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com.cedarsoftware.ncube.DecisionTable.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.cedarsoftware.ncube
import com.cedarsoftware.util.CaseInsensitiveMap
import com.cedarsoftware.util.CaseInsensitiveSet
import com.cedarsoftware.util.CompactCILinkedMap
import com.cedarsoftware.util.LongHashSet
import com.cedarsoftware.util.StringUtilities
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntIterator
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntOpenHashSet
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntSet
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectOpenHashMap
import static com.cedarsoftware.ncube.NCubeConstants.*
import static com.cedarsoftware.util.Converter.convertToBigDecimal
import static com.cedarsoftware.util.Converter.convertToBoolean
import static com.cedarsoftware.util.Converter.convertToDate
import static com.cedarsoftware.util.Converter.convertToDouble
import static com.cedarsoftware.util.Converter.convertToInteger
import static com.cedarsoftware.util.Converter.convertToLong
import static com.cedarsoftware.util.Converter.convertToString
import static com.cedarsoftware.util.StringUtilities.hasContent
import static java.lang.String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER
* Decision Table implements a list of rules that filter a variable number of inputs (decision variables) against
* a list of constraints.
* @author John DeRegnaucourt ([email protected] ), Josh Snyder ([email protected] )
* Copyright (c) Cedar Software LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
class DecisionTable
private NCube decisionCube
private String fieldAxisName = null
private String rowAxisName = null
private Set inputColumns = getLinkedHashSet() // All input columns (ranges map as one here - the 'named' input on the inbound map)
private Set inputKeys = getLinkedHashSet()
private Set outputColumns = getLinkedHashSet(4)
private Set rangeColumns = getLinkedHashSet(4)
private Set rangeKeys = getLinkedHashSet(4)
private Set requiredColumns = getLinkedHashSet()
private Map inputVarNameToRangeColumns = new CaseInsensitiveMap<>(Collections.emptyMap(), new HashMap<>(4))
private static final String BANG = '!'
private static final Splitter COMMA_SPLITTER = Splitter.on(',').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings()
private static List operators = [_OR_, _AND_, _NOR_, _NAND_, _NOT_]
protected DecisionTable(NCube decisionCube)
this.decisionCube = decisionCube
if (this.decisionCube.getBusinessEngine() instanceof DecisionTable)
DecisionTable other = (DecisionTable) decisionCube.getBusinessEngine()
fieldAxisName = other.fieldAxisName
rowAxisName = other.rowAxisName
inputColumns = other.inputColumns
inputKeys = other.inputKeys
outputColumns = other.outputColumns
rangeColumns = other.rangeColumns
rangeKeys = other.rangeKeys
requiredColumns = other.requiredColumns
inputVarNameToRangeColumns = other.inputVarNameToRangeColumns
private static class RangeSpec
String inputVarName
String lowColumnName
String highColumnName
String dataType
protected static Set getLinkedHashSet(Set source)
return new CaseInsensitiveSet(source, new CaseInsensitiveMap(Collections.emptyMap(), new LinkedHashMap<>(source.size())))
protected static Set getLinkedHashSet(int initialSize = 16)
return new CaseInsensitiveSet(Collections.emptySet(), new CaseInsensitiveMap(Collections.emptyMap(), new LinkedHashMap<>(initialSize)))
* @return Set All input keys that can be passed to the DecisionTable.getDecision() API. Extra keys
* can be passed, but will be ignored.
Set getInputKeys()
Set orderedKeys = getLinkedHashSet(inputKeys)
return orderedKeys
* @return Set All required keys (meta-property key REQUIRED value of true on a field column) that
* must be passed to the DecisionTable.getDecision() API.
Set getRequiredKeys()
Set requiredKeys = getLinkedHashSet(requiredColumns)
return requiredKeys
* @return Set All output keys that are returned when calling the DecisionTable.getDecision() API.
Set getOutputKeys()
Set outputKeys = getLinkedHashSet(outputColumns)
return outputKeys
* Main API for querying a Decision Table with multiple inputs, where the result will be OR'ed together.
* @param iterable Iterable containing one or more input Maps containing the key/value pairs for all the
* input_value columns. Each Map will perform a separate query and the results of each query will be merged into a
* single result.
* @param output {@link Map} optional output to allow DecisionTables to write to or pick up {@link RuleInfo}
* @return List>
Map getDecision(Iterable> iterable, Map output = null)
Map results = new TreeMap<>()
if (iterable.size() == 0)
return getDecision([:])
for (Map item : iterable)
Map result = getDecision(item, output)
return results
* Main API for querying a Decision Table with a single query input.
* @param input Map containing key/value pairs for all the input_value columns
* @param output {@link Map} optional output to allow DecisionTables to write to or pick up {@link RuleInfo}
* @return List>
Map getDecision(Map input, Map output = null)
Map> ranges = new CaseInsensitiveMap<>(Collections.emptyMap(), new HashMap<>())
Map copyInput = new CaseInsensitiveMap<>(input, new HashMap<>(input.size()))
copyInput.put(IGNORE, null)
Axis fieldAxis = decisionCube.getAxis(fieldAxisName)
for (String colValue : inputColumns)
Column column = fieldAxis.findColumn(colValue)
Map colMetaProps = column.metaProperties
if (rangeColumns.contains(colValue))
[INPUT_LOW, INPUT_HIGH].each { String highLow ->
if (colMetaProps.containsKey(highLow))
// Allow ranges to be processed in ANY order (even intermixed with other ranges)
String inputVarName = colMetaProps.get(highLow)
Map spec = getRangeSpec(ranges, inputVarName)
spec.put(highLow, column.value)
if (!spec.containsKey(INPUT_VALUE))
// Last range post (high or low) processed, sets the input_value, data_type, and copies the range spec to the input map.
// ["date": date instance] becomes ("date": [low:1900, high:2100, input_value: date instance, data_type: DATE])
if (copyInput.get(inputVarName) instanceof Iterable)
// Multiple values supplied to range input (operator case)
Iterable i = (Iterable) copyInput.get(inputVarName)
Iterable inputs = new LinkedHashSet<>(i.size())
if (i.size() > 0)
String op = _OR_
if (i.size() > 1)
op = i.first()
if (!(op instanceof String) || !operators.contains(((String) op).toLowerCase()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("When passing an array of items to check against a range, the first element must be one of the following operators: ${operators}. Found: ${op}")
op = op.toLowerCase()
Iterator it = i.iterator() // skip first/operator element
while (it.hasNext())
Comparable value = convertDataType((Comparable), (String) colMetaProps.get(DATA_TYPE))
spec.put(INPUT_VALUE, inputs)
// Single value supplied to match range (normal case)
Comparable value = convertDataType((Comparable) copyInput.get(inputVarName), (String) colMetaProps.get(DATA_TYPE))
spec.put(INPUT_VALUE, value)
spec.put(DATA_TYPE, colMetaProps.get(DATA_TYPE))
copyInput.put(inputVarName, spec)
{ // Convert inputs on the Map that match non-range inputs to String (or Iterable of Strings) so that they
// do not have to be converted on each mapReduce row.
Object val = copyInput.get(colValue)
if (val != null || copyInput.containsKey(colValue))
{ // Input Map contains a key for the input decision variable (column in table)
if (val instanceof Iterable)
Iterable i = (Iterable) val
Iterable inputs = new LinkedHashSet<>(i.size())
for (Object value : i)
copyInput.put(colValue, inputs)
else if (!(val instanceof String))
{ // Convert non-Strings to Strings
copyInput.put(colValue, convertToString(val))
// Add on the IGNORE column if the field axis had it.
Set colsToSearch = getLinkedHashSet(inputColumns)
if (fieldAxis.contains(IGNORE))
// Add on the PRIORITY column if the field axis had it.
Set colsToReturn = getLinkedHashSet(outputColumns)
if (fieldAxis.findColumn(PRIORITY))
Map closureInput = new CaseInsensitiveMap<>(input, new HashMap<>(input.size()))
closureInput.dvs = copyInput
Map options = [
input: closureInput
if (output != null)
RuleInfo ruleInfo = NCube.getRuleInfo(output)
Map result = decisionCube.mapReduce(fieldAxisName, decisionTableClosure, options)
result = determinePriority(result)
return result
* Return a single value from a specified output column. Uses a DecisionTable that returns one row only.
* @param outputColumnName {@link String} output column name for the value to return.
* @param decisionInput {@link Map} containing key/value pairs for all the input_value columns.
* @param output {@link Map} optional output to allow DecisionTables to write to or pick up {@link RuleInfo}
* @param strict boolean set to false to return null back if no results are found.
* @return Object configured in the returned cell.
Object val(String outputColumnName, Map decisionInput, Map output = null, boolean strict = true)
if (!outputKeys.contains(outputColumnName))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Decision table: ${} does not have output column: ${outputColumnName}.")
Map decision = getDecision(decisionInput, output)
if (decision.isEmpty())
if (strict)
throw new IllegalStateException("Decision table: ${} returned no results for output column: ${outputColumnName} with these inputs: ${decisionInput}")
return null
if (decision.size() > 1)
throw new IllegalStateException("Decision table: ${} returned more than 1 result (${decision.size()}) for output column: ${outputColumnName} with these inputs: ${decisionInput}")
Map row = (Map) decision.values().first()
return row[outputColumnName]
* @return String name of Axis that is the 'fields' or 'attributes' of the Decision Table (main columns).
* An IllegalStateException will be thrown if this method is called on a non-Decision Table.
String getDecisionAxisName()
return fieldAxisName
* @return String name of Axis that is the 'rows' of the Decision Table.
* An IllegalStateException will be thrown if this method is called on a non-Decision Table.
String getDecisionRowName()
return rowAxisName
* Validate that the Decision Table has no overlapping rules. In other words, it must return 0 or 1
* records, never more.
* NOTE: Currently, only supports one range variable (low, high) columns.
* @return Set rowIds of the rows that have duplicate rules. If the returned Set is empty,
* then there are no overlapping rules in the DecisionTable.
Set validateDecisionTable()
List rows = decisionCube.getAxis(rowAxisName).columnsWithoutDefault
NCube blowout = createValidationNCube(rows)
Set badRows = validateDecisionTableRows(blowout, rows)
return badRows
* @return NCube that sits within the DecisionTable.
NCube getUnderlyingNCube()
return decisionCube
* Return the values defined in the decision table for every input_value column. The values represent the possible
* values of the input_value columns. The values do not account for cells that are left blank which would match on
* any input value passed.
* @return Map Map with keys representing the input_value columns and values representing
* all values defined in the cells associated to those columns
Map> getDefinedValues()
Axis fieldAxis = decisionCube.getAxis(fieldAxisName)
Axis rowAxis = decisionCube.getAxis(rowAxisName)
List rows = rowAxis.columnsWithoutDefault
Map> definedValues = [:]
Map coord = [:]
Set discreteInputCols = inputColumns
for (String colValue : discreteInputCols)
Column field = fieldAxis.findColumn(colValue)
Map colMetaProps = field.metaProperties
String fieldValue = field.value
Set values = new TreeSet<>(CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER)
if (colMetaProps.containsKey(INPUT_LOW) || colMetaProps.containsKey(INPUT_HIGH))
String inputKey = colMetaProps[INPUT_LOW] ?: colMetaProps[INPUT_HIGH]
definedValues.put(inputKey, values)
coord.put(fieldAxisName, fieldValue)
for (Column row : rows)
String rowValue = row.value
coord.put(rowAxisName, rowValue)
Set idCoord = new LongHashSet(,
String cellValue = convertToString(decisionCube.getCellById(idCoord, coord, [:], null, true))
if (hasContent(cellValue))
cellValue -= BANG
Iterable cellValues = COMMA_SPLITTER.split(cellValue)
definedValues.put(colValue, values)
return definedValues
* Closure used with mapReduce() on special 2D decision n-cubes.
private static Closure getDecisionTableClosure()
return { Map rowValues, Map input ->
Map inputMap = (Map) input.get('dvs')
for (Map.Entry entry : inputMap)
String decVarName = entry.key
Object decVarValue = rowValues.get(decVarName)
Object inputValue = entry.value
// 1. Check special IGNORE row variable
if (IGNORE == decVarName)
if (decVarValue)
return false // skip row
continue // check next decision variable
// 2. Check range variables
if (inputValue instanceof Map)
Comparable low = (Comparable)rowValues.get((String) inputValue.get(INPUT_LOW))
Comparable high = (Comparable)rowValues.get((String) inputValue.get(INPUT_HIGH))
Object val = inputValue.get(INPUT_VALUE)
if (val instanceof Iterable)
{ // User supplied multiple values that must be between range values (1, all, none, etc.)
Iterable inputs = (Iterable) val
if (!isWithin(inputs, low, high))
return false
{ // Single value supplied - value must be between range values
Comparable value = (Comparable) val
if (!isWithin(value, low, high))
return false
continue // check next decision variable
// 3. Check discrete decision variables
String cellValue = convertToString(decVarValue)
if (StringUtilities.isEmpty(cellValue))
{ // Empty cells in input columns are treated as "*" (match any).
continue // check next decision variable
if (BANG == cellValue)
return false
boolean exclude = cellValue.startsWith(BANG)
cellValue -= BANG
Iterable cellValues = COMMA_SPLITTER.split(cellValue)
if (inputValue instanceof Iterable)
Iterable inputs = (Iterable) inputValue
if (inputs.size() == 0)
{ // Empty [] - treat as nothing assigned to input. Early check for 'required' already happened.
String elem1 = inputs.first().toLowerCase()
if (inputs.size() == 1)
{ // Special handle one element array as "equals" or "contains"
if (okToContinue(exclude, cellValues, elem1))
if (!executeOperator(inputs, exclude, cellValues))
return false
{ // Check single value on LHS against possible multiple in cell (or !cell)
if (!okToContinue(exclude, cellValues, (String)inputValue))
return false // row does not match
// continue (check next decision variable)
return true // row match!
private static boolean okToContinue(boolean exclude, Iterable cellValues, String inputElement)
if (exclude)
if (cellValues.contains(inputElement))
return false
if (!cellValues.contains(inputElement))
return false
return true
private static boolean executeOperator(Iterable inputs, boolean exclude, Iterable cellValues)
if (inputs.size() < 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array of elements must contain at least 2, found: ${inputs}")
Iterator i = inputs.iterator()
String operator =
if (_AND_ == operator)
{ // _and_ operator
return and(i, exclude, cellValues)
else if (_OR_ == operator)
{ // _or_ operator
return or(i, exclude, cellValues)
else if (_NOT_ == operator)
if (inputs.size() != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("_not_ operator, expected 2 arguments, found: ${inputs}")
return not(i, exclude, cellValues)
else if (_NAND_ == operator)
return !and(i, exclude, cellValues)
else if (_NOR_ == operator)
return !or(i, exclude, cellValues)
return true
private static boolean and(Iterator i, boolean exclude, Iterable cellValues)
while (i.hasNext())
String elem =
if (!okToContinue(exclude, cellValues, elem))
return false // row does not match
return true // all passed
private static boolean or(Iterator i, boolean exclude, Iterable cellValues)
boolean matched = false
while (i.hasNext())
String elem =
if (okToContinue(exclude, cellValues, elem))
matched = true
return matched // at least one matched
private static boolean not(Iterator i, boolean exclude, Iterable cellValues)
String elem =
return !okToContinue(exclude, cellValues, elem)
private static boolean isWithin(Comparable value, Comparable low, Comparable high)
return value != null && value >= low && value < high
private static boolean isWithin(Iterable inputs, Comparable low, Comparable high)
if (inputs.size() == 0)
{ // REQUIRED has already been checked.
return true
Comparable item1 = inputs.first()
if (inputs.size() == 1)
if (item1 instanceof String)
String possibleOperator = ((String)item1).toLowerCase()
if (operators.contains(possibleOperator))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Operator ${possibleOperator} found, must have at least 1 argument.")
return isWithin(item1, low, high)
if (!(item1 instanceof String))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("First element of collection must be one of the following operators: ${operators}. Found ${item1}")
String operator = ((String) item1).toLowerCase()
Iterator i = inputs.iterator() // skip operator
if (_AND_ == operator)
{ // _and_ operator
return allWithin(i, low, high)
else if (_OR_ == operator)
{ // _or_ operator
return oneWithin(i, low, high)
else if (_NOT_ == operator)
if (inputs.size() != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("_not_ operator, expected 2 arguments, found: ${inputs}")
return !isWithin(, low, high)
else if (_NAND_ == operator)
return !allWithin(i, low, high)
else if (_NOR_ == operator)
return !oneWithin(i, low, high)
return true
* Implement the 'AND' operator for ranges (relational comparison). All values referenced by the passed
* in interator must be within (low, high). This means value >= low AND value < high.
private static allWithin(Iterator values, Comparable low, Comparable high)
while (values.hasNext())
Comparable testValue =
if (!isWithin(testValue, low, high))
{ // Fail fast
return false
return true
* Implement the 'OR' operator for ranges (relational comparison). All values referenced by the passed
* in interator must be within (low, high). This means value >= low AND value < high.
private static oneWithin(Iterator values, Comparable low, Comparable high)
while (values.hasNext())
Comparable testValue =
if (isWithin(testValue, low, high))
{ // Fail fast
return true
return false
private static void validateOperator(String op)
if (op == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Operator cannot be null. The 1st element of an array associated to an input must be one of the following: ${operators}")
if (!operators.contains(op))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("For array input variables, the operator must be the first element and must be one of the following: ${operators}. Found operator: ${op}")
* Perform 'airport pat-down' of 2D NCube being used as a decision table. This code will ensure that the
* passed in NCube is 2D. It will ensure that this operation is only performed once. This method will ensure
* that both Axis are DISCRETE and that the field 'top axis' is of type CISTRING. This method will ensure that
* any range columns have the DATA_TYPE meta-property set. It will ensure that no "half-ranges" are defined
* (meaning only a low or high range is specified.) This method will ensure that no two (or more) ranges
* specify the same input variable name. This method will convert all cell data in range columns to the data
* type of the range columns, so that comparison is faster during validations and searches. Ignore column
* values are converted to boolean. Priority column values are converted to int.
private void verifyAndCache()
// If already called, ignore
if (hasContent(fieldAxisName) && hasContent(rowAxisName))
if (decisionCube.numDimensions != 2)
throw new IllegalStateException("Decision table: ${} must have 2 axes.")
Set decisionMetaPropertyKeys = [INPUT_VALUE, INPUT_LOW, INPUT_HIGH, OUTPUT_VALUE] as Set
List axes = decisionCube.axes
Axis first = axes.first()
Axis second = axes.last()
// Figure out which axis has fields and which contains rows of data
// On the first Axis, look at the metaProperties of each non-default Column and collect the Columns which have decisionMetaPropertyKeys
Column any = first.columnsWithoutDefault.find { Column column ->
Set keys = new CaseInsensitiveSet<>(column.metaProperties.keySet())
if (keys.size())
return column
// If there were any, we know the first Axis is where the fields are
if (any)
fieldAxisName =
rowAxisName =
{ // Else, go do the same thing on the second Axis
any = second.columnsWithoutDefault.find { Column column ->
Set keys = new CaseInsensitiveSet<>(column.metaProperties.keySet())
if (keys.size())
return column
if (any)
fieldAxisName =
rowAxisName =
if (!fieldAxisName || !rowAxisName)
throw new IllegalStateException("Decision table: ${} must have one axis with one or more columns with meta-property keys: input_value and/or input_high/input_low.")
Axis fieldAxis = decisionCube.getAxis(fieldAxisName)
if (fieldAxis.type != AxisType.DISCRETE)
throw new IllegalStateException("Decision table: ${} field / property axis must be a DISCRETE axis. It is ${fieldAxis.type}")
if (fieldAxis.valueType != AxisValueType.CISTRING)
throw new IllegalStateException("Decision table: ${} field / property axis must have value type of CISTRING. It is ${fieldAxis.valueType}")
Map rangeSpecs = new CaseInsensitiveMap<>(Collections.emptyMap(), new HashMap<>())
for (Column column : decisionCube.getAxis(fieldAxisName).columnsWithoutDefault)
Map colMetaProps = column.metaProperties
String columnValue = column.value
// Input Discrete
if (colMetaProps.get(INPUT_VALUE))
// Input Range
if (colMetaProps.containsKey(INPUT_LOW) || colMetaProps.containsKey(INPUT_HIGH))
String dataType = colMetaProps.get(DATA_TYPE)
if (dataType == null || !['LONG', 'DOUBLE', 'DATE', 'BIG_DECIMAL', 'STRING'].contains(dataType.toUpperCase()))
throw new IllegalStateException("Range columns must have 'data_type' meta-property set, column: ${columnValue}, ncube: ${}. Valid values are DATE, LONG, DOUBLE, BIG_DECIMAL, STRING.")
RangeSpec rangeSpec
String inputVarName
if (colMetaProps.containsKey(INPUT_LOW))
Object inputVariableName = colMetaProps.get(INPUT_LOW)
if (!(inputVariableName instanceof String))
throw new IllegalStateException("INPUT_LOW meta-property value must be of type String. Column: ${columnValue}, ncube: ${}")
inputVarName = colMetaProps.get(INPUT_LOW)
if (colMetaProps.get(REQUIRED))
rangeSpec = rangeSpecs.get(inputVarName)
if (rangeSpec == null)
rangeSpec = new RangeSpec()
if (rangeSpec.lowColumnName)
throw new IllegalStateException("More than one low range column with same input variable name found: ${INPUT_LOW}, ncube: ${}. Each range variable should have a unique name.")
rangeSpec.lowColumnName = column.value
Object inputVariableName = colMetaProps.get(INPUT_HIGH)
if (!(inputVariableName instanceof String))
throw new IllegalStateException("INPUT_HIGH meta-property value must be of type String. Column: ${columnValue}, ncube: ${}")
inputVarName = colMetaProps.get(INPUT_HIGH)
if (colMetaProps.get(REQUIRED))
rangeSpec = rangeSpecs.get(inputVarName)
if (rangeSpec == null)
rangeSpec = new RangeSpec()
if (rangeSpec.highColumnName)
throw new IllegalStateException("More than one high range column with same input variable name found: ${INPUT_LOW}. Each range variable should have a unique name.")
rangeSpec.highColumnName = columnValue
rangeSpec.dataType = dataType
rangeSpecs.put(inputVarName, rangeSpec)
{ // Required Input Discrete
if (colMetaProps.get(REQUIRED))
{ // REQUIRED on non-input columns will be verified later in the code below.
// Output
if (colMetaProps.get(OUTPUT_VALUE))
Set requiredColumnsCopy = new CaseInsensitiveSet<>(requiredColumns)
if (!requiredColumnsCopy.empty)
throw new IllegalStateException("REQUIRED meta-property found on columns that are not input_value, input_low, or input_high. These were: ${requiredColumnsCopy}, ncube: ${}")
// Throw error if a range is only half-defined (lower with no upper, upper with no lower).
for (RangeSpec rangeSpec : rangeSpecs.values())
String boundName1 = null
String boundName2 = null
if (StringUtilities.isEmpty(rangeSpec.lowColumnName))
boundName1 = 'Upper'
boundName2 = 'lower'
else if (StringUtilities.isEmpty(rangeSpec.highColumnName))
boundName1 = 'Lower'
boundName2 = 'upper'
if (boundName1)
throw new IllegalStateException("${boundName1} range Column defined without matching ${boundName2} range Column. Input variable name: ${rangeSpec.inputVarName}, data type: ${rangeSpec.dataType}, ncube: ${}")
rangeKeys = getLinkedHashSet(inputKeys)
// Convert all values in the table to the data_type specified on the column meta-property (if there is one)
Axis rowAxis = decisionCube.getAxis(rowAxisName)
Map coord = new CaseInsensitiveMap<>(Collections.emptyMap(), new HashMap<>())
List rowColumns = rowAxis.columnsWithoutDefault
Set rangePlusOutputCols = new CaseInsensitiveSet<>(rangeColumns)
Map cellOptions = new HashMap<>()
cellOptions.put(DONT_TRACK_INPUT_KEYS_USED, true)
cellOptions.put(NO_STACKFRAME, true)
for (String colName : rangePlusOutputCols)
Column column = fieldAxis.findColumn(colName)
String dataType = column.getMetaProperty(DATA_TYPE)
if (StringUtilities.isEmpty(dataType))
{ // Only convert cell values on columns that have DATA_TYPE
Object columnValue = column.value
coord.put(fieldAxisName, columnValue)
for (Column row : rowColumns)
coord.put(rowAxisName, row.value)
Set idCoord = new LongHashSet(,
Object value = decisionCube.getCellById(idCoord, coord, [:], null, true, cellOptions)
if (rangeColumns.contains(columnValue))
{ // Convert range column values, ensure their cell values are not null
if (value == null || !(value instanceof Comparable))
throw new IllegalStateException("Values in range column must be instanceof Comparable, row ${row.value}, field: ${columnValue}, ncube: ${}")
if (!(value == null || value instanceof Comparable))
throw new IllegalStateException("Values in columns with DATA_TYPE meta-property must be instanceof Comparable, row ${row.value}, field: ${columnValue}, ncube: ${}")
decisionCube.setCellById(convertDataType((Comparable) value, dataType), idCoord, true)
// Point NCube to this DecisionTable so that it only has to verifyAndCache() one time.
* Convert all IGNORE column values to boolean, and all priority column values to int.
private void convertSpecialColumnsToPrimitive()
Axis fieldAxis = decisionCube.getAxis(fieldAxisName)
Axis rowAxis = decisionCube.getAxis(rowAxisName)
Map coord = new CaseInsensitiveMap<>(Collections.emptyMap(), new HashMap<>(4))
long ignoreColId = -1
Column ignoreCol = fieldAxis.findColumn(IGNORE)
if (ignoreCol != null && !ignoreCol.default)
ignoreColId =
long priorityColId = -1
Column priorityCol = fieldAxis.findColumn(PRIORITY)
if (priorityCol != null && !priorityCol.default)
priorityColId =
if (priorityColId == -1 && ignoreColId == -1)
{ // Nothing to do here
Map cellOptions = new HashMap<>()
cellOptions.put(DONT_TRACK_INPUT_KEYS_USED, true)
cellOptions.put(NO_STACKFRAME, true)
for (Column row : rowAxis.columnsWithoutDefault)
coord.put(rowAxisName, row.value)
if (ignoreColId != -1)
coord.put(fieldAxisName, IGNORE)
Set idCoord = new LongHashSet(ignoreColId,
Object value = decisionCube.getCellById(idCoord, coord, [:], null, true, cellOptions)
decisionCube.setCellById(convertToBoolean(value), idCoord, true)
if (priorityColId != -1)
Set idCoord = new LongHashSet(priorityColId,
coord.put(fieldAxisName, PRIORITY)
Integer intValue = convertToInteger(decisionCube.getCellById(idCoord, coord, [:], null, true, cellOptions))
if (intValue < 1)
{ // If priority is not specified, then it is the lowest priority of all
intValue = Integer.MAX_VALUE
decisionCube.setCellById(intValue, idCoord, true)
* Create Map that maps input variable name to the two columns that are needed to represent it.
private void computeInputVarToRangeColumns()
Axis fieldAxis = decisionCube.getAxis(fieldAxisName)
for (String colValue : inputColumns)
Column field = fieldAxis.findColumn(colValue)
if (field.metaProperties.containsKey(INPUT_LOW)) // calling field.metaProperties to ensure the field is loaded
Range pair = inputVarNameToRangeColumns.get(field.metaProps.get(INPUT_LOW))
if (pair == null)
pair = new Range()
inputVarNameToRangeColumns.put((String)field.metaProps.get(INPUT_LOW), pair)
pair.low = field
else if (field.metaProps.containsKey(INPUT_HIGH))
Range pair = inputVarNameToRangeColumns.get(field.metaProps.get(INPUT_HIGH))
if (pair == null)
pair = new Range()
inputVarNameToRangeColumns.put((String)field.metaProps.get(INPUT_HIGH), pair)
pair.high = field
private static Map determinePriority(Map result)
Map result2 = [:]
Long highestPriority = null
for (Map.Entry entry : result.entrySet())
Map row = (Map) entry.value
Long currentPriority = convertToLong(row[PRIORITY])
if (highestPriority == null)
highestPriority = currentPriority
result2.put(entry.key, entry.value)
else if (currentPriority < highestPriority)
highestPriority = currentPriority
result2.put(entry.key, entry.value)
else if (currentPriority == highestPriority)
result2.put(entry.key, entry.value)
row.remove(PRIORITY) // Do not return priority field
return result2
* Create an N-Dimensional NCube, where the number of dimensions (N) is equivalent to the number
* of discrete (non range) columns on the field axis. When this method returns, it will have no
* cell contents, however, all Axes will be set up with each axis (dimension) containing all the
* values that appeared in rows (whether specified negative or positively, as a single value or
* a comma delimited list.)
private NCube createValidationNCube(List rows)
NCube blowout = new NCube('validation')
Map coord = [:]
Axis fieldAxis = decisionCube.getAxis(fieldAxisName)
Set colsToProcess = new CaseInsensitiveSet<>(inputColumns)
for (String colValue : colsToProcess)
Column field = fieldAxis.findColumn(colValue)
Axis axis = new Axis(colValue, AxisType.DISCRETE, AxisValueType.STRING, false)
String fieldValue = field.value
coord.put(fieldAxisName, fieldValue)
for (Column row : rows)
String rowValue = row.value
coord.put(rowAxisName, rowValue)
Set idCoord = new LongHashSet(,
String cellValue = convertToString(decisionCube.getCellById(idCoord, coord, [:], null, true))
if (hasContent(cellValue))
cellValue -= BANG
Iterable values = COMMA_SPLITTER.split(cellValue)
for (String value : values)
if (!axis.findColumn(value))
blowout.addColumn(, value)
blowout.addColumn(, null)
return blowout
private static class BlowoutCell
private static IntSet blank = new IntOpenHashSet()
List> ranges = []
IntSet priorities = blank // This field is tested (empty), then always overwritten
* Validate whether any input rules in the DecisionTable overlap. An overlap would happen if
* the same input to the DecisionTable caused two (2) or more rows to be returned.
* @param blowout NCube that has an Axis per each DISCRETE input_value column in the DecisionTable.
* @param rows List all rows (Column instances) from the Decision table row axis.
* @return Set row pointers (or empty Set in the case of no errors), of rows in a DecisionTable that
* conflict.
private Set validateDecisionTableRows(NCube blowout, List rows)
Axis fieldAxis = decisionCube.getAxis(fieldAxisName)
Map coord = new CaseInsensitiveMap<>(Collections.emptyMap(), new HashMap<>(4))
Set badRows = new CaseInsensitiveSet<>()
Column ignoreColumn = fieldAxis.findColumn(IGNORE)
Column priorityColumn = fieldAxis.findColumn(PRIORITY)
int[] startCounters = new int[inputKeys.size() - rangeKeys.size()]
int[] counters = new int[startCounters.length]
boolean anyRanges = rangeColumns.size() > 0
boolean anyDiscretes = inputColumns.size() > rangeColumns.size()
// Caches to dramatically reduce memory footprint while this method is executing
Map, List> internedLists = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<>()
Map internedRanges = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<>()
Map internedIntSets = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<>()
Map primitives = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<>()
Set colsToProcess = new CaseInsensitiveSet<>(inputColumns)
Set inputKeysCopy = new CaseInsensitiveSet<>(inputKeys)
String[] axisNames = inputKeysCopy as String[]
String[] indexToRangeName = new String[rangeKeys.size()]
int index = 0
for (String rangeName : rangeKeys)
indexToRangeName[index++] = rangeName
for (Column row : rows)
Comparable rowValue = row.value
Long rowId =
coord.put(rowAxisName, rowValue)
if (ignoreColumn)
coord.put(fieldAxisName, IGNORE)
Set idCoord = new LongHashSet(rowId,
if (decisionCube.getCellById(idCoord, coord, [:], null, true))
Map> bindings = getImpliedCells(blowout, row, fieldAxis, colsToProcess)
int priority = getPriority(coord, rowId, priorityColumn)
System.arraycopy(startCounters, 0, counters, 0, startCounters.length)
Map rowRanges = getRowRanges(coord, rowId, priority, internedRanges, primitives)
boolean done = false
Set ids = new HashSet<>()
Map coordinate = new HashMap<>(axisNames.length)
// Loop written this way because do-while loops are not in Groovy until version 3
while (!done)
int idx = 0
for (String axisName : axisNames)
{ // this loop skipped if there are no discrete variables (range(s) only)
int radix = counters[idx++]
Comparable value = bindings.get(axisName).get(radix)
coordinate.put(axisName, value)
Set cellPtr = new LongHashSet(ids)
boolean areDiscretesUnique = false
boolean areRangesGood = false
// Grab the blowoutCell (List>)
BlowoutCell cell = blowout.getCellById(cellPtr, coordinate, [:], null, true)
if (cell == null)
cell = new BlowoutCell()
blowout.setCellById(cell, cellPtr, true)
if (anyRanges)
{ // get all Ranges for row, track them by name
areRangesGood = checkRowRangesForOverlap(cell, indexToRangeName, rowRanges, internedLists)
done = true
if (anyDiscretes)
areDiscretesUnique = checkDiscretesForOverlap(cell, priority, internedIntSets)
done = !incrementVariableRadixCount(counters, bindings, axisNames)
if (!areDiscretesUnique && !areRangesGood)
return badRows
* Check the passed in rowRanges against the 'ranges' passed for complete overlap (for the given cellPtr).
* If there is complete overlap, return false, otherwise true.
* Example of List>:
* age salary
* [0] [Range(0, 16), Range(0, 40000)]
* [1] [Range(16, 35), Range(0, 40000)]
* [2] [Range(35, 70), Range(0, 40000)]
* The outer List is the length of the number of unique ranges encountered per cellPtr (unique coordinate
* representing all discrete decision variables). The inner lists are prior row's ranges that have been
* encountered, that were non-overlapping - meaning they did not overlap this list (unique in at least one
* range [age or salary, ...]
* Although this method can indict a row's ranges (saying that they overlap another row elsewhere in the
* DecisionTable), the associated discrete variables can be unique (unique cellPtr), thereby the row is
* still good.
private static boolean checkRowRangesForOverlap(BlowoutCell cell, String[] indexToRangeName, Map rowRanges, Map, List> internedLists)
final int len = cell.ranges.size()
List existingRanges = cell.ranges
for (int i=0; i < len; i++)
{ // Loop through however many the table has grown too (a function of how many unique ranges appear).
List existingRange = existingRanges.get(i)
int len2 = existingRange.size()
boolean good = false
for (int j=0; j < len2; j++)
{ // Loop through all range variables ranges (age, salary, date)
String rangeName = indexToRangeName[j]
Range range = existingRange.get(j)
if (!range.overlap(rowRanges.get(rangeName)))
{ // If any one range doesn't overlap, then this List of ranges is OK against another existing List of ranges
good = true
if (!good)
{ // Short-circuit - no need to test further, overlap found.
return false
List list = new ArrayList<>(rowRanges.values())
existingRanges.add(internList(list, internedLists))
return true
* Get all ranges in a given row of the decision table
* @param Coord Map specifying the n-cube coordinate. The 'rowAxisName' must already
* be set before calling this method.
* @return Map that maps a range name to its ranges on a given row.
private Map getRowRanges(Map coord, long rowId, int priority, Map internedRanges, Map primitives)
Map ranges = new CompactCILinkedMap<>()
for (String rangeName : rangeKeys)
Range bounds = inputVarNameToRangeColumns.get(rangeName)
Column lowColumn = (Column) bounds.low
coord.put(fieldAxisName, lowColumn.value)
Set idCoord = new LongHashSet(, rowId)
Range range = new Range()
range.low = (Comparable) decisionCube.getCellById(idCoord, coord, [:], null, true)
Column highColumn = (Column) bounds.high
coord.put(fieldAxisName, highColumn.value)
idCoord = new LongHashSet(, rowId)
range.high = (Comparable) decisionCube.getCellById(idCoord, coord, [:], null, true)
range.priority = priority
ranges.put(rangeName, internRange(range, internedRanges, primitives))
return ranges
* Get the implied cells in the blowout NCube based on a row in the DecisionTable.
* @param fieldAxis Axis representing the decision table columns
* @param row Column from the Row axis in a DecisionTable.
* @param blowout NCube that has an Axis per each DISCRETE input_value column in the DecisionTable.
* @return Map> representing all the discrete input values used for the row, or implied
* by the row in the case blank (*) or ! (exclusion) is used.
private Map> getImpliedCells(NCube blowout, Column row, Axis fieldAxis, Set colsToProcess)
Map> bindings = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap()
Map coord = new CompactCILinkedMap<>()
coord.put(rowAxisName, row.value)
for (String colValue : colsToProcess)
List faces = []
bindings.put(colValue, faces)
Column field = fieldAxis.findColumn(colValue)
Set idCoord = new LongHashSet(,
coord.put(fieldAxisName, field.value)
String cellValue = convertToString(decisionCube.getCellById(idCoord, coord, [:], null, true))
if (hasContent(cellValue))
boolean exclude = cellValue.startsWith(BANG)
cellValue -= BANG
Iterable values = COMMA_SPLITTER.split(cellValue)
if (exclude)
{ // Not the value or list we are looking for (implies all other values)
List columns = blowout.getAxis(colValue).columns
for (Column column : columns)
String columnValue = column.value
if (!values.contains(columnValue))
{ // Value or values to check
for (String value : values)
{ // Empty cell in input_value column implies all possible values
List columns = blowout.getAxis(colValue).columns
for (Column column : columns)
String columnValue = column.value
return bindings
* Fetch the 'int' priority value from the 'Priority' column, if it exists. If not, then
* return INTEGER.MAX_VALUE as the priority (lowest).
private int getPriority(Map coord, long rowId, Column priorityColumn)
if (priorityColumn)
coord.put(fieldAxisName, priorityColumn.value)
Set idCoord = new LongHashSet(, rowId)
return decisionCube.getCellById(idCoord, coord, [:], null, true)
return Integer.MAX_VALUE
* Fill the passed in cell with a RangeSet containing the passed in 'priority' value.
* If there is already a RangeSet with priorities there, and it already contains the same priority alue, then
* return false (we've identified a duplicate rule in the DecisionTable). If the RangeSet is there, but
* it does not contain the same priority passed in, add it.
private static boolean checkDiscretesForOverlap(BlowoutCell cell, int priority, Map internedIntSets)
if (cell.priorities.contains(priority))
return false
// "IntSet" pulled from blowout cell duplicated so that the interned version is not modified directly.
IntSet copy = new IntOpenHashSet()
IntIterator i = cell.priorities.iterator()
while (i.hasNext())
cell.priorities = internSet(copy, internedIntSets)
return true
* Ensure required input key/values are supplied. If required values are missing, IllegalArgumentException is
* thrown.
* @param input Map containing decision variable name/value pairs.
private void ensuredRequiredInputs(Map input)
if (!input.keySet().containsAll(requiredColumns))
Set requiredCopy = new CaseInsensitiveSet<>(requiredColumns)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required input keys: ${requiredCopy} not found, decision table: ${}")
Iterator i = requiredColumns.iterator()
while (i.hasNext())
String key =;
Object value = input.get(key)
if (value instanceof Iterable)
Iterable iterable = (Iterable) value
if (iterable.size() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required input key: ${key} has an empty array '[]' for its value. Required inputs must have at least one value associated to them, decision table: ${}")
* Get the range spec Map out of the 'ranges' map by input variable name. If not there, create a new
* empty range spec Map and place it there.
private static Map getRangeSpec(Map> ranges, String inputVarName)
Map spec
if (ranges.containsKey(inputVarName))
spec = (Map) ranges.get(inputVarName)
spec = new CaseInsensitiveMap<>(Collections.emptyMap(), new HashMap<>(4))
ranges.put(inputVarName, spec)
return spec
* Convert the passed in value to the data-type specified.
private Comparable convertDataType(Comparable value, String dataType)
if (value == null)
return null
if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase('DATE'))
return convertToDate(value)
else if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase('LONG'))
return convertToLong(value)
else if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase('DOUBLE'))
return convertToDouble(value)
else if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase('BIG_DECIMAL'))
return convertToBigDecimal(value)
else if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase('STRING'))
return convertToString(value)
else if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase('BOOLEAN'))
return convertToBoolean(value)
throw new IllegalStateException("Data type must be one of: DATE, LONG, DOUBLE, BIG_DECIMAL, STRING, or BOOLEAN. Data type: ${dataType}, value: ${value}, decision table: ${}")
* Re-use Range instances.
private static Range internRange(Range candidate, Map internedRanges, Map primitives)
Range internedRange = internedRanges.get(candidate)
if (internedRange != null)
return internedRange
Comparable low = primitives.get(candidate.low)
if (low != null)
candidate.low = low
primitives.put(candidate.low, candidate.low)
Comparable high = primitives.get(candidate.high)
if (high != null)
candidate.high = high
primitives.put(candidate.high, candidate.high)
internedRanges.put(candidate, candidate)
return candidate
* Re-use Set instances.
private static IntSet internSet(IntSet candidate, Map internedSets)
IntSet internedSet = internedSets.get(candidate)
if (internedSet != null)
return internedSet
internedSets.put(candidate, candidate)
return candidate
* Re-use List instances
private static List internList(List candidate, Map, List> internedLists)
List internedList = internedLists.get(candidate)
if (internedList != null)
return internedList
internedLists.put(candidate, candidate)
return candidate
* Increment the variable radix number passed in. The number is represented by an Object[].
* @return false if more incrementing can be done, otherwise true.
private static boolean incrementVariableRadixCount(int[] counters,
final Map> bindings,
final String[] axisNames)
int digit = axisNames.length - 1
while (true)
final String axisName = axisNames[digit]
final int count = counters[digit]
final List cols = bindings.get(axisName)
if (count >= cols.size() - 1)
{ // Reach max value for given dimension (digit)
if (digit == 0)
{ // we have reached the max radix for the most significant digit - we are done
return false
counters[digit--] = 0
counters[digit] = count + 1
return true