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com.cedarsoftware.util.DateUtilities Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package com.cedarsoftware.util;

import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * Utility for parsing String dates with optional times, especially when the input String formats
 * may be inconsistent.  This will parse the following formats:
 * 12-31-2023, 12/31/2023, 12.31.2023     mm is 1-12 or 01-12, dd is 1-31 or 01-31, and yyyy can be 0000 to 9999.
 * 2023-12-31, 2023/12/31, 2023.12.31     mm is 1-12 or 01-12, dd is 1-31 or 01-31, and yyyy can be 0000 to 9999.
 * January 6th, 2024                Month (3-4 digit abbreviation or full English name), white-space and optional comma,
 *                                  day of month (1-31) with optional suffixes 1st, 3rd, 22nd, whitespace and
 *                                  optional comma, and yyyy (0000-9999)
 * 17th January 2024                day of month (1-31) with optional suffixes (e.g. 1st, 3rd, 22nd),
 *                                  Month (3-4 digit abbreviation or full English name), whites space and optional comma,
 *                                  and yyyy (0000-9999)
 * 2024 January 31st                4 digit year, white space and optional comma, Month (3-4 digit abbreviation or full
 *                                  English name), white space and optional command, and day of month with optional
 *                                  suffixes (1st, 3rd, 22nd)
 * Sat Jan 6 11:06:10 EST 2024      Unix/Linux style.  Day of week (3-letter or full name), Month (3-4 digit or full
 *                                  English name), time hh:mm:ss, TimeZone (Java supported Timezone names), Year
* All dates can be followed by a Time, or the time can precede the Date. Whitespace or a single letter T must separate the * date and the time for the non-Unix time formats. The Time formats supported:
 * hh:mm                            hours (00-23), minutes (00-59).  24 hour format.
 * hh:mm:ss                         hours (00-23), minutes (00-59), seconds (00-59).  24 hour format.
 * hh:mm:ss.sssss                   hh:mm:ss and fractional seconds. Variable fractional seconds supported.
 * hh:mm:offset -or-                offset can be specified as +HH:mm, +HHmm, +HH, -HH:mm, -HHmm, -HH, or Z (GMT)
 * hh:mm:ss.sss:offset              which will match: "12:34", "12:34:56", "12:34.789", "12:34:56.789", "12:34+01:00",
 *                                  "12:34:56+1:00", "12:34-01", "12:34:56-1", "12:34Z", "12:34:56Z"
 * hh:mm:zone -or-                  Zone can be specified as Z (Zulu = UTC), older short forms: GMT, EST, CST, MST,
 * hh:mm:ss.sss:zone                PST, IST, JST, BST etc. as well as the long forms: "America/New_York", "Asia/Saigon",
 *                                  etc. See ZoneId.getAvailableZoneIds().
* DateUtilities will parse Epoch-based integer-based value. It is considered number of milliseconds since Jan, 1970 GMT. *
 * "0" to                           A string of numeric digits will be parsed and returned as the number of milliseconds
 * "999999999999999999"             the Unix Epoch, January 1st, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
* On all patterns above (excluding the numeric epoch millis), if a day-of-week (e.g. Thu, Sunday, etc.) is included * (front, back, or between date and time), it will be ignored, allowing for even more formats than listed here. * The day-of-week is not be used to influence the Date calculation. * * @author John DeRegnaucourt ([email protected]) *
* Copyright (c) Cedar Software LLC *

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at *

* License *

* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ public final class DateUtilities { private static final Pattern allDigits = Pattern.compile("^\\d+$"); private static final String days = "monday|mon|tuesday|tues|tue|wednesday|wed|thursday|thur|thu|friday|fri|saturday|sat|sunday|sun"; // longer before shorter matters private static final String mos = "January|Jan|February|Feb|March|Mar|April|Apr|May|June|Jun|July|Jul|August|Aug|September|Sept|Sep|October|Oct|November|Nov|December|Dec"; private static final String yr = "[+-]?\\d{4,5}\\b"; private static final String d1or2 = "\\d{1,2}"; private static final String d2 = "\\d{2}"; private static final String ord = "st|nd|rd|th"; private static final String sep = "[./-]"; private static final String ws = "\\s+"; private static final String wsOp = "\\s*"; private static final String wsOrComma = "[ ,]+"; private static final String tzUnix = "[A-Z]{1,3}"; private static final String tz_Hh_MM = "[+-]\\d{1,2}:\\d{2}"; private static final String tz_Hh_MM_SS = "[+-]\\d{1,2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}"; private static final String tz_HHMM = "[+-]\\d{4}"; private static final String tz_Hh = "[+-]\\d{1,2}"; private static final String tzNamed = wsOp + "\\[?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9~\\/._+-]+]?"; private static final String nano = "\\.\\d+"; // Patterns defined in BNF influenced style using above named elements private static final Pattern isoDatePattern = Pattern.compile( // Regex's using | (OR) "(" + yr + ")(" + sep + ")(" + d1or2 + ")" + "\\2" + "(" + d1or2 + ")|" + // 2024/01/21 (yyyy/mm/dd -or- yyyy-mm-dd -or- [optional time, optional day of week] \2 references 1st separator (ensures both same) "(" + d1or2 + ")(" + sep + ")(" + d1or2 + ")" + "\\6(" + yr + ")"); // 01/21/2024 (mm/dd/yyyy -or- mm-dd-yyyy -or- mm.dd.yyyy) [optional time, optional day of week] \6 references 2nd 1st separator (ensures both same) private static final Pattern alphaMonthPattern = Pattern.compile( "\\b(" + mos + ")\\b" + wsOrComma + "(" + d1or2 + ")(" + ord + ")?" + wsOrComma + "(" + yr + ")|" + // Jan 21st, 2024 (comma optional between all, day of week optional, time optional, ordinal text optional [st, nd, rd, th]) "(" + d1or2 + ")(" + ord + ")?" + wsOrComma + "\\b(" + mos + ")\\b" + wsOrComma + "(" + yr + ")|" + // 21st Jan, 2024 (ditto) "(" + yr + ")" + wsOrComma + "\\b(" + mos + "\\b)" + wsOrComma + "(" + d1or2 + ")(" + ord + ")?", // 2024 Jan 21st (ditto) Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final Pattern unixDateTimePattern = Pattern.compile( "\\b(" + days + ")\\b" + ws + "\\b(" + mos + ")\\b" + ws + "(" + d1or2 + ")" + ws + "(" + d2 + ":" + d2 + ":" + d2 + ")" + wsOp + "(" + tzUnix + ")?" + wsOp + "(" + yr + ")", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final Pattern timePattern = Pattern.compile( "(" + d2 + "):(" + d2 + ")(?::(" + d2 + ")(" + nano + ")?)?(" + tz_Hh_MM_SS + "|" + tz_Hh_MM + "|" + tz_HHMM + "|" + tz_Hh + "|Z)?(" + tzNamed + ")?", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final Pattern dayPattern = Pattern.compile("\\b(" + days + ")\\b", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final Map months = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); static { // Month name to number map months.put("jan", 1); months.put("january", 1); months.put("feb", 2); months.put("february", 2); months.put("mar", 3); months.put("march", 3); months.put("apr", 4); months.put("april", 4); months.put("may", 5); months.put("jun", 6); months.put("june", 6); months.put("jul", 7); months.put("july", 7); months.put("aug", 8); months.put("august", 8); months.put("sep", 9); months.put("sept", 9); months.put("september", 9); months.put("oct", 10); months.put("october", 10); months.put("nov", 11); months.put("november", 11); months.put("dec", 12); months.put("december", 12); } private DateUtilities() { } /** * Original API. If the date-time given does not include a timezone offset or name, then ZoneId.systemDefault() * will be used. We recommend using parseDate(String, ZoneId, boolean) version, so you can control the default * timezone used when one is not specified. * @param dateStr String containing a date. If there is excess content, it will throw an IllegalArgumentException. * @return Date instance that represents the passed in date. See comments at top of class for supported * formats. This API is intended to be super flexible in terms of what it can parse. If a null or empty String is * passed in, null will be returned. */ public static Date parseDate(String dateStr) { if (StringUtilities.isEmpty(dateStr)) { return null; } Instant instant; ZonedDateTime dateTime = parseDate(dateStr, ZoneId.systemDefault(), true); instant = Instant.from(dateTime); return Date.from(instant); } /** * Main API. Retrieve date-time from passed in String. The boolean ensureDateTimeAlone, if set true, ensures that * no other non-date content existed in the String. * @param dateStr String containing a date. See DateUtilities class Javadoc for all the supported formats. * @param defaultZoneId ZoneId to use if no timezone offset or name is given. Cannot be null. * @param ensureDateTimeAlone If true, if there is excess non-Date content, it will throw an IllegalArgument exception. * @return ZonedDateTime instance converted from the passed in date String. See comments at top of class for supported * formats. This API is intended to be super flexible in terms of what it can parse. If a null or empty String is * passed in, null will be returned. */ public static ZonedDateTime parseDate(String dateStr, ZoneId defaultZoneId, boolean ensureDateTimeAlone) { dateStr = StringUtilities.trimToNull(dateStr); if (dateStr == null) { return null; } Convention.throwIfNull(defaultZoneId, "ZoneId cannot be null. Use ZoneId.of(\"America/New_York\"), ZoneId.systemDefault(), etc."); if (allDigits.matcher(dateStr).matches()) { return Instant.ofEpochMilli(Long.parseLong(dateStr)).atZone(defaultZoneId); } String year, day, remains, tz = null; int month; // Determine which date pattern to use Matcher matcher = isoDatePattern.matcher(dateStr); String remnant = matcher.replaceFirst(""); if (remnant.length() < dateStr.length()) { if ( != null) { year =; month = Integer.parseInt(; day =; } else { year =; month = Integer.parseInt(; day =; } remains = remnant; } else { matcher = alphaMonthPattern.matcher(dateStr); remnant = matcher.replaceFirst(""); if (remnant.length() < dateStr.length()) { String mon; if ( != null) { mon =; day =; year =; remains = remnant; } else if ( != null) { mon =; day =; year =; remains = remnant; } else { year =; mon =; day =; remains = remnant; } month = months.get(mon.trim().toLowerCase()); } else { matcher = unixDateTimePattern.matcher(dateStr); if (matcher.replaceFirst("").length() == dateStr.length()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to parse: " + dateStr + " as a date-time"); } year =; String mon =; month = months.get(mon.trim().toLowerCase()); day =; tz =; remains =; // leave optional time portion remaining } } // For the remaining String, match the time portion (which could have appeared ahead of the date portion) String hour = null, min = null, sec = "00", fracSec = "0"; remains = remains.trim(); matcher = timePattern.matcher(remains); remnant = matcher.replaceFirst(""); if (remnant.length() < remains.length()) { hour =; min =; if ( != null) { sec =; } if ( != null) { fracSec = "0" +; } if ( != null) { tz =; } if ( != null) { // to make round trip of ZonedDateTime equivalent we need to use the original Zone as ZoneId // ZoneId is a much broader definition handling multiple possible dates, and we want this to // be equivalent to the original zone that was used if one was present. tz = stripBrackets(; } } if (ensureDateTimeAlone) { verifyNoGarbageLeft(remnant); } ZoneId zoneId = StringUtilities.isEmpty(tz) ? defaultZoneId : getTimeZone(tz); ZonedDateTime dateTime = getDate(dateStr, zoneId, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, fracSec); return dateTime; } private static ZonedDateTime getDate(String dateStr, ZoneId zoneId, String year, int month, String day, String hour, String min, String sec, String fracSec) { // Build Calendar from date, time, and timezone components, and retrieve Date instance from Calendar. int y = Integer.parseInt(year); int d = Integer.parseInt(day); if (month < 1 || month > 12) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Month must be between 1 and 12 inclusive, date: " + dateStr); } if (d < 1 || d > 31) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Day must be between 1 and 31 inclusive, date: " + dateStr); } if (hour == null) { // no [valid] time portion return ZonedDateTime.of(y, month, d, 0, 0, 0, 0, zoneId); } else { // Regex prevents these from ever failing to parse. int h = Integer.parseInt(hour); int mn = Integer.parseInt(min); int s = Integer.parseInt(sec); long nanoOfSec = convertFractionToNanos(fracSec); if (h > 23) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hour must be between 0 and 23 inclusive, time: " + dateStr); } if (mn > 59) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minute must be between 0 and 59 inclusive, time: " + dateStr); } if (s > 59) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Second must be between 0 and 59 inclusive, time: " + dateStr); } return ZonedDateTime.of(y, month, d, h, mn, s, (int) nanoOfSec, zoneId); } } private static long convertFractionToNanos(String fracSec) { double fractionalSecond = Double.parseDouble(fracSec); return (long) (fractionalSecond * 1_000_000_000); } private static ZoneId getTimeZone(String tz) { if (tz != null) { if (tz.startsWith("-") || tz.startsWith("+")) { ZoneOffset offset = ZoneOffset.of(tz); return ZoneId.ofOffset("GMT", offset); } else { try { return ZoneId.of(tz); } catch (Exception e) { TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tz); if (timeZone.getRawOffset() == 0) { throw e; } return timeZone.toZoneId(); } } } return ZoneId.systemDefault(); } private static void verifyNoGarbageLeft(String remnant) { // Clear out day of week (mon, tue, wed, ...) if (StringUtilities.length(remnant) > 0) { Matcher dayMatcher = dayPattern.matcher(remnant); remnant = dayMatcher.replaceFirst("").trim(); } // Verify that nothing, "T" or "," is all that remains if (StringUtilities.length(remnant) > 0) { remnant = remnant.replaceAll("T|,", "").trim(); if (!remnant.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Issue parsing date-time, other characters present: " + remnant); } } } private static String stripBrackets(String input) { if (input == null || input.isEmpty()) { return input; } return input.replaceAll("^\\[|\\]$", ""); } }

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