne(componentId);
if ((component == null) || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(component.getCollectorItems())
|| CollectionUtils
|| (component.getCollectorItems().get(CollectorType.AgileTool).get(0) == null)) {
return getEmptyLegacyDataResponse();
CollectorItem item = component.getCollectorItems().get(CollectorType.AgileTool).get(0);
SprintEstimate estimate = getSprintEstimates(teamId, FeatureCollectorConstants.PROJECT_ID_ANY, item.getCollectorId(), agileType, estimateMetricType);
List list = Collections.singletonList(new Feature());
Collector collector = collectorRepository.findOne(item.getCollectorId());
return new DataResponse<>(list, collector.getLastExecuted());
* Retrieves the current sprint's detail for a given team.
* @param componentId
* The ID of the related UI component that will reference
* collector item content from this collector
* @param teamId
* A given scope-owner's source-system ID
* @return A data response list of type Feature containing several relevant
* sprint fields for the current team's sprint
public DataResponse> getCurrentSprintDetail(ObjectId componentId, String teamId, String projectId,
Optional agileType) {
Component component = componentRepository.findOne(componentId);
if ((component == null) || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(component.getCollectorItems())
|| CollectionUtils
|| (component.getCollectorItems().get(CollectorType.AgileTool).get(0) == null)) {
return getEmptyLegacyDataResponse();
CollectorItem item = component.getCollectorItems().get(CollectorType.AgileTool).get(0);
// Get teamId first from available collector item, based on component
List sprintResponse = getFeaturesForCurrentSprints(teamId, projectId, item.getCollectorId(), agileType.isPresent()? agileType.get() : null, true);
Collector collector = collectorRepository.findOne(item.getCollectorId());
return new DataResponse<>(sprintResponse, collector.getLastExecuted());
private SprintEstimate getSprintEstimates(String teamId, String projectId, ObjectId collectorId, Optional agileType, Optional estimateMetricType) {
List storyEstimates = getFeaturesForCurrentSprints(teamId, projectId, collectorId, agileType.isPresent()? agileType.get() : null, true);
int totalEstimate = 0;
int wipEstimate = 0;
int doneEstimate = 0;
for (Feature tempRs : storyEstimates) {
String tempStatus = tempRs.getsStatus() != null? tempRs.getsStatus().toLowerCase() : null;
// if estimateMetricType is hours accumulate time estimate in minutes for better precision ... divide by 60 later
int estimate = getEstimate(tempRs, estimateMetricType);
totalEstimate += estimate;
if (tempStatus != null) {
switch (tempStatus) {
case "in progress":
case "waiting":
case "impeded":
wipEstimate += estimate;
case "done":
case "accepted":
doneEstimate += estimate;
int openEstimate = totalEstimate - wipEstimate - doneEstimate;
if (isEstimateTime(estimateMetricType)) {
// time estimate is in minutes but we want to return in hours
totalEstimate /= 60;
openEstimate /= 60;
wipEstimate /= 60;
doneEstimate /= 60;
SprintEstimate response = new SprintEstimate();
return response;
* Get the features that belong to the current sprints
* @param teamId the team id
* @param agileType the agile type. Defaults to "scrum" if null
* @param minimal if the resulting list of Features should be minimally populated (see queries for fields)
* @return
private List getFeaturesForCurrentSprints(String teamId, String projectId, ObjectId collectorId, String agileType, boolean minimal) {
List rt = new ArrayList();
String now = getCurrentISODateTime();
if ( FeatureCollectorConstants.SPRINT_KANBAN.equalsIgnoreCase(agileType)) {
* A feature is part of a kanban sprint if any of the following are true:
* - the feature does not have a sprint set
* - the feature has a sprint set that does not have an end date
* - the feature has a sprint set that has an end date >= EOT (9999-12-31T59:59:59.999999)
rt.addAll(featureRepository.findByNullSprints(teamId, projectId, collectorId, minimal));
rt.addAll(featureRepository.findByUnendingSprints(teamId, projectId, collectorId, minimal));
} else {
// default to scrum
* A feature is part of a scrum sprint if any of the following are true:
* - the feature has a sprint set that has start <= now <= end and end < EOT (9999-12-31T59:59:59.999999)
rt.addAll(featureRepository.findByActiveEndingSprints(teamId, projectId, collectorId, now, minimal));
return rt;
private DataResponse> getEmptyLegacyDataResponse() {
Feature f = new Feature();
List l = new ArrayList<>();
return new DataResponse<>(l, 0);
* Retrieves the current system time stamp in ISO date time format. Because
* this is not using SimpleTimeFormat, this should be thread safe.
* @return A string representation of the current date time stamp in ISO
* format from the current time zone
private String getCurrentISODateTime() {
return DatatypeConverter.printDateTime(Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")));
private boolean isEstimateTime(Optional estimateMetricType) {
return estimateMetricType.isPresent() && FeatureCollectorConstants.STORY_HOURS_ESTIMATE.equalsIgnoreCase(estimateMetricType.get());
private boolean isEstimateCount(Optional estimateMetricType) {
return estimateMetricType.isPresent() && FeatureCollectorConstants.STORY_COUNT_ESTIMATE.equalsIgnoreCase(estimateMetricType.get());
private int getEstimate(Feature feature, Optional estimateMetricType) {
int rt = 0;
if (isEstimateTime(estimateMetricType)) {
if (feature.getsEstimateTime() != null) {
rt = feature.getsEstimateTime().intValue();
} else if (isEstimateCount(estimateMetricType)) {
rt = 1;
} else {
// default to story points since that should be the most common use case
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(feature.getsEstimate())) {
try {
rt = Integer.parseInt(feature.getsEstimate());
catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
rt = 0;
LOG.error("Could not parse estimate for '"+ feature.getsName()+ "', number '"+ feature.getsNumber()
+ "', have estimate: "+ feature.getsEstimate(), nfe);
return rt;
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