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com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.eclipse.Entry.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.eclipse
import java.nio.file.Paths
import scala.collection.JavaConverters.asScalaBufferConverter
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathEntry
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore
import org.scalaide.core.SdtConstants
import com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.base
import com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.util.Optioner.convert_Option_Value
trait Entry {
self : Monitor with Maven with Base.Conf =>
def containerEntry( path : String ) : IClasspathEntry = {
JavaCore.newContainerEntry( Path.fromPortableString( path ) )
def configurePathEntry(
context : Config.SetupContext,
sourceFolder : String,
targetFolder : String,
monitor : IProgressMonitor,
attribMap : Map[ String, String ] = Map(),
generated : Boolean = false
) : Unit = {
import context._
val project = request.getProject
val sourcePath = Maven.projectFolder( project, sourceFolder ).getFullPath
val targetPath = Maven.projectFolder( project, targetFolder ).getFullPath s" ${sourcePath} -> ${targetPath}" )
val entry = classpath.addSourceEntry( sourcePath, targetPath, generated )
attribMap.foreach {
case ( key, value ) => entry.setClasspathAttribute( key, value )
@Description ( """
Path convention: resolve as absolute.
""" )
def ensureSourceRoots(
context : Config.SetupContext,
sourceList : Seq[ String ],
target : String,
attribMap : Map[ String, String ],
monitor : IProgressMonitor
) : Unit = {
import context._
import com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.util.Folder
@Description ( """
Project source/target folders are project-contained.
""" )
val basedir = Folder( request.getProject.getLocation.toFile.toPath )
val targetFolder = basedir.absolute( Paths.get( target ) ).toString
sourceList.foreach { source =>
val sourceFolder = basedir.absolute( Paths.get( source ) ).toString
configurePathEntry( context, sourceFolder, targetFolder, monitor, attribMap )
@Description ( """
Path convention: resolve as absolute.
""" )
def ensureSourceRoots(
context : Config.SetupContext,
build : base.Build,
attribMap : Map[ String, String ],
monitor : IProgressMonitor
) : Unit = {
import build._
val resourceList = path => new File( path.getDirectory ).getAbsolutePath )
val sourceList = path => path.getAbsolutePath )
val target =
ensureSourceRoots( context, resourceList, target, attribMap, monitor )
ensureSourceRoots( context, sourceList, target, attribMap, monitor )
def ensureSourceRoots(
context : Config.SetupContext,
monitor : IProgressMonitor
) : Unit = {
import context._
import com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.base.Build.Param._
val attribAny = Map(
attrib.optional -> "true"
val attribMacro = attribAny + ( attrib.scope -> scope.`macro` )
val attribMain = attribAny + ( attrib.scope -> scope.`main` )
val attribTest = attribAny + ( attrib.scope -> scope.`test` ) + ( attrib.test -> "true" )
ensureSourceRoots( context, config.buildMacro, attribMacro, monitor )
ensureSourceRoots( context, config.buildMain, attribMain, monitor )
ensureSourceRoots( context, config.buildTest, attribTest, monitor )
def ensureContainer(
context : Config.SetupContext,
hasRemove : Boolean,
containerId : String,
monitor : IProgressMonitor
) = {
import context._
val entry = containerEntry( containerId )
val path = entry.getPath
if ( hasRemove ) { s"Deleting container ${containerId}." )
classpath.removeEntry( path )
} else { s"Creating container ${containerId}." )
classpath.removeEntry( path )
classpath.addEntry( entry )
def reportClassPath(
context : Config.SetupContext,
useOutput : Boolean,
monitor : IProgressMonitor
) : Unit = {
import context._
import config._
if ( eclipseLogClasspathOrder ) {
val report = new StringBuffer()
classpath.getEntryDescriptors.asScala.foreach { entry =>
if ( useOutput ) {
val output = Option( entry.getOutputLocation )
.map( path => s" -> ${path}" ).getOrElse( "" )
report.append( s" ${entry.getPath}${output}\n" )
} else {
report.append( s" ${entry.getPath}\n" )
} s"\n${report}" )
def ensureScalaLibrary(
context : Config.SetupContext,
monitor : IProgressMonitor
) = {
import context._
import config._
hasRemove = eclipseRemoveLibraryContainer,
containerId = SdtConstants.ScalaLibContId,