com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.zinc.Compiler.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.zinc
import java.util.Optional
import com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.base
import com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.meta
import com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.util.Folder._
import sbt.util.InterfaceUtil
import sbt.util.Level
import xsbti.compile.AnalysisContents
import xsbti.compile.AnalysisStore
import xsbti.compile.ClasspathOptionsUtil
import xsbti.compile.CompileAnalysis
import xsbti.compile.CompileOrder
import xsbti.compile.CompilerCache
import xsbti.compile.DefinesClass
import xsbti.compile.IncOptions
import xsbti.compile.MiniSetup
import xsbti.compile.PerClasspathEntryLookup
import xsbti.compile.PreviousResult
import xsbti.compile.ZincCompilerUtil
import com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.util.Error.Throw
import com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.util.Folder
* Compiler for scope=macro.
trait CompilerMacro extends Compiler
with base.BuildMacro
with ParamsMacro {
self : Resolve with base.Logging =>
override def zincBuildCache = zincCacheMacro
* Compiler for scope=main.
trait CompilerMain extends Compiler
with base.BuildMain
with ParamsMain {
self : Resolve with base.Logging =>
override def zincBuildCache = zincCacheMain
* Compiler for scope=test.
trait CompilerTest extends Compiler
with base.BuildTest
with ParamsTest {
self : Resolve with base.Logging =>
override def zincBuildCache = zincCacheTest
* Shared compiler interface.
trait Compiler extends AnyRef
with base.Build
with base.BuildAnyRegex
with base.Params
with base.ParamsDefine
with Params {
self : Resolve with base.Logging =>
import Compiler._
* Incremental compiler state for a scope.
def zincBuildCache : File
* Compilation scope input source files.
def zincBuildSources : Array[ File ] = {
buildSourceList( buildSourceFolders )
* Compilation scope classes output directory.
def zincBuildTarget : File = {
* Configured project build dependencies.
def zincBuildClassPath : Array[ File ] = {
buildDependencyFolders ++ projectClassPath( buildDependencyScopes )
* Zinc logger level.
def zincLoggerLevel : Level.Value = {
Level( zincLogActiveLevel ).getOrElse {
val param = meta.Macro.nameOf( zincLogActiveLevel )
val value = zincLogActiveLevel
val default = Level.Debug s"Invalid ${param}=${value}, using ${default}" )
* Incremental compiler file analysis store.
def zincStateStore( cacheFile : File ) : AnalysisStore = {
storeType( zincStateStoreType ) match {
case Store.Text =>
FileAnalysisStore.text( cacheFile )
case Store.Binary =>
FileAnalysisStore.binary( cacheFile )
case _ =>
val param = meta.Macro.nameOf( zincStateStoreType )
val value = zincStateStoreType s"Unknown store type ${param}=${value}, using 'binary'." )
FileAnalysisStore.binary( cacheFile )
* Discover optional Java tool chain.
// def zincToolchainOption() : Option[ File ] = {
// if ( zincToolchainEnable ) {
// val toolchain = toolchainManager.getToolchainFromBuildContext( zincToolchainType, session )
// if ( toolchain == null ) {
// val param = meta.Macro.nameOf( zincToolchainType )
// Throw( s"Toolchain failure: missing ${param}=${zincToolchainType}" )
// }
// val toolPath = toolchain.findTool( zincToolchainTool )
// if ( toolPath == null ) {
// val param = meta.Macro.nameOf( zincToolchainTool )
// Throw( s"Toolchain failure: missing ${param}=${zincToolchainTool}" )
// }
// val toolHome = toolPath match {
// case zincToolchainRegex.r( path ) => path
// case _ =>
// val param = meta.Macro.nameOf( zincToolchainRegex )
// Throw( s"Toolchain failure: ${toolPath} does not match ${param}=${zincToolchainRegex}" )
// }
// Some( new File( toolHome ).getCanonicalFile )
// } else {
// None
// }
// }
* Provide compiler context.
case class Context() {
// Optional tool chain.
// val optionJavaHome = zincToolchainOption
// if ( optionJavaHome.isDefined ) {
// s"Using toolchain: ${optionJavaHome.get}" )
// }
// Assemble required build context.
val buildSources : Array[ File ] = _.getCanonicalFile )
val buildClassPath : Array[ File ] = _.getCanonicalFile )
val buildCacheFile : File =
val buildOutputFolder : File =
// Ensure output locations.
ensureParent( buildCacheFile )
ensureFolder( buildOutputFolder )
// Provide compiler installation.
val compilerInstall =
val bridgeClassPath : Array[ File ] = Module.fileFrom( _ ) ).toArray
val compilerClassPath : Array[ File ] = Module.fileFrom( _ ) ).toArray
val compilerPluginList : Array[ File ] = Module.fileFrom( _ ) ).toArray
// Provide compiler class loader.
val compilerLoader : ClassLoader = {
val entryList = _.toURI.toURL )
new URLClassLoader( entryList )
// Provide compiler options.
val optionsConfig = Settings.extract(
compilerInstall.version, parseOptionsScala,
// Provide user reporting.
if ( zincLogSourcesList ) {
loggerReportFileList( "Sources list:", buildSources )
if ( zincLogProjectClassPath ) {
loggerReportFileList( "Build class path:", buildClassPath )
if ( zincLogBridgeClassPath ) {
loggerReportFileList( "Bridge class path:", bridgeClassPath )
if ( zincLogCompilerClassPath ) {
loggerReportFileList( "Compiler class path:", compilerClassPath )
if ( zincLogCompilerPluginList ) {
loggerReportFileList( "Compiler plugin list:", compilerPluginList )
if ( zincLogCompilerOptions ) {
val reportFile = zincCompilerOptionsReport
val reportText = optionsConfig.reportFun()
ensureParent( reportFile )
persistString( reportFile, reportText ) s"Compiler options report: ${reportFile}" )
// Verify dependency version consistency.
if ( zincVerifyVersion ) {
Version.assertVersion( compilerInstall )
// Assemble compilation options.
val pluginOptions = compilerPluginList.flatMap( pluginStanza( _ ) )
val scalacOptions = optionsConfig.standard ++ pluginOptions
val javacOptions = parseOptionsJava
val compileOrder = CompileOrder.valueOf( optionsConfig.compileOrder )
val maxErrors = optionsConfig.maxErrors
// Provide Zinc ScalaC instance.
val scalaInstance = instanceFrom( compilerLoader, compilerInstall )
val bridgeJar = Module.fileFrom( compilerInstall.bridge )
// Provide static compiler-bridge jar.
val bridgeProvider = ZincCompilerUtil.constantBridgeProvider( scalaInstance, bridgeJar )
// Configured ScalaC instance.
val scalaCompiler = new AnalyzingCompiler(
scalaInstance = scalaInstance,
provider = bridgeProvider,
classpathOptions =,
onArgsHandler = _ => (),
classLoaderCache = None // FIXME provide loader cache
// Compilation status logger.
val cologger = Logging.Logger( logger, zincLoggerLevel )
// Compilation problem reporter.
val reporter = Logging.Reporter( maxErrors, cologger )
// Compilation progress printer.
val progress = Logging.Progress( logger, zincLogProgressUnit, zincLogProgressRate )
* Setup and invoke Zinc incremental compiler.
def zincPerformCompile() : Unit = {
val context = Context(); import context._
// Use zinc incremental compiler.
val incremental = new IncrementalCompilerImpl
val compilers = incremental.compilers(
instance = scalaInstance,
cpOptions = ClasspathOptionsUtil.boot,
javaHome = None, // optionJavaHome,
scalac = scalaCompiler
// FIXME review
val lookup = new PerClasspathEntryLookup {
override def analysis( classpathEntry : File ) : Optional[ CompileAnalysis ] = Optional.empty[ CompileAnalysis ]
override def definesClass( classpathEntry : File ) : DefinesClass = Locate.definesClass( classpathEntry )
// Incremental compiler setup.
val setup = incremental.setup(
lookup = lookup,
skip = false,
cacheFile = buildCacheFile,
cache = CompilerCache.fresh,
incOptions = IncOptions.of(),
reporter = reporter,
optionProgress = Some( progress ),
extra = Array.empty
// Extract past state.
val storePast = zincStateStore( buildCacheFile )
val storeNext = AnalysisStore.getCachedStore( storePast )
// val contentPast = storePast.get()
// val resultPast = PreviousResult
// .of( _.getAnalysis ), _.getMiniSetup ) )
// Iterative inputs.
val inputsPast = incremental.inputs(
classpath = buildClassPath,
sources = buildSources,
classesDirectory = buildOutputFolder,
scalacOptions = scalacOptions,
javacOptions = javacOptions,
maxErrors = maxErrors,
sourcePositionMappers = Array.empty,
order = compileOrder,
compilers = compilers,
setup = setup,
pr = incremental.emptyPreviousResult
// pr = resultPast
// Iterative inputs.
val inputsNext = {
InterfaceUtil.toOption( storeNext.get() ) match {
case Some( contentPast ) =>
val analysisPast = contentPast.getAnalysis
val setupPast = contentPast.getMiniSetup
val resultPast = PreviousResult.of(
Optional.of[ CompileAnalysis ]( analysisPast ),
Optional.of[ MiniSetup ]( setupPast )
inputsPast.withPreviousResult( resultPast )
case _ =>
} s"Invoking Zinc compiler: ${compilerInstall.identity}" )
// Run compiler invocation.
val resultNext = incremental.compile( inputsNext, cologger )
// Persist next state.
val contentNext = AnalysisContents.create( resultNext.analysis, resultNext.setup )
storeNext.set( contentNext )
* Setup and invoke Zinc document compiler.
def zincPerformDocument( outputDirectory : File, options : Seq[ String ] ) : Unit = {
val context = Context(); import context._ s"Invoking Zinc compiler: ${compilerInstall.identity}" )
// Generate scaladoc.
sources = buildSources,
classpath = buildClassPath,
outputDirectory = outputDirectory,
options = options,
log = cologger,
reporter = reporter
object Compiler {
import Module._
import com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.util.Folder._
* Scala compiler argument: plugin stanza: activate plugin by jar path.
def pluginStanza( file : File ) : Array[ String ] = {
Array[ String ]( "-Xplugin", file.getCanonicalPath )
def pluginStanza( module : Module ) : Array[ String ] = {
pluginStanza( Module.fileFrom( module ) )
* Convert into Zinc scala compiler installation format.
def instanceFrom(
loader : ClassLoader,
install : ScalaInstall
) : ScalaInstance = {
import install._
new ScalaInstance(
version = version.unparse,
loader = loader,
libraryJar = fileFrom( library ),
compilerJar = fileFrom( compiler ),
allJars = fileFrom( _ ) ).toArray,
explicitActual = Some( version.unparse )
object Store {
sealed trait Type
case object Text extends Type
case object Binary extends Type
case object Unknown extends Type
def storeType( name : String ) = name match {
case "text" => Store.Text
case "binary" => Store.Binary
case _ => Store.Unknown
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