com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.scalanative.Params.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.scalanative
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component
import com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.base
import com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.util.Folder
import com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.util.Error.Throw
import org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiveConfiguration
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectHelper
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject
trait ParamsLinkAny extends AnyRef
with Build
with ParamsRegex
with ParamsLibrary
with ParamsLogging
with ParamsOptions
with ParamsEntryClassMain
with ParamsGarbageCollectorAny {
def nativeWorkdir : File
trait ParamsOptions extends AnyRef
with base.ParamsAny {
@Description( """
Linking behaviour for placeholder methods annotated with @stub
By default stubs are not linked and are shown as linking errors.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeOptionLinkStubs",
defaultValue = "false"
var nativeOptionLinkStubs : Boolean = _
@Description( """
LLVM compile options for mode=release.
Uses optimization by default.
These options are added to auto-discovered LLVM options.
Separator parameter: commonSequenceSeparator.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeOptionsCompileRelease",
defaultValue = "-O2 ★"
var nativeOptionsCompileRelease : String = _
@Description( """
LLVM compile options for mode=debug.
Uses no optimization by default.
These options are added to auto-discovered LLVM options.
Separator parameter: commonSequenceSeparator.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeOptionsCompileDebug",
defaultValue = "-O0 ★"
var nativeOptionsCompileDebug : String = _
@Description( """
LLVM linking options for mode=release.
Strips symbols by default.
These options are added to auto-discovered LLVM options.
Separator parameter: commonSequenceSeparator.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeOptionsLinkingRelease",
defaultValue = "-lpthread ★ -Wl,-s ★"
var nativeOptionsLinkingRelease : String = _
@Description( """
LLVM linking options for mode=release.
Keeps symbols by default.
These options are added to auto-discovered LLVM options.
Separator parameter: commonSequenceSeparator.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeOptionsLinkingDebug",
defaultValue = "-lpthread ★"
var nativeOptionsLinkingDebug : String = _
@Description( """
Options used by objcopy
tool during C data resource embedding.
These options are added to required hard-coded objcopy
invocation options.
Empty by default.
Separator parameter: commonSequenceSeparator.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeOptionsObjcopy",
defaultValue = " ★"
var nativeOptionsObjcopy : String = _
@Description( """
Mapping required for objcopy
Used to convert from LLVM triplet
into GNU objcopy binary-architecture/output
LLVM triplet reference.
GNU objcopy --info reference.
Separator parameter: commonSequenceSeparator.
Mapping parameter: commonMappingPattern.
Mapping format, where
is regular expressoin mathced against LLVM triplet,
is slash-separated pair describing GNU objcopy type:
triplet-regex = binary-architecture/output
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeObjcopyMapping",
defaultValue = """
x86-([^-]+)-linux-([^-]+) = i386/elf32-i386 ★
x86_64-([^-]+)-linux-([^-]+) = i386/elf64-x86-64 ★
var nativeObjcopyMapping : String = _
@Description( """
Options used by LLVM clangpp
during *.cpp
sources compilation.
These options are added to auto-discovered LLVM options.
Sets standard by default.
Separator parameter: commonSequenceSeparator.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeOptionsClangPP",
defaultValue = "-std=c++11 ★"
var nativeOptionsClangPP : String = _
def nativeObjCopyMaps = parseCommonMapping( nativeObjcopyMapping )
def nativeOptsObjCopy = parseCommonList( nativeOptionsObjcopy )
def nativeOptsClangPP = parseCommonList( nativeOptionsClangPP )
def nativeOptsCompRelease = parseCommonList( nativeOptionsCompileRelease )
def nativeOptsCompDebug = parseCommonList( nativeOptionsCompileDebug )
def nativeOptsLinkRelease = parseCommonList( nativeOptionsLinkingRelease )
def nativeOptsLinkDebug = parseCommonList( nativeOptionsLinkingDebug )
trait ParamsLogging {
@Description( """
Enable logging of linker options.
Use to review actual Scala.native linker invocation configuration.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeLogOptions",
defaultValue = "false"
var nativeLogOptions : Boolean = _
@Description( """
Enable logging of Scala.native linker runtime.
Use to review actual generated output runtime
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeLogRuntime",
defaultValue = "false"
var nativeLogRuntime : Boolean = _
@Description( """
Enable logging of Scala.native linker class path.
Use to review actual resources used for *.nir
class discovery.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeLogClassPath",
defaultValue = "false"
var nativeLogClassPath : Boolean = _
@Description( """
Enable logging of Scala.native build results.
Use to review generated resources locations and counts.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeLogBuildStats",
defaultValue = "false"
var nativeLogBuildStats : Boolean = _
@Description( """
Enable logging of Scala.native build phase durations.
Use to review compiler and linker performance profile.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeLogBuildTimes",
defaultValue = "false"
var nativeLogBuildTimes : Boolean = _
@Description( """
Enable logging of Scala.native external executable invocations.
Use to review actual shell commands used to invoke external processes such as LLMV.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeLogBuildProcs",
defaultValue = "false"
var nativeLogBuildProcs : Boolean = _
@Description( """
Enable logging of Scala.native external command invocations "vertically".
Use to ease review of typical long LLVM compile and linking shell commands.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeLogBuildVerts",
defaultValue = "false"
var nativeLogBuildVerts : Boolean = _
@Description( """
Enable logging of Scala.native linker update result of M2E incremental change detection.
Use to review actual *.nir
classes which triggered Eclipse linker build.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeLogUpdateResult",
defaultValue = "false"
var nativeLogUpdateResult : Boolean = _
trait ParamsLibrary {
@Description( """
Regular expression used to discover Scala.native core *.nir
library from class path.
This regular expression is matched against resolved project depenencies in given scope.
Regular expression in the form: ${groupId}:${artifactId}
Enablement parameter: nativeLibraryDetect.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeScalaLibRegex",
defaultValue = "org.scala-native:scalalib_.+"
var nativeScalaLibRegex : String = _
@Description( """
Regular expression used to discover Scala.native interop C/CPP library from class path.
This library normally comes as dependency to scalalib
see nativeScalaLibRegex.
This regular expression is matched against resolved project depenencies in given scope.
Regular expression in the form: ${groupId}:${artifactId}
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeNativeLibRegex",
defaultValue = "org.scala-native:nativelib_.+"
var nativeNativeLibRegex : String = _
@Description( """
Invoke Scala.native linker only when Scala.native library is detected
in project dependencies with given scope.
Detection parameter: nativeScalaLibRegex.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeLibraryDetect",
defaultValue = "true"
var nativeLibraryDetect : Boolean = _
trait ParamsRegex {
@Description( """
Regular expression used to discover Scala.native *.nir
IR classes from class path.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeClassRegex",
defaultValue = ".+[.]nir"
var nativeClassRegex : String = _
trait ParamsEntryClassAny {
def nativeEntryClass : String
trait ParamsEntryClassMain extends ParamsEntryClassAny {
@Description( """
Entry point for native runtime in scope=main.
Fully qualified class name which follows Java main
For example, Scala object in file main/Main.scala
package main
object Main {
def main( args : Array[ String ] ) : Unit = {
println( s"scala-native" )
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeMainEntryClass",
defaultValue = "main.Main"
var nativeMainEntryClass : String = _
override def nativeEntryClass = nativeMainEntryClass
trait ParamsEntryClassTest extends ParamsEntryClassAny {
@Description( """
Entry point for native runtime in scope=test.
Fully qualified class name which follows Java main
For example, Scala object in file test/Main.scala
package test
object Main {
def main( args : Array[ String ] ) : Unit = {
println( s"scala-native" )
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeTestEntryClass",
defaultValue = "test.Main"
var nativeTestEntryClass : String = _
override def nativeEntryClass = nativeTestEntryClass
trait ParamsGarbageCollectorAny {
def nativeGarbageCollector : String
trait ParamsGarbageCollectorMain extends ParamsGarbageCollectorAny {
@Description( """
Select garbage collector included with Scala.native runtime in scope=main.
Garbage collector reference.
Available garbage collectors:
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeMainGarbageCollector",
defaultValue = "immix"
var nativeMainGarbageCollector : String = _
override def nativeGarbageCollector = nativeMainGarbageCollector
trait ParamsGarbageCollectorTest extends ParamsGarbageCollectorAny {
@Description( """
Select garbage collector included with Scala.native runtime in scope=test.
Garbage collector reference.
Available garbage collectors:
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeTestGarbageCollector",
defaultValue = "boehm"
var nativeTestGarbageCollector : String = _
override def nativeGarbageCollector = nativeTestGarbageCollector
trait ParamsOperatingSystem {
import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils
@Description( """
Detect operating system and invoke native goals only when running on supported o/s.
When false
, force native goals invocation.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeSystemDetect",
defaultValue = "true"
var nativeSystemDetect : Boolean = _
def nativeHasOperatingSystem = {
import SystemUtils._
trait ParamsLinkMain extends ParamsLinkAny
with BuildMain
with ParamsEntryClassMain
with ParamsGarbageCollectorMain {
@Description( """
Linker working directory for scope=main.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeMainWorkdir",
defaultValue = "${}/scalor/native/workdir/main"
var nativeMainWorkdir : File = _
override def nativeWorkdir = nativeMainWorkdir
trait ParamsLinkTest extends ParamsLinkAny
with BuildTest
with ParamsEntryClassTest
with ParamsGarbageCollectorTest {
@Description( """
Linker working directory for scope=main.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeTestWorkdir",
defaultValue = "${}/scalor/native/workdir/test"
var nativeTestWorkdir : File = _
override def nativeWorkdir = nativeTestWorkdir
trait ParamsPackAny extends AnyRef
with ParamsLibrary {
@Description( """
Configuration of Scala.native archive jar.
Normally used with provided default values.
Component reference:
""" )
var nativeArchiveConfig : MavenArchiveConfiguration = new MavenArchiveConfiguration()
@Description( """
Maven project helper.
""" )
var projectHelper : MavenProjectHelper = _
// @Description( """
// Contains the full list of projects in the build.
// """ )
// @Parameter( defaultValue = "${reactorProjects}", readonly = true )
// var reactorProjects : java.util.List[ MavenProject ] = _
@Description( """
Root name for the generated Scala.native jar file.
Full name will include classifier
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeFinalName",
defaultValue = "${}"
var nativeFinalName : String = _
def nativeHasAttach : Boolean
def nativeClassifier : String
def nativeOutputFolder : File
def nativeArchiveName = s"${nativeFinalName}-${nativeClassifier}.jar"
trait ParamsPackMain extends ParamsPackAny {
@Description( """
Artifact classifier for Scala.native with scope=main.
Appended to nativeFinalName.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeMainClassifier",
defaultValue = "native"
var nativeMainClassifier : String = _
@Description( """
Enable to attach generated Scala.native jar
to the project as deployment artifact with scope=main.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeMainAttach",
defaultValue = "true"
var nativeMainAttach : Boolean = _
@Description( """
Folder with generated Scala.native content with scope=main.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeMainOutputFolder",
defaultValue = "${}/scalor/native/output/main"
var nativeMainOutputFolder : File = _
override def nativeHasAttach = nativeMainAttach
override def nativeClassifier = nativeMainClassifier
override def nativeOutputFolder = nativeMainOutputFolder
trait ParamsPackTest extends ParamsPackAny {
@Description( """
Artifact classifier for Scala.native with scope=test.
Appended to nativeFinalName.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeTestClassifier",
defaultValue = "test-native"
var nativeTestClassifier : String = _
@Description( """
Enable to attach generated Scala.native jar
to the project as deployment artifact with scope=test.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeTestAttach",
defaultValue = "true"
var nativeTestAttach : Boolean = _
@Description( """
Folder with generated Scala.native content with scope=test.
""" )
property = "scalor.nativeTestOutputFolder",
defaultValue = "${}/scalor/native/output/test"
var nativeTestOutputFolder : File = _
override def nativeHasAttach = nativeTestAttach
override def nativeClassifier = nativeTestClassifier
override def nativeOutputFolder = nativeTestOutputFolder
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