com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.zinc.Settings.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.zinc
import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
import com.carrotgarden.maven.scalor.meta.TypeCopy
import org.scalaide.ui.internal.preferences.ScalaPluginSettings
import Settings._
* Abstract away from Scala, Scala IDE, Maven Zinc
object Settings {
val version211 = ScalaVersion( "2.11.0" )
val version212 = ScalaVersion( "2.12.0" )
val version213 = ScalaVersion( "2.13.0" )
type ErrorFun = String => Unit
val NoError : ErrorFun = String => ()
* @param standard - ScalaC compiler options
* @param extended - options recognized by Scala IDE
* @param compileOrder - option recognized by Maven Zinc compiler
* @param maxErrors - option recognized by Maven Zinc compiler
case class Config(
standard : Array[ String ],
extended : Array[ String ],
compileOrder : String,
maxErrors : Int,
reportFun : ( () => String ) // deferred rendering
* Produce compiler options as arguments list.
def unparseArray( settings : nsc.Settings ) : Array[ String ] = {
userSettings( settings ).toList.sortBy( ).flatMap( _.unparse ).toArray
* Produce compiler options as arguments list.
def unparseString( settings : nsc.Settings ) : String = {
unparseArray( settings ).mkString( " " )
* User-set settings with work around for missing entries.
def userSettings( settings : nsc.Settings ) : Set[ nsc.Settings#Setting ] = {
val result = settings.userSetSettings ++ settings.prefixSettings
result.toSet.asInstanceOf[ Set[ nsc.Settings#Setting ] ] // path-dependent type cast
* Report available/effective compiler settings.
def report( settings : nsc.Settings ) : String = {
val text = new StringBuffer
import text._
settings.visibleSettings.toList.sortBy( ).foreach { setting =>
append( "\n" )
append( )
append( "\n" )
append( " description: " ); append( setting.helpDescription )
append( "\n" )
append( " syntax format: " ); append( setting.helpSyntax )
append( "\n" )
append( " effective value: " ); append( setting.value )
append( "\n" )
append( " user provided entry: " ); append( setting.unparse.mkString( " " ) )
append( "\n" )
* Abstract away from Scala, ScalaIDE, Maven Zinc
def extract( version : ScalaVersion, array : Array[ String ], errorFun : ErrorFun ) : Config = {
val list = array.toList
val standard = new SettingsProvider( version, NoError )
standard.processArguments( list, true )
val extended = new SettingsProvider( version, errorFun )
extended.processArguments( list, true )
standard = unparseArray( standard ),
extended = unparseArray( extended ),
compileOrder = extended.zincCompileOrder,
maxErrors = extended.zincMaximumErrors,
reportFun = () => report( extended )
* Compiler options with version compatibility mode.
class SettingsProvider( version : ScalaVersion, errorFun : ErrorFun ) extends nsc.Settings( errorFun ) {
* Path-dependent type cast.
def configSet = allSettings.asInstanceOf[ HashSet[ nsc.Settings#Setting ] ]
* Extract Zinc compiler order.
def zincCompileOrder : String = {
configSet.find( == ).get.value.asInstanceOf[ String ]
* Extract Zinc maximum errors.
def zincMaximumErrors : Int = {
configSet.find( == ).get.value.asInstanceOf[ Int ]
* Version compatibility mode: emulate options available for Scala IDE.
def optionsExpand() = {
SettingsProvider.optionsIDE.foreach( setting => configSet += setting )
if ( version < version212 ) {
SettingsProvider.options211.foreach( setting => configSet += setting )
* Version compatibility mode: emulate original settings @ version.
def optionsContract() = {
SettingsProvider.optionsIDE.foreach( setting => configSet -= setting )
if ( version < version212 ) {
SettingsProvider.options211.foreach( setting => configSet -= setting )
// TODO macro
//@TypeCopy[ ScalaPluginSettings.type ]()
//object SettingsTesterIDE
* Configure build manager for Scala IDE.
* Re-produce settings from [[org.scalaide.ui.internal.preferences.ScalaPluginSettings]]
object SettingsProvider extends nsc.Settings {
// IDE
val compileOrder = ChoiceSetting(
"-compileorder", "which", "Compilation order",
List( "Mixed", "JavaThenScala", "ScalaThenJava" ), "Mixed"
val stopBuildOnErrors = new BooleanSettingWithDefault(
"-stopBuildOnError", "Stop build if dependent projects have errors.", true
val relationsDebug = BooleanSetting(
"-relationsDebug", "Log very detailed information about relations, such as dependencies between source files."
val withVersionClasspathValidator = new BooleanSettingWithDefault(
"-withVersionClasspathValidator", "Check Scala compatibility of jars in classpath", true
val apiDiff = BooleanSetting(
"-apiDiff", "Log type diffs that trigger additional compilation (slows down builder)"
val recompileOnMacroDef = BooleanSetting(
"-recompileOnMacroDef", "Always recompile all dependencies of a macro def"
val useScopesCompiler = new BooleanSettingWithDefault(
"-useScopesCompiler", "Compiles every scope separately.", true
// Missing in 2.11
val maxerrsCompat = IntSetting( "-Xmaxerrs", "Maximum errors to print", 100, None, _ => None )
val optionsIDE : List[ nsc.Settings#Setting ] = List(
).map( _.asInstanceOf[ nsc.Settings#Setting ] )
val options211 : List[ nsc.Settings#Setting ] = List(
).map( _.asInstanceOf[ nsc.Settings#Setting ] )
/** A setting represented by a boolean flag, with a custom default */
// original code from MutableSettings#BooleanSetting
class BooleanSettingWithDefault(
name : String,
descr : String,
val default : Boolean
extends Setting( name, descr ) {
type T = Boolean
protected var v : Boolean = false
override def value : Boolean = v
def tryToSet( args : List[ String ] ) = { value = true; Some( args ) }
def unparse : List[ String ] = if ( value ) List( name ) else Nil
override def tryToSetFromPropertyValue( s : String ) : Unit = { // used from ide
value = s.equalsIgnoreCase( "true" )
override def tryToSetColon( args : List[ String ] ) = args match {
case Nil => tryToSet( Nil )
case List( x ) =>
if ( x.equalsIgnoreCase( "true" ) ) {
value = true
Some( Nil )
} else if ( x.equalsIgnoreCase( "false" ) ) {
value = false
Some( Nil )
} else errorAndValue( "'" + x + "' is not a valid choice for '" + name + "'", None )
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