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package com.causecode.fileuploader
import grails.util.Holders
import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j
import org.springframework.context.MessageSource
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile
* A utility class which performs operations on properties of a file.
* @author Ankit Agrawal
* @since 3.0.1
@SuppressWarnings(['Instanceof', 'JavaIoPackageAccess'])
class FileGroup {
ConfigObject groupConfig, config
String groupName
MessageSource messageSource
FileGroup(String group) {
groupName = group
config = Holders.config.fileuploader.groups
groupConfig = config[group]
* This method is used to modify File name, get extension and other required properties.
* @params file,
* @params customFileName - Custom file name without extension.
* @return Map containing fileExtension,, updated fileName, customFileName, fileSize and empty.
Map getFileNameAndExtensions(def file, String customFileName) {
String contentType, receivedFileName, fileName, fileExtension
long fileSize
boolean empty = true
if (file instanceof File) {
contentType = ''
empty = !file.exists()
receivedFileName =
fileSize = file.size()
} else {
if (file instanceof MultipartFile) { // Means instance is of Spring's MultipartFile.
def uploaderFile = file
contentType = uploaderFile?.contentType
empty = uploaderFile?.isEmpty()
receivedFileName = uploaderFile?.originalFilename
fileSize = uploaderFile?.size
} "Received ${empty ? 'empty ' : ''} file [$receivedFileName] of size [$fileSize] & content " +
"type [$contentType]."
int extensionAt = receivedFileName.lastIndexOf('.')
if (extensionAt > -1) {
fileName = customFileName ?: receivedFileName[0..(extensionAt - 1)]
fileExtension = receivedFileName[(extensionAt + 1)..-1].toLowerCase().trim()
} else {
fileName = customFileName ?: fileName
* Convert all white space to underscore and hyphens to underscore to differentiate
* different data on filename created below.
fileName.trim().replaceAll(' ', '_').replaceAll('-', '_')
return [fileName: fileName, fileExtension: fileExtension, customFileName: customFileName,
empty: empty, fileSize: fileSize]
* This method is used to check if the file to be saved has the correct extension.
* If not the method would throw StorageConfigurationException.
* @throws StorageConfigurationException
void allowedExtensions(Map fileDataMap, Locale locale, String group) {
if (this.groupConfig.isEmpty()) {
throw new StorageConfigurationException("No config defined for group [$group]. " +
'Please define one in your Config file.')
if ((this.groupConfig.allowedExtensions[0] != ('*')) && !this.groupConfig.allowedExtensions.contains
(fileDataMap.fileExtension)) {
String msg = messageSource.getMessage('fileupload.upload.unauthorizedExtension',
[fileDataMap.fileExtension, this.groupConfig.allowedExtensions] as Object[], locale)
log.debug msg
throw new StorageConfigurationException(msg)
* This method is used to validate the size of File being saved.
* @throws StorageConfigurationException
def validateFileSize(Long fileSize, Locale locale) {
* If maxSize config exists
if (this.groupConfig.maxSize) {
def maxSizeInKb = ((int) (this.groupConfig.maxSize)) / 1024
if (fileSize > this.groupConfig.maxSize) { //if filesize is bigger than allowed
log.debug "FileUploader plugin received a file bigger than allowed. Max file size is ${maxSizeInKb} kb"
def msg = messageSource.getMessage('fileupload.upload.fileBiggerThanAllowed',
[maxSizeInKb] as Object[], locale)
throw new StorageConfigurationException(msg)
* This method is used to get local system file path. It is used when storageType is not CDN.
* @params storageTypes, fileDataMap, currentTimeMillis
* @return path
String getLocalSystemPath(String storageTypes, Map fileDataMap, long currentTimeMillis) {
// Base path to save file
String localPath = this.groupConfig.path
if (!localPath.endsWith('/')) {
localPath = localPath + '/'
if (storageTypes?.contains('monthSubdirs')) { //subdirectories by month and year
Calendar cal = Calendar.instance
localPath = localPath + cal[Calendar.YEAR].toString() + cal[Calendar.MONTH].toString() + '/'
} else { //subdirectories by millisecond
localPath = localPath + currentTimeMillis + '/'
// Make sure the directory exists
if (!new File(localPath).exists()) {
if (!new File(localPath).mkdirs()) {
log.error "FileUploader plugin couldn't create directories: [${localPath}]"
throw new StorageConfigurationException("FileUploader plugin couldn't " +
"create directories: [${localPath}]")
// If using the uuid storage type
if (storageTypes?.contains('uuid')) {
localPath = localPath + UUID.randomUUID().toString()
} else { //note: this type of storage is a bit of a security / data loss risk.
localPath = localPath + fileDataMap.fileName + '.' + fileDataMap.fileExtension
return localPath
* This method is used to modify fileName obtained from fileDataMap.
* @params userInstance, fileDataMap, group, currentTimeMillis
* @return scopedFileName {@link String}
* @throws StorageConfigurationException
String scopeFileName(Object userInstance, Map fileDataMap, String group, Long currentTimeMillis)
throws StorageConfigurationException {
String container = containerName
if (!container) {
throw new StorageConfigurationException('Container name not defined in the Config. Please define one.')
StringBuilder fileNameBuilder = new StringBuilder(group)
StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder(fileDataMap.fileName)
if (userInstance && {
* Generating file names like:
* @example When userInstance available:
* avatar-14-1415804444014-myavatar.png
* @example When userInstance is not available:
* logo-1415804444014-organizationlogo.png
return fileNameBuilder.toString()
// Method which fetches container from application.groovy file and returns it.
String getContainerName() {
return UFile.containerNameFromConfig(this.groupConfig.container ?: this.config.container)
// Method that fetched CDNProvider from the config and returns it.
CDNProvider getCdnProvider() {
return this.groupConfig.provider ?: this.config.provider